# Author: jws@sanger.ac.uk
# Maintainer: webmaster@sanger.ac.uk
# Created: 2001
package Sanger::Graphics::Bump;
#   NAME:	    Bump.pm
#   DESCRIPTION:    Bumping code.  Pass in the start and end of the thing you
#		    want bumping, the length of the thing to bump against, and
#		    a reference to an array.  The array will be modified by
#		    this subroutine, to maintain persistence.
#   HISTORY:	    2001-01-05	jws	original version

use strict;
use Carp;
sub bump_row {
  $max_row = 1e9 unless defined $max_row;
  my $row=0;
  my $len=$end-$start+1;

  if( $len <= 0 || $bit_length <= 0 ) {
    carp("We've got a bad length of $len or $bit_length from $start-$end in Bump. Probably you haven't flipped on a strand");

  my $element='0' x $bit_length;
  substr($element, $start,$len)='1' x $len;
    if($$bit_array[$row]) {
      if( ($bit_array->[$row] & $element)==0 ) {
        $bit_array->[$row]=($bit_array->[$row] | $element);
      } else {
        return $max_row + 10 if $row > $max_row;
        redo LOOP;
	} else {
  return $row;
