package EnsEMBL::Web::Configuration::Transcript;

use strict;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Panel::SpreadSheet;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Panel::Information;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Panel::Image;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Release;
use EnsEMBL::Web::RegObj;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::Utils::Sequence qw(ambiguity_code variation_class);
use Data::Dumper;

use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Configuration);

sub set_default_action {
  my $self = shift;
  unless( ref $self->object ) {
    $self->{_data}{default} = 'Summary';

  my $x = $self->object->availability || {};
  if( $x->{'either'} ) {
    $self->{_data}{default} = 'Summary';
  } elsif( $x->{'idhistory'} ) {
    $self->{_data}{default} = 'Idhistory';

sub global_context { return $_[0]->_global_context; }
sub ajax_content   { return $_[0]->_ajax_content;   }
sub local_context  { return $_[0]->_local_context;  }
sub local_tools    { return $_[0]->_local_tools;  }
sub content_panel  { return $_[0]->_content_panel;  }
sub context_panel  { return $_[0]->_context_panel;  }

sub export_configurator {
  my $self = shift;
  my $object = $self->object;
  return $self->pop_export_configurator if $object->action eq 'Population';  
  return $self->_export_configurator;
sub pop_export_configurator {
  my $self = shift;
  my $object = $self->{'object'};
  my $time = time;
  my $params = {
    'time' => $time, 
    'action' => 'Export', 
    'output' => 'gen_var'
  map { $params->{$_} = $object->param($_) unless $object->param($_) eq 'off' } $object->param;
  my $href = $object->_url($params);
  my @formats = (
    [ 'HTML', 'HTML', ' rel="external"' ],
    [ 'Text', 'Text', ' rel="external"' ]
  my $content = qq{
    <h2>Export Configuration - Transcript Genetic Variation</h2>
    <form id="export_output_configuration" class="std check" method="get" action="#">
        <p>Dump of SNP data per individual (SNPs in rows, individuals in columns). For more advanced data queries use <a href="/biomart/martview">BioMart</a>.</p>
        <p>Please choose a format for your exported data</p>
    foreach (@formats) {
      my $format = ";_format=$_->[1]" if $_->[1];
      $content .= qq{
          <li><a class="modal_close" href="$href$format"$_->[2]>$_->[0]</a>$_->[3]</li>};
    $content .= qq{
  my $panel = $self->new_panel(
    'code' => 'configurator',
    'object'=> $object


