package EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Compara_Alignments;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Component);
use CGI qw(escapeHTML);
sub _init {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'subslice_length'} = $self->object->param('force') || 100 * ($self->object->param('display_width') || 60) if $self->object;
sub caption {
return undef;
sub content {
my $self = shift;
my $object = $self->object;
my $slice = $object->can('slice') ? $object->slice : $object->get_slice_object->Obj;
my $threshold = 1000100 * ($object->species_defs->ENSEMBL_GENOME_SIZE||1);
if ($ENV{'ENSEMBL_TYPE'} eq 'Location' && $slice->length > $threshold) {
return $self->_warning(
'Region too large',
'<p>The region selected is too large to display in this view - use the navigation above to zoom in...</p>'
my $align = $object->param('align');
my ($error, $warnings) = $self->check_for_errors($object, $align, $object->species);
return $error if $error;
my $html;
# Get all slices for the gene
my ($slices, $slice_length) = $self->get_slices($object, $slice, $align, $object->species);
if ($align && $slice_length >= $self->{'subslice_length'}) {
my ($table, $padding) = $self->get_slice_table($slices, 1);
my $base_url = qq{/@{[$object->species]}/Component/$ENV{'ENSEMBL_TYPE'}/Web/Compara_Alignments/sub_slice?padding=$padding;length=$slice_length};
$html = $self->get_key($object) . $table . $self->chunked_content($slice_length, $self->{'subslice_length'}, $base_url) . $warnings;
} else {
$html = $self->content_sub_slice($slice, $slices, $warnings); # Direct call if the sequence length is short enough
return $html;
sub content_sub_slice {
my $self = shift;
my ($slice, $slices, $warnings, $defaults) = @_;
my $object = $self->object;
$slice ||= $object->can('slice') ? $object->slice : $object->get_slice_object->Obj;
my $start = $object->param('subslice_start');
my $end = $object->param('subslice_end');
my $padding = $object->param('padding');
my $slice_length = $object->param('length') || $slice->length;
my $config = {
display_width => $object->param('display_width') || 60,
site_type => ucfirst lc $object->species_defs->ENSEMBL_SITETYPE || 'Ensembl',
species => $object->species,
key_template => qq{<p><code><span class="%s">THIS STYLE:</span></code> %s</p>},
key => '',
comparison => 1,
db => $object->can('get_db') ? $object->get_db : 'core',
sub_slice_start => $start,
sub_slice_end => $end
for ('exon_display', 'exon_ori', 'snp_display', 'line_numbering', 'conservation_display', 'codons_display', 'title_display', 'align') {
$config->{$_} = $object->param($_) unless $object->param($_) eq "off";
if ($config->{'line_numbering'}) {
$config->{'end_number'} = 1;
$config->{'number'} = 1;
$config = {%$config, %$defaults} if $defaults;
# Requesting data from a sub slice
if ($start && $end) {
($slices) = $self->get_slices($object, $slice, $config->{'align'}, $config->{'species'}, $start, $end);
$config->{'slices'} = $slices;
my ($sequence, $markup) = $self->get_sequence_data($config->{'slices'}, $config);
# markup_comparisons must be called first to get the order of the comparison sequences
# The order these functions are called in is also important because it determines the order in which things are added to $config->{'key'}
$self->markup_comparisons($sequence, $markup, $config) if $config->{'align'};
$self->markup_conservation($sequence, $config) if $config->{'conservation_display'};
$self->markup_codons($sequence, $markup, $config) if $config->{'codons_display'};
$self->markup_exons($sequence, $markup, $config) if $config->{'exon_display'};
$self->markup_variation($sequence, $markup, $config) if $config->{'snp_display'};
$self->markup_line_numbers($sequence, $config) if $config->{'line_numbering'};
# Only if this IS NOT a sub slice - print the key and the slice list
my $template = "<p>$config->{'key'}</p>" . $self->get_slice_table($config->{'slices'}) unless ($start && $end);
# Only if this IS a sub slice - remove margins from <pre> elements
my $style = ($start == 1) ? "margin-bottom:0px;" : ($end == $slice_length) ? "margin-top:0px;" : "margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px" if ($start && $end);
$config->{'html_template'} = qq{$template<pre style="$style">%s</pre>};
if ($padding) {
my @pad = split (/,/, $padding);
foreach (keys %{$config->{'padded_species'}}) {
$config->{'padded_species'}->{$_} = $_ . (' ' x ($pad[0] - length $_));
if ($config->{'line_numbering'} eq 'slice') {
$config->{'padding'}->{'pre_number'} = $pad[1];
$config->{'padding'}->{'number'} = $pad[2];
return $self->build_sequence($sequence, $config) . $warnings;
sub get_slices {
my $self = shift;
my ($object, $slice, $align, $species, $start, $end) = @_;
my @slices;
my @formatted_slices;
my $length;
if ($align) {
push @slices, @{$self->get_alignments(@_)};
} else {
# If no alignment selected then we just display the original sequence as in geneseqview
push @slices, $slice;
foreach (@slices) {
my $name = $_->can('display_Slice_name') ? $_->display_Slice_name : $species;
push (@formatted_slices, {
slice => $_,
underlying_slices => $_->can('get_all_underlying_Slices') ? $_->get_all_underlying_Slices : [$_],
name => $name
$length ||= $_->length; # Set the slice length value for the reference slice only
return (\@formatted_slices, $length);
sub get_alignments {
my $self = shift;
my ($object, $slice, $selected_alignment, $species, $start, $end) = @_;
$selected_alignment ||= 'NONE';
my $compara_db = $object->database('compara');
my $as_adaptor = $compara_db->get_adaptor('AlignSlice');
my $mlss_adaptor = $compara_db->get_adaptor('MethodLinkSpeciesSet');
my $method_link_species_set = $mlss_adaptor->fetch_by_dbID($selected_alignment);
my $align_slice = $as_adaptor->fetch_by_Slice_MethodLinkSpeciesSet($slice, $method_link_species_set, 'expanded', 'restrict');
my @selected_species;
foreach (grep { /species_$selected_alignment/ } $object->param) {
if ($object->param($_) eq 'yes') {
push (@selected_species, ucfirst $1) unless $1 =~ /$species/i;
