Package variables
Privates (from "my" definitions)
$logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger(__PACKAGE__)
Included modules
Digest::SHA qw ( sha256_base64 )
The BioMart::QueryRunner contains a simple Query Planner to
run a BioMart::Query query against one or more BioMart::DatasetI
The BioMart::QueryRunner object contains a simple Query Planner
to run a BioMart::Query query (or count) against one or more
BioMart::DatasetI implementing objects. It uses the following Recursive
Given a BioMart::Query object involving one or more BioMart::DatasetI
implementing objects, and the directional Links information for multi
Dataset queries:
if datasets.length < 2 :
process the query and return the ResultTable
else :
dataset = shift dataset;
if dataset can not import from another dataset by design
or all datasets exporting to this dataset have been
create subquery involving this Datasets filters, and the
Attributes in the Exportable process the subuery and add the
ResultTable as an Importable to the main Query
update this dataset as 'processed'
else :
pop dataset onto end of list
Methods description
Usage : usage Description: Uses a recursive algorithm to process all primary and intermediate queries into exportables with the correct batching logic, and returns the ResultTable from the terminal dataset. If query->count is defined, then the a count of the objects in the focus_dataset given all other filters is returned instead of the BioMart::ResultTable. Note, for queries involving visible, upstream datasets, the count is not run for efficiency reasons, and an exception is thrown. Returntype : BioMart::ResultTable object, or scalar $count Exceptions : BioMart::Exception::Query if try a count on a query with more than one visible dataset Caller : caller |
Usage : $query_runner->execute($query); $query_runner->printResults();
Description: Executes a BioMart::Query object leaving the QueryRunner ready
to print the results in the format specified on
the Query object.
Return type: none
Exceptions : BioMart::Exception::Query if there is not a possible path
through the datasets in the query
Caller : Any BioMart clients executing a mart query |
Usage : $query_runner->getCount; Description: Returns the counts for BioMart::Query previously executed by the QueryRunner (see execute method above) Return type: scalar $count Exceptions : Caller : Any BioMart clients executing up a mart query |
Usage : $query_runner->printCompletionStamp; Description: Prints a CompletionStamp [success] Return type: [success] Exceptions : Caller : Any BioMart clients executing up a mart query |
Usage : $query_runner->printFooter; Description: Prints a correctly formatted footer using a call to the getFooterText method of the Formatter defined in the original Query object. Return type: Exceptions : Caller : Any BioMart clients executing up a mart query |
Usage : $query_runner->printHeader; Description: Prints a correctly formatted header (typically column display names) using a call to the getDisplayNames method of the Formatter defined in the original Query object. Return type: Exceptions : Caller : Any BioMart clients executing up a mart query |
Usage : $query_runner->printResults; Description: prints formatted results for BioMart::Query previously executed by the QueryRunner (see execute method above). Results will be printed in a batched manner Return type: Exceptions : Caller : Any BioMart clients executing up a mart query |
Methods code
_executionPlan | description | prev | next | Top |
sub _executionPlan
{ my ($self, $datasetsToProcess) = @_;
my $query = $self->get('query');
my $processed_datasets = $self->get('processed_datasets');
my $datasets_encountered = $self->get('datasets_encountered');
my $final_dataset_order = $self->get('final_dataset_order');
if (scalar(@{$datasetsToProcess}) == 1) {
my $dset = shift @{$datasetsToProcess};
push @{$final_dataset_order},$dset;
else { my @targetDatasets;
my $dset = shift @{$datasetsToProcess};
