Raw content of Bio::Align::DNAStatistics # $Id: DNAStatistics.pm,v 1.4 2002/10/22 07:45:10 lapp Exp $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::Align::DNAStatistics # # Cared for by Jason Stajich <jason@bioperl.org> # # Copyright Jason Stajich # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::Align::DNAStatistics - Calculate some statistics for a DNA alignment =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bio::Align::DNAStatistics; use Bio::AlignIO; my $stats = new Bio::Align::PairwiseStatistics; my $alignin = new Bio::AlignIO(-format => 'emboss', -file => 't/data/insulin.water'); my $jc = $stats->distance($aln, 'Jukes-Cantor'); foreach my $r ( @$jc ) { print "\t"; foreach my $r ( @$d ) { print "$r\t"; } print "\n"; } =head1 DESCRIPTION This object contains routines for calculating various statistics and distances for DNA alignments. The routines are not well tested and do contain errors at this point. Work is underway to correct them, but do not expect this code to give you the right answer currently! Use dnadist/distmat in the PHLYIP or EMBOSS packages to calculate the distances. =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/MailList.shtml - About the mailing lists =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via email or the web: bioperl-bugs@bioperl.org http://bugzilla.bioperl.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich Email jason@bioperl.org Describe contact details here =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Additional contributors names and emails here =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::Align::DNAStatistics; use vars qw(@ISA %DNAChanges @Nucleotides %NucleotideIndexes $GapChars $SeqCount $DefaultGapPenalty %DistanceMethods); use strict; use Bio::Align::PairwiseStatistics; use Bio::Root::Root; BEGIN { $GapChars = '(\.|\-)'; @Nucleotides = qw(A G T C); $SeqCount = 2; # these values come from EMBOSS distmat implementation %NucleotideIndexes = ( 'A' => 0, 'T' => 1, 'C' => 2, 'G' => 3, 'AT' => 0, 'AC' => 1, 'AG' => 2, 'CT' => 3, 'GT' => 4, 'CG' => 5, # these are wrong now # 'S' => [ 1, 3], # 'W' => [ 0, 4], # 'Y' => [ 2, 3], # 'R' => [ 0, 1], # 'M' => [ 0, 3], # 'K' => [ 1, 2], # 'B' => [ 1, 2, 3], # 'H' => [ 0, 2, 3], # 'V' => [ 0, 1, 3], # 'D' => [ 0, 1, 2], ); $DefaultGapPenalty = 0; # could put ambiguities here? %DNAChanges = ( 'Transversions' => { 'A' => [ 'T', 'C'], 'T' => [ 'A', 'G'], 'C' => [ 'A', 'G'], 'G' => [ 'C', 'T'], }, 'Transitions' => { 'A' => [ 'G' ], 'G' => [ 'A' ], 'C' => [ 'T' ], 'T' => [ 'C' ], }, ); %DistanceMethods = ( 'jc|jukes|jukes-cantor' => 'JukesCantor', 'f81' => 'F81', 'k2|k2p|k80|kimura' => 'Kimura', 't92|tamura|tamura92' => 'Tamura', 'f84' => 'F84', 'tajimanei|tajima-nei' => 'TajimaNei' ); } @ISA = qw( Bio::Root::Root Bio::Align::StatisticsI ); =head2 new Title : new Usage : my $obj = new Bio::Align::DNAStatistics(); Function: Builds a new Bio::Align::DNAStatistics object Returns : Bio::Align::DNAStatistics Args : none =cut sub new { my ($class,@args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); $self->pairwise_stats( new