package EnsEMBL::Web::Session;
use strict;
use Storable qw(nfreeze thaw);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::ColourMap;
use Apache2::RequestUtil;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use Class::Std;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Data::User;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Tools::Encryption 'checksum';
use EnsEMBL::Web::Cookie;
use EnsEMBL::Web::ExtURL;
use EnsEMBL::Web::ViewConfig;
use EnsEMBL::Web::ImageConfig;
use EnsEMBL::Web::DASConfig;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Session;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::DAS::SourceParser;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Root;
our @ISA = qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Root);
our %DAS_IMAGE_DEFAULTS = ( 'display' => 'off' );
## Standard initialized attributes...
my %Cookie_of :ATTR( :name<cookie> );
my %Adaptor_of :ATTR( :name<adaptor> );
my %Input_of :ATTR( :get<input> :set<input> );
my %Request_of :ATTR( :get<request> :set<request> );
my %SpeciesDef_of :ATTR( :name<species_defs> );
my %Session_id_of :ATTR( :name<session_id> );
## Modified parameters built in BUILD fnuction...
my %Configs_of :ATTR;
my %Das_sources_of :ATTR( :get<das_sources> );
my %Das_parser_of :ATTR;
my %ImageConfigs_of :ATTR;
my %Path_of :ATTR( :get<path> );
## Lazy loaded objects....
my %ExtURL_of :ATTR( :get<exturl> :set<exturl> );
my %Species_of :ATTR( :name<species> );
my %ColourMap_of :ATTR;
## Common data (tmp upload, upload, url, etc) ...
my %Data_of :ATTR( :get<tmp> :set<tmp> );
### New Session object - passed around inside the data object to handle storage of
### ViewConfigs/ImageConfigs in the web_user_db
### How it is used...
### The session object is "lazily" attached to {{EnsEMBL::Web::Proxiable}} objects and is
### accessed via {{EnsEMBL::Web::Proxiable::get_session}} method. You usually won't need
### to do this explicitly - because it is done implicitly by methods such as:
### {{EnsEMBL::Web::Proxiable::get_imageconfig}},
### {{EnsEMBL::Web::Proxiable::image_config_hash}},
### {{EnsEMBL::Web::Proxiable::get_viewconfig}},
### {{EnsEMBL::Web::Proxiable::attach_image_config}} all of which create either
### {{EnsEMBL::Web::ViewConfig}} or {{EnsEMBL::Web::ImageConfig}} objects.
### These commands in turn access the database if we already have a session (whose is
### accessible by {{session_id}}) and if the appropriate viewconfig is defined as
### storable. (In this way it replaces the ViewConfigAdaptor/ImageConfigAdaptor modules
### At the end of the configuration section of the webpage if any data needs to be
### saved to the session this is done so (and if required a session cookie set and
### stored in the users browser. (See {{EnsEMBL::Web::Document::WebPage}} to see
### where this is done (by the {{EnsEMBL::Web::Proxiable::fix_session}} method.
sub get_site { return ''; }
sub BUILD {
my( $class, $ident, $arg_ref ) = @_;
### Most of the build functions is done automagically by Class::Std, two unusual ones
### are the path and Cookie object..
$Configs_of { $ident } = {}; # Initialize empty hash!
$ImageConfigs_of { $ident } = {}; # Initialize emtpy hash!
$Data_of { $ident } = {}; # Initialize empty hash!
$Path_of { $ident } = ['EnsEMBL::Web', reverse @{$arg_ref->{'path'}||[]}];
sub input {
### Wrapper accessor to keep code simple...
my $self = shift;
return $self->get_input(@_);
sub exturl {
my $self = shift;
return $ExtURL_of{ident $self} ||= EnsEMBL::Web::ExtURL->new( $self->get_species, $self->get_species_defs );
sub colourmap {
### Gets the colour map
my $self = shift;
return $ColourMap_of{ident $self} ||= Bio::EnsEMBL::ColourMap->new( $self->get_species_defs );
sub create_session_id {
### Gets session ID if the session ID doesn't exist
### a new one is grabbed and added to the users cookies
my ($self, $r) = @_;
$r = (!$r && Apache2::RequestUtil->can('request')) ? Apache2::RequestUtil->request() : undef;
my $session_id = $self->get_session_id;
return $session_id if $session_id;
$session_id = EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Session->create_session_id;
$self->set_session_id( $session_id );
$self->get_cookie->create( $r, $session_id ) if $r;
return $session_id;
sub _temp_store {
my( $self, $name, $code ) = @_;
