package EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Panel;

use strict;

use HTTP::Request;
use Data::Dumper;
use Digest::MD5 qw();
use CGI qw(escape escapeHTML);

use EnsEMBL::Web::Root;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Renderer::Assembler;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Renderer::Excel;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Renderer::String;
use EnsEMBL::Web::RegObj;

our @ISA = qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Root);

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self = {
    _renderer       => undef,
    forms           => {},
    components      => {},
    component_order => [],
    prefix          => 'p',
    disable_ajax    => 0,
    asychronous_components => [],
  bless $self, $class;
  return $self;

sub prefix {
  my ($self, $value) = @_;
  if ($value) { 
    $self->{'prefix'} = $value;
  return $self->{'prefix'};

sub load_asynchronously {
  my ($self, @names) = @_;
  foreach my $name (@names) {
    push @{ $self->{'asynchronous_components'} }, $name;
    warn "Loading asynchronously: " . $name;

sub is_asynchronous {
  my ($self, $name) = @_;
  my $found = 0;
  foreach my $component (@{ $self->{'asynchronous_components'} }) {
    if ($component eq $name) {  
      $found = 1;
  return $found;


sub clear_components { $_[0]{'components'} = {}; $_[0]->{'component_order'} = []; }
sub components       { return @{$_[0]{'component_order'}}; }

sub component{
  # Given a component code, returns the component itself
  my $self = shift;
  my $code = shift;
  return $self->{'components'}->{$code};
=head2 Panel options.

There are five functions which set, clear and read the options for the panel

=over 4

=item C<$panel-E<gt>clear_option( $key )>

resets the option C<$key>

=item C<$panel-E<gt>add_option( $key, $val )>

sets the value of option C<$key> to C<$val>

=item C<$panel-E<gt>option( $key )>

returns the value of option C<$key>

=item C<$panel-E<gt>clear_options>

resest the options list

=item C<$panel-E<gt>options>

returns an array of option keys.



sub clear_options { $_[0]{_options} = {};            }
sub clear_option  { delete $_[0]->{_options}{$_[1]}; }
sub add_option    { $_[0]{_options}{$_[1]} = $_[2];  }
sub option        { return $_[0]{_options}{$_[1]};   }
sub options       { return keys %{$_[0]{_options}};  }

sub caption {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'caption'} = shift if (@_);
  return $self->{'caption'};

=head2 Panel components.

There are a number of functions which set, clear, modify the list of 
components which make up the panel.

=over 4

=item C<$panel-E<gt>add_components(       $new_key, $function_name, [...] )>

Adds one or more components to the end of the component list

=item C<$panel-E<gt>remove_component(    $key )>

Removes the function called by the component named C<$key>

=item C<$panel-E<gt>replace_component(    $key,     $function_name )>

Replaces the function called by the component named C<$key> with a new function
named C<$function_name>

=item C<$panel-E<gt>prepend_to_component( $key,     $function_name )>

Extends a component, by adding another function call to the start of the list
keyed by name C<$key>. When the page is rendered each function for the component
will be called in turn (until one returns 0)

=item C<$panel-E<gt>add_to_component(     $key,     $function_name )>

Extends a component, by adding another function call to the end of the list
keyed by name C<$key>. When the page is rendered each function for the component
will be called in turn (until one returns 0)

=item C<$panel-E<gt>add_component_before( $key,     $new_key, $function_name )>

Adds a new component to the component list before the one
named C<$key>, and gives it the name C<$new_key>

=item C<$panel-E<gt>add_component_after(  $key,     $new_key, $function_name )>

Adds a new component to the component list after the one
named C<$key>, and gives it the name C<$new_key>

=item C<$panel-E<gt>add_component_first(  $new_key, $function_name )>

Adds a new component to the start of the component list and gives it the name C<$new_key>

=item C<$panel-E<gt>add_component_last(   $new_key, $function_name )>

Adds a new component to the end of the component list and gives it the name C<$new_key>

=item C<$panel-E<gt>add_component(        $new_key, $function_name )>

Adds a new component to the end of the component list and gives it the name C<$new_key>



sub add_components {
  my $self = shift;
  while( my($code, $function) = splice( @_, 0, 2) ) {
    if( exists( $self->{'components'}{$code} ) ) {
      push @{ $self->{'components'}{$code} }, $function;
    } else {
      push @{ $self->{'component_order'} }, $code;
      $self->{'components'}{$code} = [ $function ];

sub replace_component {
  my( $self, $code, $function, $flag ) = @_;
  if( $self->{'components'}{$code} ) {
    $self->{'components'}{$code} = [$function ];
  } elsif( $flag ne 'no' ) {
    $self->add_component_last( $code, $function );

sub prepend_to_component {
  my( $self, $code, $function ) = @_;
  return $self->add_component_first( $code, $function ) unless exists $self->{'components'}{$code};
  unshift @{ $self->{'components'}{$code} }, $function;

sub add_to_component {
  my( $self, $code, $function ) = @_;
  return $self->add_component_last( $code, $function ) unless exists $self->{'components'}{$code};
  push @{ $self->{'components'}{$code} }, $function;

sub add_component_before {
  my( $self, $oldcode, $code, $function ) = @_;
  return $self->prepend_to_component( $code, $function )    if exists $self->{'components'}{$code};
  return $self->add_component_first( $code, $function ) unless exists $self->{'components'}{$oldcode};
  my $C = 0;
  foreach( @{$self->{'component_order'}} ) {
    if( $_ eq $oldcode ) {
      splice @{$self->{'component_order'}}, $C,0,$code;
      $self->{'components'}{$code} = [ $function ];

sub add_component_first {
  my( $self, $code, $function ) = @_;
  return $self->prepend_to_component( $code, $function )    if exists $self->{'components'}{$code};
  unshift @{ $self->{'component_order'} }, $code;
  $self->{'components'}{$code} = [ $function ];

sub add_component { my $self = shift; $self->add_component_last( @_ ); }

sub add_component_last {
  my( $self, $code, $function ) = @_;
  return $self->add_to_component( $code, $function )    if exists $self->{'components'}{$code};
  push @{ $self->{'component_order'} }, $code;
  $self->{'components'}{$code} = [ $function ];

sub add_component_after {
  my( $self, $oldcode, $code, $function ) = @_;
  return $self->add_to_component( $code, $function )    if exists $self->{'components'}{$code};
  return $self->add_component_first( $code, $function ) unless exists $self->{'components'}{$oldcode};

  my $C = 0;
  foreach( @{$self->{'component_order'}} ) {
    if( $_ eq $oldcode ) {
      splice @{$self->{'component_order'}}, $C+1,0,$code;
      $self->{'components'}{$code} = [ $function ];
  $self->{'components'}{$code} = [ $function ];

sub remove_component {
  my( $self, $code ) = @_;
  my $C = 0;
  foreach( @{$self->{'component_order'}} ) {
    if( $_ eq $code ) {
      splice( @{$self->{'component_order'}}, $C, 1 );
      delete $self->{'components'}{$code};

sub renderer :lvalue { $_[0]->{'_renderer'}; }

sub strip_HTML { my($self,$string) = @_; $string =~ s/<[^>]+>//g; return $string; }

sub render_AjaxMenu {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->renderer->print( qq(<$self->{'type'}>) ); 

sub render_Text {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'disable_ajax'} = 1;
  if( 0 && exists( $self->{'caption'} ) ) {
    $self->renderer->printf( qq($self->{'caption'}\n\n) );

sub render_XML {
  my $self = shift;

sub render_Excel {
  my $self = shift;
sub content_Excel() { 
  my $self = shift;
#  $self->renderer = new EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Renderer::Excel();
#  $self->renderer->print( qq(<$self->{'caption'}>))
sub content_Text() { 
  my $self = shift;
  my $temp_renderer = $self->renderer;
  $self->renderer = new EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Renderer::String();
  my $value = $self->strip_HTML( $self->renderer->content ); 
my $value =  $self->renderer->content;
  $self->renderer = $temp_renderer;
  $self->renderer->print( $value )

sub render {
  my( $self, $first ) = @_;

  if( exists $self->{'raw'} ) {
    $self->renderer->print( $self->{'raw'} );
  } else {
    my $status = $self->{'object'} ? $self->{'object'}->param($self->{'status'}) : undef;
    my $content = '';
    if( $status ne 'off' && $self->{'delayed_write'} ) {
      $content = $self->_content_delayed();
      if( !$content && exists( $self->{null_data} ) && ! defined( $self->{null_data} ) ) {
    my $HTML = q(
    <div class="panel">);
    my $button_text;
    my $counts = {};
    if( !$self->{omit_header}) {
      if (exists $self->{'previous'} || exists $self->{'next'} ) {
        $HTML .= qq(<div class="nav-heading">
          <div class="left-button print_hide">);
        if (exists $self->{'previous'}) {
          $button_text = $self->{'previous'}{'concise'} || $self->{'previous'}{'caption'};
          if ($button_text) {
            my $url = $self->{'previous'}{'url'};
            if (!$url) {
              $url = $self->{'object'}->_url({'action'=>$self->{'previous'}{'code'},'function'=>undef});
            $HTML .= sprintf q(<a href="%s">&laquo;&nbsp;%s</a>),CGI::escapeHTML($url),CGI::escapeHTML($button_text);
          else {
            $HTML .= q(<span>&nbsp;</span>); # Do not remove this span it breaks IE7 if only a &nbsp;
        else {
          $HTML .= q(<span>&nbsp;</span>); # Do not remove this span it breaks IE7 if only a &nbsp;
        $HTML .= q(</div>
          <div class="right-button print_hide">);
        if( exists $self->{'next'} ) {
          $button_text = $self->{'next'}{'concise'} || $self->{'next'}{'caption'};
          if ($button_text) {
            my $url = $self->{'next'}{'url'};
            if (!$url) {
              $url = $self->{'object'}->_url({'action'=>$self->{'next'}{'code'},'function'=>undef});
            $HTML .= sprintf q(<a href="%s">%s&nbsp;&raquo;</a>),CGI::escapeHTML($url),CGI::escapeHTML($button_text);
          else {
            $HTML .= q(<span>&nbsp;</span>); # Do not remove this span it breaks IE7 if only a &nbsp;
        } else {
          $HTML .= q(<span>&nbsp;</span>); # Do not remove this span it breaks IE7 if only a &nbsp;
        $HTML .= q(</div>);
        if( exists $self->{'caption'} ) {
          $HTML .= $self->_caption_with_helplink;
        $HTML .= q(
          <p class="invisible">.</p></div>);
      elsif( exists $self->{'caption'} ) {
        $HTML .= $self->_caption_with_helplink;
    if( $status ne 'off' ) {

      if( $self->{'_delayed_write_'} ) {
      } else {

        my $temp_renderer = $self->renderer;
        $self->renderer = new EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Renderer::Assembler(
          r       => $temp_renderer->r,
          cache   => $temp_renderer->cache,
          session => $self->{object} ? $self->{object}->get_session : undef,

        $content = $self->renderer->content;
        $self->renderer = $temp_renderer;
        $self->renderer->print( $content );          


    $self->renderer->print( q(
    <p class="invisible">.</p></div>) );

sub _caption_with_helplink {
  my $self = shift;
  my $id = $self->{'help'};
  my $html = '<h2>';
  if ( $id ) {
    $html .= sprintf(' <a href="/Help/View?id=%s;_referer=%s" style="display:none" class="modal_link help-header" title="Click for Help">', CGI::escapeHTML($id), CGI::escape($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}) );
  $html .= $self->{'raw_caption'} ? $self->{'caption'} : CGI::escapeHTML($self->{caption});
  if ( $id ) {
    $html .= ' <img src="/i/help-button.png" style="width:40px;height:20px;padding-left:4px;vertical-align:middle" alt="(e?)" class="print_hide" /></a>';
  $html .= '</h2>';
  return $html; 

sub params {
  ### a
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{params};

sub status {
  ### a
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{status};

sub code {
  ### a
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{code};

sub _content {
  my $self = shift;
  my $output = $self->content();
  return unless $output;
  my $output = q(
      <div class="content">$output);
  my $cap = exists( $self->{'caption'} ) ? CGI::escapeHTML($self->parse($self->{'caption'})) : '';
  if( $self->{'link'} ) {
    $output .= sprintf( q(
        <div class="more"><a href="%s">more about %s ...</a></div>), $self->{'link'}, $cap );
  $output .= q(
  return $output;

sub _render_content {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->renderer->print( q(
      <div class="content">));
  my $cap = exists( $self->{'caption'} ) ? CGI::escapeHTML($self->parse($self->{'caption'})) : '';
  if( $self->{'link'} ) {
    $self->renderer->printf( q(
        <div class="more"><a href="%s">more about %s ...</a></div>), $self->{'link'}, $cap );
  $self->renderer->print( q(

sub render_image {
  my $self = shift;
  my $HTML;
  if ($self->{'image'}{'object'}) { 
    $HTML .= $self->{'image'}{'object'}->render_img_tag();
    if( @{$self->{'image'}{'formats'}} ) {
        $HTML .= '<br />Render as: '. join( "; ", map { $self->{'image'}{'object'}->render_img_link($_) } @{$self->{'image'}{'formats'}} ).'.';
    if( @{$self->{'image'}{'map'}} ) {
        $HTML .= $self->{'image'}{'object'}->render_img_map();
  } else {
    $HTML = '<p>Sorry, no image object has been created.</p>';
  return $HTML;

sub parse {
  my $self = shift;
  my $string = shift;
  $string =~ s/\[\[object->(\w+)\]\]/$self->{'object'}->$1/eg;
  return $string;

=head2 get_params

   Arg[1]      : hashref
                    the key 'style' can be "web" or "form"
                    the key 'omit' contains a hashref of key /value pairs
                        where the keys are the params to omit
   Example     :  my $param_form = $self->get_params({ style =>"form", 
                                   omit  => {snp =>1, c =>1, gene=>1 }} );
   Description : if style is 'web', it returns cgi parameters in form: 
                 if style is 'form', it returns cgi parameters in form:
                 <input type="hidden" name="$_" value="$value" />;
   Return type : string


sub get_params {
  my ( $self, $object, $info ) = @_;
  my $omit_ref  = $info->{omit};
  my %omit = $omit_ref ? %$omit_ref : ();
  my @params;

  if ($info->{style} eq "form") {
    foreach ( $object->param ) { 
      next unless $object->param($_);
      next if $omit{$_};
      push @params, { "name" => $_, "value" =>$object->param($_)};
  elsif ($info->{style} eq "web" ) {
    foreach ( $object->param ) { 
      next unless $object->param($_);
      next if $omit{$_};
      push @params, "$_=".$object->param($_);  
  return \@params;

sub raw_component {
    my ($self, $function_name, $loop) = @_;
    (my $module_name = $function_name ) =~s/::\w+$//;
    if( $self->dynamic_use( $module_name ) ) {
        no strict 'refs';
        my $result = 0;
        eval {
          $result = &$function_name( $self, $self->{'object'} );
        if( $@ ) {
          my $error = $self->_format_error($@);
          # if( $@ =~ /^Undefined subroutine / ) {
          #  $error = "<p>This function is not defined</p>";
          # }
          $self->{'raw'} = qq( <h4>Runtime Error</h4>
      <p>Function <strong>$function_name</strong> fails to execute due to the following error:</p>\n$error);
        if ($loop) {
            last if $result;
      } else {
        $self->{'raw'} =  sprintf (qq(<h4>Compile error</h4>
      <p>Function <strong>$function_name</strong> not executed as unable to use
module <strong>$module_name</strong> due to syntax error.</p>
      %s), $self->_format_error( $self->dynamic_use_failure($module_name)
            )  );

sub buffer :lvalue { $_[0]{_temp_}; }
sub reset_buffer   { $_[0]{_temp_} = ''; }

sub print          { 
  my $self = shift;
  if( $self->{'_delayed_write_'} ) {
    $self->{_temp_} .= join("",@_); 
  } else {
    $self->renderer->print( @_ );

sub printf {
  my($self,$template,@pars) = @_;
  if( $self->{'_delayed_write_'} ) {
    $self->{_temp_} .= sprintf($template,@pars);
  } else {
    $self->renderer->printf( $template, @pars );

sub _start { }
sub _end   { }
sub _error {
  my($self, $caption, $message ) = @_;
  $self->print( "<h4>$caption</h4>$message" );

sub timer_push { $_[0]->{'timer'} && $_[0]->{'timer'}->push( $_[1], 3+$_[2] ); }

sub _is_ajax_request {
  return  $_[0]->renderer->can('r') && 
          $_[0]->renderer->r->headers_in->{'X-Requested-With'} eq 'XMLHttpRequest';

sub content {
  my( $self ) = @_;

  if( $self->{'content'} ) {
    $self->print( $self->{'content'} );
  foreach my $component ($self->components) {
if ($component eq 'das_features') {
    foreach my $function_name ( @{$self->{'components'}{$component}} ) {
	my $result;
	(my $module_name = $function_name ) =~s/::\w+$//;
	if( $self->dynamic_use( $module_name ) ) {
	    $self->{'object'} && $self->{'object'}->prefix($self->prefix);
	    no strict 'refs';
	    eval {
		    $result = &$function_name( $self, $self->{'object'} );
	    if( $@ ) {
		my $error = sprintf( '<pre>%s</pre>', $self->_format_error($@) );
		$self->_error( qq(Runtime Error in component "<b>$component</b>"),
			       qq(<p>Function <strong>$function_name</strong> fails to execute due to the following error:</p>$error)
		warn( "Component $function_name (runtime failure)" );
#	    } else {
#		warn( "Component $function_name succeeded" );
	} else {
	    $self->_error( qq(Compile error in component "<b>$component</b>"),
			      <p>Function <strong>$function_name</strong> not executed as unable to use module <strong>$module_name</strong>
			      due to syntax error.</p>
			      <pre>@{[ $self->_format_error( $self->dynamic_use_failure($module_name) ) ]}</pre>
	    warn( "Component $function_name (compile failure)" );
	last if $result;

    foreach my $temp ( @{$self->{'components'}{$component}} ) { 
      my( $module_name, $function_name ) = split /\//, $temp;
      my $result;
      # (my $module_name = $function_name ) =~s/::\w+$//;
      if( $self->dynamic_use( $module_name ) ) {

        $self->{'object'} && $self->{'object'}->prefix( $self->prefix );

        no strict 'refs';
        my $comp_obj;
        eval {
          $comp_obj = $module_name->new( $self->{'object'} ); # &$function_name( $self, $self->{'object'} );
        $result = $comp_obj->{_end_processing_};
        if( $@ ) {
          warn $@;
            qq(Runtime Error in component "<strong>$component</strong> [new]"),
                Function <strong>$module_name</strong> fails to
                execute due to the following error:
          $self->timer_push( "Component $module_name (runtime failure [new])" );
        } else {
          my $caption = $comp_obj->caption;
          if( ! $self->{'disable_ajax'} &&
              $comp_obj->ajaxable() && 
              !$self->_is_ajax_request ) {

            my( $ensembl, $plugin, $component, $type, $module ) = split '::', $module_name;
            my $URL = join '/', '', $ENV{'ENSEMBL_SPECIES'},'Component',$ENV{'ENSEMBL_TYPE'},$plugin,$module;
            $URL .= "/$function_name" if $function_name && $comp_obj->can( "content_$function_name" );
            $URL .= "?$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}";
            $URL .= ';_rmd=' . substr(Digest::MD5::md5_hex($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}), 0, 4);
            # $self->renderer->{'r'}->parsed_uri->query;

            ## Check if ajax enabled
            ## This was currently disabled against scripting
            if( $ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->check_ajax ) {

              if( $caption ) {
                $self->printf( qq(<div class="ajax" title="['%s','%s']"></div>), CGI::escapeHTML($caption),CGI::escapeHTML($URL) );
              } else {
                $self->printf( qq(<div class="ajax" title="['%s']"></div>), CGI::escapeHTML($URL) );

            } elsif ($self->renderer->isa('EnsEMBL::Web::Document::Renderer::Assembler')) {

              ## if ajax disabled - we get all content by parallel requests to ourself
                HTTP::Request->new('GET', $self->{'object'}->species_defs->ENSEMBL_BASE_URL.$URL)


          } else {
            my $content;
            eval {
              my $FN = $self->_is_ajax_request ? lc($ENV{'ENSEMBL_FUNCTION'}) : $function_name;
              $FN = $FN ? "content_$FN" : $FN;
      	      $content = $comp_obj->can($FN) ? $comp_obj->$FN : $comp_obj->content;
            if ($@) {
              warn $@;
              $self->_error( qq(Runtime Error in component "<strong>$component</strong> [content]"),
                    Function <strong>$module_name</strong> fails to
                    execute due to the following error:
              $self->timer_push( "Component $module_name (runtime failure [content])" );
            } else {
              if( $content ) {
                    if( ! $self->_is_ajax_request ) {
                              my $caption = $comp_obj->caption;
                              $self->printf( "<h2>%s</h2>", CGI::escapeHTML($caption) ) if $caption;
                $self->print( $content );
              $self->timer_push( "Component $module_name succeeded" );
      } else {
        $self->_error( qq(Compile error in component "<strong>$component</strong>"),
      Component <strong>$module_name</strong> not used
      as unable to compile module.
    </p>). $self->_format_error( $self->dynamic_use_failure($module_name) )
        $self->timer_push( "Component $module_name (compile failure)" );
      last if $result;
#warn "Ending component $component";
  return $self->buffer;

sub ajax_is_available { 
  return 1;