package EnsEMBL::Web::Configuration::Account;

### Configuration for all views based on the Account object, including
### account management 

use strict;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Configuration;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Data::User;
use EnsEMBL::Web::RegObj;

our @ISA = qw( EnsEMBL::Web::Configuration );

sub _get_valid_action {
  my $self = shift;
  return $_[0] if $_[0] eq 'SetCookie';
  return $self->SUPER::_get_valid_action( @_ );

sub set_default_action {
  my $self = shift;
  my $user = $ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->get_user;
  if ($user && $user->id) {
    $self->{_data}{default} = 'Links';
  else {
    $self->{_data}{default} = 'Login';

sub global_context { return $_[0]->_user_context; }
sub ajax_content   { return $_[0]->_ajax_content;   }
sub local_context  { return $_[0]->_local_context;  }
sub local_tools    { return undef; }
sub content_panel  { return $_[0]->_content_panel;   }
sub context_panel  { return undef; }
sub user_populate_tree {
  my $self = shift;

  if (my $user = $ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->get_user) {

    my $settings_menu = $self->create_submenu( 'Settings', 'Manage Saved Settings' );

      $self->create_node( 'Bookmark/List', "Bookmarks ([[counts::bookmarks]])", [],
        { 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::Interface::Bookmark',
          'availability' => 1, 'concise' => 'Bookmarks' },

    ## Control panel fixes - custom data section is species-specific
    my $species = $ENV{'ENSEMBL_SPECIES'};
    $species = '' if $species !~ /_/;
    $species = $self->object->species_defs->ENSEMBL_PRIMARY_SPECIES unless $species;
    my $referer = '_referer='.$self->object->param('_referer').';x_requested_with='.$self->object->param('x_requested_with');
      $self->create_node( 'UserData', "Custom data ([[counts::userdata]])",
        [], { 'availability' => 1, 'url' => '/'.$species.'/UserData/ManageData?'.$referer, 'raw' => 1 },

    #$settings_menu->append($self->create_node( 'Configurations', "Configurations ([[counts::configurations]])",
    #[qw(configs EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Account::Configurations
    #    )],
    #  { 'availability' => 1, 'concise' => 'Configurations' }

    $settings_menu->append($self->create_node( 'Annotation/List', "Annotations ([[counts::annotations]])",
    [], { 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::Interface::Annotation',
        'availability' => 1, 'concise' => 'Annotations' }
#    $settings_menu->append(
#      $self->create_node( 'Newsfilter/List', "News Filters ([[counts::news_filters]])", [],
#        { 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::Interface::Newsfilter', 
#          'availability' => 1, 'concise' => 'News Filters' },
#      )
#    );

    my $groups_menu = $self->create_submenu( 'Groups', 'Groups' );
      $self->create_node( 'MemberGroups', "Subscriptions ([[counts::member]])",
          groups   EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Account::MemberGroups
          details  EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Account::MemberDetails
        { 'availability' => 1, 'concise' => 'Subscriptions' }
      $self->create_node( 'Group/List', "Administrator ([[counts::admin]])", [],
        { 'availability' => 1, 'concise' => 'Administrator',
          'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::Interface::Group' },

