package EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Blast::View;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Blast);
use EnsEMBL::Web::Form;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Document::SpreadSheet;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Container::HSPContainer;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DrawableContainer;
use Data::Dumper;
use CGI qw(escapeHTML);
our @colours = qw( gold orange chocolate firebrick darkred );
sub _init {
my $self = shift;
$self->cacheable( 0 );
$self->ajaxable( 0 );
$self->configurable( 0 );
sub content {
my $self = shift;
my $object = $self->object;
my $sitename = $object->species_defs->ENSEMBL_SITETYPE;
my $html = qq(<h2>$sitename Blast Results</h2>);
my ($species, $alignments) = $object->retrieve_data;
if (ref($alignments) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@$alignments) > 0) {
## Display alignments in various ways!
## Summary
(my $species_name = $species) =~ s/_/ /g;
$html .= "<h3>Displaying unnamed sequence alignments vs $species_name LATESTGP database</h3>";
## Karyotype (if available)
$html .= "<h3>Alignment location vs karyotype</h3>";
if ($object->species_defs->get_config($species, 'ENSEMBL_CHROMOSOMES')) {
$html .= _draw_karyotype($object, $species, $alignments);
else {
$html .= '<p>Sorry, this species has not been assembled into chromosomes</p>';
## Alignment image
$html .= _draw_key();
$html .= "<h3>Alignment locations vs query</h3>";
$html .= _draw_alignment($object, $species, $alignments);
## Alignment table
$html .= "<h3>Alignment summary</h3>";
$html .= _display_alignment_table($object, $species, $alignments);
else {
## Show error message
$html .= "<p>Sorry, no alignments found.</p>";
return $html;
sub _draw_karyotype {
my ($object, $species, $alignments) = @_;
my $config_name = 'Vkaryotype';
my $config = $object->get_imageconfig($config_name);
my $image = $self->new_karyotype_image();
## Create highlights - arrows and outline box
my %all_hits = ('style' => 'rharrow');
my %top_hit = ('style' => 'outbox');
# Create per-hit glyphs
my @glyphs;
my $first=1;
foreach( @$alignments ){
my( $hit, $hsp ) = @{$_};
my $gh = $hsp->genomic_hit;
my $chr = $gh->seq_region_name;
my $chr_start = $gh->seq_region_start;
my $chr_end = $gh->seq_region_end;
my $caption = "Alignment vs ". $hsp->hit->seq_id;
my $score = $hsp->score;
my $pct_id = $hsp->percent_identity;
my $colour_id = int( ($pct_id-1)/20 );
my $colour = $colours[ $colour_id ];
$config->{'col'} = $colour;
$config->{'start'} = $chr_start;
$config->{'end'} = $chr_end;
$config->{'score'} = $score;
if( $first ){
$first = 0;
$top_hit{$chr} ||= [];
push ( @{$top_hit{$chr}}, $config );
$all_hits{$chr} ||= [];
push( @{$all_hits{$chr}}, $config );
$image->image_name = "blast-karyotype";
$image->set_button('form', 'id'=>'vclick', 'URL'=>"/$species/jump_to_location_view");
my $pointers = [\%all_hits, \%top_hit];
$image->karyotype( $object, $pointers, $config_name );
return $image->render;
sub _draw_key {
my $html = qq#<h4>Key to colours (percentage identity)</h4>
## Print out colours in percentage intervals of 20
for( my $i=0; $i<@colours; $i++ ){
$html .= sprintf( '<td style="width:10%%;background-color:%s"> </td><td style="width:10%%">%d-%d</td>',
$colours[$i], $i * 20, ($i+1) * 20 );
$html .= "</tr></table>\n";
return $html;
sub _draw_alignment {
my ($object, $species, $alignments) = @_;
my $image = $object->new_hsp_image($alignments);
return $image->render_image_button();
sub _display_alignment_table {
my ($object, $species, $alignments) = @_;
## Do options table -----------------------------------
## TODO: move to ViewConfig
my $ticket = $object->param('ticket');
my $run_id = $object->param('run_id');
my $html = qq(<form action="/Blast/View" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="ticket" value="$ticket" />
<input type="hidden" name="ticket" value="$run_id" />
## Make big array of settings
## Standard dropdown is to be off by default
my @standard_off = (
