BioMart::Dataset GenomicAlign
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Package variables
Privates (from "my" definitions)
Included modules
A hidden Dataset containing sequence attributes that can be imported to other
visible Datasets which are compatible with its required data input, based
on the presence of one or more importable-exportable relationships.
Dataset providing Align Sequence attributes, which can be imported into
other Datasets. AlignSequence is itself not a visible Dataset.
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
None available.
Methods code
sub __processNewQuery {
    my ($self, $query) = @_;

    #print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign  1_processNewQuery  ".localtime(time)."\n");
# print "\nname:",$self->name," GenomicAlign\n";
# print "\nquery: ",$query," GenomicAlign\n";
# print "\ntableau: ",$query->getAllAttributes($self->name)," GenomicAlign\n";
my $attribute = $query->getAllAttributes($self->name)->[0]; my $seq_name = $attribute->name; $self->set('seq_name', $seq_name); ##$self->set('translate', ($seq_name =~ m/peptide$/));
#print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign 2_processNewQuery ".localtime(time)."\n");
my $ignore = 'IGNORE'; if ($seq_name =~ m/raw/){

$self->set('recipe', '_rawSequences');
} else { BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Unsupported sequence name $seq_name recieved by GenomicAlign\n"); } #print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign 3_processNewQuery ".localtime(time)."\n");
#$self->set('downstream_flank', 0);
#$self->set('upstream_flank', 0);
$self->set('importable', undef); $self->set('lastPkey', undef); $self->set('importable_indices', undef); $self->set('returnRow_indices', undef); $self->set('locations', {}); $self->set('outRow', undef); $self->set('calc_location', undef); $self->set('sequence', undef); #determine which BaseSequenceA object to create
my $filters = $query->getAllFilters($self->name); #print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign 4_processNewQuery ".localtime(time)."\n");
foreach my $filt (@{$filters}) { if ($filt->isa("BioMart::Configuration::FilterList")) { if ($filt->linkName) { if ($self->get('importable') ) { BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Recieved two importables, can only work with one\n"); } else { $self->set('importable', $filt); } } else { BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Recieved invalid linkName ".$filt->linkName."\n"); } } else { #must be a downstream or upstream valueFilter
unless ($filt->isa("BioMart::Configuration::ValueFilter")) { BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Recieved unknown filter ".$filt->name." in GenomicSequence Dataset!\n"); } if ($self->get($filt->name)) { BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Recieved two ".$filt->name." flanking filters in GenomicSequence Dataset\n"); } #could still be some strange ValueFilter that is not upstream or downstream, but not likely
#will throw an exception if this is the case
my $table = $filt->getTable; my $row = $table->nextRow; my $value = $row->[0]; if ($value) { $self->set($filt->name, $value); } } } #print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign 5_processNewQuery ".localtime(time)."\n");
unless ($self->get('importable')) { BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("No Importable Recieved in GenomicAlign\n"); }
sub _addRow {
    my ($self, $atable, $outRow) = @_;
sub _calcSeqOverLocations {
  my ($self, $this_location) = @_;
  $this_location->{start} || return; # Sanity check
$this_location->{end} || return; # Sanitt check
my $calc_location = $self->get('calc_location'); if ($calc_location) { $calc_location->{"start"} = $this_location->{"start"} if ($this_location->{"start"} < $calc_location->{"start"}); $calc_location->{"end"} = $this_location->{"end"} if ($this_location->{"end"} > $calc_location->{"end"}); } else { $calc_location = {}; foreach my $key (keys %{$this_location}) { $calc_location->{$key} = $this_location->{$key}; } } $self->set('calc_location', $calc_location);
sub _continueWithBatch {
    my ($self, $batchSize, $rtable) = @_;
    #always true if underlying table is an AttributeTable and it has rows
my $continue = ($rtable->isa("BioMart::ResultTable")) ? $rtable->inCurrentBatch() : $rtable->hasMoreRows; if ($continue && $batchSize) { my $batchIndex = $self->get('batchIndex'); $continue = ($batchIndex < $batchSize); } return $continue;
sub _editSequence {
  my ($self, $seqref) = @_;

  my $seq_edits = $self->get('seq_edits');

  if ($$seqref && $seq_edits) {
    foreach my $seq_edit (split /\;/, $seq_edits) {
      my ($start, $end, $alt_seq) = split /\,/, $seq_edit;

      my $len = $end - $start + 1;
      substr($$seqref, $start - 1, $len) = $alt_seq;
sub _getConfigurationTree {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->getParam('configurator')->getConfigurationTree($self->virtualSchema, $self->name);
sub _getExportables {
    my ($self, $linkName) = @_;

