package EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Variation;

=head1 LICENCE

This code is distributed under an Apache style licence:
Please see for details

CONTACT Fiona Cunningham <>


use EnsEMBL::Web::Component;
our @ISA = qw( EnsEMBL::Web::Component);
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use POSIX qw(floor ceil);
use CGI qw(escapeHTML);

use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Component);

#use Data::Dumper;
#$Data::Dumper::Indent = 3;

# Notes:
# Variation object: has all the data (flanks, alleles) but no position
# VariationFeature: has position (but also short cut calls to allele etc.) 
#                   for contigview

# TEST SNPs  gives and ERROR 1065427
# 3858116 has TSC sources, 557122 hapmap (works), 2259958 (senza-hit), 625 multi-hit, lots of LD 2733052, 2422821, 12345
# Problem snp  	1800704 has no upstream, downstream seq
# Tagged snps: rs8, rs46,  rs1467672
# slow one: 431235
# General info table #########################################################

sub moltype {

  ### General_table_info
  ### Arg1        : panel
  ### Arg2        : data object
  ### Description : adds a label and its value to the panel:
  ### which describes the molecular type e.g. 'Genomic'
  ### Returns  1

  my ( $panel, $object ) = @_;
  my $label = 'Molecular type';
  my $snp_data  = $object->moltype;
  return 1 unless $snp_data;
  $panel->add_row($label,  $snp_data );
  return 1;
sub ld_data {

### General_table_info
 ### Arg1        : panel
 ### Arg2        : data object
 ### Example     : $panel1->add_rows(qw(ld_data EnsEMBL::Web::Component::SNP::ld_data) );
 ### Description : adds a label and its value to the panel:
 ###              Get all the populations with LD data within 100kb of this SNP
 ###                Make links from these populations to LDView
 ### Returns  1

  my ( $panel, $object ) = @_;
  my $label = "Linkage disequilibrium <br />data";
  unless ($object->species_defs->VARIATION_LD) {
    $panel->add_row($label, "<h5>No linkage data available for this species</h5>");
  my %pop_names = %{_ld_populations($object) ||{} };
  my %tag_data  = %{$object->tagged_snp ||{} };

  my %ld = (%pop_names, %tag_data);
  unless (keys %ld) {
    $panel->add_row($label, "<h5>No linkage data for this SNP</h5>");
    return 1;

  $panel->add_row($label, link_to_ldview($panel, $object, \%ld) );
  return 1;

# Population genotype table and Allele Frequency Table ######################

sub all_freqs {

  ### Population_genotype_alleles
  ### Arg1        : panel
  ### Arg2        : data object
  ### Example     : $allele_panel->add_components( qw(all_freqs EnsEMBL::Web::Component::SNP::lal_freqs) );
  ### Description : prints a table of allele and genotype frequencies for the variation per population
  ### Returns  1

  my ( $panel, $object ) = @_;
  my $freq_data = $object->freqs;
  return [] unless %$freq_data;

  format_frequencies($panel, $object, $freq_data);
  return 1;
sub format_frequencies {

  ### Population_genotype_alleles
  ### Arg1        : panel
  ### Arg2        : data object 
  ### Arg3        : frequency data
  ### Example     : format_frequencies($panel, $object, $freq_data);
  ### Description : prints a table of allele or genotype frequencies for the variation
  ### Returns  1

  my ( $panel, $object, $freq_data ) = @_;
  my %freq_data = %{ $freq_data };
  my %columns;

  foreach my $pop_id (sort { $freq_data{$a}{pop_info}{Name} cmp $freq_data{$b}{pop_info}{Name}} keys %freq_data) {
    my %pop_row;

    # Freqs alleles ---------------------------------------------
    my @allele_freq = @{ $freq_data{$pop_id}{AlleleFrequency} };
    foreach my $gt (  @{ $freq_data{$pop_id}{Alleles} } ) {
      my $freq = _format_number(shift @allele_freq);
      $pop_row{"Alleles&nbsp;<br />$gt"} = $freq;

    # Freqs genotypes ---------------------------------------------
    my @genotype_freq = @{ $freq_data{$pop_id}{GenotypeFrequency} || [] };
    foreach my $gt ( @{ $freq_data{$pop_id}{Genotypes} } ) {
      my $freq = _format_number(shift @genotype_freq);
      $pop_row{"Genotypes&nbsp;<br />$gt"} = $freq;

    # Add a name, size and description if it exists ---------------------------
    $pop_row{pop}= _pop_url( $object, $freq_data{$pop_id}{pop_info}{Name}, $freq_data{$pop_id}{pop_info}{PopLink})."&nbsp;";
    $pop_row{Size} = $freq_data{$pop_id}{pop_info}{Size};