if ( $datasets_encountered->{$dset}
&& ( scalar(@{$datasetsToProcess}) ==
$datasets_encountered->{$dset} ) ) {
BioMart::Exception::Query->throw("Problematic Query, unable to determine finite path through Datasets\n");
$datasets_encountered->{$dset} = scalar(@{$datasetsToProcess});
my $datasetToProcess = $self->get('registry')->
getDatasetByName($query->virtualSchema, $dset);
ODSET: foreach my $odset (@{$datasetsToProcess}) {
if ($query->getLinks($odset, $dset) &&
!( $processed_datasets->{$odset} )) {
push @{$datasetsToProcess}, $dset;
$datasetToProcess = 0;
last ODSET;
if ($query->getLinks($dset, $odset)) {
my $targetDataset = $self->get('registry')->
getDatasetByName($query->virtualSchema, $odset);
push @targetDatasets, $targetDataset;
if ($datasetToProcess) {
push @{$final_dataset_order},$dset;
$processed_datasets->{$dset} = 1;
if (@targetDatasets > 1){
foreach my $targetDataset(@targetDatasets){
if (!$targetDataset->visible){
my $target_name = $targetDataset->name;
push @{$final_dataset_order},$target_name;
$processed_datasets->{$target_name} = 1;
my @new_datasetsToProcess;
foreach my $odset (@{$datasetsToProcess}){
next if ($odset eq $target_name);
if ($query->getLinks($target_name, $odset)){
push @{$final_dataset_order},$odset;
push @new_datasetsToProcess, $odset;
@{$datasetsToProcess} = @new_datasetsToProcess;
$self->set('processed_datasets', $processed_datasets);
$self->set('datasets_encountered', $datasets_encountered);
$self->_executionPlan($datasetsToProcess) || undef;
} } |
sub _getResultTable
my ($self,$query) = @_;
if (!defined($query->limitSize)){
my $registry = $query->getRegistry;
$self->set('query', $query);
$self->set('registry', $registry);
$self->set('union_tables', {});
$self->set('batched_already', undef);
if ($query->count){
my $allDsets = $query->getDatasetNames;
my $visibleDatasetCounter = 0;
foreach my $dset (@{$allDsets}) {
$visibleDatasetCounter++ if ($registry->getDatasetByName
($query->virtualSchema, $dset)->visible);
BioMart::Exception::Usage->throw("count unavailable for this query\n") if ($visibleDatasetCounter == 2);
my $datasetsToProcess = [@{$self->get('final_dataset_order')}];
my $results = $self->_processPath($datasetsToProcess);
return defined($results) ? $results:undef; } |
sub _new
{ my $self = shift;
$self->attr('query', undef);
$self->attr('registry', undef);
$self->attr('formatter', undef);
$self->attr('count', undef);
$self->attr('final_dataset_order', undef);
$self->attr('batched_already', undef);
$self->attr('processed_datasets', undef);
$self->attr('datasets_encountered', undef);
$self->attr('last_visible_exportable', undef);
$self->attr('union_tables', undef);
$self->attr('visibleDSCount', undef);
$self->attr('uniqueResultsFlag', undef); } |
sub _processPath
{ my ($self, $datasetsToProcess) = @_;
my $query = $self->get('query');
my %union_tables = %{$self->get('union_tables')};
my $last_visible_exportable = $self->get('last_visible_exportable');
unless (scalar(@{$datasetsToProcess}) > 1) {
my $dset = shift @{$datasetsToProcess};
my $datasetToProcess = $self->get('registry')->
getDatasetByName($query->virtualSchema, $dset);
return if (!$datasetToProcess);
my $virtualSchemaNameForQuery = $query->virtualSchema;
if ($datasetToProcess->serverType eq "web"){
my $location = $datasetToProcess->getParam('configurator')
$virtualSchemaNameForQuery = $location->serverVirtualSchema;
my $subquery =
BioMart::Query->new('registry' => $self->get('registry'),
my $subquery_atts = $query->getAllAttributes($dset);
if ($subquery_atts){
foreach my $subquery_att(@{$subquery_atts}){
$logger->debug("Added attribute $subquery_att to bottom dataset ".$datasetToProcess->name);
my $subquery_filts = $query->getAllFilters($dset);
if ($subquery_filts){
foreach my $subquery_filter(@{$subquery_filts}){
$logger->debug("Added filter $subquery_filter to bottom dataset ".$datasetToProcess->name);
if ($query->orderBy());
$logger->debug("Added orderBy ".$query->orderBy." to bottom dataset ".$datasetToProcess->name)
