Raw content of BioMart::Dataset::GenomicSequence
#$Id: GenomicSequence.pm,v 2008/08/13 12:59:45 syed Exp $
# BioMart module for BioMart::Dataset::GenomicSequence
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
# POD documentation - main docs before the code
=head1 NAME
A hidden Dataset containing sequence attributes that can be imported to other
visible Datasets which are compatible with its required data input, based
on the presence of one or more importable-exportable relationships.
Dataset providing Genomic Sequence attributes, which can be imported into
other Datasets. GenomicSequence is itself not a visible Dataset.
=head1 AUTHOR - Arek Kasprzyk, Syed Haider, Darin London, Damian Smedley
=head1 CONTACT
This module is part of the BioMart project http://www.biomart.org
Questions can be posted to the mart-dev mailing list:
=head1 METHODS
=head1 Developer Notes
The peptide translation algorithm is taken directly
from the CodonTable module that is part of the
BioPerl project. For more information about the
BioPerl project, visit:
package BioMart::Dataset::GenomicSequence;
# implements Dataset interface
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(BioMart::DatasetI);
use Log::Log4perl;
use Data::Dumper;
use BioMart::Dataset::GenomicSequence::DNAAdaptor;
use BioMart::Configuration::ConfigurationTree;
use BioMart::Configuration::AttributeTree;
use BioMart::Configuration::FilterTree;
use BioMart::Configuration::AttributeGroup;
use BioMart::Configuration::FilterGroup;
use BioMart::Configuration::AttributeCollection;
use BioMart::Configuration::FilterCollection;
use BioMart::Configuration::Attribute;
use BioMart::Configuration::AttributeList;
use BioMart::Configuration::BooleanFilter;
use BioMart::Configuration::ValueFilter;
use BioMart::Configuration::FilterList;
#change this to change the size of each batch
use constant BATCHSIZE => 100;
#change this if want a different default Codon Table ID
use constant DEFAULTCODONTABLEID => 1;
#exon will build their ignore keys if necessary
use constant IGNORE => {
q(gene_exon) => {}
@NAMES = #id
'Standard', #1
'Vertebrate Mitochondrial',#2
'Yeast Mitochondrial',# 3
'Mold, Protozoan, and CoelenterateMitochondrial and Mycoplasma/Spiroplasma',#4
'Invertebrate Mitochondrial',#5
'Ciliate, Dasycladacean and Hexamita Nuclear',# 6
'', '',
'Echinoderm Mitochondrial',#9
'Euplotid Nuclear',#10
'"Bacterial"',# 11
'Alternative Yeast Nuclear',# 12
'Ascidian Mitochondrial',# 13
'Flatworm Mitochondrial',# 14
'Blepharisma Nuclear',# 15
'Chlorophycean Mitochondrial',# 16
'', '', '', '',
'Trematode Mitochondrial',# 21
'Scenedesmus obliquus Mitochondrial', #22
'Thraustochytrium Mitochondrial' #23
'' ''
'' '' '' ''
my @nucs = qw(t c a g);
my $x = 0;
($CODONS, $TRCOL) = ({}, {});
for my $i (@nucs) {
for my $j (@nucs) {
for my $k (@nucs) {
my $codon = "$i$j$k";
$CODONS->{$codon} = $x;
$TRCOL->{$x} = $codon;
%IUPAC_DNA = ( A => [qw(A)],
C => [qw(C)],
G => [qw(G)],
T => [qw(T)],
U => [qw(U)],
M => [qw(A C)],
R => [qw(A G)],
W => [qw(A T)],
S => [qw(C G)],
Y => [qw(C T)],
K => [qw(G T)],
V => [qw(A C G)],
H => [qw(A C T)],
D => [qw(A G T)],
B => [qw(C G T)],
X => [qw(G A T C)],
N => [qw(G A T C)]
sub _new {
my ($self, @param) = @_;
$self->attr('dna', undef);
$self->attr('dnaparams', undef);
$self->attr('recipe', undef); #this will hold a subRef
$self->attr('ignore', undef);
$self->attr('ignore_row', undef);
$self->attr('seq_edits', undef);
$self->attr('codon_table_id', undef); #codon table defaults to undef
$self->attr('seq_name', undef); # this is linked to the Attribute->name,
# determines which sequence recipe to run
$self->attr('translate', 0); # set to true for peptide
$self->attr('downstream_flank', 0);
$self->attr('upstream_flank', 0);
$self->attr('importable', undef);
$self->attr('lastPkey', undef);
$self->attr('importable_indices', undef); # initialized when first row
# processed in first batch for a
# given query
$self->attr('returnRow_indices', undef); # initialized when first row
# processed in first batch for a
# given query
$self->attr('returnRow', undef);
$self->attr('batchIndex', 0); # increment each time a new pkey is seen
$self->attr('locations', {}); # not used by all sequences
$self->attr('outRow', undef); # not used by all sequences
#attributes calculated over sequence locations
$self->attr('calc_location', undef);
$self->attr('sequence', undef);
$self->attr('attribute_merge_required', 0);
# last set of structure rows in a batch are not processed as they may be incomplete
# set of say all exons, so store them somewhere for next time around and also store the
# corresponding results for merging
$self->attr('rowsFromLastBatch', undef);
# these help us solve the problem when gene coding and flank sequnces are requested, and
# for more than one transcripts coming in different batches, it repeats the same sequence
# with different header if transcript atts are requested.
# $self->attr('rowsFromLastBatch', undef), works for this case too.
$self->attr('seqStorageHash', undef);
$self->attr('onHoldSeqsKeys', undef);
#-- new GS development ---
$self->attr('exon_idHash', undef);
#private methods
sub _rc{
my ($self, $seq) = @_;
$seq = reverse($seq);
$seq =~ tr/YABCDGHKMRSTUVyabcdghkmrstuv/RTVGHCDMKYSAABrtvghcdmkysaab/;
return $seq;
sub _ignoreRow {
my ($self, $curRow) = @_;
my $ignore = $self->get('ignore');
return 0 unless ($ignore);
my $ignore_row = $self->get('ignore_row');
my $test = $self->_getLocationFrom($curRow, $ignore_row);
#if the actual value is false, return false,
# else, return ignore for the value
return $test->{ $ignore_row } && $ignore->{ $test->{ $ignore_row } };
sub _translate {
my ($self, $seq) = @_;
BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Calling translate without a seq argument!")
