package EnsEMBL::Web::SpeciesDefs;
### SpeciesDefs - Ensembl web configuration accessor
### This module provides programatic access to the web site configuration
### data stored in the $ENSEMBL_SERVERROOT/conf/*.ini (INI) files. See
### $ENSEMBL_SERVERROOT/conf/ini.README for details.
### Owing to the overhead implicit in parsing the INI files, two levels of
### caching (memory, filesystem) have been implemented. To update changes
### made to an INI file, the running process (e.g. httpd) must be halted,
### and the $ENSEMBL_SERVERROOT/conf/config.packed file removed. In the
### absence of a cache, the INI files are automatically parsed parsed at
### object instantiation. In the case of the Ensembl web site, this occurs
### at server startup via the $ENSEMBL_SERVERROOT/conf/perl.startup
### script. The filesystem cache is not enabled by default; the
### SpeciesDefs::store method is used to do this explicitly.
### Example usage:
### use SpeciesDefs;
### my $speciesdefs = SpeciesDefs->new;
### # List all configured species
### my @species = $speciesdefs->valid_species();
### # Test to see whether a species is configured
### if( scalar( $species_defs->valid_species('Homo_sapiens') ){ }
### # Getting a setting (parameter value/section data) from the config
### my $sp_name = $speciesdefs->get_config('Homo_sapiens','SPECIES_COMMON_NAME');
### # Alternative setting getter - uses autoloader
### my $sp_bio_name = $speciesdefs->SPECIE_%S_COMMON_NAME('Homo_sapiens');
### # Can also use the ENSEMBL_SPECIES environment variable
### ENV{'ENSEMBL_SPECIES'} = 'Homo_sapiens';
### my $sp_bio_name = $speciesdefs->SPECIES_COMMON_NAME;
### # Getting a parameter with multiple values
### my( @chromosomes ) = @{$speciesdefs->ENSEMBL_CHROMOSOMES};
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use Carp qw( cluck );
use File::Spec;
use Storable qw(lock_nstore lock_retrieve thaw);
use Data::Dumper;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Root;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ConfigRegistry;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Eprof qw(eprof_start eprof_end eprof_dump);
use EnsEMBL::Web::Tools::PluginLocator;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Tools::WebTree;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Tools::RobotsTxt;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Tools::OpenSearchDescription;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Tools::Registry;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Tools::MartRegistry;
use EnsEMBL::Web::DASConfig;
use DBI;
use SiteDefs qw(:ALL);
use Hash::Merge qw( merge );
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
our @ISA = qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Root);
our $CONF;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw(verbose);
sub new {
### c
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless( {'_start_time' => undef , '_last_time' => undef, 'timer' => undef }, $class );
my $conffile = $SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_CONF_DIRS[0].'/'.$ENSEMBL_CONFIG_FILENAME;
$self->{'_filename'} = $conffile;
$self->parse unless $CONF;
## Diagnostic - sets up back trace of point at which new was
## called - useful for trying to track down where the cacheing
## is taking place
$self->{'_new_caller_array'} = [];
if( 1 ) {
my $C = 0;
while( my @T = caller($C) ) {
$self->{'_new_caller_array'}[$C] = \@T; $C++;
$self->{'_storage'} = $CONF->{'_storage'};
return $self;
sub get_all_das {
my $self = shift;
my $species = shift || $ENV{'ENSEMBL_SPECIES'};
my $sources_hash = $self->get_config( $species, 'ENSEMBL_INTERNAL_DAS_CONFIGS' )||{};
if ( $species eq 'common' ) {
$species = '';
my %by_name = ();
my %by_url = ();
for ( values %$sources_hash ) {
my $das = EnsEMBL::Web::DASConfig->new_from_hashref( $_ );
$das->matches_species( $species ) || next;
$by_name{$das->logic_name} = $das;
$by_url {$das->full_url } = $das;
return wantarray ? ( \%by_name, \%by_url ) : \%by_name;
