package EnsEMBL::Web::Object::Slice;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use Data::Dumper;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Object;
our @ISA = qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Object);
our %ct = %Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature::CONSEQUENCE_TYPES;
### This object is called from a Component object
### e.g. my ($count_snps, $filtered_snps) = $sliceObj->getVariationFeatures();
### This class consists of methods for calls on a slice object.
sub snp_display {
### GeneSeqAlignView
my $self = shift;
my $SNPS = [];
my $slice = $self->Obj();
eval {
$SNPS = $slice->get_all_VariationFeatures;
return $SNPS;
sub exon_display {
### GeneSeqAlignView
my $self = shift;
my $exontype = $self->param('exon_display');
my @exons;
my( $slice_start, $slice_end ) = ( $self->Obj->start, $self->Obj->end );
# Get all exons within start and end for genes of $exontype
if( $exontype eq 'vega' or $exontype eq 'est' or $exontype eq 'otherfeatures'){
@exons = ( grep { $_->seq_region_start <= $slice_end && $_->seq_region_end >= $slice_start }
map { @{$_->get_all_Exons } }
@{ $self->Obj->get_all_Genes('',$exontype) } );
} elsif( $exontype eq 'Ab-initio' ){
@exons = ( grep{ $_->seq_region_start<=$slice_end && $_->seq_region_end >=$slice_start }
map { @{$_->get_all_Exons } }
@{$self->Obj->get_all_PredictionTranscripts } );
} else {
@exons = @{$self->Obj->get_all_Exons};
my $ori = $self->param('exon_ori');
if( $ori eq 'fwd' ) {
@exons = grep{$_->seq_region_strand > 0} @exons; # Only fwd exons
} elsif( $ori eq 'rev' ){
@exons = grep{$_->seq_region_strand < 0} @exons; # Only rev exons
return \@exons;
sub highlight_display {
### GeneSeqAlignView
my $self = shift;
if( @_ ){
my @features = @{$_[0] || []}; # Validate arg list
map{$_->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature') or die( "$_ is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature" ) } @features;
$self->{_highlighted_features} = [@features];
return( $self->{_highlighted_features} || [] );
sub line_numbering {
### GeneSeqAlignView
my $self = shift;
my $linenums = $self->param('line_numbering');
if( $linenums eq 'sequence' ){ #Relative to sequence
return( 1, $self->Obj->length );
} elsif( $linenums eq 'slice' ){ #Relative to slice. May need to invert
return $self->Obj->strand > 0 ? ( $self->Obj->start, $self->Obj->end ) : ( $self->Obj->end, $self->Obj->start );
sub valids {
### Arg1 : Web Proxy::Object (slice)
### Gets all the user's selected parameters from $self->params()
### Returns Hashref of options with keys as valid options, value = 1 if they are on
### Needed for:,
### TranscriptSNPView
### GeneSNPView
### Called from: self
my $self = shift;
my %valids = (); ## Now we have to create the snp filter....
