package EnsEMBL::Web::Data;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
use base qw/EnsEMBL::Web::DBSQL::MySQLAdaptor/;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Cache;
use Data::Dumper qw//;
# Our Class Data
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata(data_fields => {});
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata(queriable_fields => {});
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata(relations => {});
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata(hasa_relations => {});
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata(hasmany_relations => {});
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata(tie_relations => {});
__PACKAGE__->mk_classdata(cache_tags => {});
## Fix for add_trigger, so that same triggers wont be added twice
sub add_trigger{
my $proto = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $when = $args[0];
my $call = $args[1];
unless grep { $call eq $_->[0] } Class::Trigger::__fetch_all_triggers($proto, $when);
## Enhancement for our MySQLAdaptor (Class::DBI), which doesn't have new constructor by default
## arguments:
## LIST of primery keys - will be looked up in DB
## OR!
## HASHREF of values for new object
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $data = shift;
## Sometimes data comes throuh as a empty string..
## convert this back to undef other wise
## _live_object_key fails as can't work with an
## empty string - requires "undef"
$data = undef if $data eq '';
if( $data && !ref($data) ) {
if ($class->_type) {
my $key = $class->get_primary_key;
return $class->retrieve(
$key => $data,
type => $class->_type,
} else {
return $class->retrieve($data);
} else {
$class->normalize_column_values($data) if ref $data;
$class->validate_column_values($data) if ref $data;
my $key = $class->_live_object_key($data);
return $class->_fresh_init($key => $data);
sub save {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->id) {
} else {
## Fix for insert, to work with new() and save()
sub insert_blessed {
my $self = shift;
if ( $self->cache ) {
$self->cache->set( $self->_staleness_cache_key, time() );
$self->_prepopulate_id if $self->_undefined_primary;
# Reinstate data
my ($real, $temp) = ({}, {});
foreach my $col (grep $self->_attribute_exists($_), $self->all_columns) {
($self->has_real_column($col) ? $real : $temp)->{$col} =
my @primary_columns = $self->primary_columns;
$primary_columns[0] => $real->{ $primary_columns[0] }
if @primary_columns == 1;
delete $self->{__Changed};
my %primary_columns;
@primary_columns{@primary_columns} = ();
my @discard_columns = grep !exists $primary_columns{$_}, keys %$real;
$self->call_trigger('create', discard_columns => \@discard_columns); # XXX
# Empty everything back out again!
return $self;
##/Class::DBI enhancements
sub set_primary_key {
my $class = shift;
$class->columns(Primary => @_);
sub get_primary_key {
my $class = shift;
my @keys = $class->columns(Primary => @_);
return wantarray ? @keys : $keys[0];
sub add_fields {
my $class = shift;
$class->add_queriable_field(data => 'data');
%{ $class->data_fields },
$class->columns(TEMP => keys %{ $class->data_fields });
$class->add_trigger(select => \&withdraw_data);
$class->add_trigger(before_create => \&fertilize_data);
$class->add_trigger(before_update => \&fertilize_data);
sub add_queriable_fields {
my $class = shift;
%{ $class->queriable_fields },
$class->columns(Essential => keys %{ $class->queriable_fields });
*add_queriable_field = \&add_queriable_fields;
sub get_all_fields {
my $class = shift;
return {
%{ $class->data_fields },
%{ $class->queriable_fields },
## Record serialized data stuff
sub withdraw_data {
my $self = shift;
my $data = $self->data;
$data =~ s/^\$data = //;
$data =~ s!\+'!'!g;
##$data =~ s/\n|\r|\f|\\//g;
$data = eval ($data);
foreach my $field (keys %{ $self->data_fields }) {
if $self->can($field) && ref $data;
$self->_attribute_store(data => $data);
return $data;
sub fertilize_data {
my $self = shift;
my $data = $self->data || {};
return unless ref $data;
foreach my $field (keys %{ $self->data_fields }) {
$data->{$field} = $self->$field;
$self->_attribute_set(data => $self->dump_data($data));
sub dump_data {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $temp_fields = {};
foreach my $key (keys %{ $data }) {
$temp_fields->{$key} = $data->{$key};
##$temp_fields->{$key} =~ s/'/\\'/g;
my $dumper = Data::Dumper->new([$temp_fields]);
my $dump = $dumper->Dump();
#$dump =~ s/'/\\'/g;
$dump =~ s/^\$VAR1 = //;
return $dump;
## Owner/record related stuff
sub get_lookup_values {
## Method for getting a standard set of identifying data
## for dropdown lists and similar usage
## Needs to be defined in children
return [];
sub add_hasa_relations {
my $class = shift;
%{ $class->hasa_relations },
sub add_hasmany_relations {
my $class = shift;
%{ $class->hasmany_relations },
sub add_tie_relations {
my $class = shift;
%{ $class->tie_relations },
*add_hasa_relation = \&add_hasa_relations;
*add_hasmany_relation = \&add_hasmany_relations;
*add_tie_relation = \&add_tie_relations;
sub has_a {
my $class = shift;
my $accessor = shift;
my ($relation_class) = @_;
$accessor .= '_id';
$class->add_hasa_relation($accessor => $relation_class);
$class->add_queriable_fields($accessor => 'int');
return $class->SUPER::has_a($accessor => @_);
sub add_has_many {
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
while (my ($key, $value) = each %args) {
$class->has_many($key => $value);
sub has_many {
my $class = shift;
my $accessor = shift;
my ($relation_class) = @_;
no strict 'refs';
if (ref($relation_class)) {
return $class->SUPER::has_many($accessor => @_);
} else {
if ($relation_class =~ /^EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Record/) {
my ($owner) = $class =~ /::(\w+)$/;
$relation_class = $relation_class->add_owner($owner);
} else {
%{ $class->relations },
$accessor => $relation_class,
my $real_accessor = '_'. $accessor;
$class->SUPER::has_many($real_accessor => $relation_class);
my $link_table = $relation_class->new;
$class->add_hasmany_relation($accessor => [$relation_class, $link_table->tie_relations->{$accessor}]);
*{$class."::$accessor"} =
sub {
my $self = shift;
## Retrieve by primary field ...(id => $id) // short version
$_[0] = $relation_class->get_primary_key if @_ == 2 && $_[0] eq 'id';
## Retrieve by primary field ...($id) // shorter version
unshift @_, $relation_class->get_primary_key if @_ == 1 && !ref($_[0]);
return $self->$real_accessor(
#type => $relation_class->__type,
*{$class."::add_to_$accessor"} =
sub {
my $self = shift;
my $args = ref $_[0] ? shift : {@_};
## Force hash ref, in case if blessed hash was passed (or die)
my %args = %{ $args };
die "add_to_$accessor needs data" unless %args;
my $add_to_real_accessor = 'add_to_' . $real_accessor;
return $self->$add_to_real_accessor(\%args);
sub set_type {
my $class = shift;
my $type = shift;
no strict 'refs';
*{$class."::search"} = sub { shift->SUPER::search(type => $type, @_) };
*{$class."::retrieve"} = sub { shift->SUPER::retrieve(type => $type, @_) };
*{$class."::retrieve_all"} = sub { shift->search(@_) };
$class->add_queriable_fields(type => 'string');
$class->add_trigger(before_create => sub { my $self = shift; $self->type($self->_type) });
## Like has_a, but imports all relative properties into our object
## so they both represented together as one entity
sub tie_a {
my $class = shift;
my ($rel_obj, $rel_class) = @_;
$class->add_tie_relation($rel_obj => $rel_class);
no strict 'refs';
$class->add_trigger( after_update => sub { shift->$rel_obj->update } );
foreach my $column (keys %{ $rel_class->get_all_fields }) {
*{$class."::$column"} = sub { shift->$rel_obj->$column(@_) }
unless $class->find_column($column);
## Cache related stuff
## Set caching object
## Any cache object that has a get, set, and remove method is supported
if (my $cache = new EnsEMBL::Web::Cache) {
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger(select => sub { $_[0]->propagate_cache_tags } );
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger(after_create => sub { $_[0]->invalidate_cache($cache) } );
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger(after_update => sub { $_[0]->invalidate_cache($cache) } );
__PACKAGE__->add_trigger(before_delete => sub { $_[0]->invalidate_cache($cache) } );
## ->search must propogate tags
sub search {
my $proto = shift;
## Some calls use direct sql query so
## ->sth_to_objects must propogate tags
sub sth_to_objects {
my $proto = shift;
sub invalidate_cache {
my $self = shift;
my $cache = shift;
my @tags = (@_, $self->table);
return $cache->delete_by_tags(@tags);
# my $items = $cache->delete_by_tags(@tags);
# ## TODO: Kill this warn:
# warn ' - - - - - Delete by tags '. Data::Dumper::Dumper(\@tags);
# warn $items. ' items deleted';
sub propagate_cache_tags {
my $self = shift;
my @tags = (@_, $self->table);
$ENV{CACHE_TAGS} ||= {};
$ENV{CACHE_TAGS}->{$_} = 1 for @tags;
## TODO: Kill this warn:
#warn ' + + + + + Propagate tags for '. $ENV{CACHE_KEY} ." \n ".Data::Dumper::Dumper($ENV{CACHE_TAGS});
## Some other nice stuff
sub find_all { shift->retrieve_all(@_) }
sub find { shift->retrieve(@_) }
sub destroy { shift->delete(@_) }