package EnsEMBL::Web::ViewConfig::Export;

use strict;

use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = our @EXPORT_OK = qw(init form);

use EnsEMBL::Web::Constants;

sub init {
  my $view_config = shift;
  my %defaults;
  $defaults{'output'} = 'fasta';
  $defaults{'strand'} = $ENV{'ENSEMBL_TYPE'} eq 'Location' ? 'forward' : 'feature';
  foreach (qw(flank5_display flank3_display)) {
    $defaults{$_} = 0;
  foreach (qw(cdna coding peptide utr5 utr3 exons introns)) {
    $defaults{'fasta_' . $_} = 'yes';
  $defaults{'fasta_genomic'} = 'unmasked';
  foreach my $f(qw(csv gff tab)) {
    foreach (qw(similarity repeat genscan variation gene)) {
      $defaults{$f . '_' . $_} = 'yes';
    foreach (keys %{$view_config->species_defs->databases->{'DATABASE_CORE'}{'tables'}{'misc_feature'}{'sets'}}) {
      $defaults{$f . '_miscset_' . $_} = 'yes';
  foreach my $f(qw(embl genbank)) {
    foreach (qw(similarity repeat genscan contig variation marker gene vegagene estgene)) {
      $defaults{$f . '_' . $_} = 'yes';
  $view_config->storable = 1;
  $view_config->default_config = 0;

sub form {
  my ($view_config, $object, $custom_fields) = @_;
  my $type = $object->type;
  my %gene_markup_options = EnsEMBL::Web::Constants::GENE_MARKUP_OPTIONS;
  my $config = $view_config->{'_temp'}->{'config'};
  my $options = $view_config->{'_temp'}->{'options'};
  return unless $config; # Gets called twice on an Export page itself - first time is from the wrong place
  $custom_fields ||= [];
  # How confusing!
  my $form_action = $object->_url({ 'action' => $type, 'type' => 'Export', 'function' => $object->action }, 1);
  $view_config->get_form->{'_attributes'}{'action'} = $form_action->[0];
  $view_config->get_form->{'_attributes'}{'id'} = "export_configuration";
  $view_config->get_form->{'_attributes'}{'method'} = "get";
    'type'  => 'NoEdit',
    'name'  => 'location_to_export',
    'label' => 'Location to export',
    'value' => ($object->can('slice') ? $object->slice : $object->get_Slice)->name
  if ($ENV{'ENSEMBL_TYPE'} eq 'Gene') {
      'type'  => 'NoEdit',
      'name'  => 'gene_to_export',
      'label' => 'Gene to export',
      'value' => $object->core_objects->gene_long_caption
  } elsif ($ENV{'ENSEMBL_TYPE'} eq 'Transcript') {
      'type'  => 'NoEdit',
      'name'  => 'transcript_to_export',
      'label' => 'Transcript to export',
      'value' => $object->core_objects->transcript_long_caption
  my @output_values;
  foreach my $c (sort keys %$config) {
    foreach (@{$config->{$c}->{'formats'}}) {
      push (@output_values, { group => $config->{$c}->{'label'}, value => $_->[0], name => $_->[1] });
  if (scalar @output_values) {
      'type'     => 'DropDown', 
      'select'   => 'select',
      'required' => 'yes',
      'name'     => 'output',
      'label'    => 'Output',
      'values'   => \@output_values
  if (scalar @{$options->{'strand_values'}}) {
      'type'     => 'DropDown', 
      'select'   => 'select',
      'required' => 'yes',
      'name'     => 'strand',
      'label'    => 'Strand',
      'values'   => $options->{'strand_values'}
    'type' => 'Submit',
    'class' => 'submit',
    'name' => 'next_top',
    'value' => 'Next >'
  foreach (@{$options->{'custom_fields'}||[]}) {
    my $func = $_->[0];
  foreach my $c (sort keys %$config) {
    next unless $config->{$c}->{'params'};
    foreach my $f (@{$config->{$c}->{'formats'}}) {      
      $view_config->add_fieldset("Options for $f->[1]");
      if ($f->[0] eq 'fasta') {
        my $genomic = [
          { value => 'unmasked', name => 'Unmasked' },
          { value => 'soft_masked', name => 'Repeat Masked (soft)' },
          { value => 'hard_masked', name => 'Repeat Masked (hard)' },
          { value => '5_flanking', name => "5' Flanking sequence" },
          { value => '3_flanking', name => "3' Flanking sequence" },
          { value => '5_3_flanking', name => "5' and 3' Flanking sequences" },
          { value => 'off', name => 'None' }
          'type'     => 'DropDown', 
          'select'   => 'select',
          'required' => 'yes',
          'name'     => 'fasta_genomic',
          'label'    => 'Genomic',
          'values'   => $genomic
      foreach (@{$config->{$c}->{'params'}}) {
        next if $_->[2] eq '0'; # Next if 0, but not if undef. Where is my === operator, perl?
          'type' => $config->{$c}->{'type'} || 'CheckBox',
          'label' => $_->[1],
          'name' => "$f->[0]_$_->[0]",
          'value' => 'yes'
    'type' => 'Submit',
    'class' => 'submit',
    'name' => 'next_bottom',
    'value' => 'Next >'
    'type' => 'Hidden',
    'name' => 'save',
    'value' => 'yes'
  foreach (keys %{$form_action->[1]||{}}) {
      'type' => 'Hidden',
      'name' => $_,
      'value' => $form_action->[1]->{$_}