{'value' => 'off', 'text' => '-off-', 'default' => 1},
{'value' => 'name', 'text' => 'Name', 'default' => 0},
{'value' => 'start', 'text' => 'Start', 'default' => 0},
{'value' => 'end', 'text' => 'End', 'default' => 0},
{'value' => 'orientation', 'text' => 'Ori', 'default' => 0},
## Some settings however are on by default
my @standard_on = (
{'value' => 'off', 'text' => '-off-', 'default' => 0},
{'value' => 'name', 'text' => 'Name', 'default' => 1},
{'value' => 'start', 'text' => 'Start', 'default' => 1},
{'value' => 'end', 'text' => 'End', 'default' => 1},
{'value' => 'orientation', 'text' => 'Ori', 'default' => 1},
my @settings = (
{'name' => 'query',
'label' => 'Query',
'values' => \@standard_on,
{'name' => 'subject',
'label' => 'Subject',
'values' => \@standard_off,
my %coords = reverse %{$object->fetch_coord_systems};
my $toplevel = $coords{1};
my @coord_systems = sort { $coords{$a} <=> $coords{$b} } values %coords;
my $coord_settings; ## We need to be able to access these separately from other settings
foreach my $C (@coord_systems) {
my $values = $C eq $toplevel ? \@standard_on : \@standard_off;
my $coord_select = {
'name' => $C,
'label' => ucfirst($C),
'values' => $values,
push @$coord_settings, $coord_select;
push @settings, @$coord_settings;
my $stat_values = [
{'value' => 'score', 'text' => 'Score', 'default' => 1},
{'value' => 'evalue', 'text' => 'E-val', 'default' => 1},
{'value' => 'pvalue', 'text' => 'P-val', 'default' => 0},
{'value' => 'identity', 'text' => '% ID', 'default' => 1},
{'value' => 'length', 'text' => 'Length', 'default' => 1},
my @stat_types = qw(score evalue pvalue identity length);
push @settings, {'name' => 'stats', 'label' => 'Stats', 'values' => $stat_values};
my $sort_values = [
{'value' => 'query_asc', 'text' => '<Query', 'default' => 0},
{'value' => 'query_dsc', 'text' => '>Query', 'default' => 0},
{'value' => 'subject_asc', 'text' => '<Subject', 'default' => 0},
{'value' => 'subject_dsc', 'text' => '>Subject', 'default' => 0},
foreach my $setting (@$coord_settings) {
my $cs = $setting->{'name'};
my $text = $setting->{'label'};
push @$sort_values, {'value' => $cs.'_asc', 'text' => '<'.$text, 'default' => 0};
push @$sort_values, {'value' => $cs.'_dsc', 'text' => '>'.$text, 'default' => 0};
foreach my $value (@$stat_values) {
my $key = $value->{'value'};
my $set = $key eq 'score' ? 1 : 0; ## default sort is score_dsc
push @$sort_values, {'value' => $key.'_asc', 'text' => '<'.ucfirst($key), 'default' => 0};
push @$sort_values, {'value' => $key.'_dsc', 'text' => '>'.ucfirst($key), 'default' => $set};
push @settings, {'name' => 'sort_by', 'label' => 'Sort by', 'values' => $sort_values};
## Now do the selection widgets
my $opt_table = EnsEMBL::Web::Document::SpreadSheet->new();
my $width = int(100 / scalar(@settings));
my ($selector, $type);
foreach $type (@settings) {
my $name = $type->{'name'};
$opt_table->add_columns( {'key' => $name, 'title' => $type->{'label'}, 'width' => $width.'%', 'align' => 'left'} );
my $widget = qq(<select name="view_$name" multiple="multiple" size="3">\n");
foreach my $V (@{$type->{'values'}}) {
$widget .= '<option value="'.$V->{'value'}.'"';
$widget .= $V->{'default'} == 1 ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$widget .= '>'.$V->{'text'}.'</option>';
$widget .= "</select>\n";
$selector->{$name} = $widget;
$html .= $opt_table->render;
$html .= qq(<p class="space-below">Select rows to include in table, and type of sort (Use the 'ctrl' key to select multiples) <input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit" value="Refresh display" /></p>);
$html .= '<p style="margin-bottom:1em"> </p>';
## Finally, do actual results table! --------------------------------------------------
my @sorted = scalar(@$alignments) > 1 ? @{$object->sort_table_values($alignments, \@coord_systems)} : @$alignments;
my @display_types; ## only show the requested columns
my $column_count;
foreach $type (@settings) {
next if $type->{'name'} eq 'sort_by';
my $off_by_default = 0;
my $columns = [];