sub name {
### a
### returns the name of the current species
## TO DO - rename method to 'species'
sub valid_species(){
### Filters the list of species to those configured in the object.
### If an empty list is passes, returns a list of all configured species
### Returns: array of configured species names
my $self = shift;
my %test_species = map{ $_=>1 } @_;
#my $species_ref = $CONF->{'_storage'}; # This includes 'Multi'
my %species = map{ $_=>1 } values %{$SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_SPECIES_ALIASES};
my @valid_species = keys %species;
if( %test_species ){ # Test arg list if required
@valid_species = grep{ $test_species{$_} } @valid_species;
return @valid_species;
sub species_full_name {
### a
### returns full species name from the short name
my $self = shift;
my $sp = shift;
return $SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_SPECIES_ALIASES->{$sp};
### a
my $self = shift;
$species = $ENSEMBL_PRIMARY_SPECIES if $species eq 'Multi';
my $var = our $AUTOLOAD;
$var =~ s/.*:://;
return $self->get_config( $species, $var );
sub colour {
### a
### return the colour associated with the $key of $set colour set (or the whole hash associated reference);
my( $self, $set, $key, $part ) = @_;
$part ||= 'default';
return defined( $key )
? $self->{_storage}{MULTI}{COLOURSETS}{$set}{$key}{$part}
: $self->{_storage}{MULTI}{COLOURSETS}{$set}
sub get_config {
## Returns the config value for a given species and a given config key
### Arguments: species name(string), parameter name (string)
### Returns: parameter value (any type), or undef on failure
my $self = shift;
my $species = shift;
if ($species eq 'common') {
my $var = shift || $species;
if(defined $CONF->{'_storage'}) {
return $CONF->{'_storage'}{$species}{$var} if exists $CONF->{'_storage'}{$species} &&
exists $CONF->{'_storage'}{$species}{$var};
return $CONF->{'_storage'}{$var} if exists $CONF->{'_storage'}{$var};
no strict 'refs';
my $S = "SiteDefs::".$var;
return ${$S} if defined ${$S};
return \@{$S} if defined @{$S};
warn "UNDEF ON $var [$species]. Called from ", (caller(1))[1] , " line " , (caller(1))[2] , "\n" if $ENSEMBL_DEBUG_FLAGS & 4;
return undef;
sub set_config {
### Overrides the config value for a given species and a given config key
### (use with care!)
### Arguments: species name (string), parameter name (string), parameter value (any)
### Returns: boolean
my $self = shift;
my $species = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $value = shift || undef;
$CONF->{'_storage'}{$species}{$key} = $value if defined $CONF->{'_storage'} &&
exists $CONF->{'_storage'}{$species};
return 1;
sub retrieve {
### Retrieves stored configuration from disk
### Returns: boolean
### Exceptions: The filesystem-cache file cannot be opened
my $self = shift;
my $Q = lock_retrieve( $self->{'_filename'} ) or die( "Can't open $self->{'_filename'}: $!" );
$CONF->{'_storage'} = $Q if ref($Q) eq 'HASH';
return 1;
