Bio::AlignIO meme
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Bio::AlignIO::meme - meme sequence input/output stream
Package variables
Privates (from "my" definitions)
$MEME_VERS_ERR = "MEME output file must be generated by version 3.0 or higher"
$MEME_NO_HEADER_ERR = "MEME output file contains no header line (ex: MEME version 3.0)"
$HTML_VERS_ERR = "MEME output file must be generated with the -text option"
Included modules
Do not use this module directly. Use it via the Bio::AlignIO class.
This object transforms the "sites sorted by p-value" sections of a meme
(text) output file into a series of Bio::SimpleAlign objects. Each
SimpleAlign object contains Bio::LocatableSeq objects which represent the
individual aligned sites as defined by the central portion of the "site"
field in the meme file. The start and end coordinates are derived from
the "Start" field. See Bio::SimpleAlign and Bio::LocatableSeq for
more information.
This module can only parse MEME version 3.0 and greater. Previous versions
have output formats that are more difficult to parse correctly. If the meme
output file is not version 3.0 or greater, we signal an error.
No description
Methods description
next_alncode    nextTop
 Title   : next_aln
Usage : $aln = $stream->next_aln()
Function: returns the next alignment in the stream
Returns : Bio::SimpleAlign object
Args : NONE
 Title   : write_aln
Usage : $stream->write_aln(@aln)
Function: Not implemented
Returns : 1 for success and 0 for error
Args : Bio::SimpleAlign object
Methods code
sub _initialize {
  my($self,@args) = @_;

  # Call into our base version
$self->SUPER::_initialize(@args); # Then initialize our data variables
$self->{'seen_header'} = 0; } 1;
sub next_aln {
    my ($self) = @_;
    my $aln =  Bio::SimpleAlign->new(-source => 'meme');
    my $line;
    my $good_align_sec = 0;
    my $in_align_sec = 0;
    while (!$good_align_sec && defined($line = $self->_readline()))
	if (!$in_align_sec)
	    # Check for the meme header
if ($line =~ /^\s*[Mm][Ee][Mm][Ee]\s+version\s+((?:\d+)?\.\d+)/) { $self->{'meme_vers'} = $1; $self->throw($MEME_VERS_ERR) unless ($self->{'meme_vers'} >= 3.0); $self->{'seen_header'} = 1; } # Check if they've output the HTML version
if ($line =~ /\<[Tt][Ii][Tt][Ll][Ee]\>/) { $self->throw($HTML_VERS_ERR); } # Check if we're going into an alignment section
if ($line =~ /sites sorted by position/) # meme vers > 3.0
{ $self->throw($MEME_NO_HEADER_ERR) unless ($self->{'seen_header'}); $in_align_sec = 1; } } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s+([+-])\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+([\.ACTGactg]*) ([ACTGactg]+) ([\.ACTGactg]*)/) { # Got a sequence line
my $seq_name = $1; my $strand = ($2 eq '+') ? 1 : -1; my $start_pos = $3; # my $p_val = $4;
# my $left_flank = uc($5);
my $central = uc($6); # my $right_flank = uc($7);
# Info about the sequence
my $seq_res = $central; my $seq_len = length($seq_res); # Info about the flanking sequence
# my $left_len = length($left_flank);
# my $right_len = length($right_flank);
# my $start_len = ($strand > 0) ? $left_len : $right_len;
# my $end_len = ($strand > 0) ? $right_len : $left_len;
# Make the sequence. Meme gives the start coordinate at the left
# hand side of the motif relative to the INPUT sequence.
my $start_coord = $start_pos; my $end_coord = $start_coord + $seq_len - 1; my $seq = new Bio::LocatableSeq('-seq'=>$seq_res, '-id'=>$seq_name, '-start'=>$start_coord, '-end'=>$end_coord, '-strand'=>$strand); # Make a seq_feature out of the motif
$aln->add_seq($seq); } elsif (($line =~ /^\-/) || ($line =~ /Sequence name/)) { # These are acceptable things to be in the site section
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { # This ends the site section
$in_align_sec = 0; $good_align_sec = 1; } else { $self->warn("Unrecognized format:\n$line"); return 0; } } # Signal an error if we didn't find a header section
$self->throw($MEME_NO_HEADER_ERR) unless ($self->{'seen_header'}); return (($good_align_sec) ? $aln : 0);
sub write_aln {
   my ($self,@aln) = @_;

   # Don't handle it yet.
$self->throw("AlignIO::meme::write_aln not implemented"); return 0; } # ----------------------------------------
# - Private methods
# ----------------------------------------
General documentation
Reporting BugsTop
Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
the bugs and their resolution.
Bug reports can be submitted via email or the web:
AUTHORS - Benjamin BermanTop
 (based on the Bio::SeqIO modules by Ewan Birney and others)
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with an