    my $exportables = $self->get('exportables');
    if ($linkName) {
      return [ $exportables->{$linkName} ];

    my $ref = [];
    push @{$ref}, values %{$exportables};
    return $ref;
sub _getImportables {
  my ($self, $linkName) = @_;

  my $importables = $self->get('importables');
  if ($linkName) {
    #return [ $importables->{$linkName} ];
return $importables->{$linkName}; } my $ref = []; push @{$ref}, values %{$importables}; return $ref;
sub _getLocationFrom {
    my ($self, $curRow, @expectedFields) = @_;
    my $importable_indices = $self->get('importable_indices');
    my $location = {};
    foreach my $expectedField (@expectedFields) {
    $location->{$expectedField} = ( exists( $importable_indices->{$expectedField}  ) ) ? $curRow->[ $importable_indices->{$expectedField} ] : undef;
    return $location;

sub _getResultTable {
   my ($self, @param) = @_;
  $self->set('batchIndex', 0);
  local($^W) = 0;  # prevent "odd number of elements" warning with -w.
my(%param) = @param; my $query = $param{'query'}; my $atable = $param{'table'}; my $batch_size = $param{'batch_size'}; if ($self->serverType eq "web"){ my $batch_start = $param{'batch_start'} || 0; my $location = $self->getParam('configurator')->get('location'); my $xml = $query->toXML($batch_start,$batch_size,0); foreach my $el($location->getResultSet("","POST",$xml)){ if ($el =~ /No Sequence Returned/) { $self->_setExhausted(1); last; } my @clean=split(/\t/,$el); $atable->addRow([@clean]); } return $atable; } else { $self->_initializeDNAAdaptor($query-> getInterfaceForDataset($self->name)); } # print STDERR ("##BATCH SIZE FOR ".$self->name." IS ".$batch_size."\n");
my $importable = $self->get('importable'); my $rtable = $importable->getTable(); my $has_rows = $rtable->hasMoreRows; while ($has_rows && $self->_continueWithBatch($batch_size, $rtable)) { $self->_processRow( $atable, $rtable->nextRow ); } # the last and final call to GenomicSequence, after the call which exhausts the importable,
# will result in the last sequence being processed and added to the resultTable.
# the next call after this returns undef.
unless ($has_rows) { $self->_setExhausted(1); # $self->_processRow($atable);
} $importable->setTable($rtable); $self->set('importable', $importable); my $dna = $self->get('dna'); foreach my $attribute_name (keys %$dna) { $dna->{$attribute_name}->close; } return $atable; } ### sequence __recipes__
sub _ignoreRow {
  my ($self, $curRow) = @_;

  my $ignore = $self->get('ignore');
  return 0 unless ($ignore);  

  my $ignore_row = $self->get('ignore_row');
  my $test = $self->_getLocationFrom($curRow, $ignore_row);
  #if the actual value is false, return false, else, return ignore for the value
return $test->{ $ignore_row } && $ignore->{ $test->{ $ignore_row } };
sub _incrementBatch {
  my $self = shift;

  my $batchIndex = $self->get('batchIndex');

  $self->set('batchIndex', $batchIndex);
sub _initializeDNAAdaptor {
    my $self = shift;
    my $dna_params = $self->getConfigurationTree()->optionalParameters;
    unless ($dna_params) {
	BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("GenomicSequence Dataset requires optional_parameters to be set in the DatasetConfig\n");
    my $dna = {};

## from the has_mmu_align_sequence  dataset	
## need to parse the attributes - to get different DNAadaptor for each species
## Attribute : optional parameters
## hsapiens_sequence,hsapiens_genomic_sequence__dna_chunks__main,chr_name,chr_start,sequence,100000;mmus_oriented_raw_sequence,mmusculus_genomic_sequence__dna_chunks__main,chr_name,chr_start,sequence,100000
foreach my $dna_params4specie ( split /\;/, $dna_params ){ #print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign _initializeDNAAdaptor ".localtime(time)."\n");
# print "\n+In subroutine __dnaAdaptor dna_params4specie $dna_params4specie\n";
## hsa_oriented_raw_sequence,hsapiens_genomic_sequence__dna_chunks__main,chr_name,chr_start,sequence,100000
my ($attribute_name, $dnatablename, $chunk_name_fieldname, $chunk_start_fieldname, $seqfieldname,$chunk_size) = split /\,/, $dna_params4specie ; # print "\n\n\nstoring dna for $attribute_name $dnatablename $chunk_name_fieldname $chunk_start_fieldname $seqfieldname $chunk_size\n\n\n";
# print "chunk_size: $chunk_size\n";
$dna->{$attribute_name} = BioMart::Dataset::GenomicSequence::DNAAdaptor->new('seq_name' => $attribute_name, 'dna_tablename' => $dnatablename, ##hsapiens_genomic_sequence__dna_chunks__main
'seq_fieldname' => $seqfieldname, ##sequence
'chunk_name_fieldname' => $chunk_name_fieldname, ##chr_name
'chunk_start_fieldname' => $chunk_start_fieldname, ##chr_start
'chunk_size' => $chunk_size, ##100000
'configurator' => $self->getParam('configurator') ); unless ($dna->{$attribute_name}) { BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Couldnt connect to DNAAdaptor for $attribute_name\n\n"); } } # print "dna: ",$dna,"\n";
$self->set('dna', $dna); # print "\n+Out subroutine: __dnaAdaptor GenomicAlign\n";
sub _initializeIndices {
  my ($self, $numFields) = @_;