Bio::Align::PairwiseStatistics()); return $self; } =head2 distance Title : distance Usage : my $distance_mat = $stats->distance(-align => $aln, -method => $method); Function: Calculates a distance matrix for all pairwise distances of sequences in an alignment. Returns : Array ref Args : -align => Bio::Align::AlignI object -method => String specifying specific distance method (implementing class may assume a default) =cut sub distance{ my ($self,@args) = @_; my ($aln,$method) = $self->_rearrange([qw(ALIGN METHOD)],@args); if( ! defined $aln || ! ref ($aln) || ! $aln->isa('Bio::Align::AlignI') ) { $self->throw("Must supply a valid Bio::Align::AlignI for the -align parameter in distance"); } $method ||= 'JukesCantor'; foreach my $m ( keys %DistanceMethods ) { if(defined $m && $method =~ /$m/i ) { my $mtd = "D_$DistanceMethods{$m}"; return $self->$mtd($aln); } } $self->warn("Unrecognized distance method $method must be one of [". join(',',$self->available_distance_methods())."]"); return undef; } =head2 available_distance_methods Title : available_distance_methods Usage : my @methods = $stats->available_distance_methods(); Function: Enumerates the possible distance methods Returns : Array of strings Args : none =cut sub available_distance_methods{ my ($self,@args) = @_; return values %DistanceMethods; } =head2 D - distance methods =cut =head2 D_JukesCantor Title : D_JukesCantor Usage : my $d = $stat->D_JukesCantor($aln) Function: Calculates D (pairwise distance) between 2 sequences in an alignment using the Jukes-Cantor 1 parameter model. Returns : ArrayRef of all pairwise distances of all sequence pairs in the alignment Args : Bio::Align::AlignI of DNA sequences double - gap penalty =cut sub D_JukesCantor{ my ($self,$aln,$gappenalty) = @_; return 0 unless $self->_check_arg($aln); $gappenalty = $DefaultGapPenalty unless defined $gappenalty; # ambiguities ignored at this point my (@seqs); foreach my $seq ( $aln->each_seq) { push @seqs, [ split(//,uc $seq->seq())]; } my $seqct = scalar @seqs; my @DVals; for(my $i = 1; $i <= $seqct; $i++ ) { for( my $j = $i+1; $j <= $seqct; $j++ ) { my ($matrix,$pfreq,$gaps) = $self->_build_nt_matrix($seqs[$i-1], $seqs[$j-1]); # just want diagonals my $m = ( $matrix->[0]->[0] + $matrix->[1]->[1] + $matrix->[2]->[2] + $matrix->[3]->[3] ); my $D = 1 - ( $m / ($aln->length - $gaps + ( $gaps * $gappenalty))); my $d = (- 3 / 4) * log ( 1 - (4 * $D/ 3)); $DVals[$i]->[$j] = $DVals[$j]->[$i] = $d; } } return \@DVals; } =head2 D_F81 Title : D_F81 Usage : my $d = $stat->D_F81($aln) Function: Calculates D (pairwise distance) between 2 sequences in an alignment using the Felsenstein 1981 distance model. Returns : ArrayRef of a 2d array of all pairwise distances in the alignment Args : Bio::Align::AlignI of DNA sequences =cut sub D_F81{ my ($self,$aln) = @_; return 0 unless $self->_check_arg($aln); $self->throw("This isn't implemented yet - sorry"); } # M Kimura, J. Mol. Evol., 1980, 16, 111. =head2 D_Kimura Title : D_Kimura Usage : my $d = $stat->D_Kimura($aln) Function: Calculates D (pairwise distance) between 