package EnsEMBL::Web::Object::UserData;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Object);
use Data::Dumper;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(try catch);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::DAS::SourceParser; # for contacting DAS servers
use EnsEMBL::Web::Cache;
use EnsEMBL::Web::RegObj;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Text::FeatureParser;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Record::Upload;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Session;
use EnsEMBL::Web::TmpFile::Text;
use EnsEMBL::Web::DASConfig;
my $DEFAULT_CS = 'DnaAlignFeature';
sub data : lvalue { $_[0]->{'_data'}; }
sub data_type : lvalue { my ($self, $p) = @_; if ($p) {$_[0]->{'_data_type'} = $p} return $_[0]->{'_data_type' }; }
sub caption {
my $self = shift;
return 'Custom Data';
sub short_caption {
my $self = shift;
return 'Data Management';
sub counts {
my $self = shift;
my $user = $ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->get_user;
my $counts = {};
return $counts;
#---------------------------------- userdata DB functionality ----------------------------------
sub save_to_db {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $tmpdata = $self->get_session->get_data(%args);
my $assembly = $tmpdata->{'assembly'};
## TODO: proper error exceptions !!!!!
my $file = new EnsEMBL::Web::TmpFile::Text(
filename => $tmpdata->{'filename'}
return unless $file->exists;
my $data = $file->retrieve or die "Can't get data out of the file $tmpdata->{'filename'}";
my $format = $tmpdata->{'format'};
my $report;
my $parser = EnsEMBL::Web::Text::FeatureParser->new;
$parser->parse($data, $format);
my $config = {
action => 'new', # or append
species => $tmpdata->{'species'},
assembly => $tmpdata->{'assembly'},
default_track_name => $tmpdata->{'name'}
if (my $user = $ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->get_user) {
$config->{'id'} = $user->id;
$config->{'track_type'} = 'user';
} else {
$config->{'id'} = $self->session->get_session_id;
$config->{'track_type'} = 'session';
$config->{'file_format'} = $format;
my (@analyses, @messages, @errors);
my @tracks = $parser->get_all_tracks;
push @errors, "Sorry, we couldn't parse your data." unless @tracks;
foreach my $track (@tracks) {
push @errors, "Sorry, we couldn't parse your data." unless keys %$track;
foreach my $key (keys %$track) {
my $track_report = $self->_store_user_track($config, $track->{$key});
push @analyses, $track_report->{'logic_name'} if $track_report->{'logic_name'};
push @messages, $track_report->{'feedback'} if $track_report->{'feedback'};
push @errors, $track_report->{'error'} if $track_report->{'error'};
$report->{'browser_switches'} = $parser->{'browser_switches'};
$report->{'analyses'} = \@analyses if @analyses;
$report->{'feedback'} = \@messages if @messages;
$report->{'errors'} = \@errors if @errors;
return $report;
sub move_to_user {
my $self = shift;
my %args = (
type => 'upload',
my $user = $ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->get_user;
my $data = $self->get_session->get_data(%args);
my $record;
$record = $user->add_to_uploads($data)
if $args{type} eq 'upload';
$record = $user->add_to_urls($data)
if $args{type} eq 'url';
if ($record) {
return $record;
return undef;
sub store_data {
## Parse file and save to genus_species_userdata
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $session = $self->get_session;
my $tmp_data = $session->get_data(%args);
$tmp_data->{'name'} = $self->param('name') if $self->param('name');
my $report = $self->save_to_db(%args);
unless ($report->{'errors'}) {
## Delete cached file
my $file = new EnsEMBL::Web::TmpFile::Text(
filename => $tmp_data->{'filename'}
## logic names
my $analyses = $report->{'analyses'};
my @logic_names = ref($analyses) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$analyses : ($analyses);
my $session_id = $session->get_session_id;
if (my $user = $ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->get_user) {
my $upload = $user->add_to_uploads(
type => 'upload',
filename => '',
analyses => join(', ', @logic_names),
browser_switches => $report->{'browser_switches'}||{}
if ($upload) {