### At any point can copy back value from image_config into the temporary storage space for the config!!
#warn "$name .... ", $Configs_of{ ident $self }{$name}," ... ",
# $Configs_of{ ident $self }{$name}{'image_config_data'}{$code}," ... ",
# $ImageConfigs_of{ident $self}{$code}{'user'};
$Configs_of{ ident $self }{$name}{'image_config_data'}{$code} =
$Configs_of{ ident $self }{$name}{'user'}{'image_configs'}{$code} =
$self->deepcopy( $ImageConfigs_of{ident $self}{$code}{'user'} );
# warn Dumper( $self->{'configs'}{$name}{'user'}{'image_configs'}{$code} );
sub reset_config {
### Reset the config given by $config name in the storage hash
my( $self, $configname ) = @_;
return unless exists $Configs_of{ ident $self }{ $configname };
$Configs_of{ ident $self }{ $configname }{ 'config' }->reset();
sub store {
### Write session back to the database if required...
### Only work with storable configs and only if they or attached
### image configs have been altered!
### Comment: not really, we also have das and tmp data which needs
### to be stored as well
my ($self, $r) = @_;
my @storables = @{ $self->storable_data($r) };
foreach my $storable (@storables) {
session_id => $self->create_session_id($r),
type => 'script',
code => $storable->{config_key},
data => $storable->{data},
) if $storable->{config_key};
sub storable_data {
### Returns an array ref of hashes suitable for dumping to a database record.
my($self,$r) = @_;
my $return_data = [];
foreach my $config_key ( keys %{$Configs_of{ ident $self }||{}} ) {
my $sc_hash_ref = $Configs_of{ ident $self }{$config_key}||{};
## Cannot store unless told to do so by script config
next unless $sc_hash_ref->{'config'}->storable;
## Start by setting the to store flag to 1 if the script config has been updated!
my $to_store = $sc_hash_ref->{'config'}->altered;
my $data = {
'diffs' => $sc_hash_ref->{'config'}->get_user_settings(),
'image_configs' => {}
## get the script config diffs
foreach my $image_config_key ( keys %{$sc_hash_ref->{'config'}->{'_image_config_names'}||{} }) {
my $image_config = $ImageConfigs_of{ ident $self }{$image_config_key};
$image_config = $self->getImageConfig($image_config_key,$image_config_key) unless $image_config;
next unless $image_config->storable; ## Cannot store unless told to do so by image config
$to_store = 1 if $image_config->altered; ## Only store if image config has changed...
$data->{'image_configs'}{$image_config_key} = $image_config->get_user_settings();
push @{ $return_data }, { config_key => $config_key, data => $data } if $to_store;
return $return_data;
## Tmp data stuff
sub get_cached_data {
### Retrieve the data from cache
my $self = shift;
my %args = (
type => 'tmp',
if ($args{code}) {
## Code is spcified
return $Data_of{ ident $self }{$args{type}}{$args{code}}
if $Data_of{ ident $self }{$args{type}}{$args{code}};
} elsif ($Data_of{ ident $self }{$args{type}}) {
## Code is not spcified // wantarray or not?
my ($code) = keys %{ $Data_of{ ident $self }{$args{type}} };
return wantarray ? values %{ $Data_of{ ident $self }{$args{type}} }
: $Data_of{ ident $self }{$args{type}}{$code};
sub get_data {
### Retrieve the data
my $self = shift;
my %args = (
type => 'upload',
session_id => $self->get_session_id,
type => $args{type},
code => $args{code},
## No session so cannot have anything configured!
return unless $self->get_session_id;
## Have a look in the cache
return $self->get_cached_data(%args)
if $self->get_cached_data(%args);
$Data_of{ ident $self }{$args{type}} ||= {};
