package EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Alignment;

# outputs chunks of XHTML for protein domain-based displays

use EnsEMBL::Web::Component;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Form;
our @ISA = qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Component);
use Bio::AlignIO;
use IO::String;

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";

  'fasta'    => 'FASTA',
  'msf'      => 'MSF',
  'clustalw' => 'CLUSTAL',
  'selex'    => 'Selex',
  'pfam'     => 'Pfam',
  'mega'     => 'Mega',
  'nexus'    => 'Nexus',
  'phylip'   => 'Phylip',
  'psi'      => 'PSI',
}; }

  return {
    'BRH'  => 'Best Reciprocal Hit',
    'UBRH' => 'Unique Best Reciprocal Hit',
    'RHS'  => 'Reciprocal Hit based on Synteny around BRH',
    'DWGA' => 'Derived from Whole Genome Alignment'

sub param_list {
  my $class = shift;
  my $T = {
    'Family'   => [qw(family_stable_id)],
    'Homology' => [qw(gene g1)],
    'GeneTree' => [qw(gene)],
    'AlignSlice' => [qw(chr bp_start bp_end as)],
  return @{$T->{$class}||[]};
sub SIMPLEALIGN_DEFAULT { return 'clustalw'; }

sub format_form {
  my( $panel, $object ) = @_;
  my $form = EnsEMBL::Web::Form->new( 'format_form', "/@{[$object->species]}/alignview", 'get' );
  my $class = $object->param('class');
  foreach my $K ( 'class', param_list( $class ) ) {
    $form->add_element( 'type' => 'Hidden', 'name' => $K, 'value' => $object->param($K) );
  if( $class eq 'Homology' ) {
      'type' => 'DropDown', 
      'select' => 'select',
      'name' => 'seq',
      'label' => 'Display sequence as',
      'value' => $object->param('seq')||'Pep',
      'values' => [
        { 'value'=>'Pep', 'name' => 'Peptide' },
        { 'value'=>'DNA', 'name' => 'DNA' },
    'type' => 'DropDown', 
    'select' => 'select',
    'name' => 'format',
    'label' => 'Change output format to:',
    'value' => $object->param('format')||SIMPLEALIGN_DEFAULT,
#     'button_value' => 'Go',
    'values' => [
      map {{ 'value' => $_, 'name' => $hash->{$_} }} sort keys %$hash

  ## AlignView
  if( $class eq 'AlignSlice' ) {
    ## method is the method_link_species_set_id
    my $id = $object->param('method');
    ## Get details about the alignment from the SpeciesDefs hash
    my %alignments = $object->species_defs->multiX('ALIGNMENTS');
    my $label = $alignments{$id}->{'name'};
    my @species = grep {$_ ne $object->species} sort keys %{$alignments{$id}->{'species'}};

    my @multi_species;
    if ( scalar(@species) > 1) {
      ## For a multiple alignment, let the user choose the species
      my %selected_species = map { $_ => 1} grep {$_} $object->param('s');

      foreach my $v (@species) {
        (my $name = $v) =~ s/_/ /g;
        if ($selected_species{$v} or !keys(%selected_species)) {
          push @multi_species, {"value"=>$v, "name"=>$name, "checked"=>"yes"};
        } else {
          push @multi_species, {"value"=>$v, "name"=>$name};
      $label = "<b>$label</b>";

    } else {
      ($label = "<b>$species[0]</b>") =~ s/_/ /g;

    ## One single radio button. Just an aesthetic way to display the type of alignments
    $form->add_element('type' => 'RadioGroup',
      'name' => 'method',
      'values' =>  [{name=> $label, 'value' => $id, checked=>"yes"}],
      'label' => 'View in alignment with',
      'class' => 'radiocheck1col',
      'noescape' => 'yes',

    ## For a multiple alignment only, display a selection of species to show
    if (@multi_species) {
          'type' => 'MultiSelect',
          'name'=> "s",
          'values' => \@multi_species,
          'value' => $object->param("s"),

  ## Add the update button at the end. Will be the same for all the scripts using this form
    'type'  => 'Submit', 'value' => 'Update' 

  return $form;

sub format {
  my( $panel, $object ) = @_;
  $panel->print( $panel->form('format')->render );
  return 1;

sub renderer_type {
  my $K = shift;
  return $T->{$K} ? $K : SIMPLEALIGN_DEFAULT;

sub output_Family {
  my( $panel, $object ) = @_;
  foreach my $family (@{$object->Obj||[]}) {
    my $alignio = Bio::AlignIO->newFh(
      -fh     => IO::String->new(my $var),
      -format => renderer_type($object->param('format'))
    print $alignio $family->get_SimpleAlign();

sub output_Homology {
  my( $panel, $object ) = @_;