  my $importable_names = [];
  my $returnRow_indices = {};
  my $importable_indices = {};
  my $filts = $self->get('importable')->getAllFilters;

  #define where the importable fields are in rtable
my $index = 0; foreach my $filt (@{$filts}) { push @{$importable_names}, $filt->name; $importable_indices->{$filt->name} = $index; $index++; } #define where fields needing to be merged into final returnRow are in rtable
my $resultIndex = 0; while ($index < $numFields) { $returnRow_indices->{$index} = $resultIndex; $index++; $resultIndex++; } $self->set('importable_indices', $importable_indices); $self->set('returnRow_indices', $returnRow_indices); $self->set('importable_names', $importable_names);
sub _initializeReturnRow {
      my ($self, $curRow) = @_;

      #This does __NOT__ concatenate fields that are many<->one with the pkey
my $returnRow = []; foreach my $val (@{$curRow}) { push @{$returnRow}, $val; } return $returnRow;
sub _new {
    my ($self, @param) = @_;
    my $i=1; ##
$self->attr('dna', undef); $self->attr('dnaparams', undef); ######### modified
$self->attr('recipe', 'raw_sequence'); ## this will hold a subRef
$self->attr('ignore', undef); $self->attr('ignore_row', undef); $self->attr('seq_edits', undef); #will hold seq_edits to be applied after sequence has been produced
#$self->attr('codon_table_id', 1); #codon table defaults to 1
$self->attr('seq_name', undef); #this is linked to the Attribute->name, determines which sequence recipe to run
$self->attr('translate', 0); # set to true for peptide
#$self->attr('downstream_flank', 0);
#$self->attr('upstream_flank', 0);
$self->attr('importable', undef); $self->attr('lastPkey', undef); $self->attr('importable_names', undef); # initialized when first row processed in first batch for a given query
$self->attr('importable_indices', undef); # initialized when first row processed in first batch for a given query
$self->attr('returnRow_indices', undef); # initialized when first row processed in first batch for a given query
$self->attr('returnRow', undef); $self->attr('batchIndex', 0); #increment each time a new pkey is encountered.
$self->attr('seq_species', undef); #process rows until this equals batchSize
$self->attr('locations', {}); # not used by all sequences
$self->attr('outRow', undef); # not used by all sequences
#attributes calculated over sequence locations
$self->attr('calc_location', undef); $self->attr('sequence', undef); } #private methods
sub _processRow {
  my ($self, $atable, $curRow) = @_;

  # if this is the very first row for a new query, initialize the indices using its length as numFields
unless ($self->get('importable_indices')) { if ($self->get('exhausted')) { $atable->addRow(["No Sequence Returned"]); } else { my $numFields = @{$curRow}; $self->_initializeIndices($numFields); } } my $method = $self->get('recipe'); $self->$method($atable, $curRow);
sub _processSequence {
    ############################  my ($self, $location, $attribute_name, $count) = @_;
#@species_attribute_name contains hsa et mmu
#print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign _processSequence starting ".localtime(time)."\n");
#print "attribute_name $attribute_name\n";
#print "count $count\n";
# my $i=1;
my $seq = ''; my $dna = $self->get('dna')->{$attribute_name}; my $chr = $location->{'chr'.$count}; my $start = $location->{'start'.$count}; my $end = $location->{'end'.$count}; my $strand = $location->{'strand'.$count}; #------------------------
#my $seq = '';
#my $dna = $self->get('dna')->{$attribute_name};
#my $chr = $location->{'chr1'};
#$chr = $location->{'chr2'} unless (defined $chr);
#my $start = $location->{'start1'};
#$start = $location->{'start2'} unless (defined $start);
#my $end = $location->{'end1'};
#$end = $location->{'end2'} unless (defined $end);
#my $strand = $location->{'strand1'};
#$strand = $location->{'strand2'} unless (defined $strand);
#$strand = 1 unless (defined $strand);
#print "coucou $chr $start $end $strand\n";
if ($strand < 0) { #print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign NO rc \n".$dna->getSequence( $chr, $start, $end )."\n");
#print STDERR ("#GenomicAlign start rc \n"._rc( $dna->getSequence( $chr, $start, $end ))."\n");
$seq .= $self->_rc( $dna->getSequence( $chr, $start, $end ) ); #print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign start end ".localtime(time)."\n");
#print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign RC \n".$seq."\n");
} else { #print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign start getSequence ".localtime(time)."\n");
$seq .= $dna->getSequence( $chr, $start, $end ); #print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign start getSequence ".localtime(time)."\n");
} $i++; #print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign 3_processSequence $attribute_name ".localtime(time)."\n");
if (length($seq)) { return $seq; } # print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign 4_processSequence $attribute_name ".localtime(time)."\n");
return undef;
sub _rawSequences {
    my ($self, $atable, $curRow) = @_;
    my $rank             = 1;
    my $overall_count    = 0;
    my $local_count      = 0;
    my $species_numbers  = 0;
    my $count            = 1;
    my $n = 0;
    my @importable_names = @{$self->get('importable_names')};
    my $dna_params = $self->getConfigurationTree()->optionalParameters;
    my @species_dna_params = split(/\;/, $dna_params);
    my @species_attribute_name;