foreach my $V (@{$type->{'values'}}) {
if ($V->{'value'} eq 'off' && $V->{'default'} == 1) {
$off_by_default = 1;
my $chosen = $object->param('view_'.$type->{'name'});
if (ref($chosen) eq 'ARRAY') { ## CASE 1: columns have been selected by user
foreach my $V (@{$type->{'values'}}) {
my $value = $V->{'value'};
my @matches = grep(/^$value$/, @$chosen);
if ($matches[0]) {
push @$columns, $V;
$column_count += scalar(@$columns);
elsif ($chosen eq 'off' || $off_by_default) { ## CASE 2: this type is turned off
else { ## CASE 3: this type is turned on by default
foreach my $V (@{$type->{'values'}}) {
next if $V->{'value'} eq 'off';
if ($V->{'default'} == 1) {
push @$columns, $V;
$column_count += scalar(@$columns);
push @display_types, {'name' => $type->{'name'}, 'label' => $type->{'label'}, 'columns' => $columns};
my $result_table = EnsEMBL::Web::Document::SpreadSheet->new();
## Top level of headers
$width = int(100 / $column_count);
$result_table->add_spanning_headers( {'title' => 'Links'} );
$result_table->add_columns({'key' => 'links', 'title' => '', 'width' => $width.'%', 'align' => 'left'} );
foreach $type (@display_types) {
$result_table->add_spanning_headers( {'title' => $type->{'label'}, 'colspan' => scalar(@{$type->{'columns'}}) } );
foreach my $col (@{$type->{'columns'}}) {
$result_table->add_columns({'key' => $type->{'name'}.'_'.$col->{'value'}, 'title' => $col->{'text'},
'width' => $width.'%', 'align' => 'left'} );
## Finally, the results!
foreach my $A (@$alignments) {
my ($hit, $hsp) = @$A;
next unless $hit && $hsp;
my $align_info = _munge_alignment($hsp, \@coord_systems, \@stat_types);
my $result_row;
my @align_parameters = (
my $parameter_string = 'species='.$species.';';
$parameter_string .= join(';', @align_parameters);
my $location_parameters = sprintf('r=%s:%s-%s', $align_info->{'generic'}->{'name'},
$align_info->{'generic'}->{'start'}, $align_info->{'generic'}->{'end'},
$result_row->{'links'} = sprintf(qq(<a href="%s" style="text-decoration:none;" title="Alignment">[A]</a>
<a href="%s" style="text-decoration:none;" title="Query Sequence">[S]</a>
<a href="%s" style="text-decoration:none;" title="Genome Sequence">[G]</a>
<a href="%s" style="text-decoration:none;" title="Region in Detail">[R]</a>),
foreach $type (@display_types) {
my $name = $type->{'name'};
foreach my $col (@{$type->{'columns'}}) {
my $value = $col->{'value'};
if ($type->{'name'} eq 'chromosome' && $value eq 'name') {
$result_row->{$name.'_'.$value} = sprintf(qq(<a href="/%s/Location/Chromosome?%s">Chr %s</a>),
$species, $location_parameters, $align_info->{'generic'}->{'name'},
else {
$result_row->{$name.'_'.$value} = $align_info->{$name}->{$value} || ' ';
$html .= $result_table->render;
sub _munge_alignment {
### Helper method to get useable information for displaying in alignments table
my ($hsp, $coord_systems, $stat_types) = @_;
my $info;
my $gh = $hsp->genomic_hit;
if ($gh) {
my $context = 2000;
$info->{'generic'}->{'name'} = $gh->seq_region_name;
$info->{'generic'}->{'start'} = $gh->start - $context;
$info->{'generic'}->{'end'} = $gh->end + $context;
foreach my $C (@$coord_systems) {
$gh = $hsp->genomic_hit($C);
next if !$gh;
$info->{$C}->{'name'} = $gh->seq_region_name;
$info->{$C}->{'start'} = $gh->start;
$info->{$C}->{'end'} = $gh->end;
$info->{$C}->{'orientation'} = $gh->strand < 0 ? '-' : '+';
$info->{'query'}->{'name'} = $hsp->query->seq_id;
$info->{'query'}->{'start'} = $hsp->query->start;
$info->{'query'}->{'end'} = $hsp->query->end;
$info->{'query'}->{'orientation'} = $hsp->query->strand < 0 ? '-' : '+';
my $subject_name = $hsp->hit->seq_id;
$subject_name =~ s/^\w+://o;
$info->{'subject'}->{'name'} = $subject_name;
$info->{'subject'}->{'start'} = $hsp->hit->start;
$info->{'subject'}->{'end'} = $hsp->hit->end;
$info->{'subject'}->{'orientation'} = $hsp->hit->strand < 0 ? '-' : '+';
foreach my $S (@$stat_types) {
my $method = $S;
$method = 'percent_identity' if $method eq 'identity';
$info->{'stats'}->{$S} = $hsp->$method || 'N/A';
return $info;