  my %desc_mapping= ('ortholog_one2one' => '1 to 1 orthologue', 'apparent_ortholog_one2one' => '1 to 1 orthologue (apparent)', 'ortholog_one2many' => '1 to many orthologue', 'between_species_paralog' => 'paralogue (between species)', 'ortholog_many2many' => 'many to many orthologue', 'within_species_paralog' => 'paralogue (within species)');
  foreach my $homology (@{$object->Obj||[]}) {
    my $sa;
    eval { $sa = $homology->get_SimpleAlign( $object->param('seq') eq 'DNA' ? 'cdna' : undef ); };
    my $second_gene = $object->param('g1');
    if( $sa ) {
      my $DATA = [];
      my $FLAG = ! $second_gene;
      foreach my $member_attribute (@{$homology->get_all_Member_Attribute}) {
        my ($member, $attribute) = @{$member_attribute};
        $FLAG = 1 if $member->stable_id eq $second_gene;
        my $peptide = $member->{'_adaptor'}->db->get_MemberAdaptor()->fetch_by_dbID( $attribute->peptide_member_id );
        my $species = $member->genome_db->name;
        (my $species2 = $species ) =~s/ /_/g;
        push @$DATA, [
          sprintf( '<a href="/%s/geneview?gene=%s">%s</a>' , $species2, $member->stable_id,$member->stable_id ),
          sprintf( '<a href="/%s/protview?peptide=%s">%s</a>' , $species2, $peptide->stable_id,$peptide->stable_id ),
          sprintf( '%d aa', $peptide->seq_length ),
          sprintf( '<a href="/%s/contigview?l=%s:%d-%d">%s:%d-%d</a>',$species2,
          $member->chr_name, $member->chr_start, $member->chr_end,
          $member->chr_name, $member->chr_start, $member->chr_end )
      next unless $FLAG;
      my $homology_types = HOMOLOGY_TYPES;

      my $homology_desc= $homology_types->{$homology->{_description}} || $homology->{_description};

      # filter out the between species paralogs
      next if($homology_desc eq 'between_species_paralog');
      my $homology_desc_mapped= $desc_mapping{$homology_desc};
      $homology_desc_mapped= 'no description' unless (defined $homology_desc_mapped);
      $panel->print( sprintf( '<h3>"%s" homology for gene %s</h3>',
      $homology->{'_this_one_first'} ) );
      my $ss = EnsEMBL::Web::Document::SpreadSheet->new(
        [ { 'title' => 'Species', 'width'=>'20%' },
          { 'title' => 'Gene ID', 'width'=>'20%' },
          { 'title' => 'Peptide ID', 'width'=>'20%' },
          { 'title' => 'Peptide length', 'width'=>'20%' },
          { 'title' => 'Genomic location', 'width'=>'20%' } ],
      $panel->print( $ss->render );
      my $alignio = Bio::AlignIO->newFh(
        -fh     => IO::String->new(my $var),
        -format => renderer_type($object->param('format'))
      print $alignio $sa;

sub output_AlignSlice {
    my( $panel, $object ) = @_;

    my $as = $object->Obj;
    (my $esp = $ENV{ENSEMBL_SPECIES}) =~ s!_! !g;
    my @species = grep {$_} $object->param('s');
    unshift(@species, $esp) if (@species);

    ## Print the locations of the underlying slices
    my $Chrs = "<table>";
    foreach my $this_as_slice (@{$as->get_all_Slices(@species)}) {
      my $display_name = $this_as_slice->genome_db->name;
      $display_name =~ s/ /_/g;
      $Chrs .= "<tr><th>$display_name &gt;&nbsp;</th>";
      foreach my $this_underlying_slice (@{$this_as_slice->get_all_underlying_Slices}) {
        my $loc = $this_underlying_slice->name;
        my ($stype, $assembly, $seq_region_name, $start, $end, $strand) = split (/:/ , $loc);
        next if ($seq_region_name eq "GAP");
        if ($display_name eq "Ancestral_sequences") {
          $Chrs .= "<td>".$this_underlying_slice->{_tree}."</td>";
        } else {
          $Chrs .= qq{<td><a href="/$display_name/contigview?l=$seq_region_name:$start-$end">$loc</a></td>};
      $Chrs .= "</tr>";
    $Chrs .= "</table>";


    ## Print the alignment using Bio::Perl
    my $sa = $as->get_SimpleAlign(@species);

    my $alignio = Bio::AlignIO->newFh(
				      -fh     => IO::String->new(my $var),
				      -format => renderer_type($object->param('format'))

    print $alignio $sa;
    return ;

use EnsEMBL::Web::Document::SpreadSheet;
sub output_DnaDnaAlignFeature {
  my( $panel, $object ) = @_;
  foreach my $align ( @{$object->Obj||[]} ) {
    $panel->printf( qq(<h3>%s alignment between %s %s %s and %s %s %s</h3>),
      $align->{'alignment_type'}, $align->species,  $align->slice->coord_system_name, $align->seqname,
                                $align->hspecies, $align->hslice->coord_system_name, $align->hseqname