sub ajax_zmenu      {
  my $self = shift;
  my $panel = $self->_ajax_zmenu;
  my $obj  = $self->object;
  my $dest = $obj->action().'/'.$obj->function();
  my $action = $obj->action;
  if ($dest eq 'SupportingEvidence/Alignment') {
    return $self->do_SE_align_menu($panel,$obj);
  } elsif ($action eq 'Idhistory_Node'){
    return $self->ajax_zmenu_id_history_tree_node();
  } elsif ($action eq 'Idhistory_Branch'){
    return $self->ajax_zmenu_id_history_tree_branch();
  } elsif ($action eq 'Idhistory_Label'){
    return $self->ajax_zmenu_id_history_tree_label();
  } elsif( $action eq 'Variation'){
    return $self->ajax_zmenu_variation($panel, $obj);
  } elsif( $action eq 'Variation_transcript'){
    return $self->ajax_zmenu_variation_transcript($panel, $obj);
  } elsif( $action eq 'Transcript_Variation'){ 
    return $self->_ajax_zmenu_transcript_variation($panel, $obj);
  } elsif( $action eq 'ref'){
    return $self->_ajax_zmenu_change_reference($panel, $obj);
  } elsif( $action eq 'coverage'){
    return $self->ajax_zmenu_read_coverage($panel, $obj);
  } elsif( $action eq 'ProteinSummary') {
    return $self->_ajax_zmenu_protein_feature($panel, $obj);
  } else {
    my( $disp_id, $X,$Y, $db_label ) = $obj->display_xref;
    $panel->{'caption'} = $disp_id ? "$db_label: $disp_id"
      : (! $obj->gene ) ? $obj->Obj->stable_id
	: 'Novel transcript';
      'type'     => 'Transcript',
      'label'    => $obj->stable_id, 
      'link'     => $obj->_url({'type'=>'Transcript', 'action'=>'Summary'}),
      'priority' => 195 
    ## Only if there is a gene (not Prediction transcripts)
    if( $obj->gene ) {
	'type'     => 'Gene',
	'label'    => $obj->gene->stable_id,
	'link'     => $obj->_url({'type'=>'Gene', 'action'=>'Summary'}),
	'priority' => 190 
	'type'     => 'Gene type',
	'label'    => $obj->gene_stat_and_biotype,
	'priority' => 70, 
      'type'     => 'Location',
      'label'    => sprintf( "%s: %s-%s",
			     $obj->thousandify( $obj->seq_region_start ),
			     $obj->thousandify( $obj->seq_region_end )
      'link'     => $obj->_url({'type'=>'Location', 'action'=>'View', 'r' => $obj->seq_region_name.':'.$obj->seq_region_start.'-'.$obj->seq_region_end })
      'type'     => 'Strand',
      'label'    => $obj->seq_region_strand < 0 ? 'Reverse' : 'Forward',
      'priority' => 60
      'type'     => 'Base pairs',
      'label'    => $obj->thousandify( $obj->Obj->seq->length ),
      'priority' => 50
    if ($obj->get_db eq 'vega') {
	'type'     => 'Transcript class',
	'label'    => $obj->transcript_class,
	'priority' => 65
    ## Protein coding transcripts only....
    if( $obj->Obj->translation ) {
	'type'     => 'Protein product',
	'label'    => $obj->Obj->translation->stable_id || $obj->Obj->stable_id,
	'link'     => $obj->_url({'type'=>'Transcript', 'action' => 'ProteinSummary'}),
	'priority' => 180
	'type'     => 'Amino acids',
	'label'    => $obj->thousandify( $obj->Obj->translation->length ),
	'priority' => 40 
    if( $obj->analysis ) {
	'type'     => 'Analysis',
	'label'    => $obj->analysis->display_label,
	'priority' => 2
	'label_html'    => $obj->analysis->description,
	'priority' => 1

sub _ajax_zmenu_protein_feature {
  my $self = shift;
  my $panel = shift;
  my $obj   = $self->object;
  my $id    = $obj->param('pf_id');
  my $db    = $obj->param('db')  || 'core';
  my $pfa   = $obj->database(lc($db))->get_ProteinFeatureAdaptor();
  my $pf    = $pfa->fetch_by_dbID($id);
  my $hit_db = $pf->analysis->db;
  my $hit_name = $pf->display_id;
  $panel->{'caption'} = "$hit_name ($hit_db)";
    'type'  => "View record",
    'label' => $hit_name,
    'link'  => $obj->get_ExtURL($hit_db, $hit_name),
    'priority' => 200});
  if (my $interpro_ac = $pf->interpro_ac) {
      'type'  => 'View InterPro',
      'label' => 'InterPro',
      'link'  => $obj->get_ExtURL('interpro', $interpro_ac),
      'priority' => 150});
    'type' => 'Description',
    'label' => $pf->idesc,
    'priority' => 100});
    'type' => 'Position',
    'label' => $pf->start.'-'.$pf->end.' aa',
    'priority' => 50});

sub _ajax_zmenu_change_reference {
  my $self = shift;
  my $panel = shift;
  my $obj  = $self->object;
  return unless $obj->param('reference');

