Raw content of BioMart::Formatter::FASTAA
# $Id: FASTAA.pm,v 1.3 2007/01/09 17:16:00 rh4 Exp $
# BioMart module for BioMart::Formatter::FASTAH
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl
# itself.
# POD documentation - main docs before the code.
=head1 NAME
Formatter specicific to homologues
FASTA A for (Aligned)
The FASTA Formatter returns whitespace separated tabular data
for a BioMart query's ResultTable
This is a FASTA formatter for Compara_homology which is very specific
for the compara_mart project
When given a BioMart::ResultTable containing the results of
a BioMart::Query the FASTA Formatter will return tabular output
with one line for each row of data in the ResultTable and single spaces
separating the individual entries in each row. The getDisplayNames
and getFooterText can be used to return appropiately formatted
headers and footers respectively
=head1 AUTHORS
=item *
Damian Smedley
=item *
Benoit Ballester
=head1 CONTACT
This module is part of the BioMart project
Questions can be posted to the mart-dev mailing list:
=head1 METHODS
package BioMart::Formatter::FASTAA;
use strict;
use warnings;
# Extends BioMart::FormatterI
use base qw(BioMart::FormatterI);
# from CodonTable.pm in BioPerl
# from CodonTable.pm in BioPerl
use constant CODONSIZE => 3;
#$GAP = '-';
@NAMES = #id
'Standard', #1
'Vertebrate Mitochondrial',#2
'Yeast Mitochondrial',# 3
'Mold, Protozoan, and CoelenterateMitochondrial and Mycoplasma/Spiroplasma',#4
'Invertebrate Mitochondrial',#5
'Ciliate, Dasycladacean and Hexamita Nuclear',# 6
'', '',
'Echinoderm Mitochondrial',#9
'Euplotid Nuclear',#10
'"Bacterial"',# 11
'Alternative Yeast Nuclear',# 12
'Ascidian Mitochondrial',# 13
'Flatworm Mitochondrial',# 14
'Blepharisma Nuclear',# 15
'Chlorophycean Mitochondrial',# 16
'', '', '', '',
'Trematode Mitochondrial',# 21
'Scenedesmus obliquus Mitochondrial', #22
'Thraustochytrium Mitochondrial' #23
'' ''
'' '' '' ''
my @nucs = qw(t c a g);
my $x = 0;
($CODONS, $TRCOL) = ({}, {});
for my $i (@nucs) {
for my $j (@nucs) {
for my $k (@nucs) {
my $codon = "$i$j$k";
$CODONS->{$codon} = $x;
$TRCOL->{$x} = $codon;
%IUPAC_DNA = ( A => [qw(A)],
C => [qw(C)],
G => [qw(G)],
T => [qw(T)],
U => [qw(U)],
M => [qw(A C)],
R => [qw(A G)],
W => [qw(A T)],
S => [qw(C G)],
Y => [qw(C T)],
K => [qw(G T)],
V => [qw(A C G)],
H => [qw(A C T)],
D => [qw(A G T)],
B => [qw(C G T)],
X => [qw(G A T C)],
N => [qw(G A T C)]
#--- END from bioperl / GenomicSequence.pm
sub _new {
my ($self) = @_;
sub processQuery {
my ($self, $query) = @_;
if ($query->getAllAttributes());
return $query;
sub nextRow {
my $self = shift;
my $rtable = $self->get('result_table');
my $row = $rtable->nextRow;
if (!$row){
# my $array_length = @{$row};
#-- determine which coordinate we are using
my ($tag1, $tag2);
my (@coorarray1, @coorarray2);
my ($finalseq1, $finalseq2, $cigar1, $cigar2, $header_atts1, $header_atts2);
my $k = 0;
my $j = 0;
foreach my $attribute (@$row){
#print "attribute: $attribute\n";
if (not defined $attribute){$attribute = "NULL"}
if ($attribute =~ m/tagPeptide/){
if ($j == 1){
#print " attribute1:: $attribute\n";
@coorarray1 = split(/\|/, $attribute);
$tag1 = shift (@coorarray1); # remove the tags
if ($j == 2){
#print " attribute2:: $attribute\n";
@coorarray2 = split(/\|/, $attribute);
$tag2 = shift (@coorarray2);
# print "TAGS : $tag1 $tag2\n";
if ($tag1 ne $tag2){return "Tag are not the same:".$tag1." - ".$tag2."\n\n";}
#-- then format depending of the tag (cdna, peptide, etc.)
if ($tag1 =~ m/tagPeptide/){
($finalseq1, $finalseq2, $cigar1, $cigar2, $header_atts1, $header_atts2) = &formatseqPep($row);
$finalseq1 = &_get_aligned_sequence_from_original_sequence_and_cigar_line($finalseq1, $cigar1);
$finalseq2 = &_get_aligned_sequence_from_original_sequence_and_cigar_line($finalseq2, $cigar2);
#-- format the seq whith a 60bp width
$finalseq1 =~ s/(\S{60})/$1\n/g;
$finalseq2 =~ s/(\S{60})/$1\n/g;
#-- Then return the whole thing
return ">" . $header_atts1 . "\n"
. $finalseq1 ."\n"
. ">" . $header_atts2 . "\n"
. $finalseq2 ."\n"
. "#\n";
}else {
return "tags not supported by the formater FASTAH.pm tags(tag1:$tag1 tag2:$tag2)\n";
sub formatseqPep {
my ($row)= shift;
my ($finalseq1, $finalseq2, $header_atts1, $header_atts2,
$strand1, $strand2, $tag1, $tag2, $chro1, $chro2,
$seqedits1, $seqedits2, $cigar1, $cigar2) ;
my @atts1 = ();
my @atts2 = ();
my @coorarray = ();
my @coorarray1;
my @coorarray2;
#-- get sequences
my $seq1 = shift @$row;
my $seq2 = shift @$row;
my $i = 0 ;
my $k = 0;
my $j = 0;
foreach my $attribute (@$row){
#print "attribute: $attribute\n";
#-- Get the attributes
if (!$attribute){$attribute = "NULL"}
if ($attribute eq "tagHeader"){
push (@atts1, $row->[$i+1]);
push (@atts2, $row->[$i+2]);
#-- Get the coordinates
if ($attribute =~ /^(tagPeptide)/){
if ($j == 1){
# print " attribute1:: $attribute\n";
@coorarray1 = split(/\|/, $attribute);
$strand1 = $row->[$k+2];
$seqedits1 = $row->[$k+4];
$chro1 = $row->[$k+6];
$cigar1 = $row->[$k+8];
if ($j == 2){
# print " attribute2:: $attribute\n";
@coorarray2 = split(/\|/, $attribute);
$tag1 = shift (@coorarray1); # remove the tags
$tag2 = shift (@coorarray2);
$strand2 = $row->[$k+2];
$seqedits2 = $row->[$k+4];
$chro2 = $row->[$k+6];
$cigar2 = $row->[$k+8];
# print "tag1:$tag1 strand1:$strand1 seqedits1:$seqedits1 chro1:$chro1\n";
# print "tag2:$tag2 strand2:$strand2 seqedits2:$seqedits2 chro2:$chro2\n";
#-- Chop the seq according to the given coordinate
foreach my $coors1 (@coorarray1){
my @coor1 = split(/:/,$coors1);
$finalseq1 .= substr ($seq1, $coor1[0], $coor1[1]);
foreach my $coors2 (@coorarray2){
my @coor2 = split(/:/,$coors2);
$finalseq2 .= substr ($seq2, $coor2[0], $coor2[1]);
#-- RC the seq if needed !
if ($strand1 < 0) {$finalseq1 = &rc($finalseq1);}
if ($strand2 < 0) {$finalseq2 = &rc($finalseq2);}
#-- Translated it
$finalseq1 = &translate($finalseq1,$chro1);
$finalseq2 = &translate($finalseq2,$chro2);
#-- Post process the seq with seqedits
if ($finalseq1 =~ /\*$/){ chop $finalseq1 }
if ($finalseq2 =~ /\*$/){ chop $finalseq2 }
#-- Apply seq edits if exists
if ($seqedits1 ne 'NULL'){
my @seqed = split (/\|/,$seqedits1);
shift @seqed; #remove tag
foreach my $se (@seqed) {
&apply_edit($se, \$finalseq1);
if ($seqedits2 ne 'NULL'){
my @seqed = split (/\|/,$seqedits2);
shift @seqed; #remove tag
foreach my $se (@seqed) {
&apply_edit($se, \$finalseq2);
#-- format the seq whith a 60bp width
# $finalseq1 =~ s/(\w{60})/$1\n/g;
# $finalseq2 =~ s/(\w{60})/$1\n/g;
#-- Join the attributes together
$header_atts1 = join ("|", @atts1);
$header_atts2 = join ("|", @atts2);
#-- Then return the whole thing
return ($finalseq1, $finalseq2, $cigar1, $cigar2, $header_atts1, $header_atts2);
sub _get_aligned_sequence_from_original_sequence_and_cigar_line {
my ($original_sequence, $cigar_line) = @_;
my $aligned_sequence = "";
return undef if (!$original_sequence or !$cigar_line);
my $seq_pos = 0;
my @cig = ( $cigar_line =~ /(\d*[GMD])/g );