if (!$tmp_data->{'filename'}) {
my $session_record = EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Session->retrieve(session_id => $session_id, code => $tmp_data->{'code'}) if $session_id && $tmp_data->{'code'};
return $upload->id;
warn 'ERROR: Can not save user record.';
return undef;
} else {
filename => '',
analyses => join(', ', @logic_names),
browser_switches => $report->{'browser_switches'}||{},
return $args{code};
warn Dumper($report->{'errors'}) if $report->{'errors'};
return undef;
sub delete_upload {
my $self = shift;
my $type = $self->param('type');
my $code = $self->param('code');
my $id = $self->param('id');
my $user = $ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->get_user;
if ($type eq 'upload') {
my $upload = $self->get_session->get_data(type => $type, code => $code);
if ($upload->{'filename'}) {
filename => $upload->{'filename'},
} else {
my @analyses = split(', ', $upload->{'analyses'});
$self->_delete_datasource($upload->{'species'}, $_) for @analyses;
$self->get_session->purge_data(type => $type, code => $code);
} elsif ($id && $user) {
my ($upload) = $user->uploads($id);
if ($upload) {
my @analyses = split(', ', $upload->analyses);
$code = $upload->code;
$type = $upload->type;
$self->_delete_datasource($upload->species, $_) for @analyses;
# Remove all shared data with this code and type
EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Session->search(code => $code, type => $type)->delete_all if $code && $type;
sub delete_remote {
my $self = shift;
my $type = $self->param('type');
my $code = $self->param('code');
my $id = $self->param('id');
my $user = $ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->get_user;
if ($type eq 'url') {
$self->get_session->purge_data(type => $type, code => $code);
elsif ($self->param('logic_name')) {
my $temp_das = $self->get_session->get_all_das;
if ($temp_das) {
my $das = $temp_das->{$self->param('logic_name')};
$das->mark_deleted() if $das;
elsif ($id && $user) {
if ($type eq 'das') {
my ($das) = $user->dases($id);
if ($das) {
else {
my ($url) = $user->urls($id);
if ($url) {
sub _store_user_track {
my ($self, $config, $track) = @_;
my $report;
if (my $current_species = $config->{'species'}) {
my $action = $config->{action} || 'error';
if( my $track_name = $track->{config}->{name} || $config->{default_track_name} || 'Default' ) {
my $logic_name = join '_', $config->{track_type}, $config->{id}, md5_hex($track_name);
my $dbs = EnsEMBL::Web::DBSQL::DBConnection->new( $current_species );
my $dba = $dbs->get_DBAdaptor('userdata');
unless($dba) {
$report->{'error'} = 'No user upload database for this species';
return $report;
my $ud_adaptor = $dba->get_adaptor( 'Analysis' );
my $datasource = $ud_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($logic_name);
## Populate the $config object.....
my %web_data = %{$track->{'config'}||{}};
delete $web_data{ 'description' };
delete $web_data{ 'name' };
$web_data{'styles'} = $track->{styles};
$config->{source_adaptor} = $ud_adaptor;
$config->{track_name} = $logic_name;
$config->{track_label} = $track_name;
$config->{description} = $track->{'config'}{'description'};
$config->{web_data} = \%web_data;
$config->{method} = 'upload';
$config->{method_type} = $config->{'file_format'};
if ($datasource) {
if ($action eq 'error') {
$report->{'error'} = "$track_name : This track already exists";
} elsif ($action eq 'overwrite') {
$self->_update_datasource($datasource, $config);
} elsif( $action eq 'new' ) {
my $extra = 0;
while( 1 ) {
$datasource = $ud_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name(sprintf "%s_%06x", $logic_name, $extra );
last if ! $datasource; ## This one doesn't exist so we are going to create it!
if( $extra > 1e4 ) { # Tried 10,000 times this guy is keen!
$report->{'error'} = "$track_name: Cannot create two many entries in analysis table with this user and name";
return $report;
$logic_name = sprintf "%s_%06x", $logic_name, $extra;
$config->{track_name} = $logic_name;
$datasource = $self->_create_datasource($config, $ud_adaptor);
unless ($datasource) {
$report->{'error'} = "$track_name: Could not create datasource!";
} else { #action is append [default]....
if ($datasource->module_version ne $config->{assembly}) {
$report->{'error'} = sprintf "$track_name : Cannot add %s features to %s datasource",
$config->{assembly} , $datasource->module_version;
} else {
$datasource = $self->_create_datasource($config, $ud_adaptor);
unless ($datasource) {
$report->{'error'} = "$track_name: Could not create datasource!";
return $report unless $datasource;
if( $track->{config}->{coordinate_system} eq 'ProteinFeature' ) {
$self->_save_protein_features($datasource, $track->{features});
} else {
$self->_save_genomic_features($datasource, $track->{features});
## Prepend track name to feedback parameter
$report->{'feedback'} = $track_name;
$report->{'logic_name'} = $datasource->logic_name;
} else {
$report->{'error_message'} = "Need a trackname!";
} else {
$report->{'error_message'} = "Need species name";
return $report;
sub _create_datasource {
my ($self, $config, $adaptor) = @_;
my $datasource = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis(
-logic_name => $config->{track_name},
-description => $config->{description},
-web_data => $config->{web_data}||{},
-display_label => $config->{track_label} || $config->{track_name},
-displayable => 1,
-module => $config->{coordinate_system} || $DEFAULT_CS,
-program => $config->{'method'}||'upload',
-program_version => $config->{'method_type'},
-module_version => $config->{assembly},
return $datasource;
sub _update_datasource {
my ($self, $datasource, $config) = @_;
my $adaptor = $datasource->adaptor;
$datasource->logic_name( $config->{track_name} );
$datasource->display_label( $config->{track_label}||$config->{track_name} );
$datasource->description( $config->{description} );
$datasource->module( $config->{coordinate_system} || $DEFAULT_CS );
$datasource->module_version( $config->{assembly} );
$datasource->web_data( $config->{web_data}||{} );
return $datasource;
sub _delete_datasource {
my ($self, $species, $ds_name) = @_;
my $dbs = EnsEMBL::Web::DBSQL::DBConnection->new( $species );
my $dba = $dbs->get_DBAdaptor('userdata');
my $ud_adaptor = $dba->get_adaptor( 'Analysis' );
my $datasource = $ud_adaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($ds_name);
my $error;
if ($datasource && ref($datasource) =~ /Analysis/) {
$error = $self->_delete_datasource_features($datasource);
$ud_adaptor->remove($datasource); ## TODO: Check errors here as well?
return $error;
sub _delete_datasource_features {
my ($self, $datasource) = @_;
my $dba = $datasource->adaptor->db;
my $source_type = $datasource->module || $DEFAULT_CS;
if (my $feature_adaptor = $dba->get_adaptor($source_type)) { # 'DnaAlignFeature' or 'ProteinFeature'
return undef;
else {
return "Could not get $source_type adaptor";
sub _save_protein_features {
my ($self, $datasource, $features) = @_;
my $uu_dba = $datasource->adaptor->db;
my $feature_adaptor = $uu_dba->get_adaptor('ProteinFeature');
my $current_species = $uu_dba->species;
my $dbs = EnsEMBL::Web::DBSQL::DBConnection->new( $current_species );
my $core_dba = $dbs->get_DBAdaptor('core');
my $translation_adaptor = $core_dba->get_adaptor( 'Translation' );
my $shash;
my @feat_array;
my ($report, $errors, $feedback);
foreach my $f (@$features) {
my $seqname = $f->seqname;
unless ($shash->{ $seqname }) {
if (my $object = $translation_adaptor->fetch_by_stable_id( $seqname )) {
$shash->{ $seqname } = $object->dbID;
next unless $shash->{ $seqname };
if (my $object_id = $shash->{$seqname}) {
eval {
my($s,$e) = $f->rawstart<$f->rawend?($f->rawstart,$f->rawend):($f->rawend,$f->rawstart);
my $feat = new Bio::EnsEMBL::ProteinFeature(
-translation_id => $object_id,
-start => $s,
-end => $e,
-strand => $f->strand,
-hseqname => ($f->id."" eq "") ? '-' : $f->id,
-hstart => $f->hstart,
-hend => $f->hend,
-hstrand => $f->hstrand,
-score => $f->score,
-analysis => $datasource,
-extra_data => $f->extra_data,
push @feat_array, $feat;
if ($@) {
push @$errors, "Invalid feature: $@.";
else {
push @$errors, "Invalid segment: $seqname.";
$feature_adaptor->save(\@feat_array) if (@feat_array);
push @$feedback, scalar(@feat_array).' saved.';
if (my $fdiff = scalar(@$features) - scalar(@feat_array)) {
push @$feedback, "$fdiff features ignored.";
$report->{'errors'} = $errors;
$report->{'feedback'} = $feedback;
return $report;
sub _save_genomic_features {
my ($self, $datasource, $features) = @_;
my $uu_dba = $datasource->adaptor->db;