    'type'        => 'Click to compare to ', 
    'label_html'  => $obj->param('reference'),
    'link'        => $obj->_url({'action' =>'Population/Image', 'reference' => $obj->param('reference') }), 
    'priority'    => 12,


sub _ajax_zmenu_transcript_variation {
  my $self = shift;
  my $panel = shift;
  my $obj  = $self->object;
  my $db_adaptor = $obj->database('variation');
  my $var_adaptor = $db_adaptor->get_VariationAdaptor();
  my $var_feat_adaptor = $db_adaptor->get_VariationFeatureAdaptor();
  my $v_id = $obj->param('v');
  my $var = $var_adaptor->fetch_by_name($v_id);
  my @vf = @{$var_feat_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Variation($var)};
  my $feature;
  if ( scalar @vf == 1) { $feature = $vf[0];}
  else {
    foreach (@vf) {
      if ($_->dbID eq $obj->param('vf') ) {$feature = $_;}

  my $var_link = my $var_link = $obj->_url({'type' => 'Variation', 'action' => 'Summary', 'v' => $feature->variation_name, 'vf' => $feature->dbID, 'source' => $feature->source });
  my $chr_start = $feature->start();
  my $chr_end   = $feature->end();
  my $bp = $chr_start;
  if( $chr_end < $chr_start ) {
      $bp = "between $chr_end & $chr_start";
  } elsif($chr_end > $chr_start ) {
      $bp = "$chr_start - $chr_end";
  my $ref_allele = $feature->ref_allele_string;
  $ref_allele = length($ref_allele) <16 ? $ref_allele : substr($ref_allele,0,14).'..';
  my $strain = $obj->species_defs->translate("strain");
  my $type = $feature->display_consequence;
  my $tc;
  if ($obj->param('sara')) {$type = 'SARA';} 
  if ($obj->param('tc') ){
    $tc = $obj->param('tc');
    if ($tc =~/0|-1/) {$tc=~s/0|-1/-/;}
    elsif ($tc =~/1/) {$tc=~s/1/+/;} 
  my $ambig_code = &ambiguity_code(join "|", $ref_allele, $obj->param('alt_allele') ) unless $type eq 'SARA';
  my $class = &variation_class(join "|", $ref_allele, $obj->param('alt_allele'));

  $panel->{'caption'} = $feature->variation_name;
    'label_html'  =>  'Variation properties',
    'link'        =>  $var_link,
    'priority'    =>  20,
    'type'        =>  'bp:',
    'label'       =>  $bp,
    'priority'    =>  18,
    'type'        =>  'class:',
    'label'       =>  $class,
    'priority'    =>  16,
    'type'        =>  'reference allele:',
    'label'       =>  $ref_allele,
    'priority'    =>  14,
    'type'        =>  $strain . ' genotype:',
    'label'       =>  $obj->param('alt_allele'),
    'priority'    =>  12,
    'type'        =>  'ambiguity code:',
    'label'       =>  $ambig_code,
    'priority'    =>  10,
  }) unless $obj->param('sara');
    'label_html'       =>  $tc,
    'priority'    =>  8,
  })if $obj->param('tc');
    'type'        =>  'amino acid:',
    'label'       =>  $obj->param('aa_change'),
    'priority'    =>  6,
  }) if $obj->param('aa_change');
    'type'        =>  'resequencing coverage:',
    'label'       =>  $obj->param('cov'),
    'priority'    =>  5,
  }) if $obj->param('cov');
    'type'        =>  'source:',
    'label'       =>  (join ", ", @{$feature->get_all_sources ||[]}),
    'priority'    =>  4,
    'label'       =>  $type,
    'priority'    =>  2,


