package EnsEMBL::Web::Tools::RobotsTxt;
use strict;
sub create {
### This is to try and stop search engines killing e! - it gets created each
### time on server startup and gets placed in the first directory in the htdocs
### tree.
### Returns: none
my $species = shift;
my $root = $SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_HTDOCS_DIRS[0];
my %allowed = map { ($_,1) } @{$SiteDefs::ENSEMBL_EXTERNAL_SEARCHABLE||[]};
my %ignore = qw(robots.txt 1 .cvsignore 1);
if( -e "$root/.cvsignore" ) {
open I, "$root/.cvsignore";
while(<I>) {
$ignore{$1}=1 if/(\S+)/;
close I;
warn "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Placing .cvsignore and robots.txt into $root
open O, ">$root/.cvsignore";
print O join "\n", sort keys %ignore;
close O;
if( open FH, ">$root/robots.txt" ) {
print FH qq(
User-agent: *
Disallow: /Multi/
Disallow: /BioMart/
foreach( @{$species||[]} ) {
print FH qq(Disallow: /$_/\n);
print FH qq(Allow: /$_/geneview\n) if $allowed{'gene'};
print FH qq(Allow: /$_/sitemap.xml.gz\n);
print FH qq(
User-Agent: W3C-checklink
close FH;
} else {
warn "Unable to creates robots.txt file in $root-robots";