Raw content of bin::ConfBuilder
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
# POD documentation - main docs before the code
=head1 NAME
=head1 AUTHOR - Arek Kasprzyk, Syed Haider, Richard Holland, Damian Smedley
=head1 CONTACT
This module is part of the BioMart project http://www.biomart.org
Questions can be posted to the mart-dev mailing list:
=head1 METHODS
package bin::ConfBuilder;
use strict;
sub makehttpdConf
my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
$OPTIONS{conf} =~ m/(.*\/)[^\/]*/;
my $confdir = $1;
my $httpdConfFile = $1."httpd.conf";
print STDHTTPD qq/
PidFile logs\/httpd.pid
Timeout 300
KeepAlive Off
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 15
MinSpareServers 2
MaxSpareServers 2
StartServers 2
MaxClients 30
MaxRequestsPerChild 400
Listen $OPTIONS{server_port}
DirectoryIndex index.html
TypesConfig conf\/mime.types
DefaultType text\/plain
AddType image\/gif .gif
AddType image\/png .png
AddType image\/jpeg .jpg .jpeg
AddType text\/css .css
AddType text\/html .html .htm
AddType text\/xml .xml
AddType text\/plain .asc .txt
AddType application\/pdf .pdf
AddType application\/x-gzip .gz .tgz
AddType application\/vnd.ms-excel .xls
ErrorLog logs\/error_log
LogLevel warn
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \\"%r\\" %>s %b" combined
CustomLog logs\/access_log combined
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl} && $OPTIONS{httpd_modperl} eq 'DSO')
print STDHTTPD qq/
LoadModule perl_module $OPTIONS{httpd_modperl_dsopath}
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl_dsopath_modules})
foreach (@{$OPTIONS{httpd_modperl_dsopath_modules}})
print STDHTTPD qq/
LoadModule $_ /;
## for mod_gzip Apache 1.3 only
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3')
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl_dsopath_modules})
foreach (@{$OPTIONS{httpd_modperl_dsopath_modules}})
print STDHTTPD qq/
LoadModule $_ /;
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl} )
print STDHTTPD qq/
foreach (@{$OPTIONS{libdirs}})
print STDHTTPD qq/
use lib '$_'; /;
foreach (@{$OPTIONS{modules_in_dist}})
print STDHTTPD qq/
require "$_"; /;
print STDHTTPD qq/
#warn "MartView:: Initializing master Mart registry";
eval { my \$init = BioMart::Initializer->new(registryFile => '$OPTIONS{conf}');
\$main::BIOMART_REGISTRY = \$init->getRegistry() || die "Can't get registry from initializer";
## APACHE 1.3 compression
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3')
print STDHTTPD qq/
mod_gzip_on Yes
mod_gzip_can_negotiate Yes
mod_gzip_static_suffix .gz
AddEncoding gzip .gz
mod_gzip_update_static No
mod_gzip_command_version '\/mod_gzip_status'
mod_gzip_temp_dir \/tmp
mod_gzip_keep_workfiles No
mod_gzip_handle_methods GET POST
mod_gzip_dechunk yes
mod_gzip_min_http 1000
mod_gzip_minimum_file_size 1000
mod_gzip_maximum_file_size 3000000
mod_gzip_maximum_inmem_size 60000
# which files are to be compressed?
# The order of processing during each of both phases is not important,
# but to trigger the compression of a request's content this request
# a) must match at least one include rule in each of both phases and
# b) must not match an exclude rule in any of both phases.
# These rules are not minimal, they are meant to serve as example only.
# phase 1: (reqheader, uri, file, handler)
# ========================================
# (see chapter about caching for problems when using 'reqheader' type
# filter rules.)
# NO: special broken browsers which request for gzipped content
# but then aren't able to handle it correctly
mod_gzip_item_exclude reqheader "User-agent: Mozilla\/4.0[678]"
# JA: HTML-Dokumente
mod_gzip_item_include file \\.html\$
mod_gzip_item_include file \\.biomart\$
mod_gzip_item_include uri .