if ($query->orderBy());
$logger->debug("Added dataset $dset interface ".$query->getInterfaceForDataset($dset)." to bottom dataset ".$datasetToProcess->name);
my %params = ('query' => $subquery);
if ($query->count) {
return $datasetToProcess->getCount(%params);
else {
if (defined($query->limitSize)){
$params{'batch_size'} = $query->limitSize;
$params{'batch_start'} = $query->limitStart;
$params{'web_origin'} = 1;
$self->set('batched_already', 1);
unless ($self->get('batched_already')) {
$self->set('batched_already', 1);
$params{'batch_size'} =
$params{'batch_start'} = 0;
$logger->debug("Bottom dataset ".$datasetToProcess->name." query params are: ".keys(%{$params{'query'}}));
$datasetToProcess->lastDS(1) if ($self->get('visibleDSCount') == 1);
$datasetToProcess->lastDS(2) if ($self->get('visibleDSCount') > 1);
my $rtable = $datasetToProcess->getResultTable(%params);
$logger->debug("Bottom dataset ".$datasetToProcess->name." gave ".scalar(@{$rtable->get('columns')}));
if ($union_tables{$datasetToProcess->name}){
my $tableToAdd = $union_tables{$datasetToProcess->name};
if ($tableToAdd->getNumFields == $rtable->getNumFields){
$union_tables{$datasetToProcess->name} = undef;
return $rtable;
my ($links, $targetDataset, $exportable, $invisible_exportable);
my $dset = shift @{$datasetsToProcess};
my $datasetToProcess = $self->get('registry')->
getDatasetByName($query->virtualSchema, $dset);
my @current_visible_links;
my @current_invisible_links;
foreach my $odset (@{$datasetsToProcess}) {
my $li = $query->getLinks($dset, $odset);
if ($li) {
$links = $li;
$targetDataset = $self->get('registry')->
getDatasetByName($query->virtualSchema, $odset);
if ($links->operation eq 'join'){
$exportable = $targetDataset->
if ($targetDataset->visible){
push @current_visible_links,$links;
$invisible_exportable = $targetDataset->
push @current_invisible_links,$links;
$exportable = $invisible_exportable if ($invisible_exportable);
if (!$exportable){
$exportable = $last_visible_exportable;
$exportable->batching(1); my $exportable_size = @{$exportable->getAllFilters};
$datasetToProcess->forceHash($exportable_size); }
my $virtualSchemaNameForQuery = $query->virtualSchema;
if ($datasetToProcess->serverType eq "web"){
my $location = $datasetToProcess->
$virtualSchemaNameForQuery = $location->serverVirtualSchema;
my $subquery = BioMart::Query->new('registry' => $self->get('registry'),
my $subquery_atts = $query->getAllAttributes($dset);
if ($subquery_atts){
foreach my $subquery_att(@{$subquery_atts}){
my $subquery_filts = $query->getAllFilters($dset);
if ($subquery_filts){
foreach my $subquery_filter(@{$subquery_filts}){
foreach my $links(@current_invisible_links){
if ($links && $links->operation eq 'join'){
if ($links->operation eq 'union'){
$self->set('batched_already',1); }
foreach my $links(@current_visible_links){
if ($links && $links->operation eq 'join'){
my $att_list = $datasetToProcess->
if (@current_invisible_links){
$subquery->addAttributes($att_list->getAllAttributes); }
$subquery->addAttributeList($att_list); }
if ($links->operation eq 'union'){
$self->set('batched_already',1); }
my %params = ('query' => $subquery);
if ($datasetToProcess->visible) {
$exportable->batching(1) if ($exportable);
if ($query->limitSize && $query->limitSize > 0){
$params{'batch_size'} = $query->limitSize;
$params{'batch_start'} = $query->limitStart;
$params{'web_origin'} = 1;
$self->set('batched_already', 1);
unless ($self->get('batched_already')) {
$self->set('batched_already', 1);
$params{'batch_size'} = $datasetToProcess->initialBatchSize;
$params{'batch_start'} = 0;
else {
$exportable->batching(1) if ($exportable
&& $self->get('batched_already')
&& $datasetToProcess->exportableFrom
&& $datasetToProcess->importableTo);
$datasetToProcess->lastDS(0); my $tempTable = $datasetToProcess->getResultTable(%params);
$logger->debug("Non-bottom dataset ".$datasetToProcess->name." gave ".scalar(@{$tempTable->get('columns')}));