2 sequences in an alignment using the Kimura 2 parameter model. Returns : ArrayRef of pairwise distances between all sequences in alignment Args : Bio::Align::AlignI of DNA sequences =cut sub D_Kimura{ my ($self,$aln) = @_; return 0 unless $self->_check_arg($aln); my $seqct = $aln->no_sequences; my @KVals; for( my $i = 1; $i <= $seqct; $i++ ) { for( my $j = $i+1; $j <= $seqct; $j++ ) { my $pairwise = $aln->select_noncont($i,$j); my $L = $self->pairwise_stats->number_of_comparable_bases($pairwise); my $P = $self->transitions($pairwise) / $L; my $Q = $self->transversions($pairwise) / $L; my $a = 1 / ( 1 - (2 * $P) - $Q); my $b = 1 / ( 1 - 2 * $Q ); my $K = (1/2) * log ( $a ) + (1/4) * log($b); $KVals[$i]->[$j] = $K; $KVals[$j]->[$i] = $K; } } return \@KVals; } # K Tamura, Mol. Biol. Evol. 1992, 9, 678. =head2 D_Tamura Title : D_Tamura Usage : Function: Returns : Args : =cut sub D_Tamura{ my ($self,$aln) = @_; my $seqct = $aln->no_sequences; my @KVals; for( my $i = 1; $i <= $seqct; $i++ ) { for( my $j = $i+1; $j <= $seqct; $j++ ) { } } my $O = 0.25; my $t = 0; my $a = 0; my $b = 0; my $d = 4 * $O * ( 1 - $O ) * $a * $t + 2 * $b * $t; return $d; } =head2 D_F84 Title : D_F84 Usage : my $d = $stat->D_F84($aln) Function: Calculates D (pairwise distance) between 2 sequences in an alignment using the Felsenstein 1984 distance model. Returns : Distance value Args : Bio::Align::AlignI of DNA sequences double - gap penalty =cut sub D_F84{ my ($self,$aln) = @_; return 0 unless $self->_check_arg($aln); } # Tajima and Nei, Mol. Biol. Evol. 1984, 1, 269. =head2 D_TajimaNei Title : D_TajimaNei Usage : my $d = $stat->D_TajimaNei($aln) Function: Calculates D (pairwise distance) between 2 sequences in an alignment using the TajimaNei 1984 distance model. Returns : Distance value Args : Bio::Align::AlignI of DNA sequences =cut sub D_TajimaNei{ my ($self,$aln) = @_; $self->warn("The result from this method is not correct right now"); my (@seqs); foreach my $seq ( $aln->each_seq) { push @seqs, [ split(//,uc $seq->seq())]; } my $seqct = scalar @seqs; my @DVals; for(my $i = 1; $i <= $seqct; $i++ ) { for( my $j = $i+1; $j <= $seqct; $j++ ) { my ($matrix,$pfreq,$gaps) = $self->_build_nt_matrix($seqs[$i-1], $seqs[$j-1]); my $fij2; my $slen = $aln->length - $gaps; for( my $bs = 0; $bs < 4; $bs++ ) { my $fi = 0; map {$fi += $matrix->[$bs]->[$_] } 0..3; my $fj = 0; map { $fj += $matrix->[$_]->[$bs] } 0..3; my $fij = ( $fi && $fj ) ? ($fi + $fj) /( 2 * $slen) : 0; $fij2 += $fij**2; } my ($pair,$h) = (0,0); for( my $bs = 0; $bs < 3; $bs++ ) { for( my $bs1 = $bs+1; $bs1 <= 3; $bs1++ ) { my $fij = $pfreq->[$pair++] / $slen; if( $fij ) { my ($ci1,$ci2,$cj1,$cj2) = (0,0,0,0); map { $ci1 += $matrix->[$_]->[$bs] } 0..3; map { $cj1 += $matrix->[$bs]->[$_] } 0..3; map { $ci2 += $matrix->[$_]->[$bs1] } 0..3; map { $cj2 += $matrix->[$bs1]->[$_] } 0..3; $h += ( $fij*$fij / 2 ) / ( ( ( $ci1 + $cj1 ) / 2 * $slen ) * ( ( $ci2 + $cj2 ) /2 * $slen ) ); $self->debug( "h is $h fij = $fij ci1 =$ci1 cj1=$cj1 ci2=$ci2 cj2=$cj2\n"); } } } # just want diagonals first my $m = ( $matrix->[0]->[0] + $matrix->[1]->[1] + $matrix->[2]->[2] + $matrix->[3]->[3] ); my $D = 1 - ( $m / $slen); my $b = (1-$fij2+(($D**2)/$h)) / 2; $self->debug("h is $h fij2 is $fij2 b is $b\n"); my $d = (-1 * $b) * log ( 1 - $D/ $b); $DVals[$i]->[$j] = $DVals[$j]->[$i] = $d; } } return \@DVals; } # HKY -- HASEGAWA, M., H. KISHINO, and T. YANO. 1985 # Tamura and Nei 1993? # GTR? =head2 K - sequence substitution methods =cut =head2 K_JukesCantor Title : K_JukesCantor Usage : my $k = $stats->K_JukesCantor($aln) Function: Calculates K - the number of nucleotide substitutions between 2 seqs - according to the Jukes-Cantor 1 parameter model This only involves the number of changes between two sequences. Returns : double Args : Bio::Align::AlignI =cut sub K_JukesCantor{ my ($self,$aln) = @_; return 0 unless $self->_check_arg($aln); my $seqct = $aln->no_sequences; my @KVals; for( my $i = 1; $i <= $seqct; $i++ ) { for( my $j = $i+1; $j <= $seqct; $j++ ) { my $pairwise = $aln->select_noncont($i,$j); my $L = $self->pairwise_stats->number_of_comparable_bases($pairwise); my $N = $self->pairwise_stats->number_of_differences($pairwise); my $p = $N / $L; my $K = - ( 3 / 4) * log ( 1 - (( 4 * $p) / 3 )); $KVals[$i]->[$j] = $KVals[$j]->[$i] = $K; } } return \@KVals; } =head2 K_TajimaNei Title : K_TajimaNei Usage : my $k = $stats->K_TajimaNei($aln) Function: Calculates K - the number of nucleotide substitutions between 2 seqs - according to the Kimura 2 parameter model. This does not assume equal frequencies among all the nucleotides. Returns : ArrayRef of 2d matrix which contains pairwise K values for all sequences in the alignment Args : Bio::Align::AlignI =cut sub K_TajimaNei { my ($self,$aln) = @_; return 0 unless $self->_check_arg($aln); my @seqs; foreach my $seq ( $aln->each_seq) { push @seqs, [ split(//,uc $seq->seq())]; } my @KVals; my $L = $self->pairwise_stats->number_of_comparable_bases($aln); my $seqct = scalar @seqs; for( my $i = 1; $i <= $seqct; $i++ ) { for( my $j = $i+1; $j <= $seqct; $j++ ) { my (%q,%y); my ($first,$second) = ($seqs[$i-1],$seqs[$j-1]); for (my $k = 0;$k<$aln->length; $k++ ) { next if( $first->[$k] =~ /^$GapChars$/ || $second->[$k] =~ /^$GapChars$/); $q{$second->[$k]}++; $q{$first->[$k]}++; if( $first->[$k] ne $second->[$k] ) { $y{$first->[$k]}->{$second->[$k]}++; } } my $q_sum = 0; foreach my $let ( @Nucleotides ) { # ct is the number of sequences compared (2) # L is the length of the alignment without gaps # $ct * $L = total number of nt compared my $avg = $q{$let} / ( $SeqCount * $L ); $q_sum += $avg**2; } my $b1 = 1 - $q_sum; my $h = 0; for( my $i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++ ) { for( my $j = $i+1; $j <= 3; $j++) { $y{$Nucleotides[$i]}->{$Nucleotides[$j]} ||= 0; $y{$Nucleotides[$j]}->{$Nucleotides[$i]} ||= 0; my $x = ($y{$Nucleotides[$i]}->{$Nucleotides[$j]} + $y{$Nucleotides[$j]}->{$Nucleotides[$i]}) / $L; $h += ($x ** 2) / ( 2 * $q{$Nucleotides[$i]} * $q{$Nucleotides[$j]} ); } } my $N = $self->pairwise_stats->number_of_differences($aln); my $p = $N / $L; my $b = ( $b1 + $p ** 2 / $h ) / 2; my $K = - $b * log ( 