sub store {
### Creates filesystem-cache by storing config to disk.
### Returns: boolean
### Caller: perl.startup, on first (validation) pass of httpd.conf
my $self = shift;
die "[FATAL] Could not write to $self->{'_filename'}: $!" unless
lock_nstore( $CONF->{'_storage'}, $self->{_filename} );
return 1;
sub parse {
### Retrieves a stored configuration or creates a new one
### Returns: boolean
### Caller: $self->new when filesystem and memory caches are empty
my $self = shift;
$CONF = {};
my $reg_conf = EnsEMBL::Web::Tools::Registry->new( $CONF );
$self->{_start_time} = time;
$self->{_last_time } = $self->{_start_time};
if( ! $SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_CONFIG_BUILD && -e $self->{_filename} ){
warn " Retrieving conf from $self->{_filename}\n";
return 1;
EnsEMBL::Web::Tools::RobotsTxt::create( $self->ENSEMBL_SPECIES );
EnsEMBL::Web::Tools::OpenSearchDescription::create( $self );
$self->{'_parse_caller_array'} = [];
my $C = 0;
while(my @T = caller($C) ) { $self->{'_parse_caller_array'}[$C] = \@T; $C++; }
sub _convert_date {
### Converts a date from a species database into a human-friendly format for web display
### Argument: date in format YYYY-MM with optional -string attached
### Returns: hash ref {'date' => 'Mmm YYYY', 'string' => 'xxxxx'}
my $date = shift;
my %parsed;
my @a = ($date =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-?(.*)/);
my @now = localtime();
my $thisyear = $now[5] + 1900;
my %months = ('01'=>'Jan', '02'=>'Feb', '03'=>'Mar', '04'=>'Apr',
'05'=>'May', '06'=>'Jun', '07'=>'July','08'=>'Aug',
'09'=>'Sep', '10'=>'Oct', '11'=>'Nov', '12'=>'Dec');
my $year = $a[0];
my $mon = $a[1];
my $month;
if ($mon && $mon < 13) {
$month = $months{$mon};
if ($year > $thisyear || !$month) {
print STDERR "\t [WARN] DATE FORMAT MAY BE REVERSED - parses as $mon $year\n";
$parsed{'date'} = $month.' '.$year;
$parsed{'string'} = $a[2];
return \%parsed;
sub _load_in_webtree {
### Load in the contents of the web tree....
### Check for cached value first....
my $self = shift;
my $web_tree_packed = File::Spec->catfile($SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_CONF_DIRS[0],'packed','web_tree.packed');
my $web_tree = { _path => '/info/' };
if( -e $web_tree_packed ) {
$web_tree = lock_retrieve( $web_tree_packed );
} else {
for my $root (reverse @ENSEMBL_HTDOCS_DIRS) {
EnsEMBL::Web::Tools::WebTree::read_tree( $web_tree, $root );
lock_nstore( $web_tree, $web_tree_packed );
return $web_tree;
sub _merge_in_dhtml {
my( $self, $tree ) = @_;
my $inifile = $SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_CONF_DIRS[0].'/packed/dhtml.ini';
return unless( -e $inifile && open I, $inifile );
while(<I>) {
next unless /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(\w+)/;
if( $1 eq 'css' ) {
$tree->{'ENSEMBL_CSS_NAME'} = $2;
} elsif( $1 eq 'js' ) {
$tree->{'ENSEMBL_JS_NAME'} = $2;
} elsif( $1 eq 'type' ) {
$tree->{'ENSEMBL_JSCSS_TYPE'} = $2;
close I;
sub _read_in_ini_file {
my $tree = {};
my( $self, $filename, $defaults ) = @_;
my $inifile = undef;
foreach my $confdir( @SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_CONF_DIRS ){
if( -e "$confdir/ini-files/$filename.ini" ){
if( -r "$confdir/ini-files/$filename.ini" ){
$inifile = "$confdir/ini-files/$filename.ini";
} else {
warn "$confdir/ini-files/$filename.ini is not readable\n" ;
open FH, $inifile or die( "Problem with $inifile: $!" );
my $current_section = undef;
my $line_number = 0;
while(<FH>) {
s/\s+[;].*$//; # These two lines remove any comment strings
s/^[#;].*$//; # from the ini file - basically ; or #..
if( /^\[\s*(\w+)\s*\]/ ) { # New section - i.e. [ ... ]
$current_section = $1;
$tree->{$current_section} ||= {}; # create new element if required
if(defined $defaults->{ $current_section }) { # add settings from default!!