    # Descriptions too long. Only display first sentence
    (my $description = $freq_data{$pop_id}{pop_info}{Description}) =~ s/International HapMap project.*/International HapMap project\.\.\./;
    $description =~ s/<.*?>//g;
    if (length $description > 220) {
      $description = substr($description, 0, 220) ."...";
    $pop_row{Description} = "<small>". ($description ||"-") ."</small>";

    # Super and sub populations ----------------------------------------------
    my $super_string = _sort_extra_pops($object, $freq_data{$pop_id}{pop_info}{"Super-Population"});
    $pop_row{"Super-Population"} =  $super_string;

    my $sub_string = _sort_extra_pops($object, $freq_data{$pop_id}{pop_info}{"Sub-Population"});
    $pop_row{"Sub-Population"} =  $sub_string;

    map {  $columns{$_} = 1 if $pop_row{$_};  } (keys %pop_row);

  # Format table columns ------------------------------------------------------
  my @header_row;
  foreach my $col (sort {$b cmp $a} keys %columns) {
    next if $col eq 'pop';
    if ($col !~ /Population|Description/) {
      unshift (@header_row, {key  =>$col,  'align'=>'left',
 			     title => $col });
    else {
      push (@header_row, {key  =>$col, 'align'=>'left', title => "&nbsp;$col&nbsp;"  });
  unshift (@header_row,  {key  =>"pop",'align'=>'left',  title =>"Population"} );

  return 1;

sub _format_number {

  ### Population_genotype_alleles
  ### Arg1 : null or a number
  ### Returns "unknown" if null or formats the number to 3 decimal places

  my $number = shift;
  if ($number) {
    return sprintf("%.3f", $number );
  return  "unknown";

# Variation feature mapping table #############################################

sub mappings {

 ### Mapping_table
 ### Arg1        : panel
 ### Arg2        : data object 
 ### Arg3        : the view name (i.e. "snpview" or "ldview")
 ### Example     :  $mapping_panel->add_components( qw(mappings EnsEMBL::Web::Component::SNP::mappings) );
 ### Description : table showing Variation feature mappings to genomic locations
 ### Returns  1

  my ( $panel, $object, $view ) = @_;
  $view ||= "snpview";
  my %mappings = %{ $object->variation_feature_mapping };

  return [] unless keys %mappings;

  my $source = $object->source;

  my @table_header;
  my $flag_multi_hits = keys %mappings >1 ? 1: 0;
  my $tsv_species =  ($object->species_defs->VARIATION_STRAIN &&  $object->species_defs->get_db eq 'core') ? 1 : 0;

  my $gene_adaptor = $object->database('core')->get_GeneAdaptor();
  foreach my $varif_id (keys %mappings) {
    my %chr_info;
    my $region = $mappings{$varif_id}{Chr};
    my $start  = $mappings{$varif_id}{start};
    my $end    = $mappings{$varif_id}{end};
    my $link   = "/@{[$object->species]}/contigview?l=$region:" .($start - 10) ."-" . ($end+10);
    my $strand = $mappings{$varif_id}{strand};
    $strand = " ($strand)&nbsp;" if $strand;
    if ($region) {
      $chr_info{chr} = qq(<span style="white-space: nowrap"><a href="$link">$region: $start-$end</a>$strand</span>);
    } else {
      $chr_info{chr} = "unknown";

    if ($flag_multi_hits) {
      my $vari = $object->name;
      my $link = "SNP maps several times:<br /><a href='$view?snp=$vari;c=$region:$start'>Choose this location</a>";
      my $display = $object->param('c') eq "$region:$start" ?
	"Current location" : $link;
      $chr_info{location} = $display;

    my @transcript_variation_data = @{ $mappings{$varif_id}{transcript_vari} };
    unless( scalar @transcript_variation_data ) {
      last unless $flag_multi_hits;
    foreach my $transcript_data (@transcript_variation_data ) {
      my $gene = $gene_adaptor->fetch_by_transcript_stable_id($transcript_data->{transcriptname});
      my $gene_name = $gene->stable_id if $gene;

      my $gene_link = qq(<a href='geneview?gene=$gene_name'>$gene_name</a>);
      my $transcript_link = qq(<a href='transview?transcript=$transcript_data->{transcriptname}'>$transcript_data->{transcriptname}</a>);
      my $genesnpview = qq(<a href="genesnpview?transcript=$transcript_data->{transcriptname}">SNPs in gene context</a>);
      my $protein_link = qq(<a href='protview?transcript=$transcript_data->{transcriptname}'>$transcript_data->{proteinname}</a>);

      my $transcript_coords = _sort_start_end(
                     $transcript_data->{cdna_start}, $transcript_data->{cdna_end});
      my $translation_coords = _sort_start_end(
                     $transcript_data->{translation_start}, $transcript_data->{translation_end});