## Get all data of the given type from the database!
my @entries = EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Session->get_config(
session_id => $self->get_session_id,
$Data_of{ ident $self }{$args{type}}{$_->code} = $_->data for @entries;
### use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper($Data_of{ ident $self });
## Make empty {} if none found
#$Data_of{ ident $self }{$args{type}}{$args{code}} ||= {} if $args{code};
return $self->get_cached_data(%args);
sub set_data {
my $self = shift;
my %args = (
type => 'upload',
return unless $args{type} && $args{code};
my $data = $self->get_data(
type => $args{type},
code => $args{code},
$Data_of{ ident $self }{$args{type}}{$args{code}} = {
%{ $data || {} },
type => $args{type},
code => $args{code},
type => $args{type},
code => $args{code},
sub purge_data {
### $object->get_session->purge_data()
my $self = shift;
my %args = (
type => 'upload',
if ($args{code}) {
delete $Data_of{ ident $self }{$args{type}}{$args{code}};
} else {
$Data_of{ ident $self }{$args{type}} = {};
## For multiple objects, such as upload or urls
sub add_data {
### $object->get_session->add_data()
my $self = shift;
my %args = (
type => 'upload',
## Unique code
$args{code} ||= time;
return $self->get_data(type => $args{type}, code => $args{code});
sub save_data {
### Save all data back to the database
my $self = shift;
my %args = (
type => 'upload',
session_id => $self->get_session_id,
foreach my $data ($self->get_data(%args)) {
next unless $data && %$data;
session_id => $self->get_session_id,
type => $args{type},
code => $data->{code},
data => $data,
## Share upload data
sub receive_shared_data {
# Share
my ($self, @share_refs) = @_;
my (@success, @failure);
foreach my $share_ref (@share_refs) {
my $record;
if ($share_ref =~ /^(\d+)-(\w+)$/) {
# User record:
my $id = $1;
my $checksum = $2;
die 'Sharing violation' unless checksum($id) ne $checksum;
$record = EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Record::Upload::User->new($id);
} else {
# Session record:
$record = EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Session->retrieve(code => $share_ref);
if ($record) {
push @success, $record->data->{'name'};
} else {
push @failure, $share_ref;
if (@failure) {
my $n = scalar @failure;
my $msg = "The data has been removed from $n of the shared sets that you are looking for.";
type => 'message',
code => 'no_data:' . (join ',', sort @failure),
message => $msg,
function => '_warning'
if (@success) {
my $tracks = join '</li><li>', @success;
$tracks = "<ul><li>$tracks</li></ul>";
type => 'message',
code => 'shared_data:' . (join ',', map $_[0], @share_refs),
message => "The following added tracks displayed in the image below are shared data:$tracks",
function => '_info'
# This method gets all configured DAS sources for the current session, i.e. all
# those either added or modified externally.
# Returns a hashref, indexed by logic_name.
sub get_all_das {
my $self = shift;
my $species = shift || $ENV{'ENSEMBL_SPECIES'};
if ( $species eq 'common' ) {
$species = '';
## TODO: get rid of session getters,
session_id => $self->get_session_id,
type => 'das',
# If there is no session, there are no configs
return ({},{}) unless $self->get_session_id;
# If the cache hasn't been initialised, do it
if ( ! $Das_sources_of{ ident $self } ) {
$Das_sources_of{ ident $self } = {};
# Retrieve all DAS configurations from the database
my @configs = EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Session->get_config(
session_id => $self->get_session_id,
type => 'das'
foreach my $config (@configs) {
$config->data || next;
# Create new DAS source from value in database...
my $das = EnsEMBL::Web::DASConfig->new_from_hashref( $config->data );
$das->category( 'session' ); # paranoia...