my %hash = %{$defaults->{ $current_section }};
foreach( keys %hash ) {
$tree->{$current_section}{$_} = $defaults->{$current_section}{$_};
} elsif (/([\w*]\S*)\s*=\s*(.*)/ && defined $current_section) { # Config entry
my ($key,$value) = ($1,$2); ## Add a config entry under the current 'top level'
if($value=~/^\[\s*(.*?)\s*\]$/) { # [ - ] signifies an array
my @array = split /\s+/, $1;
$value = \@array;
$tree->{$current_section}{$key} = $value;
} elsif (/([.\w]+)\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # precedes a [ ] section
print STDERR "\t [WARN] NO SECTION $filename.ini($line_number) -> $1 = $2;\n";
close FH;
return $inifile ? $tree : undef;
sub _promote_general {
my( $self, $tree ) = @_;
foreach( keys %{$tree->{'general'}} ) {
$tree->{$_} = $tree->{'general'}{$_};
delete $tree->{'general'};
sub _expand_database_templates {
my( $self, $filename, $tree ) = @_;
my $HOST = $tree->{'general'}{'DATABASE_HOST'};
my $PORT = $tree->{'general'}{'DATABASE_HOST_PORT'};
my $USER = $tree->{'general'}{'DATABASE_DBUSER'};
my $PASS = $tree->{'general'}{'DATABASE_DBPASS'};
my $DRIVER = $tree->{'general'}{'DATABASE_DRIVER'} || 'mysql';
if( exists $tree->{'databases'} ) {
foreach my $key ( keys %{$tree->{'databases'}} ) {
my $DB_NAME = $tree->{'databases'}{$key};
if( $DB_NAME =~ /^%_(\w+)_%$/ ) {
$DB_NAME = lc(sprintf( '%s_%s_%s_%s', $filename , $1, $SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_VERSION, $tree->{'general'}{'SPECIES_RELEASE_VERSION'} ));
} elsif( $DB_NAME =~/^%_(\w+)$/ ) {
$DB_NAME = lc(sprintf( '%s_%s_%s', $filename , $1, $SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_VERSION ));
} elsif( $DB_NAME =~/^(\w+)_%$/ ) {
$DB_NAME = lc(sprintf( '%s_%s', $1, $SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_VERSION ));
if($tree->{'databases'}{$key} eq '') {
delete $tree->{'databases'}{$key};
} elsif(exists $tree->{$key} && exists $tree->{$key}{'HOST'}) {
my %cnf = %{$tree->{$key}};
$tree->{'databases'}{$key} = {
'HOST' => exists( $cnf{'HOST'} ) ? $cnf{'HOST'} : $HOST,
'USER' => exists( $cnf{'USER'} ) ? $cnf{'USER'} : $USER,
'PORT' => exists( $cnf{'PORT'} ) ? $cnf{'PORT'} : $PORT,
'PASS' => exists( $cnf{'PASS'} ) ? $cnf{'PASS'} : $PASS,
'DRIVER' => exists( $cnf{'DRIVER'}) ? $cnf{'DRIVER'} : $DRIVER,
delete $tree->{$key};
} else {
$tree->{'databases'}{$key} = {
'HOST' => $HOST,
'USER' => $USER,
'PORT' => $PORT,
'PASS' => $PASS,
sub _merge_db_tree {
my( $self, $tree, $db_tree, $key ) = @_;
Hash::Merge::set_behavior( 'RIGHT_PRECEDENT' );
my $t = merge( $tree->{$key}, $db_tree->{$key} );
$tree->{$key} = $t;
sub _parse {
### Does the actual parsing of .ini files
### (1) Open up the DEFAULTS.ini file(s)
### Foreach species open up all {species}.ini file(s)
### merge in content of defaults
### load data from db.packed file
### make other manipulations as required
### Repeat for MULTI.ini
### Returns: boolean
my $self = shift;
$CONF->{'_storage'} = {}; $self->_info_log( 'Parser', "Starting to parse tree" );
my $tree = {};
my $db_tree = {};
my $das_tree = {};
#------------ Initialize plugin locator - and create array of ConfigPacker objects...