unless defined $seq;
return '' unless $seq;
my $id = $self->get('codon_table_id') || DEFAULTCODONTABLEID;
my ($partial) = 0;
$partial = 2 if length($seq) % 3 == 2;
$seq = lc $seq;
$seq =~ tr/u/t/;
my $protein = "";
if ($seq =~ /[^actg]/ ) { #ambiguous chars
for (my $i = 0; $i < (length($seq) - 2 ); $i+=3) {
my $triplet = substr($seq, $i, 3);
if (exists $CODONS->{$triplet}) {
$protein .= substr($TABLES[$id-1],
else {
$protein .= $self->_translate_ambiguous_codon($triplet);
else { # simple, strict translation
for (my $i = 0; $i < (length($seq) - 2 ); $i+=3) {
my $triplet = substr($seq, $i, 3);
if (exists $CODONS->{$triplet}) {
$protein .= substr($TABLES[$id-1], $CODONS->{$triplet}, 1);
else {
$protein .= 'X';
if ($partial == 2) { # 2 overhanging nucleotides
my $triplet = substr($seq, ($partial -4)). "n";
if (exists $CODONS->{$triplet}) {
my $aa = substr($TABLES[$id-1], $CODONS->{$triplet},1);
$protein .= $aa;
} else {
$protein .= $self->_translate_ambiguous_codon($triplet, $partial);
return $protein;
sub _translate_ambiguous_codon {
my ($self, $triplet, $partial) = @_;
$partial ||= 0;
my $id = $self->get('codon_table_id') || DEFAULTCODONTABLEID;
my $aa;
my @codons = _unambiquous_codons($triplet);
my %aas =();
foreach my $codon (@codons) {
$aas{substr($TABLES[$id-1],$CODONS->{$codon},1)} = 1;
my $count = scalar keys %aas;
if ( $count == 1 ) {
$aa = (keys %aas)[0];
elsif ( $count == 2 ) {
if ($aas{'D'} and $aas{'N'}) {
$aa = 'B';
elsif ($aas{'E'} and $aas{'Q'}) {
$aa = 'Z';
else {
$partial ? ($aa = '') : ($aa = 'X');
else {
$partial ? ($aa = '') : ($aa = 'X');
return $aa;
sub _unambiquous_codons{
my ($value) = @_;
my @nts = ();
my @codons = ();
my ($i, $j, $k);
@nts = map { $IUPAC_DNA{uc $_} } split(//, $value);
for my $i (@{$nts[0]}) {
for my $j (@{$nts[1]}) {
for my $k (@{$nts[2]}) {
push @codons, lc "$i$j$k";
return @codons;
sub _editSequence {
my ($self, $seqref) = @_;
my $seq_edits = $self->get('seq_edits');
if ($$seqref && $seq_edits) {
foreach my $seq_edit (split /\;/, $seq_edits) {
my ($start, $end, $alt_seq) = split /\,/, $seq_edit;
my $len = $end - $start + 1;
substr($$seqref, $start - 1, $len) = $alt_seq;
# important to clear if two seq_edit sequences come one after another
$self->set('seq_edits', "");
sub _initializeDNAAdaptor {
my ($self,$interface) = @_;
my $dna_params = $self->getConfigurationTree($interface)->
unless ($dna_params) {
BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("GenomicSequence Dataset requires optional_parameters to be set in the DatasetConfig\n");
my ($dnatablename, $chunk_name_fieldname, $chunk_start_fieldname,
$seqfieldname,$chunk_size) = split /\,/, $dna_params;
my $dna = BioMart::Dataset::GenomicSequence::DNAAdaptor->new(
'seq_name' => $self->name,
'dna_tablename' => $dnatablename,
'seq_fieldname' => $seqfieldname,
'chunk_name_fieldname' => $chunk_name_fieldname,
'chunk_start_fieldname' => $chunk_start_fieldname,
'chunk_size' => $chunk_size,
'configurator' => $self->getParam('configurator'),
unless ($dna) {
BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Couldnt connect to DNAAdaptor\n");
$self->set('dna', $dna);
sub __processNewQuery {
my ($self, $query) = @_;
my $attribute = $query->getAllAttributes($self->name)->[0];
my $seq_name = $attribute->name;
# hack to keep webservices working for 0_5 originating query XML
if ($seq_name eq 'pkey'){
$attribute = $query->getAllAttributes($self->name)->[-1];
$seq_name = $attribute->name;
$self->set('seq_name', $seq_name);
$self->set('translate', ($seq_name =~ m/peptide$/));
my $ignore = IGNORE;
if ($seq_name =~ m/(coding|cdna|peptide)$/) {
# this is not actually going to ignore anything, but is
# simply used to determine translation table for each gene
# without creating a second instance variable
$self->set('ignore_row', "type");
$self->set('recipe', '_codingCdnaPeptideSequences');
elsif ($seq_name =~ m/(transcript_exon_intron|transcript_flank|coding_transcript_flank)$/) {
$self->set('recipe', '_transcript_exonIntronFlankSequences');
elsif ($seq_name =~ m/(gene_exon_intron|gene_flank|coding_gene_flank)$/) {
$self->set('recipe', '_gene_exonIntronFlankSequences');
elsif ($seq_name =~ m/raw/){
$self->set('recipe', '_rawSequences');
elsif ($seq_name =~ m/(gene_exon|transcript_exon|transcript_intron)$/) {
# set the system to ignore rows with duplicate pkeys
# for gene_exon
$self->set('ignore', $ignore->{$1}); #undef for transcript_exon
$self->set('ignore_row', "pkey");
$self->set('recipe', '_exonSequences');
elsif ($seq_name =~ m/utr$/ or
$seq_name =~ m/intergenic$/) {
$self->set('recipe', '_utrSequences');
elsif ($seq_name =~ m/snp$/) {
$self->set('recipe', '_snpSequences');
else {
BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Unsupported sequence name $seq_name recieved by GenomicSequence\n");
$self->set('downstream_flank', 0);
$self->set('upstream_flank', 0);
$self->set('importable', undef);
$self->set('lastPkey', undef);
$self->set('importable_indices', undef);
$self->set('returnRow_indices', undef);
$self->set('locations', {});
$self->set('outRow', undef);
$self->set('calc_location', undef);
$self->set('sequence', undef);
$self->set('rowsFromLastBatch', undef);
$self->set('seqStorageHash', undef);
$self->set('onHoldSeqsKeys', undef);
#-- new GS development ---
$self->set('exon_idHash', undef);
#determine which BaseSequenceA object to create
my $filters = $query->getAllFilters($self->name);
foreach my $filt (@{$filters}) {
if ($filt->isa("BioMart::Configuration::FilterList")) {
if ($filt->linkName) {
if ($self->get('importable') ) {
BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Recieved two importables, can only work with one\n");
else {
$self->set('importable', $filt);
else {
BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Recieved invalid linkName ".