$Das_sources_of{ ident $self }{ $das->logic_name } = $das;
my %by_name = ();
my %by_url = ();
for my $das ( values %{ $Das_sources_of{ ident $self } } ) {
unless ($species eq 'ANY') {
$das->matches_species( $species ) || next;
$by_name{$das->logic_name} = $das;
$by_url {$das->full_url } = $das;
return wantarray ? ( \%by_name, \%by_url ) : \%by_name;
# Save all session-specific DAS sources back to the database
# Usage examples:
# $session->add_das( $source1 );
# $source2->mark_deleted; # delete entirely
# $source3->category( 'user' ); # move from session to user
# $source3->mark_altered; # mark as updated
# $session->save_das; # save session data
sub save_das {
my $self = shift;
foreach my $source ( values %{ $self->get_all_das('ANY') } ) {
# If the source hasn't changed in some way, skip it
next unless $source->is_altered;
# Delete moved or deleted records
if( $source->is_deleted || !$source->is_session ) {
session_id => $self->create_session_id,
type => 'das',
code => $source->logic_name,
# Create new source records
else {
session_id => $self->create_session_id,
type => 'das',
code => $source->logic_name,
data => $source,
# This function will make sure that a das source is attached with a unique name
# So in case when you try to attach MySource it will return undef if exactly same
# source is already attached (i.e the same url, dsn and coords).
# If it's only the name that is the same then the function will provide a unique
# name for the new source , e.g name_1
sub _get_unique_source_name {
my( $self, $source ) = @_;
my @sources = $EnsEMBL::Web::RegObj::ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->get_all_das;
for ( my $i = 0; 1; $i++ ) {
my $test_name = $i ? $source->logic_name . "_$i" : $source->logic_name;
my $test_url = $i ? $source->full_url . "_$i" : $source->full_url;
my $test_source = $sources[0]->{$test_name} || $sources[1]->{$test_url};
if ( $test_source ) {
if ( $source->equals( $test_source ) ) {
return $test_name;
# Add a new DAS source within the session
sub add_das {
my ( $self, $das ) = @_;
# If source is different to any thing added so far, add it
warn "ADD $das...";
if( my $new_name = $self->_get_unique_source_name($das) ) {
warn ">> $new_name <<";
$das->logic_name( $new_name );
$das->category ( 'session' );
$Das_sources_of{ ident $self }{ $new_name } = $das;
return 1;
# Otherwise skip it
return 0;
# Switch on a DAS source for the current view/image (if it is suitable)
sub configure_das_views {
my ($self, $das, $referer_hash, $track_options) = @_;
my $this_type = $referer_hash->{'ENSEMBL_TYPE' } || $ENV{'ENSEMBL_TYPE'};
my $this_action = $referer_hash->{'ENSEMBL_ACTION'} || $ENV{'ENSEMBL_ACTION'};
my $this_image = $referer_hash->{'ENSEMBL_IMAGE'};
$track_options->{'display'} ||= 'labels';
my $this_vc = $self->getViewConfig( $this_type, $this_action );
my %this_ics = $this_vc->image_configs();
