package EnsEMBL::Web::ImageConfig::chromosome;

use strict;
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::ImageConfig);

sub init {
  my ($self) = @_;

    'title'         => 'Chromosome panel',
    'show_buttons'  => 'no',  # do not show +/- buttons
    'button_width'  => 8,     # width of red "+/-" buttons
    'show_labels'   => 'yes', # show track names on left-hand side
    'label_width'   => 113,   # width of labels on left-hand side
    'margin'        => 5,     # margin
    'spacing'       => 2,     # spacing

## Finally some colours... background image colors;
## and alternating colours for tracks...
    'bgcolor'       => 'background1',
    'bgcolour1'     => 'background2',
    'bgcolour2'     => 'background3',

    'decorations' => 'Chromosome',

## Now we have a number of tracks which we have to manually add...
  $self->add_tracks( 'decorations', 
    [ 'ideogram',           'Ideogram',            'ideogram', {
      'display' => 'normal',
      'colourset' => 'ideogram'
    } ]
## Load all tracks from the database....

    {qw(short_labels 1)}

  $self->add_tracks( 'decorations', 
    [ 'draggable', '', 'draggable', { 'display' => 'normal' } ]