package EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Gene::GeneSeq;

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Gene);

use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::Sequence qw(ambiguity_code);

sub _init {
  my $self = shift;

sub caption {
  return undef;

sub content {
  my $self   = shift;
  my $object = $self->object;
  my $slice  = $object->get_slice_object->Obj; # Object for this section is the slice

  my $config = {
    display_width => $object->param('display_width') || 60,
    site_type => ucfirst(lc($object->species_defs->ENSEMBL_SITETYPE)) || 'Ensembl',
    gene_name => $object->Obj->stable_id,
    species => $object->species,
    title_display => 'yes',
    key_template => qq{<p><code><span class="%s">THIS STYLE:</span></code> %s</p>},
    key => ''

  for ('exon_display', 'exon_ori', 'snp_display', 'line_numbering') {
    $config->{$_} = $object->param($_) unless $object->param($_) eq "off";

  $config->{'exon_features'} = $object->get_slice_object->highlight_display($object->Obj->get_all_Exons);
  $config->{'slices'} = [{ slice => $slice, name => $config->{'species'} }];

  if ($config->{'line_numbering'}) {
    $config->{'end_number'} = 1;
    $config->{'number'} = 1;

  my ($sequence, $markup) = $self->get_sequence_data($config->{'slices'}, $config);
  $self->markup_exons($sequence, $markup, $config) if $config->{'exon_display'};
  $self->markup_variation($sequence, $markup, $config) if $config->{'snp_display'};
  $self->markup_line_numbers($sequence, $config) if $config->{'line_numbering'};
  $config->{'html_template'} = qq{<p>$config->{'key'}</p><pre>&gt;} . $slice->name . qq{\n%s</pre>};
	return $self->_info( 'Sequence markup', '
  Ensembl has a number of sequence mark up pages on the site, you can look at the exon intron structure
  of individual transcripts by selecting on the transcript name in the table above and then selecting
  Exons in the left hand side - alternatively you can see the sequence of the transcript along with its
  protein translation and variation features by selecting the transcript then selecting Sequence &gt; cDNA.
  This view and the transcript based sequence views are configurable by clicking on the "Configure this page"
  link in the left hand menu
</p>' ).
   $self->build_sequence($sequence, $config);