    my $BLOCKSIZE = 60;
    my $REG       = "(.{1,$BLOCKSIZE})";
    my ( $ori, $start, $end ) = $align->strand < 0 ? ( -1, $align->end, $align->start ) : ( 1, $align->start, $align->end );
    my ( $hori, $hstart, $hend ) = $align->hstrand < 0 ? ( -1, $align->hend, $align->hstart ) : ( 1, $align->hstart, $align->hend );
    my ( $seq,$hseq) = @{$align->alignment_strings()||[]};
    $panel->print( "<pre>" );
    while( $seq ) {
      $seq  =~s/$REG//; my $part = $1;
      $hseq =~s/$REG//; my $hpart = $1;
      $panel->print( sprintf( "%9d %-60.60s %9d\n%9s ", $start, $part, $start + $ori * ( length( $part) - 1 ),' ' ) );
      my @BP = split //, $part;
      foreach( split //, ($part ^ $hpart ) ) {
        $panel->print( ord($_) ? ' ' : $BP[0] );
        shift @BP;
      $panel->print( sprintf( "\n%9d %-60.60s %9d\n\n", $hstart, $hpart, $hstart + $hori * ( length( $hpart) - 1 ) ) );
      $start += $ori * $BLOCKSIZE;
      $hstart += $hori * $BLOCKSIZE;
    $panel->print( "</pre>" );

sub output_External {
  my( $panel, $object ) = @_;
  foreach my $align ( @{$object->Obj||[]} ) {
        map( { $_->{'alignment'} } @{ $align->{'internal_seqs'} } ),
  return 1;
=head2 output_External_trans_al

 Arg[1]	     : information panel (EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Panel::Information)
 Arg[2]	     : object (EnsEMBL::Web::Proxy::Object)
 Example     : $panel->add_components(qw(trans_alignment  EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Alignment::output_External_trans_al)
 Description : Formats pairwise alignment of transcript and external record


sub output_External_trans_al {
  my( $panel, $object ) = @_;
  my $html;
  my $label = 'Transcript alignment';
  my $al = $panel->{'params'}{'trans_alignment'}; 
  $html = "<pre>$al</pre>";
  $panel->add_row( $label, $html );
  return 1;
=head2 output_External_exon_al

 Arg[1]	     : information panel (EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Panel::Information)
 Arg[2]	     : object (EnsEMBL::Web::Proxy::Object)
 Example     : $panel->add_components(qw(exon_alignment  EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Alignment::output_External_exon_al)
 Description : Formats pairwise alignment of exon and external alignment


sub output_External_exon_al {
  my( $panel, $object ) = @_;
  my $html;
  my $label = 'Exon alignment';
  my $al = $panel->{'params'}{'exon_alignment'};
  $html = "<pre>$al</pre>";
  $panel->add_row( $label, $html );
  return 1;
=head2 output_External_exon_al

 Arg[1]	     : information panel (EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Panel::Information)
 Arg[2]	     : object (EnsEMBL::Web::Proxy::Object)
 Example     : $panel->add_components(qw(external_info  EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Alignment::external_information)
 Description : Formats link to an external record


sub external_information {
  my( $panel, $object ) = @_;
  my $html;	
  my $label = 'External record';
  my $id = $panel->{'params'}{'external_id'};
  my $link;
  my $evidence = $object->get_supporting_evidence;
  foreach my $hit (keys %{$evidence->{'hits'}}) {
	  if ($hit eq $id) {
		  $link = $evidence->{'hits'}->{$hit}->{'link'};
  $html = "<p><a href=$link>$id</a></p>";
  $panel->add_row( $label, $html );
  return 1;
=head2 exon_infomration

 Arg[1]	     : information panel (EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Panel::Information)
 Arg[2]	     : object (EnsEMBL::Web::Proxy::Object)
 Example     : $panel->add_components(qw(exon_info  EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Alignment::exon_information)
 Description : Formats display of exon cDNA coordinates


sub exon_information {
  my( $panel, $object ) = @_;
  my $label = 'Exon information';
  my $exon_id = $panel->{'params'}{'exon_id'};
  my $trans = $object->Obj;
  my $db = $object->get_db || 'core';
  my $exon = $object->get_exon($exon_id,$db);
  my $trmapper = Bio::EnsEMBL::TranscriptMapper->new($trans);
  my @cdna_coords = $trmapper->genomic2cdna($exon->start, $exon->end, $exon->strand);
  my ($cdna_start,$cdna_end);
  foreach my $map (@cdna_coords) {
	  $cdna_start = $map->start;
	  $cdna_end   = $map->end;
  my $html = "<p><strong>$exon_id</strong></p>";
  $html .= "transcript start = ${cdna_start}bp, transcript end = ${cdna_end}bp";
  $panel->add_row( $label, $html );
  return 1;

sub output_GeneTree {
  my( $panel, $object ) = @_;
  my $tree = $object->Obj;
  my $alignio = Bio::AlignIO->newFh(
				    -fh     => IO::String->new(my $var),
				    -format => renderer_type($object->param('format'))
  print $alignio $tree->get_SimpleAlign();
