package EnsEMBL::Web::ConfigPacker;

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings qw(uninitialized);

use Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::DAS::SourceParser;
use Data::Dumper;

use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::ConfigPacker_base);

sub _munge_databases {
  my $self = shift;
  my @tables = qw(core cdna vega otherfeatures );
  foreach my $db ( @tables ) {
    $self->_summarise_core_tables( $db, 'DATABASE_'.uc($db) );

  $self->_summarise_variation_db( 'variation', 'DATABASE_VARIATION' );
  $self->_summarise_funcgen_db(   'funcgen',   'DATABASE_FUNCGEN'   );

sub _munge_das { # creates das.packed...
  my $self = shift;

sub _munge_databases_multi {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->_summarise_website_db(    );
  $self->_summarise_compara_db(   'compara', 'DATABASE_COMPARA' );
  $self->_summarise_ancestral_db( 'core',    'DATABASE_CORE'    );
  $self->_summarise_go_db(         );

sub _munge_config_tree {
  my $self = shift;
#---------- munge the results obtained from the database queries
#           of the website and the meta tables
  $self->_munge_meta(       );
  $self->_munge_variation(  );
  $self->_munge_website(    );

#---------- parse the BLAST configuration
  $self->_configure_blast(  );

sub _munge_config_tree_multi {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->_munge_website_multi(    );
sub _summarise_generic {
  my( $self, $db_name, $dbh ) = @_;
  my $t_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( 'show table status' );
#---------- Table existance and row counts
  foreach my $row ( @$t_aref ) {
    $self->db_details($db_name)->{'tables'}{$row->[0]}{'rows'} = $row->[4];
#---------- Meta coord system table...
  if( $self->_table_exists( $db_name, 'meta_coord' )) {
    $t_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
      'select table_name,max_length
         from meta_coord'
    foreach my $row ( @$t_aref ) {
#---------- Meta table (everything except patches)
  if( $self->_table_exists( $db_name, 'meta' ) ) {
    $t_aref  = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
      'select meta_key,meta_value,meta_id, species_id
         from meta
        where meta_key != "patch"
        order by meta_key, meta_id'
    my $hash = {};
    foreach my $r( @$t_aref) {
      push @{ $hash->{$r->[3]+0}{$r->[0]}}, $r->[1];
    $self->db_details($db_name)->{'meta_info'} = $hash;

sub _summarise_core_tables {
  my $self   = shift;
  my $db_key = shift;
  my $db_name = shift;
  my $dbh    = $self->db_connect( $db_name );
  return unless $dbh;
  push @{ $self->db_tree->{'core_like_databases'} }, $db_name;

  $self->_summarise_generic( $db_name, $dbh );
## Grab each of the analyses - will use these in a moment...
  my $t_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
    'select a.analysis_id, a.logic_name, a.created,
            ad.display_label, ad.description,
            ad.displayable, ad.web_data
       from analysis a left join analysis_description as ad on a.analysis_id=ad.analysis_id'
  my $analysis = {};
  foreach my $a_aref (@$t_aref) {
## Strip out "crap" at front and end! probably some q(')s...
    ( my $A = $a_aref->[6] ) =~ s/^[^{]+//;
       $A =~ s/[^}]+$//;
    my $T = eval($A);

       $T = {} unless ref($T) eq 'HASH';
    $analysis->{ $a_aref->[0] } = {
      'logic_name'  => $a_aref->[1],
      'name'        => $a_aref->[3],
      'description' => $a_aref->[4],
      'displayable' => $a_aref->[5],
      'web_data'    => $T
  ## Set last repeat mask date whilst we're at it, as needed by BLAST configuration, below
  my $r_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( 
      'select max(date_format( created, "%Y%m%d"))
      from analysis, meta
      where logic_name = meta_value and meta_key = "repeat.analysis"' 
  my $date;
  foreach my $a_aref (@$r_aref){
    $date = $a_aref->[0];     
  if ($date) { $self->db_tree->{'REPEAT_MASK_DATE'} = $date; }
## Let us get analysis information about each feature type...
  foreach my $table ( qw(
	dna_align_feature protein_align_feature simple_feature
        protein_feature marker_feature qtl_feature
	repeat_feature ditag_feature oligo_feature
        transcript gene prediction_transcript unmapped_object
  )) {
    my $res_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
      "select analysis_id,count(*) from $table group by analysis_id"
    foreach my $T ( @$res_aref ) {
      my $a_ref = $analysis->{$T->[0]}
        || ( warn("Missing analysis entry $table - $T->[0]\n") && next );
      my $value = {
        'name'  => $a_ref->{'name'},
        'desc'  => $a_ref->{'description'},
        'disp'  => $a_ref->{'displayable'},
        'web'   => $a_ref->{'web_data'},
        'count' => $T->[1]
      $self->db_details($db_name)->{'tables'}{$table}{'analyses'}{$a_ref->{'logic_name'}} = $value;