if ($union_tables{$datasetToProcess->name}){
my $tableToAdd = $union_tables{$datasetToProcess->name};
if ($tableToAdd->getNumFields == $tempTable->getNumFields){
$union_tables{$datasetToProcess->name} = undef;
if ( $exportable){ if ($tempTable != -1){
else{ $union_tables{$targetDataset->name} = $tempTable;
$self->set('query', $query);
return $self->_processPath($datasetsToProcess) || undef; } |
sub execute
my ($self, $query) = @_;
my $registry = $query->getRegistry;
my $GMA_present = 0 ;
my $visibleDSCount = 0;
if (scalar (@{$query->getDatasetNames}) > 0)
foreach my $ds (@{$query->getDatasetNames})
$GMA_present = 1 if ($registry->getDatasetByName($query->virtualSchema, $ds)->isa("BioMart::Dataset::GenomicMAlign")) ;
$visibleDSCount++ if ($registry->getDatasetByName($query->virtualSchema, $ds)->visible);
$self->set('visibleDSCount', $visibleDSCount);
if ($GMA_present) {
foreach my $ds (@{$query->getDatasetNames})
$registry->getDatasetByName($query->virtualSchema, $ds)->GenomicMAlignHack(1);
if (defined $query->getAllAttributes()){
foreach my $att (@{$query->getAllAttributes()}){
$logger->warn("ATTRIBUTE: ", $att->dataSetName,"\t",$att->name,"\t",$att->table);
$logger->warn("NO ATTRIBUTES");
if (defined $query->getAllFilters()){
foreach my $filt (@{$query->getAllFilters()}){
$logger->warn("FILTER TABLE: ", $filt->dataSetName,"\t",$filt->name,"\t",$filt->table);
$logger->warn("NO FILTERS");
my $formatterName = $query->formatter() || 'TSV';
my $module = "BioMart::Formatter::$formatterName";
my $formatter = $module->new();
$query = $formatter->processQuery($query);
my $rtable = $self->_getResultTable($query);
if ($query->count){
} } |
sub executionPlan
my ($self,$query) = @_;
my $registry;
use Carp;
eval{ $registry = $query->getRegistry; };
if($@) { confess(); }
$self->set('query', $query);
$self->set('registry', $registry);
$self->set('processed_datasets', {});
$self->set('datasets_encountered', {});
$self->set('final_dataset_order', []);
if (scalar (@{$query->getDatasetNames}) > 0)
$self->_executionPlan($query->getDatasetNames) || undef;
BioMart::Exception::Usage->throw('Query Runner - Problematic Query: No dataset names in the Query');
} } |
sub getCount
{ my $self = shift;
return $self->get('count'); } |
sub printCompletionStamp
{ my ($self, $filehandle) = @_;
$filehandle ||=\* STDOUT; print $filehandle "[success]\n"; } |
sub printFooter
{ my ($self, $filehandle) = @_;
my $formatter = $self->get('formatter');
$filehandle ||=\* STDOUT; my $text = $formatter->getFooterText;
if ($text) { print $filehandle $text }; } |
sub printHeader
{ my ($self, $filehandle) = @_;
my $formatter = $self->get('formatter');
$filehandle ||=\* STDOUT; my $text = $formatter->getDisplayNames;
if ($text) { print $filehandle $text }; } |
sub printResults
{ my ($self, $filehandle, $lines) = @_;
$filehandle ||=\* STDOUT;
my $formatter = $self->get('formatter');
if ($formatter->isa("BioMart::Formatter::XLS")) {
$formatter->printResults($filehandle,$lines, $self->uniqueRowsOnly());
my $counter;
my %collisions;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
while (my $row = $formatter->nextRow)
next if ($row eq "\n");
if ($self->uniqueRowsOnly()) {
my $hash = sha256_base64($row);
next if exists $collisions{$hash};
$collisions{$hash} = undef;
last if ($lines && $counter > $lines);
print $filehandle $row;
} } |
uniqueRowsOnly | description | prev | next | Top |
sub uniqueRowsOnly
my ($self, $val) = @_;
if($val) {
$self->set('uniqueResultsFlag', 1);
return $self->get('uniqueResultsFlag');
1; } |
General documentation
AUTHOR - Arek Kasprzyk, Syed Haider, Darin London, Damian Smedley | Top |
Usage : my $query_runner = BioMart::QueryRunner->new();
Description: Creates a BioMart::QueryRunner object.
Can then be used to execute a BioMart::Query object
and print the results in the format specified on
the Query object.
Can be reused to execute multiple queries
Return type: A BioMart::QueryRunner object.
Exceptions :
Caller : Any BioMart clients building up a mart query