# NO: include files \/ JavaScript & CSS (due to Netscape4 bugs)
mod_gzip_item_exclude file \\.js\$
mod_gzip_item_exclude file \\.css\$
mod_gzip_item_exclude file \\.gz\$
mod_gzip_item_exclude file \\.xls\$
# YES: CGI scripts
mod_gzip_item_include file \\.pl\$
mod_gzip_item_include handler ^cgi-script\$
# phase 2: (mime, rspheader)
# ===========================
# YES: normal HTML files, normal text files, Apache directory listings
#mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text\/html\$
#mod_gzip_item_include mime ^text\/plain\$
#mod_gzip_item_include mime ^httpd\/unix-directory\$
mod_gzip_item_include mime .
#mod_gzip_item_include mime ^application\/vnd.ms-excel
# NO: images (GIF etc., will rarely ever save anything)
mod_gzip_item_exclude mime ^image\/
mod_gzip_send_vary Yes
print STDHTTPD qq/
DocumentRoot "$OPTIONS{htdocs}"
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
ScriptAlias \/$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/martview "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/martview"
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+')
print STDHTTPD qq/
## zip both input and output
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
SetInputFilter DEFLATE
## donot zip already zipped files
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \\.(?:exe|t?gz|zip|bz2|sit|rar)\$ no-gzip dont-vary
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl})
print STDHTTPD qq/SetHandler perl-script
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3')
print STDHTTPD qq/PerlHandler Apache::Registry/;
elsif($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+')
print STDHTTPD qq/PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry/;
print STDHTTPD qq/
Options +ExecCGI
print STDHTTPD qq/
ScriptAlias \/$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/martservice "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/martservice"
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl})
print STDHTTPD qq/ SetHandler perl-script
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3')
print STDHTTPD qq/PerlHandler Apache::Registry/;
elsif($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+')
print STDHTTPD qq/PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry/;
print STDHTTPD qq/
Options +ExecCGI
print STDHTTPD qq/
ScriptAlias \/$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/martsoap "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/martsoap"
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl})
print STDHTTPD qq/ SetHandler perl-script
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3')
print STDHTTPD qq/PerlHandler Apache::Registry/;
elsif($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+')
print STDHTTPD qq/PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry/;
print STDHTTPD qq/
Options +ExecCGI
PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
print STDHTTPD qq/
ScriptAlias \/$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/martwsdl "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/martwsdl"
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
print STDHTTPD qq/
ScriptAlias \/$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/martxsd "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/martxsd"
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
print STDHTTPD qq/
ScriptAlias \/$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/martresults "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/martresults"
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl})
print STDHTTPD qq/ SetHandler perl-script
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3')
print STDHTTPD qq/PerlHandler Apache::Registry/;
elsif($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+')
print STDHTTPD qq/PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry/;
print STDHTTPD qq/
Options +ExecCGI
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl})
print STDHTTPD qq/
print STDHTTPD qq/
SetHandler perl-script
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3')
print STDHTTPD qq/PerlHandler Apache::status/;
elsif($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+')
print STDHTTPD qq/PerlHandler Apache2::Status/;
print STDHTTPD qq/
sub makeMartView
my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martview.PLS";
open(STDMARTVIEW, "$file");
my $fileContents = ;
#print $fileContents;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:lib]
my $libPaths;
if ($OPTIONS{libdirs})
foreach my $path(@{$OPTIONS{libdirs}})
$libPaths .= qq/use lib "$path";\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:lib\]/$libPaths/m;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:conf]
if ($OPTIONS{conf})
my $confFile = qq/\$CONF_FILE = '$OPTIONS{conf}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:conf\]/$confFile/m;
$file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martview";
open(STDMARTVIEW, ">$file");
print STDMARTVIEW $fileContents;
chmod 0755, $file;
sub makeMartService
my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martservice.PLS";
open(STDMARTSERVICE, "$file");
my $fileContents = ;
#print $fileContents;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:lib]
my $libPaths;
if ($OPTIONS{libdirs})