# This method has to deal with two types of configurations - those of views
# and those of images. Non-positional DAS sources are attached to views, and
# positional sources are attached to images. The source automatically becomes
# available on all the views/images it is -suitable for-, and this method
# switches it on for the current view/image provided it is suitable.
# The DASConfig "is_on" method gives a way to test whether a source is
# suitable for a view (e.g. Gene/ExternalData) or image (e.g contigview).
# Find images on the current view that support DAS and for which the DAS
# source is suitable, optionally filtered with
# an override. But don't trust the override to always indentify an image that
# supports DAS!
my @this_images = grep {
$this_ics{$_} eq 'das' && # DAS-compatible image
(!$this_image || $this_image eq $_) && # optional override
$das->is_on( $_ ) # DAS source is suitable for this image
} keys %this_ics;
# If source is suitable for this VIEW (i.e. not image) - Gene/Protein DAS
if ( $das->is_on( "$this_type/$this_action" ) ) {
# Need to set default to 'no' before we can set it to 'yes'
if ( !$this_vc->is_option( $das->logic_name ) ) {
$this_vc->_set_defaults( $das->logic_name, 'no' );
$this_vc->set( $das->logic_name, 'yes' );
# For all IMAGES the source needs to be turned on for
for my $image ( @this_images ) {
my $ic = $self->getImageConfig( $image, $image );
my $n = $ic->get_node( 'das_' . $das->logic_name );
if( !$n ) {
my %tmp = ( map( { ($_=>'') } keys %$track_options ), %DAS_IMAGE_DEFAULTS );
$n = $ic->tree->create_node( 'das_' . $das->logic_name, \%tmp );
$n->set_user( %{ $track_options } );
$ic->altered = 1;
sub get_das_parser {
my $self = shift;
$Das_parser_of{ ident $self } ||= Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::DAS::SourceParser->new(
-timeout => $self->get_species_defs->ENSEMBL_DAS_TIMEOUT,
-proxy => $self->get_species_defs->ENSEMBL_WWW_PROXY,
-noproxy => $self->get_species_defs->ENSEMBL_NO_PROXY,
return $Das_parser_of{ ident $self };
sub add_das_from_string {
my ( $self, $string, $view_details, $track_options ) = @_;
my @existing = $EnsEMBL::Web::RegObj::ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->get_all_das();
my $parser = $self->get_das_parser();
my ($server, $identifier) = $parser->parse_das_string( $string );
# If we couldn't reliably parse an identifier (i.e. string is not a URL),
# assume it is a registry ID
#warn "... $string - $server - $identifier";
if ( !$identifier ) {
$identifier = $string;
$server = $self->get_species_defs->DAS_REGISTRY_URL;
# Check if the source has already been added, otherwise add it
my $source = $existing[0]->{$identifier} || $existing[1]->{"$server/$identifier"};
unless ($source) {
# If not, parse the DAS server to get a list of sources...
eval {
for ( @{ $parser->fetch_Sources( -location => $server ) } ) {
# ... and look for one with a matcing URI or DSN
if ( $_->logic_name eq $identifier || $_->dsn eq $identifier ) {
if (!@{ $_->coord_systems }) {
return "Unable to add DAS source $identifier as it does not provide any details of its coordinate systems";
$source = EnsEMBL::Web::DASConfig->new_from_hashref( $_ );
$self->add_das( $source );
if ($@) {
return "DAS error: $@";
if( $source ) {
# so long as the source is 'suitable' for this view, turn it on
$self->configure_das_views( $source, $view_details, $track_options );
} else {
return "Unable to find a DAS source named $identifier on $server";
sub deepcopy {
### Recursive deep copy of hashrefs/arrayrefs...
my $self = shift;
if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
return { map( {$self->deepcopy($_)} %{$_[0]}) };
} elsif (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
return [ map( {$self->deepcopy($_)} @{$_[0]}) ];
return $_[0];
sub attachImageConfig {
my $self = shift;
my $script = shift;
return unless $Configs_of{ ident $self }{$script};
foreach my $image_config (@_) {
$Configs_of{ ident $self }{$script}{'image_configs'}{$image_config}=1;
sub getViewConfig {
### Create a new {{EnsEMBL::Web::ViewConfig}} object for the script passed
### Loops through core and all plugins looking for a EnsEMBL::*::ViewConfig::$script
### package and if it exists calls the function init() on the package to set
### (a) the default values, (b) whether or not the user can over-ride these settings
### loaded in the order: core first, followed each of the plugin directories
### (from bottom to top in the list in conf/
### If a session exists and the code is storable connect to the database and retrieve
### the data from the session_data table
### Then loop through the {{EnsEMBL::Web::Input}} object and set anything in this
### Keep a record of what the user has changed!!
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $action = shift;
my $do_not_pop_from_params = shift;
my $key = $type.'::'.$action;
## TODO: get rid of session getters,
session_id => $self->get_session_id,
type => $type,
code => $key,
unless ($Configs_of{ ident $self }{$key} ) {
my $flag = 0;
my $view_config = EnsEMBL::Web::ViewConfig->new( $type, $action, $self );
foreach my $root ( @{$self->get_path} ) {
my $classname = $root."::ViewConfig::$key";
unless( $self->dynamic_use( $classname ) ) {
## If the module can't be required throw an error and return undef;
(my $message = "Can't locate $classname\.pm in" ) =~ s/::/\//g;
my $error = $self->dynamic_use_failure($classname);
warn qq(ViewConfig: failed to require $classname:\n $error) unless $error=~/$message/;
$view_config->push_class( $classname );
foreach my $part (qw(init)) {
my $method_name = $classname."::".$part;
eval { no strict 'refs'; &$method_name( $view_config ); };
if( $@ ) {
my $message = "Undefined subroutine &$method_name called";
if( $@ =~ /$message/ ) {
warn qq(ViewConfig: init not defined in $classname\n);
} else {
warn qq(ViewConfig: init call on $classname failed:\n$@);
} else {
$view_config->real = 1;
my $image_config_data = {};