      $self->create_node( 'Group/Add', "Create a New Group",
        { 'availability' => 1, 'concise' => 'Create a Group', 
          'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::Interface::Group', }
    ## Add "invisible" nodes used by interface but not displayed in navigation
    ## 1. User records
    $self->create_node( 'Annotation', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::Interface::Annotation',
        'filters' => [qw(Owner)]}
    $self->create_node( 'Bookmark', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::Interface::Bookmark',
        'filters' => [qw(Owner)]}
    $self->create_node( 'UseBookmark', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::UseBookmark',
        'filters' => [qw(Owner)]}
    $self->create_node( 'Configuration', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::Configuration',
        'filters' => [qw(Owner)]}
    $self->create_node( 'LoadConfig', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::LoadConfig',
        'filters' => [qw(Owner)]}
    $self->create_node( 'SetConfig', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::SetConfig',
        'filters' => [qw(Owner)]}
    $self->create_node( 'Newsfilter', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::Interface::Newsfilter',
        'filters' => [qw(Owner)]}
    $self->create_node( 'SaveFavourites', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::SaveFavourites',
        'filters' => [qw(Owner)]}
    $self->create_node( 'ResetFavourites', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::ResetFavourites',
        'filters' => [qw(Owner)]}
    ## 1b. Group membership
    $self->create_node( 'SelectGroup', '',
      [qw(select_group EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Account::SelectGroup)],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1 }
    $self->create_node( 'ShareRecord', '',
      [], { 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::ShareRecord',
      'no_menu_entry' => 1 }
    $self->create_node( 'Unsubscribe', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::Unsubscribe',
        'filters' => [qw(Member)]}
    ## 2. Group admin
    ## 2a. Group details
    $self->create_node( 'ManageGroup', '',
      [qw(manage_group EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Account::ManageGroup)],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1 }
    $self->create_node( 'Group', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::Interface::Group',
        'filters' => [qw(Admin)]}
    ## 2b. Group members
    $self->create_node( 'Invite', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::Invite',
        'filters' => [qw(Admin)]}
    $self->create_node( 'RemoveInvitation', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::RemoveInvitation',
        'filters' => [qw(Admin)]}
    $self->create_node( 'RemoveMember', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::RemoveMember',
        'filters' => [qw(Admin)]}
    $self->create_node( 'ChangeLevel', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::ChangeLevel',
        'filters' => [qw(Admin)]}
    $self->create_node( 'ChangeStatus', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::ChangeStatus',
        'filters' => [qw(Admin)]}


sub populate_tree {
  my $self = shift;

  if (my $user = $ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->get_user) {

    $self->create_node( 'Links', 'Quick Links',
      [qw(links EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Account::Links)],
      { 'availability' => 1 },
    $self->create_node( 'User/Display', 'Your Details', [],
      { 'availability' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::Interface::User' }
    $self->create_node( 'ChangePassword', 'Change Password',
      [qw(password EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Account::Password)], 
      { 'availability' => 1 }
    $self->create_node( 'ResetPassword', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::SavePassword',
        'filters' => [qw(PasswordValid PasswordSecure)]}

    ## Add "invisible" nodes used by interface but not displayed in navigation
    $self->create_node( 'Logout', '', [],
      { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::LogOut'}

  } else {
    $self->create_node( 'Login', "Log in",
      [qw(account EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Account::Login)],
      { 'availability' => 1 }
    $self->create_node( 'LostPassword', "Lost Password",
      [qw(account EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Account::LostPassword)],
      { 'availability' => 1 }


  ## Nodes that need to be available, whether or not the user is logged in
  $self->create_node( 'User', '', [],
    { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::Interface::User' }
  $self->create_node( 'SetCookie', '', [],
    { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::SetCookie',
      'filters' => [qw(PasswordValid)]}
  $self->create_node( 'Activate', "",
    [qw(password EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Account::Password)], 
    { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'filters' => [qw(Activation)] }
  $self->create_node( 'SendActivation', '', [],
    { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::SendActivation'}
  $self->create_node( 'ActivationSent', 'Activation Sent',
    [qw(password EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Account::ActivationSent)], 
    { 'no_menu_entry' => 1 }
  $self->create_node( 'SavePassword', '', [],
    { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::SavePassword',
      'filters' => [qw(PasswordSecure)]}
  $self->create_node( 'Accept', '', [],
    { 'no_menu_entry' => 1, 'command' => 'EnsEMBL::Web::Command::Account::AcceptInvitation',
      'filters' => [qw(Invitation)]}


sub tree_cache_key {
  my ($class, $user, $session) = @_;

  ## Default trees for logged-in users and 
  ## for non logged-in are defferent
  ## but we cache both:
  my $key = ($ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->get_user)
             ? "::${class}::TREE::USER"
             : "::${class}::TREE";

  ## If $user was passed this is for
  ## user_populate_tree (this user specific tree)
  $key .= '['. $user->id .']'
    if $user;

  return $key;