foreach( $self->param() ) {
$valids{$_} = 1 if $_=~/opt_/ && $self->param( $_ ) eq 'on';
return \%valids;
sub variation_adaptor {
### Fetches the variation adaptor and puts it on the object hash
my $self = shift;
unless ( exists $self->{'variation_adaptor'} ) {
my $vari_adaptor = $self->Obj->adaptor->db->get_db_adaptor('variation');
unless ($vari_adaptor) {
warn "ERROR: Can't get variation adaptor";
$self->{'variation_adaptor'} = $vari_adaptor;
return $self->{'variation_adaptor'};
sub sources {
### Arg1 : Web slice obj
### gets all variation sources
### Returns hashref with keys as valid options, value = 1
my $self = shift;
my $valids = $self->valids;
my @sources;
eval {
@sources = @{ $self->variation_adaptor->get_VariationAdaptor->get_all_sources() || []};
my %sources = map { $valids->{'opt_'.lc($_)} ? ( $_ => 1 ):() } @sources;
%sources = map{( $_ => 1 ) } @sources unless keys %sources;
return \%sources;
sub getVariationFeatures {
### Arg1 : Web Proxy::Object (slice)
### fetches all variation features on Slice object
### Calls $self->filter_snps to filter these by the user's selected parameters (e.g.type, class etc)
### Returns scalar- total number of SNPs in the arry before filtering
### Returns arrayref- of VariationFeature objects after filtering
### Needed for:
### Called from: SNP component
my ( $self ) = @_;
my @snps = @{ $self->Obj->get_all_VariationFeatures() || [] };
return (0, []) unless scalar @snps;
my $filtered_snps = $self->filter_snps(\@snps);
return (scalar @snps, $filtered_snps || []);
sub get_genotyped_VariationFeatures {
### Arg1 : Web Proxy::Object (slice)
### fetches all variation features on Slice object
### Calls $self->filter_snps to filter these by the user's selected parameters (e.g.type, class etc)
### Returns scalar- total number of SNPs in the arry before filtering
### Returns arrayref- of VariationFeature objects after filtering
### Needed for:
### Called from: SNP component
my ( $self ) = @_;
my @snps = @{ $self->Obj->get_all_genotyped_VariationFeatures() || [] };
return (0, []) unless scalar @snps;
my $filtered_snps = $self->filter_snps(\@snps);
return (scalar @snps, $filtered_snps || []);
sub filter_snps {
### Arg1 : Web Proxy::Object (slice)
### Arg2 : arrayref VariationFeature objects
### Example : Called from within
### filters snps based on users' selected parameters (which are obtained from $self->valids)
### e.g. on source, conseq type, validation etc
### Returns An arrayref of VariationFeature objects
my ( $self, $snps ) = @_;
my $sources = $self->sources;
my $valids = $self->valids;
my @filtered_snps =
map { $_->[1] } # Remove the schwartzian index
sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } # Sort snps on schwartzian index
# Compute schwartzian index [ consequence type priority, fake SNP ]
map { [ $ct{$_->display_consequence} * 1e9 + $_->start, $_ ] }
# [ fake_s, fake_e, SNP ] Grep features to see if the area valid
grep { ( @{$_->get_all_validation_states()} ?
(grep { $valids->{"opt_$_"} } @{$_->get_all_validation_states()} ) :
$valids->{'opt_noinfo'} ) }
# Filter unwanted consequence classifications
grep { scalar map { $valids->{'opt_'.lc($_)}?1:() } @{$_->get_consequence_type()} }
# Filter our unwanted sources
grep { scalar map { $sources->{$_} ?1:() } @{$_->get_all_sources()} }
#grep { $valids->{'opt_'.lc($_->source)} }
# Filter our unwanted classes
grep { $valids->{'opt_'.$_->var_class} }
grep { $_->map_weight < 4 }
# [ SNP ] Get all features on slice
return \@filtered_snps;
sub getFakeMungedVariationFeatures {
### Arg1 : Web slice obj
### Arg2 : Subslices
### Arg3 : Optional: gene
### Example : Called from {{}} for TSV
### Gets SNPs on slice for display + counts
### Returns scalar - number of SNPs on slice post context filtering, prior to other filters
### arrayref of munged 'fake snps' = [ fake_s, fake_e, SNP ]
### scalar - number of SNPs filtered out by the context filter
my ( $self, $subslices, $gene ) = @_;
my $all_snps = $self->Obj->get_all_VariationFeatures();