else {
#must be a downstream or upstream valueFilter
unless ($filt->isa("BioMart::Configuration::ValueFilter")) {
BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Recieved unknown filter ".$filt->name." in GenomicSequence Dataset!\n");
if ($self->get($filt->name)) {
BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Recieved two ".$filt->name." flanking filters in GenomicSequence Dataset\n");
#could still be some strange ValueFilter that is not upstream or
# downstream, but not likely. Will throw an exception if this is
# the case
my $table = $filt->getTable;
my $row = $table->nextRow;
my $value = $row->[0];
if ($value) {
$self->set($filt->name, $value);
unless ($self->get('importable')) {
BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("No Importable Recieved in GenomicSequence\n");
sub _continueWithBatch {
my ($self, $batchSize, $rtable) = @_;
#always true if underlying table is an AttributeTable and it has rows
my $continue = ($rtable->isa("BioMart::ResultTable"))
? $rtable->inCurrentBatch()
: $rtable->hasMoreRows;
if ($continue && $batchSize) {
my $batchIndex = $self->get('batchIndex');
$continue = ($batchIndex < $batchSize);
return $continue;
sub _incrementBatch {
my $self = shift;
my $batchIndex = $self->get('batchIndex');
$self->set('batchIndex', $batchIndex);
sub _initializeIndices {
my ($self, $numFields) = @_;
my $returnRow_indices = {};
my $importable_indices = {};
my $filts = $self->get('importable')->getAllFilters;
#define where the importable fields are in rtable
my $index = 0;
foreach my $filt (@{$filts}) {
$importable_indices->{$filt->name} = $index;
# define where fields needing to be merged into final returnRow are
# in rtable
my $resultIndex = 0;
while ($index < $numFields) {
$returnRow_indices->{$index} = $resultIndex;
$self->set('importable_indices', $importable_indices);
$self->set('returnRow_indices', $returnRow_indices);
sub _initializeReturnRow {
my ($self, $curRow) = @_;
# this method used to handle the structure attributes as FASTA headers
# no longer necessary with new attribute merging code in DatasetI.pm
# if hashed attributes exist from previous structure dataset then just
# return $curRow, otherwise return []
# my $importable = $self->get('importable');
# my $rtable = $importable->getTable();
return $self->get('attribute_merge_required') ? $curRow : [];
sub _processRow {
my ($self, $atable, $curRow) = @_;
# if this is the very first row for a new query, initialize the indices
# using its length as numFields
unless ($self->get('importable_indices')) {
if ($self->get('exhausted')) {
$atable->addRow(["No Sequence Returned"]);
else {
my $numFields = @{$curRow};
my $method = $self->get('recipe');
$self->$method($atable, $curRow);
sub _calcSeqOverLocations {
my ($self, $this_location) = @_;
$this_location->{start} || return; # Sanity check
$this_location->{end} || return; # Sanitt check
my $calc_location = $self->get('calc_location');
if ($calc_location) {
$calc_location->{"start"} = $this_location->{"start"}
if ($this_location->{"start"} < $calc_location->{"start"});
$calc_location->{"end"} = $this_location->{"end"}
if ($this_location->{"end"} > $calc_location->{"end"});
else {
$calc_location = {};
foreach my $key (keys %{$this_location}) {
$calc_location->{$key} = $this_location->{$key};
$self->set('calc_location', $calc_location);
sub _getLocationFrom {
my ($self, $curRow, @expectedFields) = @_;
my $importable_indices = $self->get('importable_indices');
my $location = {};
foreach my $expectedField (@expectedFields) {
$location->{$expectedField} = ( exists( $importable_indices->{$expectedField} ) ) ?