my $feature_adaptor = $uu_dba->get_adaptor('DnaAlignFeature');
my $current_species = $uu_dba->species;
my $dbs = EnsEMBL::Web::DBSQL::DBConnection->new( $current_species );
my $core_dba = $dbs->get_DBAdaptor('core');
my $slice_adaptor = $core_dba->get_adaptor( 'Slice' );
my $assembly = $datasource->module_version;
my $shash;
my @feat_array;
my ($report, $errors, $feedback);
foreach my $f (@$features) {
my $seqname = $f->seqname;
$shash->{ $seqname } ||= $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region( undef,$seqname, undef, undef, undef, $assembly );
if (my $slice = $shash->{$seqname}) {
eval {
my($s,$e) = $f->rawstart<$f->rawend?($f->rawstart,$f->rawend):($f->rawend,$f->rawstart);
my $feat = new Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature(
-slice => $slice,
-start => $s,
-end => $e,
-strand => $f->strand,
-hseqname => ($f->id."" eq "") ? '-' : $f->id,
-hstart => $f->hstart,
-hend => $f->hend,
-hstrand => $f->hstrand,
-score => $f->score,
-analysis => $datasource,
-cigar_string => $f->cigar_string || ($e-$s+1).'M', #$f->{_attrs} || '1M',
-extra_data => $f->extra_data,
push @feat_array, $feat;
if ($@) {
push @$errors, "Invalid feature: $@.";
else {
push @$errors, "Invalid segment: $seqname.";
$feature_adaptor->save(\@feat_array) if (@feat_array);
push @$feedback, scalar(@feat_array).' saved.';
if (my $fdiff = scalar(@$features) - scalar(@feat_array)) {
push @$feedback, "$fdiff features ignored.";
$report->{'errors'} = $errors;
$report->{'feedback'} = $feedback;
return $report;
#---------------------------------- DAS functionality ----------------------------------
sub get_das_servers {
### Returns a hash ref of pre-configured DAS servers
my $self = shift;
my @domains = ();
my @urls = ();
my $reg_url = $self->species_defs->get_config('MULTI', 'DAS_REGISTRY_URL');
my $reg_name = $self->species_defs->get_config('MULTI', 'DAS_REGISTRY_NAME') || $reg_url;
push( @domains, {'name' => $reg_name, 'value' => $reg_url} );
my @extras = @{$self->species_defs->get_config('MULTI', 'ENSEMBL_DAS_SERVERS')};
foreach my $e (@extras) {
push( @domains, {'name' => $e, 'value' => $e} );
#push( @domains, {'name' => $self->param('preconf_das'), 'value' => $self->param('preconf_das')} );
# Ensure servers are proper URLs, and omit duplicate domains
my %known_domains = ();
foreach my $server (@domains) {
my $url = $server->{'value'};
next unless $url;
next if $known_domains{$url};
$url = "http://$url" if ($url !~ m!^\w+://!);
$url .= "/das" if ($url !~ /\/das1?$/);
$server->{'name'} = $url if ( $server->{'name'} eq $server->{'value'});
$server->{'value'} = $url;
return @domains;
# Returns an arrayref of DAS sources for the selected server and species
sub get_das_sources {
my ($self, $server, @logic_names) = @_;
my $species = $ENV{ENSEMBL_SPECIES};
if ($species eq 'common') {
$species = $self->species_defs->ENSEMBL_PRIMARY_SPECIES;
my @name = grep { $_ } $self->param('das_name_filter');
my $source_info = [];
## First check for cached sources
my $MEMD = new EnsEMBL::Web::Cache;
#$MEMD->delete($server) if $MEMD;
if ($MEMD) {
my $unfiltered = $MEMD->get($server) || []; # wrong - need more tags
#warn "FOUND SOURCES IN MEMORY" if scalar @$unfiltered;
## TODO - cache in session?
unless (scalar @$source_info) {
## If unavailable, parse the sources
my $sources = [];
try {
my $parser = $self->get_session->get_das_parser();
$sources = $parser->fetch_Sources(
-location => $server,
-species => $species || undef,
-name => scalar @name ? \@name : undef, # label or DSN
-logic_name => scalar @logic_names ? \@logic_names : undef, # the URI
) || [];
if (!scalar @{ $sources }) {
my $filters = @name ? ' named ' . join ' or ', @name : '';
$source_info = "No $species DAS sources$filters found for $server";
} catch {
#warn $_;
if ($_ =~ /MSG:/) {
($source_info) = $_ =~ m/MSG: (.*)$/m;
} else {
$source_info = $_;
# Cache simple caches, not objects
my $cached = [];
foreach my $source (@{ $sources }) {
my %copy = %{ $source };
my @coords = map { my %cs = %{ $_ }; \%cs } @{ $source->coord_systems || [] };
$copy{'coords'} = \@coords;
push @$cached, \%copy;
push @$source_info, EnsEMBL::Web::DASConfig->new_from_hashref( $source );
## Cache them for later use
#$MEMD->set($server, $cached, undef, 'DSN_INFO', $species) if $MEMD; # wrong
#warn '>>> RETURNING '.@$source_info.' SOURCES';
return $source_info;