package EnsEMBL::Web::ImageConfig::contigviewbottom;
use strict;
no strict 'refs';
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::ImageConfig);
sub init_user {
my $self = shift;
return $self->load_user_tracks;
sub init {
my ($self ) = @_;
'title' => 'Main panel',
'show_buttons' => 'no', # show +/- buttons
'button_width' => 8, # width of red "+/-" buttons
'show_labels' => 'yes', # show track names on left-hand side
'label_width' => 113, # width of labels on left-hand side
'margin' => 5, # margin
'spacing' => 2, # spacing
## Now let us set some of the optional parameters....
'opt_halfheight' => 0, # glyphs are half-height [ probably removed when this becomes a track config ]
# 'opt_empty_tracks' => 0, # include empty tracks..
'opt_lines' => 1, # draw registry lines
'opt_restrict_zoom' => 1, # when we get "zoom" working draw restriction enzyme info on it!!
## Finally some colours... background image colors;
## and alternating colours for tracks...
## First add menus in the order you want them for this display....
'sequence' => 'Sequence',
'marker' => 'Markers',
'transcript' => 'Genes',
'prediction' => 'Prediction Transcripts',
'protein_align' => 'Protein alignments',
'protein_feature' => 'Protein features',
'dna_align_cdna' => 'cDNA/mRNA alignments', # Separate menus for different cDNAs/ESTs...
'dna_align_est' => 'EST alignments',
'dna_align_rna' => 'RNA alignments',
'dna_align_other' => 'Other DNA alignments',
'oligo' => 'Oligo features',
'ditag' => 'Ditag features',
'external_data' => 'External data',
'user_data' => 'User attached data', # DAS/URL tracks/uploaded data/blast responses
'simple' => 'Simple features',
'misc_feature' => 'Misc. regions',
'repeat' => 'Repeats',
'variation' => 'Variation features',
'functional' => 'Functional genomics',
'multiple_align' => 'Multiple alignments',
'pairwise_blastz' => 'BLASTZ alignments',
'pairwise_tblat' => 'Translated blat alignments',
'pairwise_other' => 'Pairwise alignment',
'decorations' => 'Additional decorations',
'information' => 'Information',
'options' => 'Options'
## Note these tracks get added before the "auto-loaded tracks" get added...
$self->add_tracks( 'sequence',
[ 'contig', 'Contigs', 'stranded_contig', { 'display' => 'normal', 'strand' => 'r', 'description' => 'Track showing underlying assembly contigs' } ],
# [ 'prelim', 'Preliminary release', 'preliminary', { 'display' => 'off', 'menu' => 'no', 'strand' => 'r' } ],
[ 'seq', 'Sequence', 'sequence', { 'display' => 'off', 'strand' => 'b', 'threshold' => 0.2, 'colourset' => 'seq', 'description' => 'Track showing sequence in both directions' } ],
[ 'codon_seq', 'Translated sequence', 'codonseq', { 'display' => 'off', 'strand' => 'b', 'threshold' => 0.5, 'colourset' => 'codonseq', 'description' => 'Track showing 6-frame translation of sequence' } ],
[ 'codons', 'Start/stop codons', 'codons', { 'display' => 'off', 'strand' => 'b', 'threshold' => 50, 'colourset' => 'codons' , 'description' => 'Track indicating locations of start and stop codons in region' } ],
[ 'blast', 'BLAT/BLAST hits', '_blast', { 'display' => 'normal', 'strand' => 'b', 'description' => 'BLAT/BLAST hits', 'menu' => 'no', 'sub_type' => 'blast', 'colourset' => 'feature' } ]
$self->add_tracks( 'decorations',
[ 'gc_plot', '%GC', 'gcplot', { 'display' => 'normal', 'strand' => 'r', 'description' => 'Shows %age of Gs & Cs in region' } ],
if ($self->species_defs->ALTERNATIVE_ASSEMBLY) {
$self->add_tracks( 'misc_feature',
[ 'vega_assembly', 'Vega assembly', 'alternative_assembly', { 'display' => 'off', 'strand' => 'r', 'colourset' => 'alternative_assembly' , 'description' => 'Track indicating Vega assembly' } ]);
## Add in additional
# foreach ( $self->get_node('variation')->descendants ) { $_->set('style','box'); $_->set('depth',2000); $_->set('bump_Width',1); }
## These tracks get added after the "auto-loaded tracks get addded...
if( $self->species_defs->ENSEMBL_MOD ) {
$self->add_track( 'information', 'mod', '', 'text', {
'name' => 'Message of the day',
'display' => 'normal',
'menu' => 'no',
'strand' => 'r',
'text' => $self->species_defs->ENSEMBL_MOD
} )
$self->add_tracks( 'information',
[ 'missing', '', 'text', { 'display' => 'normal', 'strand' => 'r', 'name' => 'Disabled track summary', 'description' => 'Show counts of number of tracks turned off by the user' } ],
[ 'info', '', 'text', { 'display' => 'normal', 'strand' => 'r', 'name' => 'Information', 'description' => 'Details of the region shown in the image' } ],
$self->add_tracks( 'decorations',
[ 'scalebar', '', 'scalebar', { 'display' => 'normal', 'strand' => 'b', 'name' => 'Scale bar', 'description' => 'Track ' } ],
[ 'ruler', '', 'ruler', { 'display' => 'normal', 'strand' => 'b', 'name' => 'Ruler', 'description' => 'Shows the length of the region being displayed' } ],
[ 'draggable', '', 'draggable', { 'display' => 'normal', 'strand' => 'b', 'menu' => 'no' } ],
## Finally add details of the options to the options menu...
# [ 'opt_empty_tracks', 'Show empty tracks?' ],
[ 'opt_lines', 'Show registry lines?' ],
# [ 'opt_restrict_zoom', 'Restriction enzymes on zoom?' ],
#use Data::Dumper; local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; warn Data::Dumper::Dumper( $self->tree );