BioMart Links
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Package variables
No package variables defined.
  Object representing a directional link between two BioMart datasets.
The BioMart::Links class holds the links between two
BioMart::DatasetI objects.
Two BioMart::DatasetI objects are connected through
their exportable BioMart::Configuration::AttributeList ("the
exportable") and importable BioMart::Configuration::FilterList
("the importable") objects using named links.
To link two datasets, the exportable and the importable must
have the same name.
A BioMart::Links object stores the names of the exportable
and the importable and the names of the source and target
datasets (eg, it is directional).
It also provides a method to override the default link
between the datasets (eg, use a different
exportable<->importable name than that specified in the
XML for the two datasets as the default).
Finally, it holds a reference to the BioMart::Registry object
that created it.
No description
Methods description
addLinkcode    nextTop
  Usage      :  $links->addLink($linkName, $listName);
Description: Adds a named link between one of the BioMart::Configuration::AttributeList objects (the exportable) of the source dataset to one of the BioMart::Configuration::FilterList objects (the importable) of the target dataset. The $listName parameter must be the name of a BioMart::Configuration::AttributeList object in the source dataset and of a BioMart::Configuration::FilterList object in the target dataset. If $listName is left undefined (the method is only called with one paramater, $linkName), then $linkName will be used instead. The newly added link will be the default link if no default link was previously specified. Return type: none Exceptions : none Caller :
  Usage      :  $links->defaultLink($linkName);
$linkName = $links->defaultLink();
Description: Sets or gets the name of the default link between the two datasets associated through this BioMart::Links object. Return type: A scalar (string). Exceptions : none Caller :
  Usage      :  my @allLinks = $links->getAllLinks();
my $allLinksref = $links->getAllLinks();
Description: Returns the names of all links associated with this BioMart::Links object, either as an array_ref (recommended), or as an array. Return type: An array of strings in list context, or a reference to such an array in scalar context. Exceptions : none Caller :
  Usage      :  $links->operation($operation);
$operation = $links->operation();
Description: Sets or gets the the operation between the source and target dataset. Default is a join in which case a link is created between the two datasets but can also be a union in which case no link is required Return type: A scalar (string). Exceptions : none Caller :
  Usage      :  $links->sourceDataset($dataSetName);
$dataSetName = $links->sourceDataset();
Description: Sets or gets the the source dataset by name. Resetting the source dataset will invalidate (remove) all the already existing links within this BioMart::Links object. Return type: A scalar (string). Exceptions : none Caller :
  Usage      :  $links->targetDataset($dataSetName);
$dataSetName = $links->targetDataset();
Description: Sets or gets the target dataset by name. Resetting the target dataset will invalidate (remove) all the already existing links within this BioMart::Links object. Return type: A scalar (string). Exceptions : none Caller :
  Usage      :  $links->validateLink($virtualSchema,$sourceInterface,
Description: Tests whether appropiately named exportables and importables exist in the soucre and target datasets for the given interfaces Return type: 1 or undef if link is not validated Exceptions : none Caller :
Methods code
sub _new {
    my ($self, $registry, @params) = @_;


    # Links are a stored in a hash where the link name is the
# hash key. Each hash entry points to the name of the
# exportable in the source dataset and the importable in
# the target dataset (the names are the same for both).
$self->attr('linkHash', { }); $self->attr('sourceDatasetName', undef); $self->attr('targetDatasetName', undef); $self->attr('defaultLinkName', undef); $self->attr('registry', $registry); $self->attr('operation', 'join');# default to join til union is implemented
} #------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub addLink {
    my ($self, $virtualSchema, $linkName, $listName) = @_;

    if (!defined $listName) {
        $listName = $linkName;

    my $registry = $self->get('registry');
    my $linkHash = $self->get('linkHash');

    my $sourceDatasetName = $self->get('sourceDatasetName');
    if (!defined $sourceDatasetName) {
        BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Can not add link '$linkName', no source dataset");

    my $exportableFound = 0;

    my $sourceDataset = $registry->getDatasetByName($virtualSchema, 
    my $attList;
    foreach my $attributeList (@{ $sourceDataset->getExportables() }) {
        if ($listName eq $attributeList->name()) {
            $exportableFound = 1;
	    $attList = $attributeList;

    if (!$exportableFound) {
        BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Can not add link '$linkName', exportable '$listName' not found in source dataset:  $sourceDatasetName ");

    my $targetDatasetName = $self->get('targetDatasetName');
    if (!defined $targetDatasetName) {
        BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Can not add link '$linkName', no target dataset");

    my $importableFound = 0;

    my $targetDataset = $registry->getDatasetByName($virtualSchema, 
    foreach my $filterList (@{ $targetDataset->getImportables() }) {
        if ($listName eq $filterList->name()) {
            $importableFound = 1;

    if (!$importableFound) {
        BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Can not add link '$linkName', importable '$listName' not found in target dataset: $targetDatasetName source dataset: $sourceDatasetName");

    $linkHash->{$linkName} = $listName;

    $self->set('linkHash', $linkHash);
    # make the first link the default or if AttList set as default
# make this link the default
if ((!defined $self->defaultLink()) || $attList->defaultList){ $self->defaultLink($linkName); } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub defaultLink {
    my ($self, $linkName) = @_;
    if (defined $linkName || scalar(@_) > 1) {
        my $linkHash = $self->get('linkHash');
        if (!defined $linkName || defined $linkHash->{$linkName}) {
            $self->set('defaultLinkName', $linkName);
        } else {
            BioMart::Exception::Configuration->throw("Can not set default link to '$linkName', no such link");

    return $self->get('defaultLinkName');

sub getAllLinks {
    my ($self) = @_;

    my $linkHash = $self->get('linkHash');

    my @linkNames = keys %{ $linkHash };

    return (wantarray() ? @linkNames :\@ linkNames);


# vim: et
sub operation {
    my ($self, $operation) = @_;

    if (defined $operation) {
        $self->set('operation', $operation);

    return $self->get('operation');

sub sourceDataset {
    my ($self, $dataSetName) = @_;

    if (defined $dataSetName || scalar(@_) > 1) {
        $self->set('sourceDatasetName', $dataSetName);
        $self->set('linkHash', { });

    return $self->get('sourceDatasetName');

sub targetDataset {
    my ($self, $dataSetName) = @_;

    if (defined $dataSetName || scalar(@_) > 1) {
        $self->set('targetDatasetName', $dataSetName);
        $self->set('linkHash', { });

    return $self->get('targetDatasetName');

sub validateLink {
    my ($self, $virtualSchema, $sourceInterface, $targetInterface, 
	$linkName) = @_;
    my $registry = $self->get('registry');
    my $sourceDataset = $registry->getDatasetByName($virtualSchema, 
    my $targetDataset = $registry->getDatasetByName($virtualSchema, 

    if ($targetDataset->getImportables($linkName,$targetInterface) && 
	return 1;
    return undef;

General documentation
AUTHOR - Arek Kasprzyk, Andreas Kahari, Damian SmedleyTop
This module is part of the BioMart project
Questions can be posted to the mart-dev mailing list:
  Usage      :  my $links = BioMart::Links->new($registry);
Description: Creates a new BioMart::Links object.
Return type: A BioMart::Links object.
Exceptions : none
Caller : BioMart::Registry