package EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Variation::Compara_Alignments;

use strict;

use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Compara_Alignments);

sub get_sequence_data {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($slices, $config) = @_;
  my $object = $self->object;

  my @sequence;
  my @markup;
  my @temp_slices;
  my @pos;
  foreach my $sl (@$slices) {
    my $mk = {};
    my $slice = $sl->{'slice'};
    my $name = $sl->{'name'};
    my $seq = uc $slice->seq(1);
    my @variation_seq = map ' ', 1..length $seq;
    my ($slice_start, $slice_end, $slice_length, $slice_strand) = ($slice->start, $slice->end, $slice->length, $slice->strand);
    $config->{'length'} ||= $slice_length;
    # Markup inserts on comparisons
    if ($config->{'align'}) {
      while ($seq =~  m/(\-+)[\w\s]/g) {
        my $ins_length = length $1;
        my $ins_end = pos ($seq) - 1;
        $mk->{'comparisons'}->{$ins_end-$_}->{'insert'} = "$ins_length bp" for (1..$ins_length);
    # Get variations
    if ($config->{'snp_display'}) {
      my $snps = [];
      my $u_snps = {};
      eval {
        $snps = $slice->get_all_VariationFeatures;
      if (scalar @$snps) {
        foreach my $u_slice (@{$sl->{'underlying_slices'}||[]}) {
          next if ($u_slice->seq_region_name eq 'GAP');
          if (!$u_slice->adaptor) {
            my $slice_adaptor = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor($name, $config->{'db'}, 'slice');
          eval {
            map { $u_snps->{$_->variation_name} = $_ } @{$u_slice->get_all_VariationFeatures};
      # Put deletes second, so that they will overwrite the markup of other variations in the same location
      my @ordered_snps = map { $_->[1] } sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } map { [ $_->end < $_->start ? 1 : 0, $_ ] } @$snps;
      foreach (@ordered_snps) {
        my $snp_type = 'snp';
        my $variation_name = $_->variation_name;
        my $var_class = $_->can('var_class') ? $_->var_class : $_->can('variation') && $_->variation ? $_->variation->var_class : '';
        my $dbID = $_->dbID;
        my $start = $_->start;
        my $end = $_->end;
        my $alleles = $_->allele_string;
        my $ambigcode = $var_class eq 'in-del' ? '*' : $_->ambig_code;
        my $url = $object->_url({ species => $name, r => undef, v => $variation_name, vf => $dbID });
        my $var = $variation_name eq $config->{'v'} ? $ambigcode : qq{<a href="$url">$ambigcode</a>};
        # If gene is reverse strand we need to reverse parts of allele, i.e AGT/- should become TGA/-
        if ($slice_strand < 0) {
          my @al = split(/\//, $alleles);
          $alleles = '';
          $alleles .= reverse($_) . '/' for @al;
          $alleles =~ s/\/$//;
        # If the variation is on reverse strand, flip the bases
        $alleles =~ tr/ACGTacgt/TGCAtgca/ if $_->strand < 0;
        # Use the variation from the underlying slice if we have it.
        my $snp = scalar keys %$u_snps ? $u_snps->{$variation_name} : $_;
        # Co-ordinates relative to the sequence - used to mark up the variation's position
        my $s = $start-1;
        my $e = $end-1;
        # Co-ordinates relative to the region - used to determine if the variation is an insert or delete
        my $seq_region_start = $snp->seq_region_start;
        my $seq_region_end = $snp->seq_region_end;
        if ($var_class eq 'in-del') {
          if ($seq_region_start > $seq_region_end) {
            $snp_type = 'insert';
            if ($s > $e) {
              my $tmp = $s;
              $s = $e;
              $e = $tmp;
          } else {
            $snp_type = 'delete';
        for ($s..$e) {          
          $mk->{'variations'}->{$_}->{'type'} = $snp_type;
          $mk->{'variations'}->{$_}->{'v'} = $variation_name;
          $mk->{'variations'}->{$_}->{'alleles'} .= ($mk->{'variations'}->{$_}->{'alleles'} ? '; ' : '') . $alleles;
          $variation_seq[$_] = $var;
        @pos = ($s..$e) if $variation_name eq $config->{'v'};
    $mk->{'variations'}->{$_}->{'align'} = 1 for @pos;
    if (!$sl->{'no_variations'} && grep /\S/, @variation_seq) {
      push @temp_slices, {};
      push @markup, {};
      push @sequence, [ map {{ 'letter' => $_ }} @variation_seq ];
    push @temp_slices, $sl;
    push @markup, $mk;
    push @sequence, [ map {{ 'letter' => $_ }} split(//, $seq) ];
    $config->{'ref_slice_seq'} ||= $sequence[-1];
  $config->{'slices'} = \@temp_slices;
  return (\@sequence, \@markup);

sub markup_variation {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($sequence, $markup, $config) = @_;

  my ($snps, $inserts, $deletes, $seq, $variation, $ambiguity);
  my $i = 0;
  my $class = {
    'snp'    => 'sn',
    'insert' => 'si',
    'delete' => 'sd'

  foreach my $data (@$markup) {
    $seq = $sequence->[$i];
    foreach (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$data->{'variations'}}) {
      $variation = $data->{'variations'}->{$_};
      $seq->[$_]->{'title'} .= ($seq->[$_]->{'title'} ? '; ' : '') . $variation->{'alleles'};
      $seq->[$_]->{'class'} .= "$class->{$variation->{'type'}} ";
      $seq->[$_]->{'class'} .= 'bold ' if $variation->{'align'};
      # The page's variation
      if ($config->{'v'} eq $variation->{'v'}) {
        $seq->[$_]->{'class'} .= 'var ';
      $snps = 1 if $variation->{'type'} eq 'snp';
      $inserts = 1 if $variation->{'type'} =~ /insert/;
      $deletes = 1 if $variation->{'type'} eq 'delete';