foreach my $path(@{$OPTIONS{libdirs}})
$libPaths .= qq/use lib "$path";\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:lib\]/$libPaths/m;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:conf]
if ($OPTIONS{conf})
my $confFile = qq/\$CONF_FILE = '$OPTIONS{conf}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:conf\]/$confFile/m;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_host]
if ($OPTIONS{server_host})
my $server_host = qq/\$server_host = '$OPTIONS{server_host}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_host\]/$server_host/m;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:cgiLocation]
if ($OPTIONS{cgiLocation})
my $cgiLocation = qq/\$cgiLocation = '$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:cgiLocation\]/$cgiLocation/m;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_port]
if ($OPTIONS{server_port})
my $server_port;
$server_port = qq/\$server_port = '$OPTIONS{proxy}';\n/;
$server_port = qq/\$server_port = '$OPTIONS{server_port}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_port\]/$server_port/m;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:log_dir]
my $logDir = qq/\$log_Dir = '$OPTIONS{logDir}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:log_dir\]/$logDir/m;
$file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martservice";
open(STDMARTSERVICE, ">$file");
print STDMARTSERVICE $fileContents;
chmod 0755, $file;
sub makeMartResults
my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martresults.PLS";
open(STDMARTRES, "$file");
my $fileContents = ;
#print $fileContents;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:lib]
my $libPaths;
if ($OPTIONS{libdirs})
foreach my $path(@{$OPTIONS{libdirs}})
$libPaths .= qq/use lib "$path";\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:lib\]/$libPaths/m;
$file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martresults";
open(STDMARTRES, ">$file");
print STDMARTRES $fileContents;
chmod 0755, $file;
sub makeFeatures
my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/features.PLS";
open(STDFEATURES, "$file");
my $fileContents = ;
#print $fileContents;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:lib]
my $libPaths;
if ($OPTIONS{libdirs})
foreach my $path(@{$OPTIONS{libdirs}})
$libPaths .= qq/use lib "$path";\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:lib\]/$libPaths/mg;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:conf]
if ($OPTIONS{conf})
my $confFile = qq/$OPTIONS{conf}/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:conf\]/$confFile/mg;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_host]
if ($OPTIONS{server_host})
my $server_host = qq/$OPTIONS{server_host}/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_host\]/$server_host/mg;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:cgiLocation]
if ($OPTIONS{cgiLocation})
my $cgiLocation = qq/$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:cgiLocation\]/$cgiLocation/mg;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_port]
if ($OPTIONS{server_port})
my $server_port;
$server_port = qq/$OPTIONS{proxy}/;
$server_port = qq/$OPTIONS{server_port}/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_port\]/$server_port/mg;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:log_dir]
my $logDir = qq/$OPTIONS{logDir}/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:log_dir\]/$logDir/m;
$file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/features";
open(STDFEATURES, ">$file");
print STDFEATURES $fileContents;
chmod 0755, $file;
sub updatehttpdConf
my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
$OPTIONS{conf} =~ m/(.*\/)[^\/]*/;
my $confdir = $1;
my $httpdConfFile = $1."httpd.conf";
foreach my $datasetName (@{$OPTIONS{'dasDatasets'}})
#print "\n$datasetName";
print STDHTTPD qq/
ScriptAlias \/$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/das\/$datasetName\/features "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/features"
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl})
print STDHTTPD qq/ SetHandler perl-script
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3')
print STDHTTPD qq/PerlHandler Apache::Registry/;
elsif($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+')
print STDHTTPD qq/PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry/;
print STDHTTPD qq/
Options +ExecCGI
} # end of foreach
# Now adding location for server/location/das/dsn file
print STDHTTPD qq/
ScriptAlias \/$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}\/das\/dsn "$OPTIONS{cgibin}\/dsn"
AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_modperl})
print STDHTTPD qq/ SetHandler perl-script
if ($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '1.3')
print STDHTTPD qq/PerlHandler Apache::Registry/;
elsif($OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.0' || $OPTIONS{httpd_version} eq '2.1+')
print STDHTTPD qq/PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry/;
print STDHTTPD qq/
Options +ExecCGI
sub makeDSN
my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
my $dsnFile = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/dsn.PLS";
undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $fileContents = ;
close STDDSN;
my $dasRegistry .= qq/