      my %trans_info = (
			"conseq"     => $transcript_data->{conseq},
			"transcript" => "$transcript_link:$transcript_coords",
      $trans_info{'genesnpview'} = $genesnpview;
      $trans_info{'geneview'} = $gene_link if $gene_link;

      if ($transcript_data->{'proteinname'}) {
	$trans_info{'translation'} = "$protein_link:$translation_coords";
	$trans_info{'pepallele'} = "$transcript_data->{pepallele}";
      my $tsv_link;  # TSV link -----------------------------------
      if ($tsv_species) {
	my $strain = $object->species_defs->translate( "strain" )."s";
	$tsv_link = qq(<a href='transcriptsnpview?transcript=$transcript_data->{transcriptname}'>Comapre SNP across $strain</a>);
	$trans_info{'transcriptsnpview'} = "$tsv_link";

      $panel->add_row({ %chr_info, %trans_info});

      unless (@table_header) {
	push (@table_header, {key => 'geneview', title => 'Gene'}, ) if $gene_link;
	push (@table_header, {key => 'transcript', title => 'Transcript<br />relative SNP position'}, );
	push @table_header, {key => 'translation', title => 'Translation<br />relative SNP position'} if $transcript_data->{'proteinname'} ;
	push @table_header, {key => 'pepallele',   title =>'AA'} if $transcript_data->{'pepallele'} ;
	push (@table_header, {key => 'conseq', title =>'Type'});
        push (@table_header, {key => 'genesnpview', title => 'GeneSNPView'},) ;
        push (@table_header, {key => 'transcriptsnpview', title => 'TranscriptSNPView link&nbsp;'},)  if $tsv_species;
      %chr_info = ();
  unshift (@table_header,{key =>'location', title => 'Location'}) if $flag_multi_hits;
  unshift (@table_header, {key =>'chr',title => 'Genomic location (strand)'});

  return 1;

sub _sort_start_end {

 ### Mapping_table
 ### Arg1     : start and end coordinate
 ### Example  : $coord = _sort_star_end($start, $end)_
 ### Description : Returns $start-$end if they are defined, else 'n/a'
 ### Returns  string

  my ( $start, $end ) = @_;
  if ($start or $end){
    return " $start-$end&nbsp;";
  else {return " n/a&nbsp;"};

# Location info ###############################################################
sub snpview_image_menu {

  ### Image
  ### Arg1     : panel
  ### Arg2     : data object 
  ### Example  : $image_panel->add_components(qw(
  ###     menu  EnsEMBL::Web::Component::SNP::snpview_image_menu
  ###     image EnsEMBL::Web::Component::SNP::snpview_image
  ###   ));
  ### Description : Creates a menu container for snpview and adds it to the panel
  ### Returns  0

  my($panel, $object ) = @_;
  my $image_config = $object->image_config_hash( 'snpview' );
  my $params =  {
		 'h'          => $object->highlights_string || '',
		 'source'     => $object->source || "dbSNP",
		 'snp'        => $object->name || '',
		 'c'          => $object->param('c') || '',
		 'pop'        => $object->get_default_pop_name || '',
  $image_config->set( '_settings', 'URL', "/".$object->species."/snpview?".
    join(";", map { "$_=".CGI::escapeHTML($params->{$_}) } keys %$params ).
      ";snpview=%7Cbump_", 1);
  $image_config->{'_ld_population'} = $object->get_default_pop_name;
  return 0;

# Individual table ############################################################
sub individual {

### Individual_table
 ### Arg1        : panel
 ### Arg2        : data object
 ### Example     : $object->outputIndGenotypeTable
 ### Description : adds a table of Individual genotypes, their refSNP ssids, allele, sex etc. in spreadsheet format to the panel
 ### Returns  1

  my ( $panel, $object) = @_;
  my %ind_data = %{ $object->individual_table };
  unless (%ind_data) {
    $panel->print("<p>No individual genotypes for this SNP</p>");
    return 1;
  # Create header row for output table ---------------------------------------
  my @rows;
  my %columns;
  my $flag_children = 0;

  foreach my $ind_id (sort { $ind_data{$a}{Name} cmp $ind_data{$b}{Name}} keys %ind_data) {
    my %ind_row;
    my $genotype = $ind_data{$ind_id}{Genotypes}; 
    next if $genotype eq '(indeterminate)';

