Summary | Included libraries | Package variables | Synopsis | Description | General documentation | Methods |
WebCvs | Raw content |
_new | No description | Code |
getDisplayNames | No description | Code |
getFooterText | No description | Code |
getMimeType | No description | Code |
nextRow | No description | Code |
processQuery | No description | Code |
_new | description | prev | next | Top |
my ($self) = @_; $self->SUPER::_new();}
getDisplayNames | description | prev | next | Top |
my $self = shift; my $original_attributes = $self->get('original_attributes'); my $dataset1_end = $self->get('dataset1_end'); my $query = $self->get('query'); my $registry = $query->getRegistry; my $final_dataset_order = $query->finalDatasetOrder; my @attribute_display_names; my @original_dataset_attributes; foreach my $dataset(reverse @$final_dataset_order){ foreach (@{$original_attributes}){ push @original_dataset_attributes,$_ if ($_->dataSetName eq $dataset); } } foreach my $original_attribute(@original_dataset_attributes){ push @attribute_display_names, $original_attribute->displayName; } # print the display names}
my $header_string = sprintf $HEADER_TMPL, ''; $header_string .= $ROW_START_TMPL1; # map{ $header_string .=
# sprintf $HEADERFIELD_TMPL, $_ } @attribute_display_names;
map{ $header_string .= sprintf $HEADERFIELD_TMPL1, $_ } @attribute_display_names[0..$dataset1_end]; map{ $header_string .= sprintf $HEADERFIELD_TMPL2, $_ } @attribute_display_names[$dataset1_end+1..@attribute_display_names-1]; $header_string .= $ROW_END_TMPL; return $header_string; } # Override empty-string returning method in superclass, to return proper
# table- and document-closing tags (to keep HTML valid).
getFooterText | description | prev | next | Top |
return q{}
getMimeType | description | prev | next | Top |
return 'text/html'; } 1;}
nextRow | description | prev | next | Top |
my $self = shift; my $rtable = $self->get('result_table'); # print the data with urls if available}
my $new_row; my $row = $rtable->nextRow; if (!$row){ return; } map { $_ = q{} unless defined ($_); } @$row; my $attribute_positions = $self->get('attribute_positions'); my $attribute_url_positions = $self->get('attribute_url_positions'); my $attribute_url = $self->get('attribute_url'); #my $dataset1_end = $self->get('dataset1_end');
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$attribute_positions}; $i++){ # superscripting for emma mart
$$row[$$attribute_positions[$i]] =~ s/\<(.*)\>/<span style="vertical-align:super;font-size:0.8em">$1<\/span>/; if ($$attribute_url[$i]){ my @url_data = map {$$row[$_]} @{$$attribute_url_positions[$i]}; my $url_string = sprintf($$attribute_url[$i],@url_data); push @{$new_row}, '<a href="'.$url_string.'" target="_blank">'. $$row[$$attribute_positions[$i]]."</a>"; } else{ push @{$new_row},$$row[$$attribute_positions[$i]]; } } $current_rowcount++; my $fields_string = ''; map{ $fields_string .= sprintf ($NORMALFIELD_TMPL1, defined ($_) ? $_ : ''); } @{$new_row}; return ($current_rowcount % 2 == 0 ? $ROW_START_TMPL1 : $ROW_START_TMPL2) . $fields_string . $ROW_END_TMPL;
processQuery | description | prev | next | Top |
my ($self, $query) = @_; $self->set('original_attributes',[@{$query->getAllAttributes()}]) if ($query->getAllAttributes()); $query = $self->setHTMLAttributes($query); $self->set('query',$query); return $query;}
AUTHOR - Syed Haider, Damian Smedley, Gudmundur Thorisson | Top |