package EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::TranscriptSNPTable;

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript);

sub _init {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->cacheable( 1 );
  $self->ajaxable(  1 );

sub caption {
  return undef;
sub content {
  my $self = shift;
  my $object = $self->object;
  my @samples;
  foreach my $param ( $object->param() ) {
    if ($param =~/opt_pop/){ 
      if ($object->param($param) eq 'on' ) {
        $param =~s/opt_pop_//;
        push (@samples, $param);
  my $snp_data = get_page_data($object, \@samples);
  my $strain_name = $object->species_defs->translate("strain");
  my %tables;
  foreach my $sample (@samples) {
    my %flags;
    $flags{$sample} = 0;  
    my $table = new EnsEMBL::Web::Document::SpreadSheet( [], [], {'margin' => '1em 0px' } );  
    $table->add_columns (
      { 'key' => 'ID',  },
      { 'key' => 'consequence', 'title' => 'Type', },
      { 'key' => 'chr' ,        'title' => "Chr: bp" },
      { 'key' => 'ref_alleles',  'title' => 'Ref. allele', },
      { 'key' => 'Alleles',     'title' => ucfirst($strain_name)." genotype", },
      { 'key' => 'Ambiguity',   'title' => 'Ambiguity',  },
      { 'key' => 'Codon',       'title' => "Transcript codon" ,  },
      { 'key' => 'cdscoord',  'title' => 'CDS coord.',  },
      { 'key' => 'aachange', 'title' => 'AA change',  },
      { 'key' => 'aacoord',  'title' => 'AA coord.',  },
      #{ 'key' => 'coverage',  'title' => 'Read coverage',  },
      { 'key' => 'Class', },
      { 'key' => 'Source', },
      { 'key' => 'Status', 'title' => 'Validation',  },
    foreach my $snp_row (sort keys %$snp_data) { 
      foreach my $row ( @{$snp_data->{$snp_row}{$sample} || [] } ) {  
        $flags{$sample} = 1;
    if ($flags{$sample} == 1){ 
      $tables{$sample} = $table->render;
    else {  
      $tables{$sample} = qq(<p>There are no variations in this region in this strain, or the variations have been filtered out by the options set in the page configuration. To change the filtering options select the 'Configure this page' link from the menu on the left hand side of this page.</p><br />);   

  my $html;
  foreach (keys %tables){
  $html .= "<p><h2>Variations in $_: </h2><p> $tables{$_}";
  return $html;

sub get_page_data {
  my ($object, $samples) = @_;
  my %snp_data;

  foreach my $sample ( @$samples ) {
    my $munged_transcript = $object->get_munged_slice("tsv_transcript",  tsv_extent($object), 1 ) || warn "Couldn't get munged transcript";
    my $sample_slice = $munged_transcript->[1]->get_by_strain( $sample );

    my ( $allele_info, $consequences ) = $object->getAllelesConsequencesOnSlice($sample, "tsv_transcript", $sample_slice);
    next unless @$consequences && @$allele_info;

    my ($coverage_level, $raw_coverage_obj) = $object->read_coverage($sample, $sample_slice);

    my @coverage_obj;
    if ( @$raw_coverage_obj ){
      @coverage_obj = sort {$a->start <=> $b->start} @$raw_coverage_obj;
    my $index = 0;
    foreach my $allele_ref (  @$allele_info ) {
      my $allele = $allele_ref->[2];
      my $conseq_type = $consequences->[$index];
      next unless $conseq_type && $allele;

      # Check consequence obj and allele feature obj have same alleles
      my $tmp = join "", @{$conseq_type->alleles || []};
      $tmp =~ tr/ACGT/TGCA/ if ( $object->Obj->strand ne $allele->strand);

      # Type
      my $type = join ", ", @{$conseq_type->type || []};
      if ($type eq 'SARA') {
        $type .= " (Same As Ref. Assembly)";

      # Position
      my $offset = $sample_slice->strand > 0 ? $sample_slice->start - 1 :  $sample_slice->end + 1;
      my $chr_start = $allele->start() + $offset;
      my $chr_end   = $allele->end() + $offset;
      my $pos =  $chr_start;
      if( $chr_end < $chr_start ) {
        $pos = "between&nbsp;$chr_end&nbsp;&amp;&nbsp;$chr_start";
      } elsif($chr_end > $chr_start ) {
        $pos = "$chr_start&nbsp;-&nbsp;$chr_end";

      # Class
      my $class = $object->var_class($allele);
      if ($class eq 'in-del') {
        $class = $chr_start > $chr_end ? 'Insertion' : 'Deletion';
      $class =~ s/snp/SNP/;

      # Codon - make the letter for the SNP position in the codon bold
      my $codon = $conseq_type->codon;
      if ( $codon ) {
        my $position = ($conseq_type->cds_start % 3 || 3) - 1;
        $codon =~ s/(\w{$position})(\w)(.*)/$1<b>$2<\/b>$3/;

      my $status;
      if ( grep { $_ eq "Sanger"} @{$allele->get_all_sources() || []} ) {
        my $allele_start = $allele->start;
        my $coverage;
        foreach ( @coverage_obj ) {
          next if $allele_start >  $_->end;
          last if $allele_start < $_->start;
          $coverage = $_->level if $_->level > $coverage;
        $coverage = ">".($coverage-1) if $coverage == $coverage_level->[-1];
        $status = "resequencing coverage $coverage";
      } else {
        my $tmp =  $allele->variation;
        my @validation = $tmp ? @{ $tmp->get_all_validation_states || [] } : ();
        $status = join( ', ',  @validation ) || "-";
        $status =~ s/freq/frequency/;

      # Other
      my $chr = $sample_slice->seq_region_name;

      my $aa_alleles = $conseq_type->aa_alleles || [];
      my $aa_coord = $conseq_type->aa_start;
      $aa_coord .= $aa_coord == $conseq_type->aa_end ? "": $conseq_type->aa_end;
      my $cds_coord = $conseq_type->cds_start;
      $cds_coord .= "-".$conseq_type->cds_end unless $conseq_type->cds_start == $conseq_type->cds_end;
      my $sources = join ", " , @{$allele->get_all_sources || [] };
      my $vid = $allele->variation_name;
      my $source = $allele->source;
      my $vf = $allele->variation->dbID; 
      my $url = $object->_url({'type' => 'Variation', 'action' => 'Summary',  'v' => $vid , 'vf' => $vf, 'source' => $source });       
      my $row = {
        'ID'          =>  qq(<a href = $url>@{[$allele->variation_name]}</a>),
        'Class'       => $class || "-",
        'Source'      => $sources || "-",
        'ref_alleles' => $allele->ref_allele_string || "-",
        'Alleles'     => $allele->allele_string || "-",
        'Ambiguity'   => $object->ambig_code($allele),
        'Status'      => $status,
        'chr'         => "$chr:$pos",
        'Codon'       => $codon || "-",
        'consequence' => $type,
        'cdscoord'    => $cds_coord || "-",
        #'coverage'    => $coverage || "0",
      if ($conseq_type->aa_alleles){
        $row->{'aachange'} = ( join "/", @{$aa_alleles} ) || "";
        $row->{'aacoord'}  = $aa_coord;
      } else {
        $row->{'aachange'} = '-';
        $row->{'aacoord'}  = '-';
      push @{$snp_data{"$chr:$pos"}{$sample}}, $row;
  return \%snp_data;

sub tsv_extent {
  my $object = shift;
   return $object->param( 'context' ) eq 'FULL' ? 1000 :$object->param( 'context' );