my $plugin_locator = EnsEMBL::Web::Tools::PluginLocator->new( (
locations => [ 'EnsEMBL::Web', reverse @{ $self->ENSEMBL_PLUGIN_ROOTS } ],
suffix => "ConfigPacker"
# Create all the child objects with the $tree and $db_tree hashrefs attahed...
$plugin_locator->create_all( $tree, $db_tree, $das_tree );
# not sure why I have to do this - but copy the results back as children (what does mw4's code do?)
$plugin_locator->children( [ values %{$plugin_locator->results} ] ); $self->_info_line( 'Parser', 'Child objects attached' );
#------------ Parse the web tree to create the static content site map
$tree->{'STATIC_INFO'} = $self->_load_in_webtree(); $self->_info_line( 'Filesystem', "Trawled web tree" );
#------------ Grab default settings first and store in defaults...
$self->_info_log( 'Parser', "Parsing ini files and munging dbs" );
my $defaults = $self->_read_in_ini_file( 'DEFAULTS', {} ); $self->_info_line( 'Parsing', "DEFAULTS ini file" );
$self->_merge_in_css_ini( $defaults );
#------------ Loop for each species exported from SiteDefs
# grab the contents of the ini file AND
# IF the DB/DAS packed files exist expand them
# o/w attach the species databases/parse the DAS registry, load the
# data and store the DB/DAS packed files...
foreach my $species ( @$ENSEMBL_SPECIES ) {
$tree->{$species} = $self->_read_in_ini_file( $species, $defaults ); $self->_info_line( 'Parsing', "$species ini file" );
$self->_expand_database_templates( $species, $tree->{$species} );
$self->_promote_general( $tree->{$species} );
my $species_packed = File::Spec->catfile($SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_CONF_DIRS[0],'packed',"$species.db.packed");
my $das_packed = File::Spec->catfile($SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_CONF_DIRS[0],'packed',"$species.das.packed");
if( -e $species_packed ) {
$db_tree->{ $species } = lock_retrieve( $species_packed ); $self->_info_line( 'Retrieve', "$species databases" );
} else {
# Set species on each of the child objects..
$plugin_locator->parameters( [$species] );
$plugin_locator->call( 'species' );
$plugin_locator->call( '_munge_databases' ); $self->_info_line( '** DB **', "$species databases" );
lock_nstore( $db_tree->{ $species } || {}, $species_packed );
$self->_merge_db_tree( $tree, $db_tree, $species );
if( -e $das_packed ) {
$das_tree->{ $species } = lock_retrieve( $das_packed ); $self->_info_line( 'Retrieve', "$species DAS sources" );
} else {
# Set species on each of the child objects..
$plugin_locator->parameters( [$species] );
$plugin_locator->call( 'species' );
$plugin_locator->call( '_munge_das' ); $self->_info_line( '** DAS **', "$species DAS sources" );
lock_nstore( $das_tree->{ $species }||{}, $das_packed );
$self->_merge_db_tree( $tree, $das_tree, $species );
# }
#------------ Do the same for the multi-species file...
