package EnsEMBL::Web::Registry;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Timer;
use EnsEMBL::Web::SpeciesDefs;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Data::User;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Session;
use EnsEMBL::Web::DASConfig;
use Class::Std;
my %Timer_of :ATTR( :set<timer> :get<timer> );
#-- Lazy loaded objects - these will have appropriate lazy loaders attached!
my %DBcache_of :ATTR( :get<dbcache> );
my %SpeciesDefs_of :ATTR;
my %User_of :ATTR( :set<user> :get<user> );
my %Ajax_of :ATTR( :set<ajax> :get<ajax> );
my %Session_of :ATTR( :set<session> :get<session> );
my %Script_of :ATTR( :set<script> :get<script> );
my %Species_of :ATTR( :set<species> :get<species> );
my %Type_of :ATTR( :set<type> :get<type> );
my %Action_of :ATTR( :set<action> :get<action> );
# This method gets all configured DAS sources for the current species.
# Source configurations are retrieved first from SpeciesDefs, then additions and
# modifications are added from the User and Session.
# Returns a hashref, indexed by logic_name.
sub get_all_das {
my $self = shift;
my $species = shift || $ENV{'ENSEMBL_SPECIES'};
if ( $species eq 'common' ) {
$species = '';
my @spec_das = $self->species_defs->get_all_das( $species );
my @sess_das = $self->get_session ->get_all_das( $species );
my @user_das = $self->get_user ? $self->get_user->get_all_das( $species ) : ({},{});
# TODO: group data??
# First hash is keyed by logic_name, second is keyed by full_url
my %by_name = ( %{ $spec_das[0] }, %{ $user_das[0] }, %{ $sess_das[0] } );
my %by_url = ( %{ $spec_das[1] }, %{ $user_das[1] }, %{ $sess_das[1] } );
return wantarray ? ( \%by_name, \%by_url ) : \%by_name;
# This method gets a single named DAS source for the current species.
# The source's configuration is an amalgam of species, user and session data.
sub get_das_by_logic_name {
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
return $self->get_all_das->{ $name };
sub timer_push {
my $self = shift;
$self->timer->push( @_ );
sub timer {
my $self = shift;
return $Timer_of{ ident $self } ||= EnsEMBL::Web::Timer->new;
sub species_defs {
### a
### Lazy loaded SpeciesDefs object
my $self = shift;
return $SpeciesDefs_of{ ident $self } ||=
sub check_ajax {
### Checks whether ajax enabled or not
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my $ajax = shift;
$self->set_ajax( $ajax && $ajax->value eq 'enabled' ? 1 : 0 );
} else {
return $self->get_ajax;
sub initialize_user {
my ($self, $arg_ref) = @_;
my $id = $arg_ref->{'cookie'}->get_value;
if ($id) {
} else {
## TODO: decide if we still need 'defer' here, and implement if yes
## defer => 'yes',
sub initialize_session {
$self->set_species( $arg_ref->{'species'} );# if exists $arg_ref->{'species'};
$self->set_script( $arg_ref->{'script'} );# if exists $arg_ref->{'script'};
$self->set_action( $arg_ref->{'action'} );# if exists $arg_ref->{'action'};
$self->set_type( $arg_ref->{'type'} );# if exists $arg_ref->{'type'};
'adaptor' => $self,
'cookie' => $arg_ref->{'cookie'},
'session_id' => $arg_ref->{'cookie'}->get_value,
'species_defs' => $self->species_defs,
'species' => $arg_ref->{'species'}