my @on_slice_snps =
# [ fake_s, fake_e, SNP ] Filter out any SNPs not on munged slice...
map { $_->[1]?[$_->[0]->start+$_->[1],$_->[0]->end+$_->[1],$_->[0]]:() } # Filter out anything that misses
# [ SNP, offset ] Create a munged version of the SNPS
map { [$_, $self->munge_gaps( $subslices, $_->start, $_->end)] } # Map to "fake coordinates"
# [ SNP ] Filter out all the multiply hitting SNPs
grep { $_->map_weight < 4 }
# [ SNP ] Get all features on slice
@{ $all_snps };
my $count_snps = scalar @on_slice_snps;
my $filtered_context_snps = scalar @$all_snps - $count_snps;
return (0, [], $filtered_context_snps) unless $count_snps;
return ( $count_snps, $self->filter_munged_snps(\@on_slice_snps, $gene), $filtered_context_snps );
sub munge_gaps {
### Needed for : TranscriptSNPView, GeneSNPView
### Arg1 : Proxy::Object (slice)
### Arg2 : Subslices
### Arg3 : bp position 1: start
### Arg4 : bp position 2: end
### Example : Called from within
### Description: Calculates new positions based on subslice
my( $self, $subslices, $bp, $bp2 ) = @_;
foreach( @$subslices ) {
if( $bp >= $_->[0] && $bp <= $_->[1] ) {
my $return = defined($bp2) && ($bp2 < $_->[0] || $bp2 > $_->[1] ) ? undef : $_->[2] ;
return $return;
return undef;
sub filter_munged_snps {
### Arg1 : Web slice obj
### Arg2 : arrayref of munged 'fake snps' = [ fake_s, fake_e, SNP ]
### Arg3 : gene (optional)
### Example : Called from within
### filters 'fake snps' based on source, conseq type, validation etc
### Returns arrayref of munged 'fake snps' = [ fake_s, fake_e, SNP ]
my ( $self, $snps, $gene ) = @_;
my $valids = $self->valids;
my $sources = $self->sources;
my @filtered_snps =
# [fake_s, fake_e, SNP] Remove the schwartzian index
map { $_->[1] }
# [ index, [fake_s, fake_e, SNP] ] Sort snps on schwartzian index
sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
# [ index, [fake_s, fake_e, SNP] ] Compute schwartzian index [ consequence type priority, fake SNP ]
map { [ $_->[1] - $ct{$_->[2]->display_consequence($gene)} *1e9, $_ ] }
# [ fake_s, fake_e, SNP ] Grep features to see if the area valid
grep { ( @{$_->[2]->get_all_validation_states()} ?
(grep { $valids->{"opt_$_"} } @{$_->[2]->get_all_validation_states()} ) :
$valids->{'opt_noinfo'} ) }
# [ fake_s, fake_e, SNP ] Filter our unwanted consequence classifications
grep { scalar map { $valids->{'opt_'.lc($_)}?1:() } @{$_->[2]->get_consequence_type()} }
# [ fake_s, fake_e, SNP ] Filter our unwanted sources
#grep { $valids->{'opt_'.lc($_->[2]->source)} }
grep { scalar map { $sources->{$_} ?1:() } @{$_->[2]->get_all_sources()} }
# [ fake_s, fake_e, SNP ] Filter our unwanted classes
grep { $valids->{'opt_'.$_->[2]->var_class} }
return \@filtered_snps;
# Sequence Align View ---------------------------------------------------
sub get_individuals {
### SequenceAlignView
### Arg (optional) : type string
### -"default": returns samples checked by default
### -"reseq": returns all resequencing sames
### -"reference": returns the reference (golden path name)
### -"display": returns all samples (for dropdown list) with default ones first
### Description: returns selected samples (by default)
### Returns list
my $self = shift;
my $options = shift;
my $individual_adaptor;
eval {
$individual_adaptor = $self->variation_adaptor->get_IndividualAdaptor;
if ($@) {
warn "Error getting individual adaptor off variation adaptor ", $self->variation_adaptor;
return ();
if ($options eq 'default') {
return sort @{$individual_adaptor->get_default_strains};
elsif ($options eq 'reseq') {
return @{$individual_adaptor->fetch_all_strains_with_coverage};
elsif ($options eq 'reference') {
return $individual_adaptor->get_reference_strain_name();
my %default_pops;
map {$default_pops{$_} = 1 } @{$individual_adaptor->get_default_strains};
my %db_pops;
foreach ( sort @{$individual_adaptor->get_display_strains} ) {
next if $default_pops{$_};
$db_pops{$_} = 1;
if ($options eq 'display') { # return list of pops with default first
return (sort keys %default_pops), (sort keys %db_pops);
return ();