#---------- Additional queries - by type...

# * Check to see if we have any interpro? - not sure why may drop...

# * Oligos
  $t_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
    'select,count(*) as n
       from oligo_array as a straight_join oligo_probe as p on
            a.oligo_array_id=p.oligo_array_id straight_join oligo_feature f on
      group by'
  foreach my $row (@$t_aref) {
    $self->db_details($db_name)->{'tables'}{'oligo_feature'}{'arrays'}{$row->[0]} = $row->[1];
# * Repeats
  $t_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
    'select rf.analysis_id,rc.repeat_type, count(*)
       from repeat_consensus as rc, repeat_feature as rf
      where rc.repeat_consensus_id = rf.repeat_consensus_id
      group by analysis_id, repeat_type'
  foreach my $row (@$t_aref) {
    my $a_ref = $analysis->{$row->[0]};
    $self->db_details($db_name)->{'tables'}{'repeat_feature'}{'analyses'}{$a_ref->{'logic_name'}}{'types'}{$row->[1]} = $row->[2];
# * Misc-sets
  $t_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
    'select ms.code,, ms.description, count(*) as N, ms.max_length
       from misc_set as ms, misc_feature_misc_set as mfms
      where mfms.misc_set_id = ms.misc_set_id
      group by ms.misc_set_id'
  $self->db_details($db_name)->{'tables'}{'misc_feature'}{'sets'} = { map {
    ( $_->[0] => { 'name' => $_->[1], 'desc' => $_->[2], 'count' => $_->[3], 'max_length' => $_->[4] })
  } @$t_aref };

# * External-db
  my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq(select * from external_db));
  my $hashref;
  while ( my $t =  $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
    $hashref->{$t->{'external_db_id'}} = $t;
  $self->db_details($db_name)->{'tables'}{'external_db'}{'entries'} = $hashref;

#---------- Now for the core only ones.......

  if( $db_key eq 'core' ) {
# * Co-ordinate systems..

    my $row =  $dbh->selectrow_arrayref(
      'select, sr.length 
         from seq_region as sr, coord_system as cs 
        where in( "chromosome", "group" ) and
              cs.coord_system_id = sr.coord_system_id 
        order by sr.length
         desc limit 1'
    if( $row ) {
      $self->db_tree->{'MAX_CHR_NAME'  } = $row->[0];
      $self->db_tree->{'MAX_CHR_LENGTH'} = $row->[1];
    } else {
      $self->db_tree->{'MAX_CHR_NAME'  } = undef;
      $self->db_tree->{'MAX_CHR_LENGTH'} = undef;

# * Assemblies...
# This is a bit ugly, because there's no easy way to sort the assemblies via MySQL
  $t_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
    'select version, attrib from coord_system where version is not null' 
  my (%default, %not_default);
  foreach my $row (@$t_aref) {
    my $version = $row->[0];
    my $attrib = $row->[1];
    if ($attrib =~ /default_version/) {
    else {
  my @assemblies = keys %default;
  push @assemblies, sort keys %not_default;
  $self->db_tree->{'CURRENT_ASSEMBLIES'} = join(',', @assemblies);


sub _summarise_variation_db {
  my($self,$code,$db_name) = @_;
  my $dbh     = $self->db_connect( $db_name );
  return unless $dbh;
  push @{ $self->db_tree->{'variation_like_databases'} }, $db_name;
  $self->_summarise_generic( $db_name, $dbh );
  my $t_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( 'select source_id,name from source' );
#---------- Add in information about the sources from the source table
  my $temp = {map {$_->[0],[$_->[1],0]} @$t_aref};
  foreach my $t (qw(variation variation_synonym)) {
    my $t_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "select source_id,count(*) from $t group by source_id" );
    foreach (@$t_aref) {
      $temp->{$_->[0]}[1] += $_->[1];
  $self->db_details($db_name)->{'tables'}{'source'}{'counts'} = { map {@$_} values %$temp};
#---------- Add in information about the display type from the sample table
   my $d_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( "select name, display from sample where display not like 'UNDISPLAYABLE'" );
   my (@default, $reference, @display);
   foreach (@$d_aref){
     my  ($name, $type) = @$_;  
     if ($type eq 'REFERENCE') { $reference = $name;}
     elsif ($type eq 'DISPLAYABLE'){ push(@display, $name); }
     elsif ($type eq 'DEFAULT'){ push (@default, $name); }
   $self->db_details($db_name)->{'tables'}{'individual.reference_strain'} = $reference;
   $self->db_tree->{'databases'}{'DATABASE_VARIATION'}{'REFERENCE_STRAIN'} = $reference; 
   $self->db_details($db_name)->{'meta_info'}{'individual.default_strain'} = \@default;
   $self->db_tree->{'databases'}{'DATABASE_VARIATION'}{'DEFAULT_STRAINS'} = \@default;  
   $self->db_details($db_name)->{'meta_info'}{'individual.display_strain'} = \@display;
   $self->db_tree->{'databases'}{'DATABASE_VARIATION'}{'DISPLAY_STRAINS'} = \@display; 
#---------- Add in strains contained in read_coverage_collection table
  if ($self->db_details($db_name)->{'tables'}{'read_coverage_collection'}){
    my $r_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
        'select distinct, s.sample_id
        from sample s, read_coverage_collection r
        where s.sample_id = r.sample_id' 
     my @strains;
     foreach my $a_aref (@$r_aref){
       my $strain = $a_aref->[0] . '_' . $a_aref->[1];
       push (@strains, $strain);
     if (@strains) { $self->db_details($db_name)->{'tables'}{'read_coverage_collection_strains'} = join(',', @strains); } 

sub _summarise_funcgen_db {
  my($self,$code,$db_name) = @_;
  my $dbh     = $self->db_connect( $db_name );
  return unless $dbh;
  push @{ $self->db_tree->{'funcgen_like_databases'} }, $db_name;
  $self->_summarise_generic( $db_name, $dbh );
#---------- Get information from analysis_description table to auto-configure funcgen tracks
## Grab each of the analyses - will use these in a moment...
  my $t_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
    "select a.analysis_id, a.logic_name, a.created,
            ad.display_label, ad.description,
            ad.displayable, ad.web_data, 
       from analysis  a left join analysis_description as ad on a.analysis_id=ad.analysis_id, feature_set fs
       where ad.web_data not like 'NULL' and fs.analysis_id=ad.analysis_id"   
  my $analysis = {};
  foreach my $a_aref (@$t_aref) {
## Strip out "crap" at front and end! probably some q(')s...
    ( my $A = $a_aref->[6] ) =~ s/^[^{]+//;
       $A =~ s/[^}]+$//;
    my $T = eval($A);

       $T = {} unless ref($T) eq 'HASH';
    $analysis->{ $a_aref->[0] } = {
      'logic_name'  => $a_aref->[1],
      'name'        => $a_aref->[3],
      'description' => $a_aref->[4],
      'displayable' => 1,
      'fs_name'     => $a_aref->[7],
      'web_data'    => $T
 my $r_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
    "select a.analysis_id, a.logic_name, a.created,
            ad.display_label, ad.description,
            ad.displayable, ad.web_data,
       from analysis  a left join analysis_description as ad on a.analysis_id=ad.analysis_id, result_set rs
       where ad.web_data not like 'NULL' and rs.analysis_id=ad.analysis_id"
  foreach my $a_aref (@$r_aref) {
## Strip out "crap" at front and end! probably some q(')s...
    ( my $A = $a_aref->[6] ) =~ s/^[^{]+//;
       $A =~ s/[^}]+$//;
    my $T = eval($A);
       $T = {} unless ref($T) eq 'HASH';
    $analysis->{ $a_aref->[0] } = {
      'logic_name'  => $a_aref->[1],
      'name'        => $a_aref->[3],
      'description' => $a_aref->[4],
      'displayable' => 1,
      'fs_name'     => $a_aref->[7],
      'web_data'    => $T
 foreach my $table ( qw(
  )) {
    my $res_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
      "select analysis_id,count(*) from $table group by analysis_id"
    foreach my $T ( @$res_aref ) {
      my $a_ref = $analysis->{$T->[0]}
        || ( warn("Missing analysis entry $table - $T->[0]\n") && next );
      my $value = {
        'name'    => $a_ref->{'name'},
        'desc'    => $a_ref->{'description'},
        'disp'    => $a_ref->{'displayable'},
        'web'     => $a_ref->{'web_data'},
        'feature' => $a_ref->{'fs_name'},
        'count'   => $T->[1]
      $self->db_details($db_name)->{'tables'}{$table}{'analyses'}{$a_ref->{'logic_name'}} = $value;

# The following functions munge the multi-species databases              #

sub _summarise_website_db {
  my $self    = shift;
  my $db_name = 'DATABASE_WEBSITE';
  my $dbh     = $self->db_connect( $db_name );

  ## Get component-based help
  my $t_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
    'select help_record_id, data from help_record where type = "view" and status = "live"'
  foreach my $row (@$t_aref) {
    my $data = $row->[1];
    $data =~ s/^\$data = //;
    $data =~ s!\+'!'!g;
    $data = eval ($data);
    my $object = $data->{'ensembl_object'};
    my $action = $data->{'ensembl_action'};
    $self->db_tree->{'ENSEMBL_HELP'}{$object}{$action} = $row->[0];

  $t_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
    'select, r.release_id,rs.assembly_code
       from species as s, ens_release as r, release_species as rs
      where s.species_id =rs.species_id and r.release_id =rs.release_id and rs.assembly_code !=""'
  foreach my $row ( @$t_aref ) {
  $t_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
    'select, r.release_id, r.archive
       from ens_release as r, species as s, release_species as rs
      where s.species_id = rs.species_id and r.release_id = rs.release_id and = "Y"'
  foreach my $row ( @$t_aref ) {


sub _summarise_compara_db {
  my($self,$code,$db_name) = @_;
  my $dbh     = $self->db_connect( $db_name );
  return unless $dbh;
  push @{ $self->db_tree->{'compara_like_databases'} }, $db_name;

  $self->_summarise_generic( $db_name, $dbh );
#---------- Lets first look at all the multiple alignments
  my $res_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref( ## We've done the DB hash...So lets get on with the multiple alignment hash;
    'select ml.class, ml.type,,,
            mlss.method_link_species_set_id, ss.species_set_id
	     from method_link ml, method_link_species_set mlss,
            genome_db gd, species_set ss 
      where mlss.method_link_id = ml.method_link_id and
            mlss.species_set_id=ss.species_set_id and 
            ss.genome_db_id = gd.genome_db_id and
            ( ml.class like "GenomicAlign%" or ml.class like "%.constrained_element" or ml.class = "ConservationScore.conservation_score" )
  my $constrained_elements = {};# $db_name };
  my %valid_species = map {($_,1)} keys %{$self->full_tree};
  foreach my $row (@$res_aref) {
    my( $class, $type, $species, $name, $id, $species_set_id ) =
      ($row->[0], uc($row->[1]), $row->[2], $row->[3], $row->[4], $row->[5]);
    my $KEY = 'ALIGNMENTS';
    if( $class =~ /ConservationScore/ ||
        $type =~ /CONSERVATION_SCORE/ ) {
      $name = "Conservation scores";
    } elsif( $class =~ /constrained_element/ ||
             $type =~ /CONSTRAINED_ELEMENT/ ) {
      $constrained_elements->{$species_set_id} = $id;
      $name = "Constrained elements";
    } elsif( $class =~ /tree_alignment/ || $type  =~ /ORTHEUS/ ) {
      unless( $name eq '29 eutherian mammals EPO' || exists $self->db_tree->{$db_name}{$KEY}{$id} ) {
        $self->db_tree->{ $db_name }{$KEY}{$id}{'species'}{"Ancestral_sequences"}=1;
    $species =~ tr/ /_/;
    $self->db_tree->{ $db_name }{$KEY}{$id}{'id'}                = $id;
    $self->db_tree->{ $db_name }{$KEY}{$id}{'name'}              = $name;
    $self->db_tree->{ $db_name }{$KEY}{$id}{'type'}              = $type;
    $self->db_tree->{ $db_name }{$KEY}{$id}{'class'}             = $class;
    $self->db_tree->{ $db_name }{$KEY}{$id}{'species_set_id'}    = $species_set_id;
    $self->db_tree->{ $db_name }{$KEY}{$id}{'species'}{$species} = 1;
  foreach my $species_set_id (keys %$constrained_elements) {
    my $constr_elem_id = $constrained_elements->{$species_set_id};
    foreach my $id (keys %{$self->db_tree->{ $db_name }{'ALIGNMENTS'}}) {
      if( $self->db_tree->{ $db_name }{'ALIGNMENTS'}{$id}{'species_set_id'} == $species_set_id) {
        $self->db_tree->{ $db_name }{'ALIGNMENTS'}{$id}{'constrained_element'} = $constr_elem_id;

  $res_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(q(
    select meta_key, meta_value FROM meta where meta_key LIKE "gerp_%"
  foreach my $row ( @$res_aref ) {
    my ($meta_key, $meta_value) = ($row->[0], $row->[1]);
    my ($conservation_score_id) = $meta_key =~ /gerp_(\d+)/;
    next if (!$conservation_score_id);
    $self->db_tree->{ $db_name }{'ALIGNMENTS'}{$meta_value}{'conservation_score'} = $conservation_score_id;
  my %sections = (
    'HOMOLOGOUS_GENE'     => 'GENE',
    'HOMOLOGOUS'          => 'GENE',
# We've done the DB hash... So lets get on with the DNA, SYNTENY and GENE hashes;
  $res_aref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(qq(
    select ml.type,,
      from genome_db gd1, genome_db gd2, species_set ss1, species_set ss2,
           method_link ml, method_link_species_set mls1,
           method_link_species_set mls2
     where mls1.method_link_species_set_id = mls2.method_link_species_set_id and
           ml.method_link_id = mls1.method_link_id and
           ml.method_link_id = mls2.method_link_id and
           gd1.genome_db_id != gd2.genome_db_id and
           mls1.species_set_id = ss1.species_set_id and
           mls2.species_set_id = ss2.species_set_id and
           ss1.genome_db_id = gd1.genome_db_id and
           ss2.genome_db_id = gd2.genome_db_id
  my $self_comparisons = 0;
		  #see if there are any intraspecies alignments (ie a self compara)
  my $res_aref_2 = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(qq(
    select ml.type,,, count(*) as count
      from method_link_species_set as mls, method_link as ml,
           species_set as ss, genome_db as gd 
     where mls.species_set_id = ss.species_set_id and
           ss.genome_db_id = gd.genome_db_id and
           mls.method_link_id = ml.method_link_id and
           ml.type not like '%PARALOGUES'
     group by mls.method_link_species_set_id, mls.method_link_id
    having count = 1
  foreach my $row (@$res_aref_2) {
    $self_comparisons = 1;
    push @$res_aref,$row;
  foreach my $row ( @$res_aref ) {
    my ( $species1, $species2 ) = ( $row->[1], $row->[2] );
    $species1 =~ tr/ /_/;
    $species2 =~ tr/ /_/;
    my $KEY = $sections{uc($row->[0])} || uc( $row->[0] );
    $self->db_tree->{ $db_name }{$KEY}{$species1}{$species2} = $valid_species{ $species2 };
#		  &eprof_dump(\*STDERR);		

sub _summarise_ancestral_db {
	my($self,$code,$db_name) = @_;
  my $dbh     = $self->db_connect( $db_name );
  return unless $dbh;
  $self->_summarise_generic( $db_name, $dbh );

sub _summarise_go_db {
  my $self = shift;
  my $db_name = 'DATABASE_GO';
  my $dbh     = $self->db_connect( $db_name );
  return unless $dbh;
  $self->_summarise_generic( $db_name, $dbh );

sub _summarise_dasregistry {
  my $self = shift;
  # Registry parsing is lazy so re-use the parser between species'
  my $das_reg = $self->tree->{'DAS_REGISTRY_URL'} || ( warn "No DAS_REGISTRY_URL in config tree" && return );
  my @reg_sources = (); # @{ $self->_parse_das_server($das_reg) };
  # Fetch the sources for the current species
  my %reg_logic = map { $_->logic_name => $_ } @reg_sources;
  my %reg_url   = map { $_->full_url   => $_ } @reg_sources;
  # The ENSEMBL_INTERNAL_DAS_SOURCES section is a list of enabled DAS sources
  # Then there is a section for each DAS source containing the config
  $self->tree->{'ENSEMBL_INTERNAL_DAS_SOURCES'}     ||= {};
  $self->das_tree->{'ENSEMBL_INTERNAL_DAS_CONFIGS'} ||= {};
  while (my ($key, $val) 
         = each %{ $self->tree->{'ENSEMBL_INTERNAL_DAS_SOURCES'} }) {

    # Skip disabled sources
    $val || next;
    # Start with an empty config
    my $cfg = $self->tree->{$key};
    if (!defined $cfg || !ref($cfg)) {
      $cfg = {};
    $cfg->{'logic_name'}      = $key;
    $cfg->{'category'}        = $val;
    $cfg->{'homepage'}      ||= $cfg->{'authority'};

    # Make sure 'coords' is an array
    if( $cfg->{'coords'} && !ref $cfg->{'coords'} ) {
      $cfg->{'coords'} = [ $cfg->{'coords'} ];
    # Check if the source is registered
    my $src = $reg_logic{$key};

    # Try the actual server URL if it's provided but the registry URI isn't
    if (!$src && $cfg->{'url'} && $cfg->{'dsn'}) {
      my $full_url = $cfg->{'url'} . '/' . $cfg->{'dsn'};
      $src = $reg_url{$full_url};
      # Try parsing from the server itself
      if (!$src) {
        eval {
          my %server_url = map {$_->full_url => $_} @{ $self->_parse_das_server($full_url) };
          $src = $server_url{$full_url};
        if ($@) {
          warn "DAS source $key might not work - not in registry and server is down";

    # Doesn't have to be in the registry... unfortunately
    # But if it is, fill in the blanks
    if ($src) {
      $cfg->{'label'}       ||= $src->label;
      $cfg->{'description'} ||= $src->description;
      $cfg->{'maintainer'}  ||= $src->maintainer;
      $cfg->{'homepage'}    ||= $src->homepage;
      $cfg->{'url'}         ||= $src->url;
      $cfg->{'dsn'}         ||= $src->dsn;
      $cfg->{'coords'}      ||= [map { $_->to_string } @{ $src->coord_systems }];
    if (!$cfg->{'url'}) {
      warn "Skipping DAS source $key - unable to find 'url' property (tried looking in registry and INI)";
    if (!$cfg->{'dsn'}) {
      warn "Skipping DAS source $key - unable to find 'dsn' property (tried looking in registry and INI)";
    # Add the final config hash to the das packed tree
    $self->das_tree->{'ENSEMBL_INTERNAL_DAS_CONFIGS'}{$key} = $cfg;

sub _parse_das_server {
  my ( $self, $location ) = @_;
  my $parser = $self->{'_das_parser'};
  if (!$parser) {
    $parser = Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::DAS::SourceParser->new(
      -timeout  => $self->tree->{'ENSEMBL_DAS_TIMEOUT'},
      -proxy    => $self->tree->{'ENSEMBL_WWW_PROXY'},
      -noproxy  => $self->tree->{'ENSEMBL_NO_PROXY'},
    $self->{'_das_parser'} = $parser;
  my $sources = $parser->fetch_Sources( -location => $location,
                                        -species => $self->species );
  return $sources;

sub _munge_meta {
  my $self = shift;

  ## Quick and easy access to species info
  my %keys = qw(
    SPECIES_COMMON_NAME     species.ensembl_alias_name
    ASSEMBLY_NAME           assembly.default

  foreach my $key ( keys %keys ) {
    $self->tree->{$key} = $self->_meta_info('DATABASE_CORE',$keys{$key})->[0];

  my @months = qw(blank Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
  my $gb_start = $self->_meta_info('DATABASE_CORE','genebuild.start_date')->[0];
  my @A = split('-', $gb_start);
  $self->tree->{'GENEBUILD_START'} = $months[$A[1]].' '.$A[0];
  $self->tree->{'GENEBUILD_BY'} = $A[2];

  my $gb_release = $self->_meta_info('DATABASE_CORE','genebuild.initial_release_date')->[0];
  @A = split('-', $gb_release);
  $self->tree->{'GENEBUILD_RELEASE'} = $months[$A[1]].' '.$A[0];
  my $gb_latest = $self->_meta_info('DATABASE_CORE','genebuild.last_geneset_update')->[0];
  @A = split('-', $gb_latest);
  $self->tree->{'GENEBUILD_LATEST'} = $months[$A[1]].' '.$A[0];
  my $assembly_date = $self->_meta_info('DATABASE_CORE','')->[0];
  @A = split('-', $assembly_date);
  $self->tree->{'ASSEMBLY_DATE'} = $months[$A[1]].' '.$A[0];

  ## Do species name and group
  my @taxonomy = grep { $_!~/ / } @{$self->_meta_info('DATABASE_CORE','species.classification')};
  my $order = $self->tree->{'TAXON_ORDER'};

  $self->tree->{'SPECIES_BIO_NAME'} = $taxonomy[1].' '.$taxonomy[0];
  $self->tree->{'SPECIES_BIO_SHORT'} = substr($taxonomy[1],0,1).'.'.$taxonomy[0];

  foreach my $taxon (@taxonomy) {
    foreach my $group (@$order) {
      if ($taxon eq $group) {
        $self->tree->{'SPECIES_GROUP'} = $group;
    last if $self->tree->{'SPECIES_GROUP'};

sub _munge_variation {
  my $self = shift;
  my $dbh     = $self->db_connect('DATABASE_VARIATION');
  return unless $dbh;
  return unless $self->db_details('DATABASE_VARIATION');
  my $total = 0;
  if ( $self->tree->{'databases'}{'DATABASE_VARIATION'}{'DISPLAY_STRAINS'} ) {
    $total +=  @{ $self->tree->{'databases'}{'DATABASE_VARIATION'}{'DISPLAY_STRAINS'} };
  if ( $self->tree->{'databases'}{'DATABASE_VARIATION'}{'DEFAULT_STRAINS'} ) {
    $total +=  @{ $self->tree->{'databases'}{'DATABASE_VARIATION'}{'DEFAULT_STRAINS'} }; 
  $self->tree->{'databases'}{'DATABASE_VARIATION'}{'#STRAINS'} = $total;
  $self->tree->{'databases'}{'DATABASE_VARIATION'}{'DEFAULT_LD_POP'}   = $self->_meta_info('DATABASE_VARIATION','pairwise_ld.default_population')->[0];

sub _munge_website {
  my $self = shift;

  ## Release info for ID history etc
  $self->tree->{'ASSEMBLIES'}       = $self->db_multi_tree->{'ASSEMBLIES'}{$self->{_species}};
  $self->tree->{'ENSEMBL_ARCHIVES'} = $self->db_multi_tree->{'ENSEMBL_ARCHIVES'}{$self->{_species}};

sub _munge_website_multi {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->tree->{'ENSEMBL_HELP'} = $self->db_tree->{'ENSEMBL_HELP'};