$curRow->[ $importable_indices->{$expectedField} ] : undef;
# (New-1) hack for MartBuilder built marts. different set of exportables importables
# need to calculate start/end w.r.t old system
# here we tamper start and end values of $location so they correspond to
# the old system whereby they meant coding_start/end or 3/5utr_start/end
# this is executed only for coding_gene_flank, coding_transcript_flank
# 5utr, 3utr, coding and peptide sequence types.
my $newCalculationsRequired = 0;
foreach my $key (keys %$importable_indices) {
$newCalculationsRequired = 1 if ($key eq 'coding_start_offset');
if($newCalculationsRequired) {
my $pkey = $curRow->[$importable_indices->{'pkey'}];
my $rank = $curRow->[$importable_indices->{'exon_id'}];
my $start_rank = $curRow->[$importable_indices->{'start_exon_id'}];
my $end_rank = $curRow->[$importable_indices->{'end_exon_id'}];
my $exon_start = $curRow->[$importable_indices->{'start'}];
my $exon_end = $curRow->[$importable_indices->{'end'}];
my $strand = $curRow->[$importable_indices->{'strand'}];
my $coding_start_offset = $curRow->[$importable_indices->{'coding_start_offset'}];
my $coding_end_offset = $curRow->[$importable_indices->{'coding_end_offset'}];
my ($new_start, $new_end);
#foreach (%$location) {
# print "
KEY=$_ : VALUE=", $location->{$_};
my $exon_idHash = $self->get('exon_idHash');
if ($start_rank && $end_rank) {
if ($self->get('seq_name') eq '5utr') {
if ($rank == $start_rank) {
if ($strand == 1) {
$new_start = $exon_start;
$new_end = $exon_start + $coding_start_offset - 2;
if ($strand == -1) {
$new_start = $exon_end - $coding_start_offset + 2;
$new_end = $exon_end;
# encountered coding START exon. storing as transcriptId.start_exonId to make it unique
$self->_setCodingExonFlag($pkey.$start_rank, 1);
else {
if ($exon_idHash->{$pkey.$start_rank} && $exon_idHash->{$pkey.$start_rank} == 1) {
$new_start = undef;
$new_end = undef;
else {
$new_start = $exon_start;
$new_end = $exon_end;
elsif ($self->get('seq_name') eq '3utr') {
if ($rank == $end_rank) {
if ($strand == 1) {
$new_start = $exon_start + $coding_end_offset;
$new_end = $exon_end;
if ($strand == -1) {
$new_start = $exon_start;
$new_end = $exon_end - $coding_end_offset;
# encountered coding END exon. storing as transcriptId.end_exonId to make it unique
$self->_setCodingExonFlag($pkey.$end_rank, 1);
else {
if ($exon_idHash->{$pkey.$end_rank} && $exon_idHash->{$pkey.$end_rank} == 1) {
$new_start = $exon_start;
$new_end = $exon_end;
else {
$new_start = undef;
$new_end = undef;
if ($self->get('seq_name') =~ m/^coding.*?|peptide/) {
# this includes sequence types : coding_gene_flank, coding_transcript_flank, coding, peptide
if ($rank == $start_rank && $rank == $end_rank) {
# coding start and finish on the same exon
if ($strand == 1) {
$new_start = $exon_start + $coding_start_offset - 1;
$new_end = $exon_start + $coding_end_offset - 1;
if ($strand == -1) {
$new_start = $exon_end - $coding_end_offset + 1;
$new_end = $exon_end - $coding_start_offset + 1;
elsif ($rank == $start_rank) {
if ($strand == 1) {
$new_start = $exon_start + $coding_start_offset - 1;
$new_end = $exon_end;
if ($strand == -1) {
$new_start = $exon_start;
$new_end = $exon_end - $coding_start_offset + 1;
# encountered coding START exon. storing as transcriptId.start_exonId to make it unique
$self->_setCodingExonFlag($pkey.$start_rank, 1);
elsif ($rank == $end_rank) {
if ($strand == 1) {
$new_start = $exon_start;
$new_end = $exon_start + $coding_end_offset - 1;
if ($strand == -1) {
$new_start = $exon_end - $coding_end_offset + 1;
$new_end = $exon_end;
# encountered coding END exon. clear ranscriptId.start_exonId stored earlier
$self->_setCodingExonFlag($pkey.$start_rank, 0);
else {
if ($exon_idHash->{$pkey.$start_rank} && $exon_idHash->{$pkey.$start_rank} == 1) {
$new_start = $exon_start;
$new_end = $exon_end;
else {
$new_start = undef;
$new_end = undef;
# sanity check
if ($new_start && $new_end && ($new_start > $new_end)) {
$new_start = undef;
$new_end = undef;
# update the coordinates to be returned by this function - now similar to old coordinates
$location->{'start'} = $new_start;
$location->{'end'} = $new_end;
else { # no coding start/end set the vals to NULL
$location->{'start'} = undef;
$location->{'end'} = undef;
return $location;
sub _setCodingExonFlag {
my ($self, $key, $val) = @_;
# the key value is pkey.start_exonId OR pkey.end_exonId
# doesnt matter if its start or end exon id as the corresponding
# value is always the same for each exon.
my $exon_idHash = $self->get('exon_idHash');
$exon_idHash->{$key} = $val;
$self->set('exon_idHash', $exon_idHash);
sub _modFlanks {
my ($self, $location, $shift, $flank) = @_;
$location->{start} || return $location; # Sanity check
$location->{end} || return $location; # Sanity check
if ($shift == 1)
# shift for flanks only - if user accidentally chooses both flanks,
# assume upstream as the original martview
if ($self->get('upstream_flank') && $self->get('downstream_flank')){
BioMart::Exception::Usage->throw("For this sequence option choose upstream OR downstream gene flanking sequence, NOT both, as makes no sense to simply concatenate them together.\n");
if ($self->get('upstream_flank'))
if ($location->{"strand"} < 0) {
$location->{"start"} = $location->{"end"} + 1;
$location->{"end"} += $self->get('upstream_flank');
$location->{"end"} = $location->{"start"} - 1;
$location->{"start"} -= $self->get('upstream_flank');
elsif ($self->get('downstream_flank'))
if ($location->{"strand"} < 0)
$location->{"end"} = $location->{"start"} - 1;
$location->{"start"} -= $self->get('downstream_flank');
$location->{"start"} = $location->{"end"} + 1;
$location->{"end"} += $self->get('downstream_flank');
BioMart::Exception::Usage->throw("Requests for flank sequence must be accompanied by an upstream_flank or downstream_flank request\n");
elsif ($shift == 2) #-- this is specific for: flanks + coding|cdna [ben]
if ($self->get('upstream_flank') && ($flank eq "up")) {
#-- the flank variable is used here, in case the user ask for both upstream
#-- and downstream flank. With $flank you are sure, you don't enter in
#-- the upstream loop when you should get in the downstream loop.
#-- or you don't enter twice the upstream loop when you ask for both up+down
#-- or you get a single exon gene/transcript
if ($location->{"strand"} < 0)
$location->{"end"} += $self->get('upstream_flank');
$location->{"start"} -= $self->get('upstream_flank');
elsif ($self->get('downstream_flank') && ($flank eq "down")) {
if ($location->{"strand"} < 0)
$location->{"start"} -= $self->get('downstream_flank');
$location->{"end"} += $self->get('downstream_flank');
else #-- if shift = 0
if ($location->{"strand"} < 0)
$location->{"start"} -= $self->get('downstream_flank');
$location->{"end"} += $self->get('upstream_flank');
$location->{"start"} -= $self->get('upstream_flank');
$location->{"end"} += $self->get('downstream_flank');
#sometimes users request more flanking sequence than is avaiable
$location->{"start"} = 1 if ($location->{"start"} < 1);
return $location;
sub _processSequence {
my ($self, $locations) = @_;
my $seq = '';
my $temp_Seq = '';
my $first_coding_exon_flag = 0;
my $dna = $self->get('dna');
foreach my $rank (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$locations}) {
my $location = $locations->{$rank};
my $chr = $location->{'chr'};
my $start = $location->{'start'};
my $end = $location->{'end'};
my $strand = exists( $location->{'strand'}) ?
$location->{'strand'} : 1;
my $phase = $location->{'phase'} || 0;
if ($first_coding_exon_flag == 0) {
if ($strand < 0) {
$temp_Seq = $self->_rc( $dna->
getSequence( $chr, $start, $end ) );
else {
$temp_Seq = $dna->getSequence( $chr, $start, $end );
if($temp_Seq) { # incase its not the first coding exon,
# undef is returned by DNAAdapter
if ($phase > 0) { # copying Ns in beginning, exactly as the
# value of phase of first coding exon.
$seq = 'N'x$phase;
$seq .= $temp_Seq;
$first_coding_exon_flag = 1;
else {
if ($strand < 0) {
$seq .= $self->_rc( $dna->getSequence( $chr, $start, $end ) );
else {
$seq .= $dna->getSequence( $chr, $start, $end );
if (length($seq)) {
return $seq;
return undef
sub _addRow {
my ($self, $atable, $outRow, $sequence) = @_;
push @{$outRow}, $sequence;
#interface methods
sub _getConfigurationTree {
my ($self,$interface,$dsCounter)=@_;;
return $self->getParam('configurator')->getConfigurationTree(
sub _getResultTable {
my ($self, @param) = @_;
$self->set('batchIndex', 0);
local($^W) = 0; # prevent "odd number of elements" warning with -w.
my(%param) = @param;
my $query = $param{'query'};
my $atable = $param{'table'};
my $batch_size = $param{'batch_size'};
if ($self->serverType eq "web"){
my $batch_start = $param{'batch_start'} || 0;
my $location = $self->getParam('configurator')->get('location');
my $xml = $query->toXML($batch_start,$batch_size,0);
my $logger=Log::Log4perl->get_logger(__PACKAGE__);
$logger->info("QUERY XML: $xml");
foreach my $el($location->getResultSet("","POST",$xml)){
if ($el =~ /No Sequence Returned/) {
my @clean=split(/\t/,$el);
return $atable;
} else {
my $importable = $self->get('importable');
my $rtable = $importable->getTable();
my $attribute_count = @{$query->getAllAttributes};
if ($rtable->hashedResults || $attribute_count > 1){
my $has_rows = $rtable->hasMoreRows;
my %avoidDuplication = ();
NEXTROW: while ($has_rows && $self->_continueWithBatch($batch_size, $rtable)) {
my $curRow = $rtable->nextRow;
my $rowAsString = $self->toString($curRow); # avoid using "@A" eq "@B" type comparison, it floods error log
next NEXTROW if (!$rowAsString || exists $avoidDuplication{$rowAsString} ) ; # no point retrieving sequence for same coordinates
$avoidDuplication{$rowAsString} = '';
$self->_processRow( $atable, $curRow);
#print "
BAtch: $batch_size [ ", $self->_continueWithBatch($batch_size, $rtable), " ] [ ", $self->get('batchIndex'), " ]";
# the last and final call to GenomicSequence, after the call which
# exhausts the importable, will result in the last sequence being
# processed and added to the resultTable.
# the next call after this returns undef.
unless ($has_rows) {
## additional logic to send all ORPHAN sequences at the end where the total number
## of transcripts encountered is not equal transcript_count. that may happen when you request a
## GENE type sequence with a filter restricting some transcripts. consequently you donot see all the
## transcripts and the sequence should not be kept by GS, so lets release them all at the end
my $storageHash = $self->get('seqStorageHash');
if ($storageHash)
foreach my $fkey (%$storageHash)
my $sequence = $storageHash->{$fkey}->{'seq'};
my $outRow = $storageHash->{$fkey}->{'outRow'};
$self->_addRow($atable, $outRow, $sequence);
$self->set('importable', $importable);
return $atable;
### sequence __recipes__
sub _codingCdnaPeptideSequences {
my ($self, $atable, $curRow) = @_;
# Determine this and last primary keys
my $importable_indices = $self->get('importable_indices');
# Get the primary sequence ID from this row. Use DUMMY if missing
my $pkey = $curRow ?
($curRow->[$importable_indices->{"pkey"}] || 'DUMMY') : undef;
my $lastPkey = $self->get('lastPkey') || $pkey;
my $locations = $self->get('locations');
my $outRow = $self->get('outRow');
if( ( ! defined $pkey ) or ( $pkey ne $lastPkey ) ){
# Start of new row, or end of results; Dump the current sequence
#-- NOTE:
#-- upstream and downstream sequences are added only once, and
#-- not for every exons, as it used to be before. So _modFlank is
#-- ran only at the very end, and once (once if upsream, once if
#-- downstream) to modify $locations. [ben]
#-- This is very important especially if you ask for both up AND downstream flanks
#-- so you are sure that you enter only once in each _modFlank loop, and not twice
#-- in the upstream as it was before.
my ($up, $down);
if ($self->get('upstream_flank')){$up = "up"}
if ($self->get('downstream_flank')){$down = "down"}
#-- get exons rank info
my @ranks = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$locations};
my $array_size = scalar @ranks;
my ($firstExon,$lastExon);
if ($array_size == 1){
#-- if the gene/transcript has 1 exon only
#-- so you can get a downstream flank even if rank = 1
$firstExon = shift @ranks; # firstExon and lastExon are both set to 1
$lastExon = $firstExon ;
}else {
#-- if the gene/transcript has more than 1 exon
$firstExon = shift @ranks; #get first exon
$lastExon = pop @ranks; #get last exon
#-- then run _modflank for the first and/or last exons
if ($self->get('upstream_flank'))
my $location = $locations->{$firstExon};
$location = $self->_modFlanks($location, 2, $up);
$locations->{$firstExon} = $location if ($location->{"start"});
if ($self->get('downstream_flank'))
my $location = $locations->{$lastExon};
$location = $self->_modFlanks($location, 2, $down);
$locations->{$lastExon} = $location if ($location->{"start"});
my $sequence;
if( grep{ $locations->{$_}->{"start"} } keys %$locations ) {
$sequence = $self->_processSequence($locations);
$sequence = $self->_translate($sequence)
if ($self->get('translate'));
if ($sequence) {
$self->_addRow($atable, $outRow, $sequence);
else {
$self->_addRow($atable, $outRow, "Sequence unavailable");
$locations = {};
$outRow = undef;
} # End sequence dumping
if ($curRow) {
# Update the location corresponding to this row
my $rank = $curRow->[ $importable_indices->{"rank"} ];
# Requesting for phase info as well, to fix the bug of additional
# Ns in the beginning - [syed]
my $location = $self->_getLocationFrom($curRow, "chr", "start", "end",
"strand", "phase", "codon_table_id", "seq_edits");
# $self->set('seq_edits',$location->{"seq_edits"});
# (New-2) hack for MartBuilder built marts. different set of exportables importables
# need to store seq_edits as 12,12,U;14,14:U which is old formart
# new exportable passes it in ensembl core format 12 12 U per row
# $location = $self->_modFlanks($location, 0);
#-- This was soo wrong - it added a flank (upstream and/or downstream)
#-- for every exons, instead of once, at the 5' or 3' end - [ben]
$locations->{$rank} = $location if ($location->{"start"} && $rank);
$outRow ||= $self->_initializeReturnRow($curRow);
$self->set('locations', $locations);
$self->set('lastPkey', $pkey);
$self->set('outRow', $outRow);
sub set_seq_edits
my ($self, $seq_edits) = @_;
if ($seq_edits) {
my $temp_str;
# old format 12,12,U;14,14,M
if ($seq_edits =~ m/\,/) {
$temp_str = $seq_edits;
else { # new format 12 12 U
$temp_str = $self->get('seq_edits');
$seq_edits =~ s/\s/\,/g;
if ($temp_str) {
$temp_str = $temp_str.';'.$seq_edits if($temp_str !~ m/$seq_edits/);
else {
$temp_str = $seq_edits;
$self->set('seq_edits', $temp_str);
else {
$self->set('seq_edits', "");
sub _transcript_exonIntronFlankSequences {
my ($self, $atable, $curRow) = @_;
my $rank = 1;
# Determine this and last primary keys
my $importable_indices = $self->get('importable_indices');
# Get the primary sequence ID from this row. Use DUMMY if missing
my $pkey = $curRow ?
($curRow->[$importable_indices->{"pkey"}] || 'DUMMY') : undef;
my $lastPkey = $self->get('lastPkey') || $pkey;
my $outRow = $self->get('outRow');
if( ( ! defined $pkey ) or ( $pkey ne $lastPkey ) ){
# Start of new row, or end of results; Dump the current sequence
my $shift = ($self->get('seq_name') =~ m/flank/);
my $location = $self->_modFlanks( $self->get('calc_location'),
$shift );
$self->set('calc_location', undef); # Reset location cache
my $sequence;
if ($location->{"start"}) {
my $locations = { $rank => $location };
$sequence = $self->_processSequence($locations);
if ($sequence) {
$self->_addRow($atable, $outRow, $sequence);
else {
$self->_addRow($atable, $outRow, "Sequence unavailable");
$outRow = undef;
} # End sequence dumping
if ($curRow) {
# Update the location corresponding to this row
my $location = $self->_getLocationFrom($curRow, "chr", "start",
"end", "strand");
$self->_calcSeqOverLocations( $location );
$outRow ||= $self->_initializeReturnRow($curRow);
$self->set('lastPkey', $pkey);
$self->set('outRow', $outRow);
sub _gene_exonIntronFlankSequences {
my ($self, $atable, $curRow) = @_;
my $rank = 1;
# Determine this and last primary keys
my $importable_indices = $self->get('importable_indices');
# Get the primary sequence ID from this row. Use DUMMY if missing
my $pkey = $curRow ?
($curRow->[$importable_indices->{"pkey"}] || 'DUMMY') : undef;
my $lastPkey = $self->get('lastPkey') || $pkey;
my $outRow = $self->get('outRow');
if( ( ! defined $pkey ) or ( $pkey ne $lastPkey ) )
# Start of new row, or end of results; Dump the current sequence
my $shift = ($self->get('seq_name') =~ m/flank/);
my $location = $self->_modFlanks( $self->get('calc_location'), $shift );
$self->set('calc_location', undef); # Reset location cache
my $sequence;
if ($location->{"start"}) {
my $locations = { $rank => $location };
$sequence = $self->_processSequence($locations);
my $storageHash = $self->get('seqStorageHash');
# This IF statement is just there to keep those in sink who have Ensembl 42 or earlier
# and this new code. They should not expect transcript_pkey and transcript_count from XML
if (exists $storageHash->{$lastPkey})
# this is well tricky. lastDS is 2 when its a two DS query adn its the second DS's GS.
# we do not wait for all transcripts to arrive because in a two DS query HUMAN/MSD, there is a chance
# few transcripts are absent for not having any PDBids. So we should not stop such sequences.
# The sequences are meant to stop till all the transcripts are seen when its a single DS query
if (($storageHash->{$lastPkey}->{'transcriptCount'} >= $storageHash->{$lastPkey}->{'totalTranscripts'})
|| $self->lastDS() == 2)
# use the old sequence from previous batch, the new one in some case (f_gene,c_f_gene,u_gene is different)
$sequence = $storageHash->{$lastPkey}->{'seq'} if ($storageHash->{$lastPkey}->{'seq'});
if ($sequence)
$self->_addRow($atable, $outRow, $sequence);
$self->_addRow($atable, $outRow, "Sequence unavailable");
delete $storageHash->{$lastPkey}; # over with this Gene.
# sequences gets an update, as and when a transcript of a gene
# arrives in a separate batch. In principle this should always be the same
#my $onHoldkeys = $self->get('onHoldSeqsKeys');
$storageHash->{$lastPkey}->{'seq'} = $sequence;
$storageHash->{$lastPkey}->{'outRow'} = $outRow;
#$onHoldkeys->{$lastPkey} = "";
#$self->set('onHoldSeqsKeys', $onHoldkeys);
$self->set('seqStorageHash', $storageHash);
if ($sequence)
$self->_addRow($atable, $outRow, $sequence);
$self->_addRow($atable, $outRow, "Sequence unavailable");
$outRow = undef;
} # End sequence dumping
if ($curRow)
# Update the location corresponding to this row
my $location = $self->_getLocationFrom($curRow,"pkey","transcript_pkey","chr", "start", "end", "strand", "transcript_count");
$self->_calcSeqOverLocations( $location );
# This IF statement is just there to keep those in sink who have Ensembl 42 or earlier
# and this new code. They should not expect transcript_pkey and transcript_count from XML
if ($location->{'transcript_pkey'})
my $storageHash = $self->get('seqStorageHash');
my $prkey = $location->{'pkey'};
my $transcript_key = $location->{'transcript_pkey'};
#print "
TRANS KEY: $transcript_key", " == ", $location->{'transcript_count'};
$storageHash->{$prkey}->{'totalTranscripts'} = $location->{'transcript_count'} || 1; # there are NULL vals in DB
if(exists $storageHash->{$prkey}->{'transcriptKeys'}) {
if ($storageHash->{$prkey}->{'transcriptKeys'} !~ m/$transcript_key/) {
$storageHash->{$prkey}->{'transcriptKeys'} .= $transcript_key.',';
$storageHash->{$prkey}->{'transcriptCount'} ++;
# print "
I WAS HERE", $storageHash->{$prkey}->{'transcriptCount'};
$storageHash->{$prkey}->{'transcriptKeys'} = $transcript_key.',';
#print "
",Dumper ($storageHash);
$self->set('seqStorageHash', $storageHash);
$outRow ||= $self->_initializeReturnRow($curRow);
$self->set('lastPkey', $pkey);
$self->set('outRow', $outRow);
sub _exonSequences {
my ($self, $atable, $curRow) = @_;
$curRow || return; # Process row-by-row; can discard last (empty) call
return if ($self->_ignoreRow($curRow)); #ignore duplicate exons
my $rank = 1;
my $locations = {};
$locations->{$rank} = $self->_modFlanks( $self->_getLocationFrom($curRow,
"chr", "start", "end", "strand"), 0 );
my $sequence;
if ($locations->{1}->{"start"}) {
$sequence = $self->_processSequence($locations);
if ($sequence) {
$self->_addRow($atable, $self->_initializeReturnRow($curRow),
else {
$self->_addRow($atable, $self->_initializeReturnRow($curRow),
"Sequence unavailable");
if ($self->get('ignore')) {
#will only be true for gene_exon
my $ignore = $self->get('ignore');
my $ignore_row = $self->get('ignore_row');
my $ref = $self->_getLocationFrom($curRow, $ignore_row);
$ignore->{ $ref->{ $ignore_row } } = 1; #skip duplicate pkeys
$self->set('ignore', $ignore);
#else there will be no last entry
sub _rawSequences {
my ($self, $atable, $curRow) = @_;
my $rank = 1;
if ($curRow) {
my $importable_indices = $self->get('importable_indices');
my $locations = {};
my $location = $self->_getLocationFrom($curRow, "chr", "start", "end");
$location->{"strand"} = ( exists( $importable_indices->{"strand"} ) ) ?
$curRow->[ $importable_indices->{"strand"} ] : 1;
$locations->{$rank} = $location if ($location->{"start"});
my $sequence = $self->_processSequence($locations);
if ($sequence) {
$self->_addRow($atable, $self->_initializeReturnRow($curRow),
sub _utrSequences {
my ($self, $atable, $curRow) = @_;
my $locations = $self->get('locations');
my $outRow = $self->get('outRow');
if ($curRow) {
my $importable_indices = $self->get('importable_indices');
my $pkey = $curRow->[ $importable_indices->{"pkey"} ];
my $lastPkey = $self->get('lastPkey');
if ( $lastPkey && ($pkey ne $lastPkey) ) {
my $hasUtr = keys %{$locations};
if ($hasUtr) {
my @ranks = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$locations};
my $low_rank = shift @ranks;
my $hi_rank = ($hasUtr > 1) ? pop @ranks : $low_rank;
my $calc_location = $self->get('calc_location');
my $low_loc_strand = $locations->{$low_rank}->{"strand"};
if ($self->get('upstream_flank')) {
if ($low_loc_strand < 0) {
$calc_location->{"start"} =
$calc_location->{"end"} + 1;
$calc_location->{"end"} =
$calc_location->{"start"} +
$self->get('upstream_flank') - 1;
else {
$calc_location->{"end"} =
$calc_location->{"start"} - 1;
$calc_location->{"start"} =
$calc_location->{"start"} -
$self->get('upstream_flank');# lose a base if include this + 1;
$calc_location->{"start"} = 1
if ($calc_location->{"start"} < 1);
#prepend to sequence
$locations->{$low_rank - 1} = $calc_location;
elsif ($self->get('downstream_flank')) {
if ($low_loc_strand < 0) {
$calc_location->{"end"} =
$calc_location->{"start"} - 1;
$calc_location->{"start"} =
$calc_location->{"end"} -
$self->get('downstream_flank') + 1;
else {
$calc_location->{"start"} =
$calc_location->{"end"} + 1;
$calc_location->{"end"} =
$calc_location->{"start"} +
$self->get('downstream_flank') -1; # positive strand & downstream flank, wont lose the base.
#append to sequence
$locations->{$hi_rank + 1} = $calc_location;
my $sequence = $self->_processSequence($locations);
if ($sequence) {
$locations = {};
$hasUtr = 0;
$self->_addRow($atable, $outRow, $sequence);
$outRow = undef;
$self->set('calc_location', undef);
else {
$self->_addRow($atable, $outRow,
"Sequence unavailable");
$outRow = undef;
unless ($outRow) {
$outRow = $self->_initializeReturnRow($curRow);
#for this one we build and calc
my $rank = $curRow->[ $importable_indices->{"rank"} ];
my $location = $self->_getLocationFrom($curRow, "chr", "start",
"end", "strand");
if ($location->{"start"}) {
$locations->{$rank} = $location;
$self->set('lastPkey', $pkey);
else {
# last entry
my $hasUtr = keys %{$locations};
if ($hasUtr) {
my @ranks = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$locations};
my $low_rank = shift @ranks;
my $hi_rank = ($hasUtr > 1) ? pop @ranks : $low_rank;
my $calc_location = $self->get('calc_location');
my $low_loc_strand = $locations->{$low_rank}->{"strand"};
if ($self->get('upstream_flank')) {
if ($low_loc_strand < 0) {
$calc_location->{"start"} = $calc_location->{"end"} + 1;
$calc_location->{"end"} =
$calc_location->{"start"} +
$self->get('upstream_flank') - 1;
else {
$calc_location->{"end"} = $calc_location->{"start"} - 1;
$calc_location->{"start"} =
$calc_location->{"start"} -
$self->get('upstream_flank') + 1;
$calc_location->{"start"} = 1
if ($calc_location->{"start"} < 1);
#prepend to sequence
$locations->{$low_rank - 1} = $calc_location;
elsif ($self->get('downstream_flank')) {
if ($low_loc_strand < 0) {
$calc_location->{"end"} = $calc_location->{"start"} - 1;
$calc_location->{"start"} = $calc_location->{"end"} -
$self->get('downstream_flank') + 1;
else {
$calc_location->{"start"} = $calc_location->{"end"} + 1;
$calc_location->{"end"} = $calc_location->{"start"} +
$self->get('downstream_flank') - 1;
#append to sequence
$locations->{$hi_rank + 1} = $calc_location;
my $sequence = $self->_processSequence($locations);
if ($sequence) {
$locations = {};
$hasUtr = 0;
$self->_addRow($atable, $outRow, $sequence);
$outRow = undef;
$self->set('calc_location', undef);
else {
$self->_addRow($atable, $outRow,
"No UTR is annotated for this transcript");
$outRow = undef;
$self->set('locations', $locations);
$self->set('outRow', $outRow);
sub _snpSequences {
my ($self, $atable, $curRow) = @_;
my $rank = 1;
if ($curRow) {
#since locations are just hashes, hack them
my $location = $self->_getLocationFrom($curRow, "chr", "pos",
"strand", "allele");
if ($location->{"strand"} < 0) {
$location->{"start"} = $location->{"pos"} -
$location->{"start"} = 1
if ($location->{"start"} < 1);
$location->{"end"} = $location->{"pos"} +
$location->{"off"} = $self->get('upstream_flank');
else {
$location->{"start"} = $location->{"pos"} -
$location->{"end"} = $location->{"pos"} +
$location->{"off"} = $self->get('upstream_flank');
if ($location->{"start"} < 1) {
$location->{"off"} = $self->get('upstream_flank') +
$location->{"start"} - 1;
$location->{"start"} = 1;
my $locations = {};
$locations->{$rank} = $location;
my $sequence = $self->_processSequence($locations);
if ($sequence) {
substr($sequence, $location->{"off"}, 1) = "%".$location->{"allele"}."%";
$self->_addRow($atable, $self->_initializeReturnRow($curRow),
=head2 toString
Usage :
Description: Helper rouinte for Array comparison by converting
it to string first. Comparing arrays as "@A" eq "@B"
brings flood of warning
Returntype : String
Exceptions : none
Caller : caller
sub toString
my ($self, $curRow) = @_;
my $string;
foreach (@{$curRow})
$string .= $_ if ($_);
return $string;