#    print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign  1_rawSequences   ".localtime(time)."\n");
foreach my $sdp (@species_dna_params) { my ($attribute_name) = split(/\,/,$sdp); push @species_attribute_name, $attribute_name; #print "## $attribute_name\n";
} # print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign 2_rawSequences ".localtime(time)."\n");
my $initRow = $self->_initializeReturnRow($curRow); # print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign 3_rawSequences ".localtime(time)."\n");
while (my $attribute_name = shift @species_attribute_name){ my $importable_indices = $self->get('importable_indices'); # print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign 4_rawSequences ".localtime(time)."\n");
my ($name, $start, $end, $strand); foreach my $var (\$name,\$ start,\$ end,\$ strand) { $$var = shift @importable_names; last if (defined $strand); #print "strand $strand";
#shift @importable_names;
} # print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign 5_rawSequences $attribute_name".localtime(time)."\n");
my $location = $self->_getLocationFrom($curRow, ($name, $start, $end, $strand)); # print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign 6_rawSequences $attribute_name ".localtime(time)."\n");
#print "$attribute_name $name, $start, $end, $strand\n";
my $sequence = $self->_processSequence($location, $attribute_name, $count); # print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign 7_rawSequences $attribute_name ".localtime(time)."\n");
if ($sequence) { push @{$initRow}, $sequence; } ## IMPORTANT remove the length as the coordinate aer as folow
## name, start, end, strand, length
shift @importable_names ; # print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign 8_rawSequences $attribute_name ".localtime(time)."\n");
$count++; } $self->_addRow($atable, $initRow); # print STDERR ("##GenomicAlign 9_rawSequences ".localtime(time)."\n");
} 1;
sub _rawSequencesOriginal {
           ## SHOULD BE REMOVED   my ($self, $atable, $curRow) = @_;  ## AS IT WAS FROM GENOMICSEQUENCE.PM
my $rank = 1; if ($curRow) { my $importable_indices = $self->get('importable_indices'); my $locations = {}; my $location = $self->_getLocationFrom($curRow, "chr", "start", "end"); $location->{"strand"} = ( exists( $importable_indices->{"strand"} ) ) ? $curRow->[ $importable_indices->{"strand"} ] : 1; $locations->{$rank} = $location if ($location->{"start"}); my $sequence = $self->_processSequence($locations); $self->_editSequence(\$sequence); if ($sequence) { $self->_addRow($atable, $self->_initializeReturnRow($curRow), $sequence); } } #else there is no last entry
sub _rc {
    my ($self, $seq) = @_;

    #print STDERR "GenomicAlign reverse start ".localtime(time)."\n";
$seq = reverse($seq); #print STDERR "GenomicAlign reverse end tr start ".localtime(time)."\n";
$seq =~ tr/YABCDGHKMRSTUVyabcdghkmrstuv/RTVGHCDMKYSAABrtvghcdmkysaab/; #print STDERR "GenomicAlign tr end _rc end ".localtime(time)."\n";
return $seq; } #interface methods
General documentation
AUTHOR - Arek Kasprzyk, Darin LondonTop
This module is part of the BioMart project
Questions can be posted to the mart-dev mailing list:
Developer NotesTop
  The peptide translation algorithm is taken directly
from the CodonTable module that is part of the
BioPerl project. For more information about the
BioPerl project, visit: