package EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Location::SequenceAlignment;

use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::AlignStrainSlice;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Location);

sub _init {
  my $self = shift;

sub caption {
  return undef;

sub content {
  my $self   = shift;
  my $object = $self->object;
  my $threshold = 50000;
  if ($object->length > $threshold) {
    return $self->_warning(
      'Region too large',
      '<p>The region selected is too large to display in this view - use the navigation above to zoom in...</p>'
  my $config = {
    display_width => $object->param('display_width') || 60,
    site_type => ucfirst(lc($object->species_defs->ENSEMBL_SITETYPE)) || 'Ensembl',
    species => $object->species,
    key_template => qq{<p><code><span class="%s">THIS STYLE:</span></code> %s</p>},
    key => '',
    comparison => 1,
    maintain_exons => 1 # This is to stop the exons being reversed in markup_exons if the strand is -1
  for ('exon_ori', 'match_display', 'snp_display', 'line_numbering', 'codons_display', 'title_display') {
    $config->{$_} = $object->param($_) unless $object->param($_) eq 'off';
  # FIXME: Nasty hack to allow the parameter to be defined, but false. Used when getting variations.
  # Can be deleted once we get the correct set of variations from the API 
  # (there are currently variations returned when the resequenced individuals match the reference)
  $config->{'match_display'} ||= 0;  
  $config->{'exon_display'} = 'selected' if $config->{'exon_ori'};
  if ($config->{'line_numbering'}) {
    $config->{'end_number'} = 1;
    $config->{'number'} = 1;
  # Get reference slice
  my $ref_slice = new EnsEMBL::Web::Proxy::Object('Slice', $object->slice, $object->__data);
  my $ref_slice_obj = $ref_slice->Obj;
  my $var_hash = $object->species_defs->databases->{'DATABASE_VARIATION'};
  my @individuals;
  my @individual_slices;
  my $html;
    foreach my $ind (@{$var_hash->{$_}}) {
      push (@individuals, $ind) if $object->param($ind) eq 'yes';
  foreach my $individual (@individuals) {
    my $slice = $ref_slice_obj->get_by_strain($individual);
    push (@individual_slices, $slice) if $slice;
  if (scalar @individual_slices) {
    # Get align slice
    my $align_slice = Bio::EnsEMBL::AlignStrainSlice->new(-SLICE => $ref_slice_obj, -STRAINS => \@individual_slices);
    # Get aligned strain slice objects
    my $slice_array = $align_slice->get_all_Slices;
    my @ordered_slices = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } map { [ ($_->can('display_Slice_name') ? $_->display_Slice_name : $config->{'species'}), $_ ] } @$slice_array;
    $config->{'ref_slice_name'} = $ref_slice->get_individuals('reference');
    foreach (@ordered_slices) {
      my $slice = $_->[1];
      my $sl = {
        slice => $slice,
        underlying_slices => $slice->can('get_all_underlying_Slices') ? $slice->get_all_underlying_Slices : [$slice],
        name => $_->[0]
      if ($_->[0] eq $config->{'ref_slice_name'}) {
        unshift (@{$config->{'slices'}}, $sl); # Put the reference slice at the top
        $config->{'ref_slice_seq'} = [ split (//, $_->[1]->seq) ];
      } else {
        push (@{$config->{'slices'}}, $sl);
    my ($sequence, $markup) = $self->get_sequence_data($config->{'slices'}, $config);
    # Order is important for the key to be displayed correctly
    $self->markup_exons($sequence, $markup, $config) if $config->{'exon_display'};
    $self->markup_codons($sequence, $markup, $config) if $config->{'codons_display'};
    $self->markup_variation($sequence, $markup, $config) if $config->{'snp_display'};
    $self->markup_comparisons($sequence, $markup, $config); # Always called in this view
    $self->markup_line_numbers($sequence, $config) if $config->{'line_numbering'};
    if ($slice_array->[0]->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice')) {
      $config->{'key'} .= '<p><code>~&nbsp;&nbsp;</code>No resequencing coverage at this position</p>';
    my $slice_name = $object->slice->name;
    my (undef, undef, $region, $start, $end) = split (/:/, $slice_name);
    my $table = qq{
        <th>$config->{'species'} &gt;&nbsp;</th>
        <td><a href="/$config->{'species'}/Location/View?r=$region:$start-$end">$slice_name</a><br /></td>
    $config->{'html_template'} = qq{<p>$config->{'key'}</p>$table<pre>%s</pre>};
    $html = $self->build_sequence($sequence, $config);
  } else {
    my $strains = ($object->species_defs->translate('strain') || 'strain') . 's';
    if ($ref_slice->get_individuals('reseq')) {
      $html = qq{Please select $strains to display from the 'Configure this page' link to the left};
    } else {
      $html = qq{No resequenced $strains available for this species};

  return $html;