  $config->{'key'} .= sprintf ($config->{'key_template'}, $class->{'snp'}, 'Location of SNPs') if $snps;
  $config->{'key'} .= sprintf ($config->{'key_template'}, $class->{'insert'}, 'Location of inserts') if $inserts;
  $config->{'key'} .= sprintf ($config->{'key_template'}, $class->{'delete'}, 'Location of deletes') if $deletes;

sub markup_conservation {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($sequence, $config) = @_;
  my $difference = 0;
  for my $i (0..scalar(@$sequence)-1) {
    next unless keys %{$config->{'slices'}->[$i]};
    next if $config->{'slices'}->[$i]->{'no_alignment'};
    my $seq = $sequence->[$i];
    for (0..$config->{'length'}-1) {
      next if $seq->[$_]->{'letter'} eq $config->{'ref_slice_seq'}->[$_]->{'letter'};
      $seq->[$_]->{'class'} .= "dif ";
      $difference = 1
  if ($difference) {
    $config->{'key'} .= sprintf ($config->{'key_template'}, "dif", "Location of differences between the primary and aligned species");

sub content {  
  my $self = shift;
  my $object = $self->object;
  my $species_defs = $object->species_defs;
  my $width = 20;
  my %mappings = %{$object->variation_feature_mapping}; 
  my $v = keys %mappings == 1 ? [values %mappings]->[0] : $mappings{$object->param('vf')};
  return $self->_info('Unable to draw SNP neighbourhood', "<p>Unable to draw SNP neighbourhood as we cannot uniquely determine the SNP's location</p>") unless $v;
  my $defaults = { 
    snp_display => 1, 
    title_display => 1, 
    conservation_display => 1,
    v => $object->param('v')
  my $seq_type = $v->{'type'}; 
  my $seq_region = $v->{'Chr'};
  my $start = $v->{'start'} - ($width/2);  
  my $end = $v->{'start'} + abs($v->{'end'} - $v->{'start'}) + ($width/2);
  my $slice = $object->database('core')->get_SliceAdaptor->fetch_by_region($seq_type, $seq_region, $start, $end, 1);
  my $align = $object->param('align');
  my ($html, $warnings);
  # Get all slices for the gene
  my ($slices, $slice_length) = $self->get_slices($object, $slice, $align, $object->species);
  my @aligned_slices;
  my %non_aligned_slices;
  my %no_variation_slices;  
  my $ancestral_seq;
  foreach my $s (@$slices) {
    my $other_species = $species_defs->other_species($s->{'name'});
    my $name = $species_defs->species_label($s->{'name'});
    if ($s->{'name'} eq 'Ancestral_sequences') {
      $ancestral_seq = $name;
      $s->{'no_variations'} = 1;
    } else {
      $s->{'no_variations'} = $other_species && $other_species->{'databases'}->{'DATABASE_VARIATION'} ? 0 : 1;
    foreach (@{$s->{'underlying_slices'}}) {
      if ($_->seq_region_name ne 'GAP') {
        $s->{'no_alignment'} = 0;
      $s->{'no_alignment'} = 1;
    push @aligned_slices, $s if $ancestral_seq || !$s->{'no_alignment'};
    if ($name ne $ancestral_seq) {
      if ($s->{'no_alignment'}) {
        $non_aligned_slices{$name} = 1;
      } elsif ($s->{'no_variations'}) {
        $no_variation_slices{$name} = 1;
  my $align_species = $species_defs->multi_hash->{'DATABASE_COMPARA'}->{'ALIGNMENTS'}->{$align}->{'species'};
  my %aligned_names = map { $_->{'name'} => 1 } @aligned_slices;
  foreach (keys %$align_species) {
    next if $_ eq 'Ancestral_sequences';
    $non_aligned_slices{$species_defs->species_label($_)} = 1 unless $aligned_names{$_};
  $no_variation_slices{$ancestral_seq} = 1 if $ancestral_seq;
  if (scalar keys %non_aligned_slices) {    
    $warnings .= sprintf (
      '<p>The following %d species have no alignment in this region:<ul><li>%s</li></ul></p>',
      scalar keys %non_aligned_slices,
      join ("</li>\n<li>", sort keys %non_aligned_slices)
  if (scalar keys %no_variation_slices) {
    $warnings .= sprintf (
      '<p>The following %d ' . (scalar keys %aligned_names != scalar keys %$align_species ? 'displayed' : '') . ' species have no variation database:<ul><li>%s</li></ul></p>',
      scalar keys %no_variation_slices,
      join ("</li>\n<li>", sort keys %no_variation_slices)
  $warnings = $self->_info('Notes', $warnings) if $warnings;  
  return $self->content_sub_slice($slice, \@aligned_slices, $warnings, $defaults);