$tree->{'MULTI'} = $self->_read_in_ini_file( 'MULTI', $defaults ); $self->_info_line( 'Parsing', "MULTI ini file" );
$tree->{'MULTI'}{'COLOURSETS'} = $self->_munge_colours( $self->_read_in_ini_file( 'COLOUR', {} ) );
$self->_expand_database_templates( 'MULTI', $tree->{'MULTI'} );
$self->_promote_general( $tree->{'MULTI'} );
my $multi_packed = File::Spec->catfile($SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_CONF_DIRS[0],'packed','MULTI.db.packed');
if( -e $multi_packed ) {
$db_tree->{'MULTI'} = lock_retrieve( $multi_packed ); $self->_info_line( 'Retrieve', "MULTI ini file" );
} else {
$plugin_locator->parameters( ['MULTI'] );
$plugin_locator->call( 'species' );
$plugin_locator->call( '_munge_databases_multi'); $self->_info_line( '** DB **', "MULTI database" );
lock_nstore( $db_tree->{'MULTI'}, $multi_packed );
$self->_merge_db_tree( $tree, $db_tree, 'MULTI' );
#------------ Loop over each tree and make further manipulations
$self->_info_log( 'Parser', "Post processing ini files" );
$self->_merge_in_dhtml( $tree );
foreach my $species ( @$ENSEMBL_SPECIES ) {
$plugin_locator->parameters( [$species] );
$plugin_locator->call( 'species' );
$plugin_locator->call( '_munge_config_tree' ); $self->_info_line( 'munging', "$species config" );
$plugin_locator->parameters( ['MULTI'] );
$plugin_locator->call( 'species' );
$plugin_locator->call( '_munge_config_tree_multi' ); $self->_info_line( 'munging', "MULTI config" );
#------------ Store the tree...
$CONF->{'_storage'} = $tree;
sub _munge_colours {
my $self = shift;
my $in = shift;
my $out = {};
foreach my $set ( keys %$in) {
foreach my $key ( keys %{$in->{$set}} ) {
my($c,$n) = split /\s+/,$in->{$set}{$key},2;
$out->{$set}{$key} = { 'text' => $n, map { /:/ ? (split /:/,$_,2) : ('default',$_) } split /;/,$c };
return $out;
sub DESTROY { }
sub timer {
### Provides easy-access to the ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY's timer
my $self = shift;
unless( $self->{'timer'} ) {
$self->{'timer'} = $EnsEMBL::Web::RegObj::ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->timer;
return $self->{'timer'};
sub timer_push {
my $self = shift;
return $self->timer->push(@_);
sub anyother_species {
### DEPRECATED - use get_config instead
my ($self, $var) = @_;
my( $species ) = keys %{$CONF->{'_storage'}};
return $self->get_config( $species, $var );
sub other_species {
### DEPRECATED - use get_config instead
my ($self, $species, $var) = @_;
return $self->get_config( $species, $var );
sub marts {
my $self = shift;
return exists( $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'}{'marts'} ) ? $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'}{'marts'} : undef;
sub multidb {
### a
my $self = shift;
return exists( $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'}{'databases'} ) ? $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'}{'databases'} : undef;
sub multi_hash {
my $self = shift;
return $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'};
#sub vari_hash {
# my $self = shift;
# my $sp = shift;
# return $CONF->{'_storage'}{$sp}{'databases'}{'DATABASE_VARIATION'};
sub multi {
### a
### Arguments: configuration type (string), species name (string)
my( $self, $type, $species ) = @_;
$species ||= $ENV{'ENSEMBL_SPECIES'};
exists $CONF->{'_storage'} &&
exists $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'} &&
exists $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'}{$type} &&
exists $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'}{$type}{$species} ? %{$CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'}{$type}{$species}} : ();
sub compara_like_databases {
my $self = shift;
return $self->multi_val('compara_like_databases');
sub multi_val {
my( $self, $type, $species ) = @_;
if( defined $species ) {
exists $CONF->{'_storage'} &&
exists $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'} &&
exists $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'}{$type} &&
exists $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'}{$type}{$species} ? $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'}{$type}{$species} : undef;
} else {
exists $CONF->{'_storage'} &&
exists $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'} &&
exists $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'}{$type} ? $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'}{$type} : undef;
sub multiX {
### a
### Arguments: configuration type (string)
my( $self, $type ) = @_;
return () unless $CONF;
exists $CONF->{'_storage'} &&
exists $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'} &&
exists $CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'}{$type} ? %{$CONF->{'_storage'}{'MULTI'}{$type}||{}} : ();
sub get_table_size{
### Accessor function for table size,
### Arguments: hashref: {-db => 'database' (e.g. 'DATABASE_CORE'),
### -table =>'table name' (e.g. 'feature' ) }
### species name (string)
### Returns: Number of rows in the table
cluck "DEPRECATED............. use table_info_other ";
return undef;