1 - $p / $b ); $KVals[$i]->[$j] = $KVals[$j]->[$i] = $K; } } return \@KVals; } =head2 transversions Title : transversions Usage : my $transversions = $stats->transversion($aln); Function: Calculates the number of transversions between two sequences in an alignment Returns : integer Args : Bio::Align::AlignI =cut sub transversions{ my ($self,$aln) = @_; return $self->_trans_count_helper($aln, $DNAChanges{'Transversions'}); } =head2 transitions Title : transitions Usage : my $transitions = Bio::Align::DNAStatistics->transitions($aln); Function: Calculates the number of transitions in a given DNA alignment Returns : integer representing the number of transitions Args : Bio::Align::AlignI object =cut sub transitions{ my ($self,$aln) = @_; return $self->_trans_count_helper($aln, $DNAChanges{'Transitions'}); } sub _trans_count_helper { my ($self,$aln,$type) = @_; return 0 unless( $self->_check_arg($aln) ); if( ! $aln->is_flush ) { $self->throw("must be flush") } my (@seqs,@tcount); foreach my $seq ( $aln->get_seq_by_pos(1), $aln->get_seq_by_pos(2) ) { push @seqs, [ split(//,$seq->seq())]; } my ($first,$second) = @seqs; for (my $i = 0;$i<$aln->length; $i++ ) { next if( $first->[$i] =~ /^$GapChars$/ || $second->[$i] =~ /^$GapChars$/); if( $first->[$i] ne $second->[$i] ) { foreach my $nt ( @{$type->{$first->[$i]}} ) { if( $nt eq $second->[$i]) { $tcount[$i]++; } } } } my $sum = 0; map { if( $_) { $sum += $_} } @tcount; return $sum; } # this will generate a matrix which records across the row, the number # of DNA subst # sub _build_nt_matrix { my ($self,$seqa,$seqb) = @_; my $basect_matrix = [ [ qw(0 0 0 0) ], # number of bases that match [ qw(0 0 0 0) ], [ qw(0 0 0 0) ], [ qw(0 0 0 0) ] ]; my $gaps = 0; # number of gaps my $pfreq = [ qw( 0 0 0 0 0 0)]; # matrix for pair frequency for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @$seqa; $i++) { my ($ti,$tj) = ($seqa->[$i],$seqb->[$i]); $ti =~ tr/U/T/; $tj =~ tr/U/T/; if( $ti =~ /^$GapChars$/) { $gaps++; next; } if( $tj =~ /^$GapChars$/) { $gaps++; next } my $ti_index = $NucleotideIndexes{$ti}; my $tj_index = $NucleotideIndexes{$tj}; if( ! defined $ti_index ) { print "ti_index not defined for $ti\n"; next; } $basect_matrix->[$ti_index]->[$tj_index]++; if( $ti ne $tj ) { $pfreq->[$NucleotideIndexes{join('',sort ($ti,$tj))}]++; } } return ($basect_matrix,$pfreq,$gaps); } sub _check_arg { my($self,$aln ) = @_; if( ! defined $aln || ! $aln->isa('Bio::Align::AlignI') ) { $self->warn("Must provide a Bio::Align::AlignI compliant object to Bio::Align::DNAStatistics"); return 0; } elsif( $aln->get_seq_by_pos(1)->alphabet ne 'dna' ) { $self->warn("Must provide a DNA alignment to Bio::Align::DNAStatistics, you provided a " . $aln->get_seq_by_pos(1)->alphabet); return 0; } return 1; } =head2 Data Methods =cut =head2 pairwise_stats Title : pairwise_stats Usage : $obj->pairwise_stats($newval) Function: Returns : value of pairwise_stats Args : newvalue (optional) =cut sub pairwise_stats{ my ($self,$value) = @_; if( defined $value) { $self->{'_pairwise_stats'} = $value; } return $self->{'_pairwise_stats'}; } 1;