package EnsEMBL::Web::DBSQL::DBAdaptor;
use Class::Std;
use Carp;
use strict;

  my %DBHandle_of :ATTR( :get<dbhandle> :set<dbhandle> );

  sub connection_details {
### return connection details string 
    return {
      'name' => undef, 'host' => undef, 'port' => undef, 'user' => undef, 'pass' => undef, 'type' => undef
  sub BUILD {
### connect to the database and store the database handle...
    my( $self, $ident, $arg_ref ) = @_;
    my $conf = $self->connection_details( $arg_ref );
    if( exists( $conf->{'type'} ) && $conf->{'type'} eq 'sqlite' ) {
      $DBHandle_of{ $ident } = DBI->connect_cached(
        join( ':', 'dbi', 'SQLite', $conf->{'name'} )
      $DBHandle_of{ $ident }->func( 'now', 0, sub { return time }, 'create_function' );
      $DBHandle_of{ $ident }->func( 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP', 1, sub { return $_[0] }, 'create_function' );
    } else {
      $DBHandle_of{ $ident } = DBI->connect_cached(
        join( ':', 'dbi', 'mysql', $conf->{'name'}, $conf->{'host'}, $conf->{'port'} ),
        $conf->{'user'}, $conf->{'pass'}, {RaiseError=>1,PrintError=>0}
      $DBHandle_of{ $ident }{'mysql_auto_reconnect'} = 1;

  sub quote {
    my $self = shift;
    my $value = shift;
    return $self->get_dbhandle->quote($value);

  sub disconnect {
### wrapper around DBI;
    my $self = shift;
  sub selectrow_array {
### wrapper around DBI
    my $self = shift;
    $self->get_dbhandle->selectrow_array( @_ );

  sub selectrow_arrayref {
### wrapper around DBI
    my $self = shift;
    $self->get_dbhandle->selectrow_arrayref( @_ );

  sub selectall_arrayref {
### wrapper around DBI
    my $self = shift;
    $self->get_dbhandle->selectall_arrayref( @_ );

  sub selectall_hashref {
### wrapper around DBI
    my $self = shift;
    #use Carp qw(cluck);
    #warn "SELECTALL HASHREF: " . cluck();
    $self->get_dbhandle->selectall_hashref( @_ );

  sub selectrow_hashref {
### wrapper around DBI
    my $self = shift;
    #use Carp qw(cluck);
    #warn "SELECTROW HASHREF: " . cluck();
    $self->get_dbhandle->selectrow_hashref( @_ );

  sub do {
### wrapper around DBI
    my $self = shift;
    $self->get_dbhandle->do( @_ );

  sub prepare {
### wrapper around DBI
    my $self = shift;
    $self->get_dbhandle->prepare( @_ );

  sub carp {
### "carp" the query - with ?'s interpolated...
    my $self = shift;
    my $q = shift;
    foreach(@_) {
    carp( "Query:\n----------\n$q\n----------" );