foreach my $datasetName (@{$OPTIONS{'dasDatasets'}})
$dasRegistry .= qq/
$dasRegistry .= qq /<\/DASDSN>/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:dasSources\]/$dasRegistry/m;
$dsnFile = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/dsn";
open(STDDSN, ">$dsnFile");
print STDDSN $fileContents;
chmod 0755, $dsnFile;
sub makeMartSoap
my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
my $mart_registry = $OPTIONS{registryObj};
undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martsoap.PLS";
open(STDMARTSERVICE, "$file");
my $fileContents = ;
#print $fileContents;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:lib]
my $libPaths;
if ($OPTIONS{libdirs})
foreach my $path(@{$OPTIONS{libdirs}})
$libPaths .= qq/use lib "$path";\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:lib\]/$libPaths/m;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:conf]
if ($OPTIONS{conf})
my $confFile = qq/\$CONF_FILE = '$OPTIONS{conf}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:conf\]/$confFile/m;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_host]
if ($OPTIONS{server_host})
my $server_host = qq/\$server_host = '$OPTIONS{server_host}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_host\]/$server_host/m;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:cgiLocation]
if ($OPTIONS{cgiLocation})
my $cgiLocation = qq/\$cgiLocation = '$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:cgiLocation\]/$cgiLocation/m;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_port]
if ($OPTIONS{server_port})
my $server_port;
$server_port = qq/\$server_port = '$OPTIONS{proxy}';\n/;
$server_port = qq/\$server_port = '$OPTIONS{server_port}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_port\]/$server_port/m;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:log_dir]
my $logDir = qq/\$log_Dir = '$OPTIONS{logDir}';\n/;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:log_dir\]/$logDir/m;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:IF_ONTOLOGY_TERMS\]//m;
$file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martsoap";
open(STDMARTSERVICE, ">$file");
print STDMARTSERVICE $fileContents;
chmod 0755, $file;
sub makeMartWSDL
my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martwsdl.PLS";
open(STDMARTRES, "$file");
my $fileContents = ;
#print $fileContents;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_host]
if ($OPTIONS{server_host}) {
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_host\]/$OPTIONS{server_host}/mg;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:cgiLocation]
if ($OPTIONS{cgiLocation}) {
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:cgiLocation\]/$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}/mg;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_port]
if ($OPTIONS{server_port})
my $server_port;
if($OPTIONS{proxy}) {
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_port\]/$OPTIONS{proxy}/mg;
else {
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_port\]/$OPTIONS{server_port}/mg;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:xx]
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:IF_ONTOLOGY_TERMS_OPERATION\]//mg;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:IF_ONTOLOGY_TERMS_PORTTYPE\]//mg;
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:IF_ONTOLOGY_TERMS_MESSAGE\]//mg;
$file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martwsdl";
open(STDMARTRES, ">$file");
print STDMARTRES $fileContents;
chmod 0755, $file;
sub makeMartXSD
my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
undef $/; ## whole file mode for read
my $file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martxsd.PLS";
open(STDMARTRES, "$file");
my $fileContents = ;
#print $fileContents;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_host]
if ($OPTIONS{server_host}) {
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_host\]/$OPTIONS{server_host}/mg;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:cgiLocation]
if ($OPTIONS{cgiLocation}) {
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:cgiLocation\]/$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}/mg;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:server_port]
if ($OPTIONS{server_port})
my $server_port;
if($OPTIONS{proxy}) {
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_port\]/$OPTIONS{proxy}/mg;
else {
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:server_port\]/$OPTIONS{server_port}/mg;
##---------------- replacing [TAG:xx]
$fileContents =~ s/\[TAG:IF_ONTOLOGY_TERMS\]//mg;
$file = $OPTIONS{cgibin}."/martxsd";
open(STDMARTRES, ">$file");
print STDMARTRES $fileContents;
chmod 0755, $file;
sub makeCopyDirectories
my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
my $path = $OPTIONS{htdocs}.'/'.$OPTIONS{cgiLocation}.'/mview/';
system("mkdir -p $path");
my $source = $OPTIONS{htdocs}.'/martview/*';
my $destination = $path;
system("cp -r $source $destination");
# print "\nPATH: ",$path, "\n";
# print "\nSOURCE: ",$source, "\n";
sub printOptions
my ($self, %OPTIONS) = @_;
foreach my $key (keys %OPTIONS)
if($key eq 'modules_in_dist' || $key eq 'libdirs')
print "\n", $key, " \t\t>>>> ", @{$OPTIONS{$key}}, "\n";
print "\n", $key, " \t\t>>>> ", $OPTIONS{$key}, "\n";