BioMart ResultTable
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Provides access to the Results of a BioMart Query.
The BioMart::ResultTable object provides access to the results of a Query
against a BioMart::DatasetI implementation. Its API is an extension of the
BioMart::AttributeTable object. In addition to the BioMart::AttributeTable
methods, it provides methods to get access to individual columns in a row by
its index (zero-based). This represents two usage paradigms:
A. while ($rtable->hasMoreRows) {
my $row = $rtable->nextRow;
map { print } @{$row};
  B. while ($rtable->next) {
print $rtable->getFieldByIndex(0);
It also provides the QueryRunner with methods to set its batching behavior.
Basically, batching involves splitting the results of a single query returning
a large number of rows into several queries for the same data sliced into more
managable resultSets. This is managed transparently to the user of the
BioMart::ResultTable object (although users might notice a slight delay between
some calls to next or next_row which are not experienced in other calls, when
the system has to call for another batch of data from the underlying Dataset).
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Methods description
_newcode    nextTop
  Usage      : non-batching ResultTable:
my $rtable =
BioMart::ResultTable->new('query' => $query,
'target_dataset' => $subsys,
'initial_batchsize' => 100,
'max_batchsize' => 100000
batching ResultTable: my $rtable = BioMart::ResultTable->new('query' => $query, 'target_dataset' => $subsys, 'initial_batchsize' => 100, 'max_batchsize' => 100000, 'batchResults' => 1 ); Description: Creates a new BioMart::ResultTable object. This requires a query, and the target dataset for the query. It also requires an initial batchsize, and maximum batchsize for the batching system. ResultTable objects are created by BioMart::DatasetI implementing objects. User code should never need to create these, but should use BioMart::QueryRunner to get a ResultTable object for a particular Query instead. Returntype : BioMart::ResultTable Exceptions : Invalid or missing required Parameters. Caller : BioMart::QueryRunner
  Usage       :  my $field = $rtable->getFieldByIndex($index);
Description : Returns the field at index $index (zero-based) in the current
row of the ResultTable. If this ResultTable is exhausted,
this will return undef.
Returntype : scalar $field. May be undef if the ResultTable is exhausted.
Exceptions : Throws an Exception if this method is called without a
previous call to next. Also, see Exceptions for the
getResultTable method of BioMart::DatasetI, and its
Caller : caller
  Usage       :  if ($rtable->hasMoreRows) { .... }
Description : allows user to determine if a ResultTable has more rows to
Returntype : boolean, 1 if there are more rows to process, 0 otherwise
Exceptions : See Exceptions for the getResultTable method of
BioMart::DatasetI, and its implementations.
Caller : caller
  Usage        :  if ($rtable->inCurrentBatch()) { ... }  
while ($rtable->inCurrentBatch &&
$rtable->hasMoreRows) { ... }
Description : determine if the ResultTable has rows available from the
current batch as called from its underlying DataSet object.
ReturnType : boolean, true if rows remain in the current batch, false if
the next call to next or next_row would result in a call to
the underlying Dataset for another batch.
Exceptions : none
Caller : BioMart::DatasetI implementations
  Usage       :  $rtable->next;
while ($rtable->next) { ... }
Description : increments the row of the ResultSet. If the ResultSet is
exhausted, this will return 0, and calls to getFieldByXXX will
return undef.
Users can avoid problems associated with this by using next
in a while loop.
Returntype : boolean, 0 if resultSet is exhausted, 1 otherwise
Exceptions : See Exceptions for the getResultTable method of
BioMart::DatasetI, and its implementations.
Caller : caller
 Description  :  instructs the resultTable to reset its index
values to reflect that it is being used as an Importable.
After this is set, only fields that were exported by the
target_subsytem of this ResultTable object are reflected in
the field indexing system. Needed by any Dataset
implementation needing to merge data.
Methods code
sub _checkValidParams {
  my $self = shift;

  my $query = $self->getParam(QUERY);
  unless ($query->isa("BioMart::Query")){
      BioMart::Exception::Query->throw("BioMart::ResultTable did not recieve a valid BioMart::Query parameter\nReceived object ".$query."\n");

  my $tdataset = $self->getParam(TARGETDATASET);
  unless ($tdataset->isa("BioMart::DatasetI")) {
      BioMart::Exception::Query->throw("BioMart::ResultTable did not recieve a valid BioMart::DatasetI parameter\nReceived object ".$tdataset."\n");
sub _getBatch {
  my $self = shift;

  my $tdataset = $self->getParam(TARGETDATASET);

  my %qparams = ();
  $qparams{'query'} = $self->getParam(QUERY);

  # ResultTable always assumes batching. It will get undef from the underlying
# Dataset if the Query is exhausted.
# start 1 after the last processed row
my $bstart = $self->get('rows_processed'); my $bsize = $self->get('batch_size'); $qparams{'batch_start'} = $bstart; $qparams{'batch_size'} = $bsize; $qparams{'table'} = $self; my $hasData = $tdataset->getResultTable(%qparams); # Dataset will return undef if it has exhausted its query, A Dataset may now
# return an empty ResultTable, but not be exhausted(Eg. Dataset now
# explicitly determines when it is exhausted, not ResultTable.
$self->_setExhausted unless ($hasData); #increase step if this batch has data and more to come
if($hasData && $self->SUPER::hasMoreRows) { $bsize *= STEPSIZE; $bsize = $self->getParam(MAX_BATCHSIZE) if $bsize > $self->getParam(MAX_BATCHSIZE); } $self->set('batch_size', $bsize);
sub _hashCode {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->get('hc');

