package EnsEMBL::Web::Object::DAS::repeat;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Object::DAS);
sub Types {
my $self = shift;
return [
'REGION' => '*',
{ 'id' => 'repeat' }
sub Features {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_feature_label} = 'repeat';
my @segments = $self->Locations;
my %feature_types = map { $_ ? ($_=>1) : () } @{$self->FeatureTypes || []};
my @group_ids = grep { $_ } @{$self->GroupIDs || []};
my @feature_ids = grep { $_ } @{$self->FeatureIDs || []};
my $dba_hashref;
my( $db, $logic_name, @repeat_types ) = split /-/, $ENV{'ENSEMBL_DAS_SUBTYPE'};
$db = 'core' unless $db;
$logic_name = undef unless $logic_name;
@repeat_types = (undef) unless @repeat_types;
my @features;
foreach ($db) {
my $T = $self->{data}->{_databases}->get_DBAdaptor($_,$self->real_species);
$dba_hashref->{$_}=$T if $T;
foreach my $segment (@segments) {
if( ref($segment) eq 'HASH' && $segment->{'TYPE'} eq 'ERROR' ) {
push @features, $segment;
foreach my $db_key ( keys %$dba_hashref ) {
foreach my $repeat_type (@repeat_types) {
$repeat_type =~ s/_/ /g;
$repeat_type =~ s/ ([LS]INE)/\/\1/g;
foreach my $feature ( @{$segment->slice->get_all_RepeatFeatures($logic_name,$repeat_type,$db_key) } ) {
$self->_feature( $feature );
push @features, values %{ $self->{'_features'} };
return \@features;
sub _feature {
my( $self, $feature ) = @_;
## Now we do all the nasty stuff of retrieving features and creating DAS objects for them...
warn "FEATURE .....";
my $feature_id = $feature->display_id;
my $feature_type = $feature->repeat_consensus->repeat_type;
my $feature_class = $feature->repeat_consensus->repeat_class;
my $type = $feature->analysis->logic_name;
my $display_label = $feature->analysis->display_label;
my $slice_name = $self->slice_cache( $feature->slice );
my $consensus = $feature->repeat_consensus->repeat_consensus;
my $note_array = [];
push @$note_array, "Consensus sequence: $consensus" unless $consensus =~ /^N*$/;
push @{$self->{_features}{$slice_name}{'FEATURES'}}, {
'ID' => $feature_id,
'LABEL' => "$feature_class: $feature_id",
'TYPE' => "repeat:$type:$feature_type",
'ORIENTATION' => $self->ori($feature->seq_region_strand),
'TARGET' => {
'ID' => $feature_id,
'START' => $feature->hstart,
'STOP' => $feature->hend,
'NOTE' => $note_array,
'SCORE' => $feature->score,
'METHOD' => "$type:$feature_type",
'CATEGORY' => "$type:$feature_type",
'START' => $feature->seq_region_start,
'END' => $feature->seq_region_end,
## Return the reference to an array of the slice specific hashes.