sub do_SE_align_menu {
  my $self = shift;
  my $panel = shift;
  my $obj  = $self->object;
  my $hit_name   = $obj->param('id');
  my $hit_db     = $obj->get_sf_hit_db_name($hit_name);
  my $hit_length = $obj->param('hit_length');
  my $hit_url    = $obj->get_ExtURL_link( $hit_name, $hit_db, $hit_name );
  my $tsid       = $obj->param('t');
  if (my $esid = $obj->param('exon')) {
    my $exon_length = $obj->param('exon_length');
    #this is drawn for exons
    my $align_url = $obj->_url({'type'=>'Transcript', 'action' => 'SupportingEvidence', 'function' => 'Alignment'}).";sequence=$hit_name;exon=$esid";	
    $panel->{'caption'} = "$hit_name ($hit_db)";
      'type'     => 'View alignments',
      'label'    => "$esid ($tsid)",
      'link'     => $align_url,
      'priority' => 180,
      'type'     => 'View record',
      'label'    => $hit_name,
      'link'     => $hit_url,
      'priority' => 100,
      'extra'    => {'abs_url' => 1},
      'type'     => 'Exon length',
      'label'    => $exon_length.' bp',
      'priority' => 50,
    if (my $gap = $obj->param('five_end_mismatch')) {
	'type'     => '5\' mismatch',
	'label'    => $gap.' bp',
	'priority' => 40,
    if (my $gap = $obj->param('three_end_mismatch')) {
	'type'     => '3\' mismatch',
	'label'    => $gap.' bp',
	'priority' => 35,
  else {
    $panel->{'caption'} = "$hit_name ($hit_db)";
      'type'     => 'View record',
      'label'    => $hit_name,
      'link'     => $hit_url,
      'priority' => 100,
      'extra'    => {'abs_url' => 1},
## either - prediction transcript or transcript
## domain - domain only (no transcript)
## history - IDHistory object or transcript
## database:variation - Variation database
sub populate_tree {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->create_node( 'Summary', "Transcript summary",
    [qw(image   EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::TranscriptImage
        summary EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::TranscriptSummary)],
    { 'availability' => 'either', 'concise' => 'Transcript summary'}

#  $self->create_node( 'Structure', "Transcript Neighbourhood",
#    [qw(neighbourhood EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::TranscriptNeighbourhood)],
#    { 'availability' => 1}
#  );

  my $T = $self->create_node( 'SupportingEvidence', "Supporting evidence  ([[counts::evidence]])",
   [qw(evidence       EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::SupportingEvidence)],
    { 'availability' => 'transcript', 'concise' => 'Supporting evidence'}
  $T->append($self->create_subnode( 'SupportingEvidence/Alignment', '',
    [qw(alignment      EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::SupportingEvidenceAlignment)],
    { 'no_menu_entry' => 'transcript' }

  my $seq_menu = $self->create_submenu( 'Sequence', 'Sequence' );
  $seq_menu->append($self->create_node( 'Exons', "Exons  ([[counts::exons]])",
    [qw(exons       EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::ExonsSpreadsheet)],
    { 'availability' => 'either', 'concise' => 'Exons'}
  $seq_menu->append($self->create_node( 'Sequence_cDNA',  'cDNA',
    [qw(sequence    EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::TranscriptSeq)],
    { 'availability' => 'either', 'concise' => 'cDNA sequence' }
  $seq_menu->append($self->create_node( 'Sequence_Protein',  'Protein',
    [qw(sequence    EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::ProteinSeq)],
    { 'availability' => 'either', 'concise' => 'Protein sequence' }

  my $record_menu = $self->create_submenu( 'ExternalRecords', 'External References' );