if( $self->get_session_id && $view_config->storable ) {
## Let us see if there is an entry in the database and load it into the script config!
## and store any other data which comes back....
my $config = EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Session->get_config(
session_id => $self->get_session_id,
type => 'script',
code => $key,
if( $config && $config->data ) {
$view_config->set_user_settings( $config->data->{'diffs'} );
$image_config_data = $config->data->{'image_configs'};
# unless( $do_not_pop_from_params ) {
# warn "CALLED... update_from_input...";
# $view_config->update_from_input( $self->input ); ## Needs access to the object...
# }
$Configs_of{ ident $self }{$key} = {
'config' => $view_config, ## List of attached
'image_configs' => {}, ## List of attached image configs
'image_config_data' => $image_config_data ## Data retrieved from database to define image config settings.
return $Configs_of{ ident $self }{$key}{'config'};
sub get_view_config_as_string {
my ($self, $type, $action ) = @_;
if( $self->get_session_id ) {
my $config = EnsEMBL::Web::Data::Session->get_config(
session_id => $self->get_session_id,
type => 'view',
code => $type.'::'.$action,
return $config->as_string if $config;
return undef;
sub set_view_config_from_string {
my ($self, $type, $action, $string) = @_;
session_id => $self->get_session_id,
type => 'view',
code => $type.'::'.$action,
data => $string,
sub getImageConfig {
### Returns an image Config object...
### If passed one parameter then it loads the data (and doesn't cache it)
### If passed two parameters it loads the data (and caches it against the second name - NOTE you must use the
### second name version IF you want the configuration to be saved by the session - otherwise it will be lost
my( $self, $type, $key ) = @_;
## TODO: get rid of session getters,
session_id => $self->get_session_id,
type => $type,
code => $key,
## If key is not set we aren't worried about caching it!
if( $key && exists $ImageConfigs_of{ ident $self }{$key} ) {
return $ImageConfigs_of{ ident $self }{$key};
my $image_config = $self->get_ImageConfig( $type ); # $ImageConfigs_of{ ident $self }{ $type };
foreach my $script ( keys %{$Configs_of{ ident $self }||{}} ) {
if( $Configs_of{ ident $self }{$script}{'image_config_data'}{$type} ) {
my $T = $Configs_of{ ident $self }{$script}{'image_config_data'}{$type}||{};
foreach (keys %$T) {
$image_config->tree->{_user_data}{$_} = $self->deepcopy( $T->{$_} );
## Store if $key is set!
$ImageConfigs_of{ ident $self }{ $key } = $image_config if $key;
return $image_config;
sub get_ImageConfig {
### Return a new image config object...
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
return undef if $type eq '_page';
my $classname = '';
## Let us hack this for the moment....
## If a site is defined in the configuration look for
## an the user config object in the namespace EnsEMBL::Web::ImageConfig::{$site}::{$type}
## Otherwise fall back on the module EnsEMBL::Web::ImageConfig::{$type}
if( $self->get_site ) {
$classname = "EnsEMBL::Web::ImageConfig::".$self->get_site."::$type";
eval "require $classname";
if($@ || !$self->get_site ) {
my $classname_old = $classname;
$classname = "EnsEMBL::Web::ImageConfig::$type";
eval "require $classname";
## If the module can't be required throw and error and return undef;
if($@) {
warn(qq(ImageConfigAdaptor failed to require $classname_old OR $classname: $@\n));
return undef;
## Import the module
my $image_config = eval { $classname->new( $self, @_ ); };
if( $@ || !$image_config ) { warn(qq(ImageConfigAdaptor failed to create new $classname: $@\n)); }
## Return the respectiv config.
return $image_config;