package EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Variation::ExternalData;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Variation);
use CGI qw(escapeHTML);
sub _init {
my $self = shift;
$self->cacheable( 0 );
$self->ajaxable( 1 );
sub content {
my $self = shift;
my $object = $self->object;
my $html = '';
## first check we have uniquely determined variation
unless ($object->core_objects->{'parameters'}{'vf'} ){
$html = "<p>You must select a location from the panel above to see this information</p>";
return $self->_info(
'A unique location can not be determined for this Variation',
my @data = @{$object->get_external_data};
unless (scalar @data >= 1) { return "We do not have any external data for this variation";}
my $table_rows = table_data($object, \@data);
my $table = new EnsEMBL::Web::Document::SpreadSheet( [], [], {'margin' =>'1em 0px', });
$table->add_columns (
{ 'key' => 'disease','title' => 'Disease/Trait', 'align' => 'left'},
{ 'key' => 'source', 'title' => 'Source', 'align' => 'left'},
{ 'key' => 'study', 'title' => 'Study','align' => 'left'},
{ 'key' => 'genes', 'title' => 'Associated Gene(s)', 'align' => 'left'},
{ 'key' => 'allele', 'title' => 'Strongest risk allele', 'align' => 'left'},
{ 'key' => 'variant', 'title' => 'Associated variant', 'align' => 'left'},
{ 'key' => 'pvalue', 'title' => 'P value', 'align' => 'left'},
foreach my $row (values %$table_rows){
foreach ( @$row) {
$html .= $table->render;
return $html;
sub table_data {
my ($object, $external_data) = @_;
my %rows;
foreach my $va (@$external_data){
my @data_row;
my $disorder = $va->phenotype_description;
if (exists $rows{lc ($disorder)}) {
@data_row = @{ $rows{lc ($disorder)} };
$disorder = "";
my $code = $va->phenotype_name;
my $disease;
if ($disorder =~/^\w+/){ $disease = "<dt>$disorder ($code)</dt>"; }
my $source = source_link($object, $va, $code);
my $study = study_link($va->study);
my $gene = gene_links($object, $va->associated_gene);
my $allele = $va->associated_variant_risk_allele;
my $variant_link = variation_link($object, $va->variation->name);
my $pval = $va->p_value;
my $row = {
'disease' => $disease,
'source' => $source,
'study' => $study,
'genes' => $gene,
'allele' => $allele,
'variant' => $variant_link,
'pvalue' => $pval,
push @data_row, $row;
$rows{lc ($va->phenotype_description)} = \@data_row;
return \%rows;
sub gene_links {
my ($object, $data) = @_;
return unless $data;
my @genes = split (/,/, $data);
my @links;
foreach my $g (@genes){
if ($g =~/Intergenic/) { push (@links, $g); }
else {
my $url = $object->_url({ 'type' => 'Gene', 'action' => 'Summary', 'g' => $g });
my $link = "<a href=" .$url.">$g</a>";
push (@links, $link);
my $gene_links = join (',', @links);
return $gene_links;
sub source_link {
my ($object, $va, $code) = @_;
my $source = $va->source_name;
my $url = $object->species_defs->ENSEMBL_EXTERNAL_URLS->{$source};
if ($url =~/ega/){
my $ext_id = $va->local_stable_id;
$url =~s/###ID###/$ext_id/;
$url =~s/###D###/$code/;
} elsif ($url =~/gwastudies/){
my $pubmed_id = $va->study;
$pubmed_id =~s/pubmed\///;
$url =~s/###ID###/$pubmed_id/;
my $link = "<a href=".$url.">[$source]</a>";
return $link;
sub study_link {
my ($study) = @_;
unless ($study =~/pubmed/){ return; }
my $link = "<a href=".$study.">$study</a>";
return $link;
sub variation_link {
my ($object, $v) = @_;
my $url = $object->_url({ 'type' => 'Variation', 'action' => 'Summary', 'v' => $v });
my $link = "<a href=" .$url.">$v</a>";
return $link;