# I could not find a better way to distinguish between pairwise and multiple alignments.
# The difference is that in case of multiple alignments
# there are checkboxes for all species from the alignment apart from the reference species:
# So we need to add the reference species to the list of selected species.
# In case of pairwise alignments the list remains empty - that will force the display
# of all available species in the alignment
unshift (@selected_species, $species) if scalar @selected_species;
$align_slice = $align_slice->sub_AlignSlice($start, $end) if ($start && $end);
return $align_slice->get_all_Slices(@selected_species);
sub check_for_errors {
my $self = shift;
my ($object, $align, $species) = @_;
return (undef, $self->_info('No alignment specified', '<p>Select the alignment you wish to display from the box above.</p>')) unless $align;
# Check for errors
my $h = $object->species_defs->multi_hash->{'DATABASE_COMPARA'};
my $align_details = $h->{'ALIGNMENTS'}{$align} if exists $h->{'ALIGNMENTS'};
if (!$align_details) {
return $self->_error(
'Unknown alignment',
sprintf (
'<p>The alignment you have select "%s" does not exist in the current database.</p>',
if (!exists $align_details->{'species'}{$species}) {
return $self->_error(
'Unknown alignment',
sprintf (
'<p>%s is not part of the %s alignment in the database.</p>',
my @skipped;
my $warnings;
if ($align_details->{'class'} !~ /pairwise/) { # This is a multiway alignment
foreach (keys %{$align_details->{species}}) {
my $key = sprintf ('species_%d_%s', $align, lc $_);
next if $species eq $_;
push (@skipped, $_) if (($object->param($key)||'no') eq 'no');
if (scalar @skipped) {
$warnings = $self->_info(
'Species hidden by configuration',
sprintf (
'<p>The following %d species in the alignment are not shown in the image: %s. Use the "<strong>Configure this page</strong>" on the left to show them.</p>',
scalar @skipped,
join (', ', sort map { $object->species_defs->species_label($_) } @skipped)
return (undef, $warnings);
# This function is pretty nasty because
# 1) Variables are declared which will be redeclare later (cannot pass them through because of parallel processing).
# 2) The key is unconditional - i.e. if variation markup is turned on, the variation key will appear even if there are no variations.
# 3) It smells like hack. This is similar to the smell of chicken which went off last month, only slightly worse.
sub get_key {
my $self = shift;
my $object = shift;
my $site_type = ucfirst lc $object->species_defs->ENSEMBL_SITETYPE || 'Ensembl';
my $key_template = qq{<p><code><span class="%s">THIS STYLE:</span></code> %s</p>};
my $exon_label = ucfirst $object->param('exon_display');
$exon_label = $site_type if $exon_label eq 'Core';
my @map = (
[ 'conservation_display', 'con' ],
[ 'codons_display', 'cu' ],
[ 'exon_display', 'e2' ],
[ 'snp_display', 'sn,si,sd' ]
my $key = {
con => "Location of conserved regions (where >50% of bases in alignments match)",
cu => "Location of START/STOP codons",
e2 => "Location of $exon_label exons",
sn => "Location of SNPs",
si => "Location of inserts",
sd => "Location of deletes"
my $rtn = '';
foreach my $param (@map) {
next if (($object->param($param->[0])||'off') eq 'off');
foreach (split (/,/, $param->[1])) {
$rtn .= sprintf ($key_template, $_, $key->{$_});
if ($object->param('line_numbering') eq 'slice' && $object->param('align')) {
$rtn .= qq{ NOTE: For secondary species we display the coordinates of the first and the last mapped (i.e A,T,G,C or N) basepairs of each line};
return $rtn;
# Displays slices for all species above the sequence
sub get_slice_table {
my $self = shift;
my ($slices, $return_padding) = @_;
my ($table_rows, $species_padding, $region_padding, $number_padding, $ancestral_sequences);
foreach (@$slices) {
my $species = $_->{'name'};
next unless $species;
$species_padding = length $species if $return_padding && length ($species) > $species_padding;
$table_rows .= qq{
<th>$species > </th>
foreach my $slice (@{$_->{'underlying_slices'}}) {
next if $slice->seq_region_name eq 'GAP';
my $slice_name = $slice->name;
my ($stype, $assembly, $region, $start, $end, $strand) = split (/:/ , $slice_name);
if ($return_padding) {
$region_padding = length $region if length ($region) > $region_padding;
$number_padding = length $end if length ($end) > $number_padding;
if ($species eq 'Ancestral_sequences') {
$table_rows .= $slice->{'_tree'};
$ancestral_sequences = 1;
} else {
$table_rows .= qq{
<a href="/$species/Location/View?r=$region:$start-$end">$slice_name</a><br />};
$table_rows .= qq{
$region_padding++ if $region_padding;
my $rtn = qq{
$rtn = qq{<p>NOTE: <a href="/info/docs/compara/analyses.html#epo">How ancestral sequences are calculated</a></p>$rtn} if $ancestral_sequences;
return $return_padding ? ($rtn, "$species_padding,$region_padding,$number_padding") : $rtn;