sub set_write_access {
### sets a given database adaptor to write access instead of read-only
### Arguments: database type (e.g. 'core'), species name (string)
### Returns: none
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
if( $type =~ /DATABASE_(\w+)/ ) {
## If the value is defined then we will create the adaptor here...
my $key = $1;
## Hack because we map DATABASE_CORE to 'core' not 'DB'....
my $group = lc($key);
my $dbc = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_DBAdaptor($species,$group)->dbc;
my $db_ref = $self->databases;
$db_ref->{$type}{'USER'} = $self->DATABASE_WRITE_USER;
$db_ref->{$type}{'PASS'} = $self->DATABASE_WRITE_PASS;
sub dump {
## Diagnostic function!!
my ($self, $FH, $level, $Q) = @_;
foreach (sort keys %$Q) {
print $FH " " x $level, $_;
if( $Q->{$_} =~/HASH/ ) {
print $FH "\n";
$self->dump( $FH, $level+1, $Q->{$_} );
} elsif( $Q->{$_} =~/ARRAY/ ) {
print $FH " = [ ", join( ', ',@{$Q->{$_}} )," ]\n";
} else {
print $FH " = $Q->{$_}\n";
sub translate {
### Dictionary functionality (not currently used)
### Arguments: word to be translated (string)
### Returns: translated word (string) or original word if not found
my( $self, $word ) = @_;
return $word unless $self->ENSEMBL_DICTIONARY;
return $self->ENSEMBL_DICTIONARY->{$word}||$word;
sub all_search_indexes {
### a
my %A = map { $_, 1 } map { @{ $CONF->{_storage}{$_}{ENSEMBL_SEARCH_IDXS}||[] } } keys %{$CONF->{_storage}};
return sort keys %A;
## Additional parsing / creation codes...
## ##
## write diagnostic errors to log file on... ##
## ##
our $warn_template = "-%6.6s : %8.3f : %-10.10s >> %s\n";
sub _info_log {
my $self = shift;
warn "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
$self->_info_line( @_ );
warn "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
sub _info_line {
my( $self, $title, $note, $level ) = @_;
my $T = time;
warn sprintf "-%6.6s : %8.3f : %8.3f : %-10.10s >> %s\n",
$level, $T-$self->{_start_time}, $T-$self->{_last_time}, $title, $note;
$self->{_last_time} = $T;
## ##
## _is_available_artefact - code to check the configuration hash in a ##
## simple manner ##
## ##
sub _is_available_artefact{
### Checks to see if a given artefact is available (or not available)
### in the stored configuration for a particular species
### Arguments: species name (defaults to the current species),
### artefact to check for (string - artefact type and id, space separated)
### Returns: boolean
my $self = shift;
my $def_species = shift || $ENV{'ENSEMBL_SPECIES'};
my $available = shift;
#warn "**$available**";
my @test = split( ' ', $available );
if( ! $test[0] ){ return 999; } # No test found - return pass.
## Is it a positive (IS) or a negative (IS NOT) check?
my( $success, $fail ) = ($test[0] =~ s/^!//) ? ( 0, 1 ) : ( 1, 0 );
if( $test[0] eq 'database_tables' ){ ## Then test using get_table_size
my( $database, $table ) = split( '\.', $test[1] );
return $self->get_table_size(
{ -db => $database, -table => $table },
) ? $success : $fail;
} elsif( $test[0] eq 'multi' ) { ## Is the traces database specified?
my( $type,$species ) = split /\|/,$test[1],2;
my %species = $self->multi($type, $def_species);
return $success if exists( $species{$species} );
return $fail;
} elsif( $test[0] eq 'multialignment' ) { ## Is the traces database specified?