for my $cigElem ( @cig ) {
my $cigType = substr( $cigElem, -1, 1 );
my $cigCount = substr( $cigElem, 0 ,-1 );
$cigCount = 1 unless ($cigCount =~ /^\d+$/);
#print "-- $cigElem $cigCount $cigType\n";
if( $cigType eq "M" ) {
$aligned_sequence .= substr($original_sequence, $seq_pos, $cigCount);
$seq_pos += $cigCount;
} elsif( $cigType eq "G" or $cigType eq "D") {
$aligned_sequence .= "-" x $cigCount;
warn ("Cigar line ($seq_pos) does not match sequence lenght (".length($original_sequence).")") if ($seq_pos != length($original_sequence));
return $aligned_sequence;
sub rc{
my ($seq) = @_;
$seq = reverse($seq);
$seq =~ tr/YABCDGHKMRSTUVyabcdghkmrstuv/RTVGHCDMKYSAABrtvghcdmkysaab/;
return $seq;
sub getDisplayNames {
my $self = shift;
return '';
sub isSpecial {
return 1;
sub apply_edit {
my $seqeds = shift;
my $seqref = shift;
my @seqedits = split (/:/,$seqeds);
#if(ref($seqref) ne 'SCALAR') {
# throw("Reference to scalar argument expected");
if(!defined($seqedits[0]) || !defined($seqedits[1])) {
return $seqref;
my $len = $seqedits[1] - $seqedits[0] + 1;
substr($$seqref, $seqedits[0] - 1, $len) = $seqedits[2];
return $seqref;
#-------From Bioperl CodonTable.pm -------
#-------Modified like GenomicSequence ----
sub translate {
my ($seq, $chro) = @_;
#warn("Calling translate without a seq argument!") unless defined $seq;
return '' unless $seq;
#my $id = $self->id;
# 1 = vertebrate 2= Vertebrate Mitochondrial
my $id;#my $id = '1'; # by default it's1
if ($chro =~ /MT/g){$id = '2'}else{$id = '1'}
my ($partial) = 0;
$partial = 2 if length($seq) % CODONSIZE == 2;
$seq = lc $seq;
$seq =~ tr/u/t/;
my $protein = "";
if ($seq =~ /[^actg]/ ) { #ambiguous chars
for (my $i = 0; $i < (length($seq) - (CODONSIZE-1)); $i+= CODONSIZE) {
my $triplet = substr($seq, $i, CODONSIZE);
# if( $triplet eq $CODONGAP ) {
# $protein .= $GAP;
# } els
if (exists $CODONS->{$triplet}) {
$protein .= substr($TABLES[$id-1],
} else {
$protein .= _translate_ambiguous_codon($triplet, $id);
} else { # simple, strict translation
for (my $i = 0; $i < (length($seq) - (CODONSIZE -1)); $i+=CODONSIZE) {
my $triplet = substr($seq, $i, CODONSIZE);
# if( $triplet eq $CODONGAP ) {
# $protein .= $GAP;
# }
if (exists $CODONS->{$triplet}) {
$protein .= substr($TABLES[$id-1], $CODONS->{$triplet}, 1);
} else {
$protein .= 'X';
if ($partial == 2) { # 2 overhanging nucleotides
my $triplet = substr($seq, ($partial -4)). "n";
# if( $triplet eq $CODONGAP ) {
# $protein .= $GAP;
# } elsif (exists $CODONS->{$triplet}) {
if (exists $CODONS->{$triplet}) {
my $aa = substr($TABLES[$id-1], $CODONS->{$triplet},1);
$protein .= $aa;
} else {
$protein .= _translate_ambiguous_codon($triplet, $id, $partial);
return $protein;
sub _translate_ambiguous_codon {
my ($triplet, $id, $partial) = @_;
$partial ||= 0;
#my $id = '1';
my $aa;
my @codons = _unambiquous_codons($triplet);
my %aas =();
foreach my $codon (@codons) {
$aas{substr($TABLES[$id-1],$CODONS->{$codon},1)} = 1;
my $count = scalar keys %aas;
if ( $count == 1 ) {
$aa = (keys %aas)[0];
elsif ( $count == 2 ) {
if ($aas{'D'} and $aas{'N'}) {
$aa = 'B';
elsif ($aas{'E'} and $aas{'Q'}) {
$aa = 'Z';
} else {
$partial ? ($aa = '') : ($aa = 'X');
} else {
$partial ? ($aa = '') : ($aa = 'X');
return $aa;
sub _unambiquous_codons{
my ($value) = @_;
my @nts = ();
my @codons = ();
my ($i, $j, $k);
@nts = map { $IUPAC_DNA{uc $_} } split(//, $value);
for my $i (@{$nts[0]}) {
for my $j (@{$nts[1]}) {
for my $k (@{$nts[2]}) {
push @codons, lc "$i$j$k";
return @codons;