    # Parents -----------------------------------------------------------------
    my $father = _format_parent($object, $ind_data{$ind_id}{Father} );
    my $mother = _format_parent($object, $ind_data{$ind_id}{Mother} );
    # Name, Gender, Desc ------------------------------------------------------
    my $description = uc($ind_data{$ind_id}{Description});
    my @populations = map {_pop_url( $object, $_->{Name}, $_->{Link} ) } @{ $ind_data{$ind_id}{Population} };

    my $pop_string = join ", ", @populations;
    my %tmp_row =  (
		  Individual => "<small>".$ind_data{$ind_id}{Name}."<br />(".
		  Genotype   => "<small>$genotype</small>",
		  Description=> "<small>".($description ||"-") ."</small>", 
                  Populations=> "<small>".($pop_string ||"-") ."</small>",
		  Father     => "<small>".($father||"-") ."</small>",
		  Mother     => "<small>".($mother ||"-") ."</small>",
    #  Children  -------------------------------------------------------------
    my $children =  $ind_data{$ind_id}{Children};
    $tmp_row{Children} = "-";

    my @children = map {"<small>$_: ".$children->{$_}[0]."</small>"} (keys %$children);

    if (@children) {
      $tmp_row{Children} = join "<br />", @children;
      $flag_children = 1;
  my @header_row = ({key =>"Individual", title =>"Individual<br />(gender)"} );
  push (@header_row, 
	{key  =>"Genotype",    title => "Genotype<br />(forward strand)"},
	{key  =>"Description", title => "Description"},
	{key  =>"Populations", title => "Populations", width=>"250"}, 
	{key  =>"Father",      title => "Father"},
	{key  =>"Mother",      title => "Mother"} );

  push (@header_row, {key =>"Children", title =>"Children"}) if $flag_children;

  return 1;
#               INTERNAL CALLS
# Internal: Population table #################################################

sub _sort_extra_pops {

    ### Population_table
    ### Arg1      : data object
    ### Arg2      : hashref with population data
    ### Example   :     my $super_string = _sort_extra_pops($object, $freq_data{$pop_id}{pop_info}{"Super-Population"});
    ### Description : returns string with Population name (size)<br> description
    ### Returns  string

  my ( $object, $extra_pop ) = @_;

  my @pops;
  foreach my $pop_id (keys %$extra_pop  ) {
    my $display_pop = _pop_url( $object, $extra_pop->{$pop_id}{Name}, 
    my $size = $extra_pop->{$pop_id}{Size};
    $size = " (Size: $size)" if $size;
    my $string = "$display_pop $size";
       $string .= "<br /><small>".$extra_pop->{$pop_id}{Description}."</small>" if $extra_pop->{$pop_id}{Description};
  return  (join "<br />", @pops);

sub _pop_url {

   ### Arg1        : data object
   ### Arg2        : Population name (to be displayed)
   ### Arg3        : dbSNP population ID (variable to be linked to)
   ### Example     : _pop_url($object, $pop_name, $pop_dbSNPID);
   ### Description : makes pop_name into a link
   ### Returns  string

  my ($object, $pop_name, $pop_dbSNP) = @_;
  return $pop_name unless $pop_dbSNP;
  return $object->get_ExtURL_link( $pop_name, 'DBSNPPOP',$pop_dbSNP->[0] );
sub _format_parent {

  ### Internal_individual_table
  ### Arg1        : data object
  ### Arg2        : parent data 
  ### Example     : format_parent(
  ###                $object->parent($object, $ind_genotype,"father") );
  ### Description : Formats output 
  ### Returns  string

  my $object        = shift;
  my $parent_data = shift;
  return "-" unless $parent_data;

  my $string = $parent_data->{Name};
  return $string;
# Internal: LD related calls #################################################

sub link_to_ldview {
  ### LD
  ### Arg1        : panel
  ### Arg2        : object
  ### Arg3        : hash ref of population data
  ### Example     : link_to_ldview($panel, $object, \%pop_data);
  ### Description : Make links from these populations to LDView
  ### Returns  Table of HTML links to LDView

  my ($panel, $object, $pops ) = @_;
  my $output = "<table width='100%' class='hidden' border=0><tr>";
  $output .="<td> <b>Links to LDview per population:</b></td></tr><tr>";
  my $count = 0;
  for my $pop_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %$pops) {
    my $tag = $pops->{$pop_name} eq 1 ? "" : " (Tag SNP)";
    $output .= "<td><a href='ldview?snp=". $object->name;
    $output .=  ";c=".$object->param('c') if $object->param('c');
    $output .=  ";w=".($object->param('w') || "20000");
    $output .=	";bottom=opt_pop_$pop_name:on'>$pop_name</a>$tag</td>";
    if ($count ==3) {
      $count = 0;
      $output .= "</tr><tr>";
  $output .= "</tr></table>";
  return  $output;
sub _ld_populations {

  ### LD
  ### Arg1        : object
  ### Example     : ld_populations()
  ### Description : data structure with population id and name of pops 
  ### with LD info for this SNP
  ### Returns  hashref

  my $object = shift;
  my $pop_ids = $object->ld_pops_for_snp;
  return {} unless @$pop_ids;

  my %pops;
  foreach (@$pop_ids) {
    my $pop_obj = $object->pop_obj_from_id($_);
    $pops{ $pop_obj->{$_}{Name} } = 1;
  return \%pops;