my( $alignment_id ) = $test[1];
my %alignment = $self->multi('ALIGNMENTS', $alignment_id);
return $success if (scalar(keys %alignment));
return $fail;
} elsif( $test[0] eq 'constrained_element' ) {
my( $alignment_id ) = $test[1];
my %alignment = $self->multi('CONSTRAINED_ELEMENTS', $alignment_id);
return $success if (scalar(keys %alignment));
return $fail;
} elsif( $test[0] eq 'database_features' ){ ## Is the given database specified?
my $ft = $self->other_species($def_species,'DB_FEATURES') || {};
# use Data::Dumper;
# warn Dumper($ft);
my @T = split /\|/, $test[1];
my $flag = 1;
foreach( @T ) {
# warn "looking for $_";
$flag = 0 if $ft->{uc($_)};
# warn "flag is $flag";
return $fail if $flag;
return $success;
} elsif( $test[0] eq 'databases' ){ ## Is the given database specified?
my $db = $self->other_species($def_species,'databases') || {};
return $fail unless $db->{$test[1]} ;
return $fail unless $db->{$test[1]}{NAME} ;
return $success;
} elsif( $test[0] eq 'features' ){ ## Is the given db feature specified?
my $ft = $self->other_species($def_species,'DB_FEATURES') || {};
my @T = split /\|/, $test[1];
my $flag = 1;
foreach( @T ) {
$flag = 0 if $ft->{uc($_)};
return $fail if $flag;
return $success;
} elsif( $test[0] eq 'any_feature' ){ ## Are any of the given db features specified?
my $ft = $self->other_species($def_species,'DB_FEATURES') || {};
shift @test;
foreach (@test) {
return $success if $ft->{uc($_)};
return $fail;
} elsif( $test[0] eq 'species_defs') {
return $self->other_species($def_species,$test[1]) ? $success : $fail;
} elsif( $test[0] eq 'species') {
if(Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_alias($def_species,"no throw") ne Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_alias($test[1],"no throw")){
return $fail;
} elsif( $test[0] eq 'das_source' ){ ## Is the given DAS source specified?
my $source = $self->ENSEMBL_INTERNAL_DAS_CONFIGS || {};
return $fail unless $source->{$test[1]} ;
return $success;
return $success; ## Test not found - pass anyway to prevent borkage!
sub table_info {
my( $self, $db, $table ) =@_;
$db = "DATABASE_".uc($db) unless $db =~ /^DATABASE_/;
return {} unless $self->databases->{$db};
return $self->databases->{$db}{'tables'}{$table}||{};
sub table_info_other {
my( $self, $sp, $db, $table ) =@_;
$db = "DATABASE_".uc($db) unless $db =~ /^DATABASE_/;
my $db_hash = $self->other_species( $sp, 'databases');
return {} unless $db_hash && exists $db_hash->{$db} && exists $db_hash->{$db}{'tables'};
return $db_hash->{$db}{'tables'}{$table}||{};
sub species_label {
my( $self, $key, $no_formatting ) = @_;
return "Ancestral sequence" unless $self->other_species( $key, 'SPECIES_BIO_NAME' );
my $common = $self->other_species( $key, 'SPECIES_COMMON_NAME' );
my $rtn = $self->other_species( $key, 'SPECIES_BIO_NAME' );
$rtn = sprintf('<i>%s</i>', $rtn) unless $no_formatting;
if ($common =~ /\./) {
return $rtn;
} else {
return "$common ($rtn)";
sub species_dropdown {
my ($self, $group) = @_;
my @options;
## TODO - implement grouping by taxon
my @sorted_by_common = sort { $a->{'common'} cmp $b->{'common'} }
map { { 'name'=> $_, 'common' => $self->get_config($_, "SPECIES_COMMON_NAME")} }
foreach my $sp (@sorted_by_common) {
my $name = $sp->{'name'};
push @options, {'value' => $sp->{'name'}, 'name' => $sp->{'common'} };
return @options;