package EnsEMBL::Web::Tools::WebTree;

use strict;

sub read_tree {
### Recursive function which descends into a directory and creates
### a tree of htdocs static pages with a multi-level hashref:
###  {
###    _path  => '/...',              # web path
###    _nav   => 'navigation info',   # from meta tags
###    _title => 'title',             # from title tag
###    _index => '0',                 # order index, from meta tag
###    file1  => {nav => '...', title => '...', index => '...'},
###    file2  => {nav => '...', title => '...', index => '...'},
###    ...,
###    dir1  => { ..same structure as parent.. },
###    dir2  => { ..same structure as parent.. },
###    ...,
###  }
### N.B. A directory can be omitted by putting 'NO INDEX' as the value
### of the navigation meta tag

    $branch,    ## hashref to be populated, branch of the tree
                ## by default its { path => '/path/..' }
    $doc_root,  ## this could be different because of the plugins
    $parent,    ## this is link to parent in case we need to delete ourselves
  ) = @_;

  my $path = $branch->{_path};
  #warn "processing $path ...";

  return unless -r "$doc_root$path";

  ## Get the list of files for directory of the current path.
  opendir(DIR, $doc_root . $path) || die "Can't open $doc_root$path";
  my @files = grep { /^[^\.]/ && $_ ne 'CVS' } readdir(DIR);
  unless (@files) {
    delete $parent->{$branch->{'_name'}};

  ## separate directories from other files
  my ($html_files, $sub_dirs) = sortnames(\@files, $doc_root . $path);
  my ($title, $nav, $index);

  ## Check if we want to do this directory at all
  my $include = 1;
  foreach my $filename (@$html_files) {
    if( $filename eq 'index.html' || $filename eq 'index.none' ) {
      my ($title, $nav, $order, $index) = get_info( $doc_root . $path . $filename );
      if ($index =~ /NO FOLLOW/) {
        $branch->{_title} = $title;
        $branch->{_nav}   = $nav;
        $branch->{_order} = $order;
        $branch->{_index} = $index;
        $branch->{_no_follow} = 1;
      } elsif ($index =~ /NO INDEX/) {
        $include = 0;
  if (!$include) {
    delete $parent->{$branch->{'_name'}};

  ## Read files and populate the branch
  foreach my $filename (@$html_files) {
    my $full_path = "$doc_root$path$filename";
    my ($title, $nav, $order, $index) = get_info( $full_path );

    if ($filename eq 'index.html' || $filename eq 'index.none' ) {
      ## add the directory path and index title to array
      $branch->{_title} = $title;
      $branch->{_nav}   = $nav;
      $branch->{_order} = $order;
      $branch->{_index} = $index;
      $branch->{_nolink} = 1 if $filename eq 'index.none';
    else {
      unless ($index =~ /NO INDEX/ || $branch->{'_no_follow'}) {
        $branch->{$filename}->{_title} = $title;
        $branch->{$filename}->{_nav}   = $nav;
        $branch->{$filename}->{_order} = $order;
        $branch->{$filename}->{_index} = $index;

  ## Descend into directories recursively
  return if $branch->{'_no_follow'};
  foreach my $dirname (@$sub_dirs) {
    ## omit CVS directories and directories beginning with . or _
    next if $dirname eq 'CVS' || $dirname =~ /^\./ || $dirname =~ /^_/ 
        || $dirname eq 'private' || $dirname eq 'ssi';
    $branch->{$dirname}->{_path} = "$path$dirname/";
    $branch->{$dirname}->{_name} = $dirname;
    read_tree( $branch->{$dirname}, $doc_root, $branch );

sub sortnames {
### Does a case-insensitive sort of a list of file names
### and separates them into two lists - directories and non-directories
  my( $namelist, $full_path) = @_;
  my @sorted = sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} @$namelist;

  my (@file_list, @dir_list);

  foreach my $item (@sorted) {
    if (-d $full_path.$item) {
      push (@dir_list, $item);
    elsif ($item =~ /\.(html|none)$/) {
      push (@file_list, $item);

  return (\@file_list, \@dir_list);

sub get_info {
### Parses an HTML file and returns info for navigation and indexing
  my( $file ) = @_;

  open IN, "< $file" || die("Can't open input file $file :(\n");
  my @contents = <IN>;
  close IN;
  my $title   = get_title(\@contents);
  my $nav     = get_meta_navigation(\@contents);
  my $order   = get_meta_order(\@contents);
  my $index   = get_meta_index(\@contents);
  $title = get_first_header(\@contents) unless $title;
  $nav   = $title                       unless $nav;
  $order = 100                          unless $order; ## Unordered pages go at the end!

  return ($title, $nav, $order, $index);

sub get_title {
### Parses an HTML file and returns the contents of the <title> tag
  my( $contents ) = @_;
  my $title;

  foreach(@$contents) {
    if( m!<title.*?>(.*?)(?:</title>|$)!i) {
      $title = $1;
    } elsif( defined($title) && m!^(.*?)(?:</title>|$)!i) {
      $title .= $1;
    last if m!</title!i;

  $title =~ s/\s{2,}//g;
  return $title;

sub get_meta_navigation {
### Parses an HTML file and returns the contents of the navigation meta tag
  my( $contents ) = @_;
  my $nav;

  foreach(@$contents) {
    if (/<meta\s+name\s*=\s*"navigation"\s+content\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"\s*\/?>/ism) {
      $nav = $1;
    } elsif (/<meta\s+content\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"\s+name\s*=\s*"navigation"\s*\/?>/ism) {
      $nav = $1;

  return $nav;

sub get_meta_order {
### Parses an HTML file and returns the contents of the navigation meta tag
  my( $contents ) = @_;
  my $nav;

  foreach(@$contents) {
    if (/<meta\s+name\s*=\s*"order"\s+content\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"\s*\/?>/ism) {
      $nav = $1;
    } elsif (/<meta\s+content\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"\s+name\s*=\s*"order"\s*\/?>/ism) {
      $nav = $1;

  return $nav;
sub get_meta_index {
### Parses an HTML file and returns the contents of the index meta tag
  my( $contents ) = @_;
  my $index;

  foreach(@$contents) {
    if (/<meta\s+name\s*=\s*"index"\s+content\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"\s*\/?>/ism) {
      $index = $1;
    } elsif (/<meta\s+content\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"\s+name\s*=\s*"index"\s*\/?>/ism) {
      $index = $1;

  return $index;

sub get_first_header {
### Parses an HTML file and returns the contents of the first <h> tag (up to h3)
  my( $contents ) = @_;
  my $header;

  foreach(@$contents) {
    if (m!<h1.*?>(.*?)(?:</h1>|$)!i) {
      $header = $1;
    } elsif (m!<h2.*?>(.*?)(?:</h2>|$)!i) {
      $header = $1;
    elsif (m!<h3.*?>(.*?)(?:</h3>|$)!i) {
      $header = $1;
  ## Fallback in case no <h> tags

#  unless ($header) {
#    if ($file =~ m!/(\w+)/index\.html!) {
#      $header = $1;
#    } elsif ($file =~ m!/(\w+)\.html!) {
#      $header = $1;
#    }
#  }

  $header =~ s/\s\s+/ /g;
  $header =~ s/^\s//;
  $header =~ s/\s$//;
  return $header;
