package EnsEMBL::Web::Factory;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Proxiable);
use EnsEMBL::Web::CoreObjects;
use CGI qw(escapeHTML);
## Additional Factory functionality
sub new {
my ($class,$data) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new( $data );
return $self;
sub DataObjects {
my $self = shift;
push @{$self->{'data'}{'_dataObjects'}}, @_ if @_;
return $self->{'data'}{'_dataObjects'};
sub fastCreateObjects {
my $self = shift;
sub clearDataObjects {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'data'}{'_dataObjects'} = [];
sub featureIds {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'data'}{'_feature_IDs'} = shift if @_;
return $self->{'data'}{'_feature_IDs'};
sub _archive {
my( $self, $type, $parameter ) = @_;
# Redirect -> now uses code in idhistory
my $db = $self->param('db')||'core';
my $name = $self->param($parameter) || $self->param('peptide') || $self->param('transcript') || $self->param('gene');
my @features = undef;
my $adaptor;
my $related;
my $archiveStableID ;
eval {
my $achiveStableIDAdaptor = $self->database($db)->get_ArchiveStableIdAdaptor();
$name =~ s/(\S+)\.(\d+)/$1/; # remove version
$archiveStableID = $achiveStableIDAdaptor->fetch_by_stable_id( $name );
#$related = $achiveStableIDAdaptor->fetch_successor_history( $archiveStableID ) if $archiveStableID;
return undef if (!$archiveStableID);
#my @rel = map { $_->stable_id ? $_ : () } @$related;
#my $caption = '';
#my $output = '';
#my $probtype= '';
#if( @rel ) {
# $caption = 'Archived identifier';
# $probtype= 'archived';
# $output = "<p>The feature <strong>$name</strong> has been mapped to the following feature(s):</p>";
# my %scripts = qw(Gene geneview Translation protview Transcript transview);
# my %attribs = qw(Gene gene Translation peptide Transcript transcript);
# $output .= '<ul>';
# foreach my $asi ( @rel ) {
# $output .= sprintf( '<li><a href="/%s/%s?%s=%s">%s</a></li>',
# $self->species, $scripts{$asi->type}, $attribs{$asi->type}, $asi->stable_id, $asi->stable_id );
# }
# $output .= "</ul>\n";
# } else {
# $probtype= 'removed';
# $caption = 'Identifier removed from database';
# $output = "<p>The feature <strong>$name</strong> has been removed from the current database.</p>";
# }
# # Give peptide sequence or link to current protview
# my $trans_id = $archiveStableID->get_all_translation_archive_ids();
# my %tmp = map { $_->stable_id, $_ } @$trans_id; #rm duplicates
# my @trans = values %tmp;
# unless ( @trans ) {
# $self->problem( $probtype, $caption, $output );
# return undef ;
# }
# if ( $archiveStableID->type eq 'Translation' ) {
# $output .= qq(<p>This peptide's sequence was:</p>
# <table border="0">);
# } elsif (@trans >1){
# $output .= qq(<p>The peptides related to ).lc($archiveStableID->type).
# qq( <strong>$name</strong> are:</p> <table border="0">);
# } else {
# $output .= qq(<p>The peptide related to ).lc($archiveStableID->type).
# qq( <strong>$name</strong> is:</p><table border="0">);
# }
# for (@trans) {
# if( my $seq = $_->get_peptide ) { # there is seq in archive db
# $seq =~ s/(\w{60})/$1<br \/>/g ;
# $seq =~ s/<br \/>$//;
# $output .= qq(<tr valign="top"><th>).$_->stable_id." </th><td><tt>$seq</tt></td></tr>\n";
# } else { # it must still be in Ensembl, but check..
# my $adaptor = $self->database($db)->get_TranslationAdaptor();
# my $peptide = $adaptor->fetch_by_stable_id($name);
# if ($peptide) {
# $output .= sprintf( '<tr valign="top"><th><a href="/%s/protview?peptide=%s">%s</a> </th><td>is still in Ensembl</td></tr>',
# $ENV{'ENSEMBL_SPECIES'}, $_->stable_id, $_->stable_id );
# }
# else {
# $output .= "<tr><th>unknown</th></tr>";
# warn "***********ERROR: $name is not in Ensembl or Archive database!!";
# }
# }
# }
# $output .= "</table>";
# $self->problem( $probtype, $caption, $output );
return undef ;
sub _help {
my( $self, $string ) = @_;
return sprintf '
</p>', CGI::escapeHTML($string);
sub _known_feature {
my( $self, $type, $parameter ) = @_;
my $db = $self->param('db')||'core';
my $name = $self->param($parameter)||$self->param(lc(substr($parameter,0,1)))||$self->param('peptide') || $self->param('transcript') || $self->param('gene') || $self->param('t') ||$self->param('g');
my $sitetype = $self->species_defs->ENSEMBL_SITETYPE || 'Ensembl';
my @features = ();
my $adaptor;
my $adaptor_name = "get_$type".'Adaptor';
eval { $adaptor = $self->database($db)->$adaptor_name;};
die ("Datafactory: Unknown DBAdapter in get_known_feature: $@") if ($@);
eval {
my $f = $adaptor->fetch_by_display_label($name);
push @features,$f if $f;
unless(@features) {
eval {
@features = @{$adaptor->fetch_all_by_external_name($name)};
if( $@ ) {
$self->problem('fatal', "Error retrieving $type from database", $self->_help("An error occured while trying to retrieve the $type $name. "));
} elsif( @features ) {
$self->__data->{'objects'} = [ map { { 'db' => $db, lc($type) => $_->stable_id } } @features ];
if( scalar(@features) == 1){
$self->problem('mapped_id', 'Re-Mapped Identifier', 'The identifer has been mapped to a synonym' );
} else {
$self->problem('mapped_id', 'Multiple mapped IDs', 'This feature id maps to multiple synonyms' );
} else {
my $db_adaptor = $self->database(lc($db));
my $uoa = $db_adaptor->get_UnmappedObjectAdaptor;
eval { @features = @{$uoa->fetch_by_identifier($name)}; };
if (!$@ && @features) {
else {
$self->problem('fatal', "$type '$name' not found", $self->_help("The identifier '$name' is not present in the current release of the $sitetype database. ") ) ;