  my $sim_node = $self->create_node( 'Similarity', "General identifiers  ([[counts::similarity_matches]])",
    [qw(similarity  EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::SimilarityMatches)],
    { 'availability' => 'transcript', 'concise' => 'General identifiers'}
  $record_menu->append( $sim_node );
  $sim_node->append($self->create_subnode( 'Similarity/Align', '',
   [qw(alignment       EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::ExternalRecordAlignment)],
    { 'no_menu_entry' => 'transcript' }
  $record_menu->append($self->create_node( 'Oligos', "Oligo probes  ([[counts::oligos]])",
    [qw(arrays      EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::OligoArrays)],
    { 'availability' => 'transcript core',  'concise' => 'Oligo probes'}
  $record_menu->append($self->create_node( 'GO', "Gene ontology  ([[counts::go]])",
    [qw(go          EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::Go)],
    { 'availability' => 'transcript', 'concise' => 'Gene ontology'}
  my $var_menu = $self->create_submenu( 'Variation', 'Genetic Variation' );
  $var_menu->append($self->create_node( 'Population',  'Population comparison',
    [qw(snptable      EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::TranscriptSNPTable
        snpinfo       EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::TranscriptSNPInfo)],
    { 'availability' => 'strains database:variation' }
  $var_menu->append($self->create_node( 'Population/Image',  'Comparison image',
    [qw(snps      EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::SNPView)],
    { 'availability' => 'strains database:variation' }
  my $prot_menu = $self->create_submenu( 'Protein', 'Protein Information' );
  $prot_menu->append($self->create_node( 'ProteinSummary', "Protein summary",
    [qw(image       EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::TranslationImage
        statistics  EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::PepStats)],
    { 'availability' => 'either', 'concise' => 'Protein summary'}
  my $D = $self->create_node( 'Domains', "Domains & features  ([[counts::prot_domains]])",
    [qw(domains     EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::DomainSpreadsheet)],
    { 'availability' => 'transcript', 'concise' => 'Domains & features'}
  $D->append($self->create_subnode( 'Domains/Genes', 'Genes in domain',
    [qw(domaingenes      EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::DomainGenes)],
    { 'availability' => 'transcript|domain', 'no_menu_entry' => 1 }
  $prot_menu->append($self->create_node( 'ProtVariations', "Variations  ([[counts::prot_variations]])",
    [qw(protvars     EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::ProteinVariations)],
    { 'availability' => 'either database:variation', 'concise' => 'Variations'}
  # External Data tree, including non-positional DAS sources
  $self->create_node( 'ExternalData', 'External Data',
    [qw(external EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::ExternalData)],
    { 'availability' => 'transcript' }
  my $history_menu = $self->create_submenu('History', "ID History");
  $history_menu->append($self->create_node( 'Idhistory', "Transcript history",
      display     EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Gene::HistoryReport
      associated  EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Gene::HistoryLinked
      map         EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Gene::HistoryMap)],
      { 'availability' => 'history', 'concise' => 'ID History' }
  $history_menu->append($self->create_node( 'Idhistory/Protein', "Protein history",
      display     EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Gene::HistoryReport/protein
      associated  EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Gene::HistoryLinked/protein
      map         EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Gene::HistoryMap/protein)],
      { 'availability' => 'history_protein', 'concise' => 'ID History' }
    'Export', "Export transcript data",
    [ qw( export EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript/export ) ],
    { 'availability' => 'transcript', 'no_menu_entry' => 1 }

  my $user_menu = $self->create_submenu( 'User', 'User data' );
  $user_menu->append( $self->create_node( 'UserAnnotation', "Personal annotation",
    [qw(manual_annotation EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::UserAnnotation)],
    { 'availability' => 1 }


sub user_populate_tree {
  my $self = shift;
  return unless $self->object && ref($self->object);
  my $all_das  = $ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->get_all_das();
  my $vc = $self->object->get_viewconfig( undef, 'ExternalData' );

  my @active_das = grep { $vc->get($_) eq 'yes' && $all_das->{$_} } $vc->options;

  my $ext_node = $self->tree->get_node( 'ExternalData' );

  for my $logic_name (
    sort { lc($all_das->{$a}->caption) cmp lc($all_das->{$b}->caption)  }
  ) {
    my $source = $all_das->{$logic_name};
    $ext_node->append($self->create_subnode( "ExternalData/$logic_name", $source->caption,
      [qw(textdas EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::TextDAS)],
      { 'availability' => 'transcript',
        'concise'      => $source->caption,
        'caption'      => $source->caption,
        'full_caption' => $source->label }

# Transcript: BRCA2_HUMAN
# # Summary
# # Exons (28)
# # Peptide product
# # Similarity matches (32)
# # Oligos (25)
# # GO terms (5)
# # Supporting Evidence (40)
# # Variational genomics (123)
# #   Population comparison
# # Marked-up sequence
# #   cDNA (1,853 bps)
# #   Protein (589 aas)
# # ID History
# # Domain information (6)
# # Protein families (1)