sub _configure_blast {
  my $self = shift;
  my $tree = $self->tree;
  my $species = $self->species;
  $species =~ s/ /_/g;
  my $method = $self->full_tree->{'MULTI'}{'ENSEMBL_BLAST_METHODS'};
  foreach my $blast_type (keys %$method) { ## BLASTN, BLASTP, BLAT, etc
		next unless ref($method->{$blast_type}) eq 'ARRAY';
    my @method_info = @{$method->{$blast_type}};
    my $search_type = uc($method_info[0]); ## BLAST or BLAT at the moment
    my $sources = $self->full_tree->{'MULTI'}{$search_type.'_DATASOURCES'};
    $tree->{$blast_type.'_DATASOURCES'}{'DATASOURCE_TYPE'} = $method_info[1]; ## dna or peptide
    my $db_type = $method_info[2]; ## dna or peptide
    foreach my $source_type (keys %$sources) { ## CDNA_ALL, PEP_ALL, etc
      next if $source_type eq 'DEFAULT';
      next if ($db_type eq 'dna' && $source_type =~ /^PEP/);
      next if ($db_type eq 'peptide' && $source_type !~ /^PEP/);
      if ($source_type eq 'CDNA_ABINITIO') { ## Does this species have prediction transcripts?
        next unless 1;
      elsif ($source_type eq 'RNA_NC') { ## Does this species have RNA data?
        next unless 1;
      elsif ($source_type eq 'PEP_KNOWN') { ## Does this species have species-specific protein data?
        next unless 1;
      my $assembly = $tree->{'ASSEMBLY_NAME'};
      (my $type = lc($source_type)) =~ s/_/\./ ;
      if ($type =~ /latestgp/) {
        if ($search_type ne 'BLAT') {
          $type =~ s/latestgp(.*)/dna$1\.toplevel/;
          $type =~ s/.masked/_rm/;
          my $repeat_date = $self->db_tree->{'REPEAT_MASK_DATE'};;
          my $file = sprintf( '%s.%s.%s.%s', $species, $assembly, $repeat_date, $type ).".fa";
          #print "AUTOGENERATING $source......$new_file\t";
          $tree->{$blast_type.'_DATASOURCES'}{$source_type} = $file;
      else {
        $type = "ncrna" if $type eq '';
        my $file = sprintf( '%s.%s.%s.%s', $species, $assembly, $SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_VERSION, $type ).".fa";
        #print "AUTOGENERATING $source......$new_file\t";
        $tree->{$blast_type.'_DATASOURCES'}{$source_type} = $file;
    #warn "TREE $blast_type = ".Dumper($tree->{$blast_type.'_DATASOURCES'});
# sub _munge_multi_meta {
#   my $self = shift;
#   my @months = qw(blank Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
# #warn Dumper($self->db_details('DATABASE_CORE')->{'meta_info'});
#   my $mhash;
#   foreach my $meta_key (qw(species.ensembl_alias_name assembly.default species.classification genebuild.version)) {
#       if (my @meta_values = @{ $self->db_details('DATABASE_CORE')->{'meta_info'}{$meta_key} || []}) {
# 	  my $i=0;
# 	  while( @meta_values) {
# 	      my $v = shift @meta_values;
# 	      my $sid = shift @meta_values;
# 	      push @{$mhash->{$sid}->{$meta_key}}, $v;
# 	  }
#       }
#   }
#  warn Dumper $mhash;
#   my $order = $self->tree->{'TAXON_ORDER'};
# #  warn "ORDER:", Dumper $order;
#   my @species_list;
#   foreach my $sid (sort keys %$mhash) {
#       my $species_name = $mhash->{$sid}->{'species.ensembl_alias_name'}[0];
##        (my $species_dir = $species_name) =~ s/ /\_/g;
#       $self->tree($species_dir)->{'SPECIES_COMMON_NAME'} = $species_name;
#       $self->tree($species_dir)->{'SPECIES_DBID'} = $sid;
#       push @species_list, $species_name;
#       $self->tree($species_dir)->{'ASSEMBLY_NAME'} = $mhash->{$sid}->{'assembly.default'}[0];
#       $self->tree($species_dir)->{'ASSEMBLY_DATE'} = $mhash->{$sid}->{''}[0];
#       my $genebuild = $mhash->{$sid}->{'genebuild.version'}[0];
#       my @A = split('-', $genebuild);
#       $self->tree($species_dir)->{'GENEBUILD_DATE'} = $months[$A[1]].$A[0];
#       $self->tree($species_dir)->{'GENEBUILD_BY'} = $A[2];
#       ## Do species name and group
#       my @taxonomy = @{$mhash->{$sid}{'species.classification'}||[]};
# #      warn $species_name;
# #      warn Dumper \@taxonomy;
#       $self->tree($species_dir)->{'SPECIES_BIO_NAME'} = $taxonomy[1].' '.$taxonomy[0];
#       foreach my $taxon (@taxonomy) {
# 	  foreach my $group (@$order) {
# 	      if ($taxon eq $group) {
# 		  $self->tree($species_dir)->{'SPECIES_GROUP'} = $group;
# 		  last;
# 	      }
# 	  }
# 	  last if $self->tree($species_dir)->{'SPECIES_GROUP'};
#       }
#       $self->tree->{'SPECIES_LIST'} = \@species_list;
#   }
# }