package EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::Go;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript);
sub _init {
my $self = shift;
$self->cacheable( 1 );
$self->ajaxable( 1 );
sub caption {
return undef;
sub content {
my $self = shift;
my $object = $self->object;
return $self->non_coding_error unless $object->translation_object;
my $label = 'GO';
unless ($object->__data->{'links'}){
my @similarity_links = @{$object->get_similarity_hash($object->Obj)};
return unless (@similarity_links);
my $no_data = "<p>No GO terms have been mapped to this entry via UniProt and/or RefSeq.</p>";
return $no_data unless $object->__data->{'links'}{'go'};
my $databases = $object->DBConnection;
my $goview = $object->database('go') ? 1 : 0;
my $go_hash = $object->get_go_list();
my $GOIDURL = "";
#my $QUERYURL = "";
my $URLS = $object->ExtURL;
return unless ($go_hash);
my $html = "<p><strong>The following GO terms have been mapped to this entry via UniProt and/or RefSeq:</strong></p>";
#$html .= qq(<dl>);
my $table = new EnsEMBL::Web::Document::SpreadSheet( [], [], {'margin' => '1em 0px'} );
{'key' => 'go', 'title' => 'GO Accession', 'width' => '5%', 'align' => 'left'},
{'key' => 'evidence', 'title' => 'Evidence','width' => '3%', 'align' => 'centre'},
{'key' => 'description', 'title' => 'Go Term', 'width' => '55%', 'align' => 'left'},
{'key' => 'desc', 'title' => 'Annotation Source','width' => '35%', 'align' => 'centre'}
foreach my $go (sort keys %{$go_hash}){
my $row = {};
my @go_data = @{$go_hash->{$go}||[]};
my( $evidence, $description, $info_text ) = @go_data;
my $link_name = $description;
$link_name =~ s/ /\+/g;
my $goidurl = qq(<a href="$GOIDURL$go">$go</a>);
my $queryurl = qq(<a href="$GOIDURL$go">$description</a>);
unless( $goview ){
$goidurl = $object->get_ExtURL_link($go,'GO',$go);
$queryurl = $object->get_ExtURL_link($description,'GOTERMNAME', $link_name);
my $info_text_html;
my $info_text_url;
my $info_text_gene;
my $info_text_species;
my $info_text_common_name;
my $info_text_type;
#create URL
if($info_text=~/from ([a-z]+[ _][a-z]+) (gene|translation) (\w+)/i){
$info_text_gene= $3;
$info_text_type= $2;
$info_text_common_name= ucfirst($1);
} else{
#parse error
warn "regex parse failure in EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::go()";
$info_text_species= $object->species;
(my $species = $info_text_common_name) =~ s/ /_/g;
my $script = $info_text_type eq 'gene' ? 'geneview?gene=' : 'protview?peptide=';
$info_text_url= "<a href='/$species/$script$info_text_gene'>$info_text_gene</a>";
$info_text_html= "[from $info_text_common_name $info_text_url]";
$info_text_html= '';
$row->{'go'} = $goidurl;
$row->{'description'} = $queryurl;
$row->{'evidence'} = $evidence;
$row->{'desc'} = $info_text_html;
#$html .= qq(<dd>$goidurl $info_text_html [$queryurl] <code>$evidence</code></dd>\n);
#$html .= qq(</dl>);
$html .= $table->render;
return $html;