#sub DESTROY {
# my $self = shift;
# my $tdataset = $self->getParam(TARGETDATASET);
# if ($tdataset) {
# #warn("for dataset ".$tdataset->name."\n");
# } else {
# #warn("for undefined dataset\n");
# }
sub _new {
  my ($self, @param) = @_;
  $self->addParams(TITLES, @param);


  $self->attr('nextCalled', 0); # set to 1 when next is called
$self->attr('rows_processed', 0); $self->attr('batch_size', $self->getParam(INITIAL_BATCHSIZE)); # this will increase over successive calls for batches
$self->attr('exhausted', 0); $self->attr('webOrigin', undef); # $self->attr('hashedResults', undef);
my $fieldIndex = {}; my $query = $self->getParam(QUERY); my $attList = $query->getAllAttributes(); my $index = 0; foreach my $attribute (@{$attList}) { $$fieldIndex{$attribute->name} = $index; $index++; } my $alists = $query->getAllAttributeLists(); foreach my $alist (@{$alists}) { my $atts = $alist->getAllAttributes; foreach my $attribute (@{$atts}) { if (! defined $attribute) { BioMart::Exception::Query->throw("returning undef ... missing attributes for your exportable? "); } unless (exists $fieldIndex->{$attribute->name}) { #exportable may have an attribute that was also requested by the
# user - dont duplicate
$fieldIndex->{$attribute->name} = $index; $index++; } } } $self->attr('fieldIndex' , $fieldIndex); $self->attr('numFields', $index); $self->attr('current_row', undef); #used by next related methods
# a particular ResultTable created for a particular targetDataset
# at a particular time should equal another ResultTable created for
# the same targetDataset at the same time
# note, this calls set on 'hc' because it is already set for AttributeTable
# at this time
my $digest = Digest::MD5->new; $digest->add($self->getParam(TARGETDATASET)->name); $digest->add(scalar localtime); $self->set('hc', $digest->hexdigest); } #private methods
sub _setExhausted {
    my $self = shift;


# BioMart::AttributeTable API methods
sub getFieldByIndex {
  my ($self, $index) = @_;

  unless ($self->get('nextCalled')) {
    BioMart::Exception::Query->throw("ResultTable getFieldByXXX methods must be prefaced with a call to ResultTable next\n");

  my $curRow = $self->get('current_row');
  if ($curRow) {
    return $curRow->[$index];
  return undef;
sub getNumFields {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->get('numFields');
sub hasMoreRows {
  my $self = shift;

  my $tdataset = $self->getParam(TARGETDATASET);

  if ($self->get('exhausted')) {
      return 0;
  elsif ( $self->SUPER::hasMoreRows ) {
      return 1;
  elsif ($self->webOrigin){
      return 0;
  else {
      return $self->hasMoreRows;

#needs to increment its batch_size before returning the nextRow
sub inCurrentBatch {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->SUPER::hasMoreRows;
sub next {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->set('nextCalled', 1);
  if ($self->hasMoreRows) {
    $self->set('current_row', $self->nextRow);
    return 1;
  $self->set('current_row', undef);
  return 0;
sub nextRow {
  my $self = shift;

  my $ret = $self->SUPER::nextRow;

  if ($ret) {
      my $rows_processed = $self->get('rows_processed');
      $self->set('rows_processed', $rows_processed);
  return $ret;

# extension methods
sub useExportableFieldIndex {
   my $self = shift;

   my $fieldIndex = {};
   my $query = $self->getParam(QUERY);
   my $tdataset = $self->getParam(TARGETDATASET);
   my $tdatasetname = $tdataset->name;
   my $attList = $query->getAllAttributes($tdatasetname);
   my $index = 0;
   foreach my $attribute (@{$attList}) {
     $$fieldIndex{$attribute->name} = $index;

   my $alists = $query->getAllAttributeLists($tdatasetname);
   foreach my $alist (@{$alists}) {
     my $atts = $alist->getAllAttributes;
     foreach my $attribute (@{$atts}) {
       unless (exists $fieldIndex->{$attribute->name}) {
         # exportable may have an attribute that was also requested by the user
# dont duplicate
$fieldIndex->{$attribute->name} = $index; $index++; } } } $self->set('fieldIndex' , $fieldIndex); $self->set('numFields', $index);
sub webOrigin {
    my ($self,$value) = @_;
   if ($value){
    return $self->get('webOrigin');

#sub hashedResults {
# my ($self,$value) = @_;
# if ($value){
# $self->set('hashedResults',$value);
# }
# return $self->get('hashedResults');
General documentation
AUTHOR - Arek Kasprzyk, Syed Haider, Darin London, Damian SmedleyTop
This module is part of the BioMart project
Questions can be posted to the mart-dev mailing list: