package EnsEMBL::Web::Factory::DAS;
use strict;
use warnings;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Factory::Location;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Proxy::Object;
our @ISA = qw( EnsEMBL::Web::Factory::Location );
use POSIX qw(floor ceil);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
return $self;
#----------------- Create objects ----------------------------------------------
## Create objects looks for a series of parameters passed to the script:
## (1) Primary slice: c = sr:start:ori; w = width
## srr = ?; cr = ?; cl = ?; srs = ?; srn = ?; srl = ?; srw = ?; c.x = ?
## (2) Alternate slices:
## s{n} = species; [c{n} = sr:start:ori; w{n};]
## -or- s{n} = species; [sr{n} = sr;]
## OR
## (1) Primary slice: gene = gene;
## (2) Alternate slices:
## s{n} = species; g{n} = gene;
sub featureTypes {
my $self = shift;
push @{$self->{'data'}{'_feature_types'}}, @_ if @_;
return $self->{'data'}{'_feature_types'};
sub featureIDs {
my $self = shift;
push @{$self->{'data'}{'_feature_ids'}}, @_ if @_;
return $self->{'data'}{'_feature_ids'};
sub groupIDs {
my $self = shift;
push @{$self->{'data'}{'_group_ids'}}, @_ if @_;
return $self->{'data'}{'_group_ids'};
sub createObjects {
my $self = shift;
my $database = $self->database('core');
return $self->problem( 'Fatal', 'Database Error', "Could not connect to the core database." ) unless $database;
my @locations;
if( my @segments = $self->param('segment')) {
foreach my $segment (grep { $_ } @segments) {
if( $segment =~ /^([-\w\.]+):(-?[\.\w]+),([\.\w]+)$/ ) {
my($sr,$start,$end) = ($1,$2,$3);
$start = $self->evaluate_bp($start);
$end = $self->evaluate_bp($end);
if( my $loc = $self->_location_from_SeqRegion( $sr,$start,$end,1,undef) ) {
push @locations, $loc;
} else {
my $type = $self->_location_from_SeqRegion( $sr,undef,undef,1,undef) ? 'ERROR' : 'UNKNOWN';
push @locations, { 'REGION' => $sr, 'START' => $start, 'STOP' => $end, 'TYPE' => $type };
} else {
if (my $loc = $self->_location_from_SeqRegion( $segment,undef,undef,1,undef)) {
push @locations, $loc;
} else {
push @locations, { 'REGION' => $segment, 'START' => '', 'STOP' => '', 'TYPE' => 'UNKNOWN' };
my @feature_types = $self->param('type');
my @feature_ids = $self->param('feature_id');
my @group_ids = $self->param('group_id');
my $source = $ENV{ENSEMBL_DAS_TYPE};
my $T = EnsEMBL::Web::Proxy::Object->new( "DAS::$source", \@locations, $self->__data );
$T->FeatureIDs( @feature_ids );
$T->FeatureTypes( @feature_types );
$T->GroupIDs( @group_ids );
if( $self->has_a_problem ) {
return $self->problem( 'Fatal', 'Unknown Source', "Could not locate source <b>$source</b>." );
$self->DataObjects( $T );
sub _location_from_SeqRegion {
my( $self, $chr, $start, $end, $strand, $keep_slice ) = @_;
if( defined $start ) {
$start = floor( $start );
$end = $start unless defined $end;
$end = floor( $end );
$end = 1 if $end < 1;
$strand ||= 1;
$start = 1 if $start < 1; ## Truncate slice to start of seq region
($start,$end) = ($end, $start) if $start > $end;
foreach my $system ( @{$self->__coord_systems} ) {
my $slice = undef;
eval { $slice = $self->_slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region( $system->name, $chr, $start, $end, $strand ); };
next if $@;
if( $slice ) {
next if( $start > $slice->seq_region_length || $end > $slice->seq_region_length );
return $self->_create_from_slice( $system->name, "$chr\:$start,$end", $slice, undef, undef, $keep_slice );
$self->problem( "fatal", "Locate error","Cannot locate region $chr: $start - $end on the current assembly." );
return undef;
} else {
foreach my $system ( @{$self->__coord_systems} ) {
my $TS;
eval { $TS = $self->_slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region( $system->name, $chr ); };
# warn "DAS... ",$system->name," $chr\nDAS... $@";
next if $@;
return $self->_create_from_slice( $system->name , $chr, $self->expand($TS), '', $chr, $keep_slice ) if $TS;
if( $chr ) {
$self->problem( "fatal", "Locate error","Cannot locate region $chr on the current assembly." );
} else {
$self->problem( "fatal", "Please enter a location","A location is required to build this page." );
return undef;
sub _create_from_slice {
my( $self, $type, $ID, $slice, $synonym, $real_chr, $keep_slice ) = @_;
'slice' => $slice,
'type' => $type,
'real_species' => $self->__species,
'name' => $ID,
'seq_region_name' => $slice->seq_region_name,
'seq_region_type' => $slice->coord_system->name(),
'seq_region_start' => $slice->start,
'seq_region_end' => $slice->end,
'seq_region_strand' => $slice->strand,
'raw_feature_strand' => $slice->{'_raw_feature_strand'},
'seq_region_length' => $slice->seq_region_length,
'synonym' => $synonym,