Raw content of Bio::Assembly::IO::ace
# $Id: ace.pm,v 1.1 2002/11/04 14:38:14 heikki Exp $
## BioPerl module for Bio::Assembly::IO::ace
# Copyright by Robson F. de Souza
# You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
# POD documentation - main docs before the code
=head1 NAME
Bio::Assembly::IO::ace - module to load phrap ACE files.
# Building an input stream
use Bio::Assembly::IO;
# Assembly loading methods
$io = new Bio::Assembly::IO(-file=>"SGC0-424.fasta.screen.ace.1",
$assembly = $io->next_assembly;
This package loads the ACE files from the (phred/phrap/consed) package
by Phill Green. It was written to be used as a driver module for
Bio::Assembly::IO input/output.
=head2 Implemention
Assemblies are loaded into Bio::Assembly::Scaffold objects composed by
Bio::Assembly::Contig objects. In addition to default
"_aligned_coord:$seqID" feature class from Bio::Assembly::Contig, contig
objects loaded by this module will have the following special feature
classes in their feature collection:
"_align_clipping:$seqID" : location of subsequence in sequence $seqID
which is aligned to the contig
"_quality_clipping:$seqID" : location of good quality subsequence for
sequence $seqID
"consensus tags", as they are called in Consed's documentation, is
equivalent to a bioperl sequence feature and, therefore, are added to
the feature collection using their type field (see Consed's README.txt
file) as primary tag.
"read tags" are also sequence features and are stored as
sub_SeqFeatures of the sequence's coordinate feature (the
corresponding "_aligned_coord:$seqID" feature, easily accessed through
get_seq_coord() method).
"whole assembly tags" have no start and end, as they are not
associated to any particular sequence in the assembly, and are added
to the assembly's annotation collection using phrap as tag.
=head2 Mailing Lists
User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the
Bioperl mailing lists Your participation is much appreciated.
bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion
http://bio.perl.org/MailList.html - About the mailing lists
=head2 Reporting Bugs
Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via email
or the web:
=head1 AUTHOR - Robson Francisco de Souza
Email rfsouza@citri.iq.usp.br
The rest of the documentation details each of the object
methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
package Bio::Assembly::IO::ace;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use Bio::Assembly::IO;
use Bio::Assembly::Scaffold;
use Bio::Assembly::Contig;
use Bio::LocatableSeq;
use Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue;
use Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual;
use Bio::SeqFeature::Generic;
@ISA = qw(Bio::Assembly::IO);
=head1 Parser methods
=head2 next_assembly
Title : next_assembly
Usage : $unigene = $stream->next_assembly()
Function: returns the next assembly in the stream
Returns : Bio::Assembly::Scaffold object
Args : NONE
sub next_assembly {
my $self = shift; # Object reference
local $/="\n";
# Resetting assembly data structure
my $assembly = Bio::Assembly::Scaffold->new(-source=>'phrap');
# Looping over all ACE file lines
my ($contigOBJ,$read_name);
my $read_data = {}; # Temporary holder for read data
while ($_ = $self->_readline) { # By now, ACE files hold a single assembly
# Loading assembly information (ASsembly field)
# (/^AS (\d+) (\d+)/) && do {
# $assembly->_set_nof_contigs($1);
# $assembly->_set_nof_sequences_in_contigs($2);
# };
# Loading contig sequence (COntig sequence field)
(/^CO Contig(\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\w+)/) && do { # New contig found!
my $contigID = $1;
$contigOBJ = Bio::Assembly::Contig->new(-source=>'phrap', -id=>$contigID);
# $contigOBJ->set_nof_bases($2); # Contig length in base pairs
# $contigOBJ->set_nof_reads($3); # Number of reads in this contig
# $contigOBJ->set_nof_segments($4); # Number of read segments selected for consensus assembly
my $ori = ($5 eq 'U' ? 1 : -1); # 'C' if contig was complemented (using consed) or U if not (default)
my $consensus_sequence = undef;
while ($_ = $self->_readline) { # Looping over contig lines
chomp; # Drop (\n) on current line
last if (/^$/); # Stop if empty line (contig end) is found
s/\*/-/g; # Forcing '-' as gap symbol
$consensus_sequence .= $_;
my $consensus_length = length($consensus_sequence);
$consensus_sequence = Bio::LocatableSeq->new(-seq=>$consensus_sequence,
# Loading contig qualities... (Base Quality field)
/^BQ/ && do {
my $consensus = $contigOBJ->get_consensus_sequence()->seq();
my ($i,$j,@tmp);
my @quality = ();
$j = 0;
while ($_ = $self->_readline) {
last if (/^$/);
@tmp = grep { /^\d+$/ } split(/\s+/);
$i = 0;
my $previous = 0;
my $next = 0;
while ($i<=$#tmp) {
# IF base is a gap, quality is the average for neighbouring sites
if (substr($consensus,$j,1) eq '-') {
$previous = $tmp[$i-1] unless ($i == 0);
if ($i < $#tmp) {
$next = $tmp[$i+1];
} else {
$next = 0;
} else {
my $qual = Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual->new(-qual=>join(" ",@quality),
# Loading read info... (Assembled From field)
/^AF (\S+) (C|U) (-*\d+)/ && do {
$read_name = $1; my $ori = $2;
$read_data->{$read_name}{'padded_start'} = $3; # aligned start
$ori = ( $ori eq 'U' ? 1 : -1);
$read_data->{$read_name}{'strand'} = $ori;
# Loading base segments definitions (Base Segment field)
# /^BS (\d+) (\d+) (\S+)/ && do {
# if (exists($self->{'contigs'}[$contig]{'reads'}{$3}{'segments'})) {
# $self->{'contigs'}[$contig]{'reads'}{$3}{'segments'} .= " " . $1 . " " . $2;
# } else { $self->{'contigs'}[$contig]{'reads'}{$3}{'segments'} = $1 . " " . $2 }
# };
# Loading reads... (ReaD sequence field
/^RD (\S+) (-*\d+) (\d+) (\d+)/ && do {
$read_name = $1;
$read_data->{$read_name}{'length'} = $2; # number_of_padded_bases
$read_data->{$read_name}{'contig'} = $contigOBJ;
# $read_data->{$read_name}{'number_of_read_info_items'} = $3;
# $read_data->{$read_name}{'number_of_tags'} = $4;
my $read_sequence;
while ($_ = $self->_readline) {
last if (/^$/);
s/\*/-/g; # Forcing '-' as gap symbol
$read_sequence .= $_; # aligned read sequence
my $read = Bio::LocatableSeq->new(-seq=>$read_sequence,
# Adding read location and sequence to contig ("gapped consensus" coordinates)
my $padded_start = $read_data->{$read_name}{'padded_start'};
my $padded_end = $padded_start + $read_data->{$read_name}{'length'} - 1;
my $coord = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(-start=>$padded_start,
-tag => { 'contig' => $contigOBJ->id }
# Loading read trimming and alignment ranges...
/^QA (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+) (-?\d+)/ && do {
my $qual_start = $1; my $qual_end = $2;
my $align_start = $3; my $align_end = $4;
unless ($align_start == -1 && $align_end == -1) {
$align_start = $contigOBJ->change_coord("aligned $read_name",'gapped consensus',$align_start);
$align_end = $contigOBJ->change_coord("aligned $read_name",'gapped consensus',$align_end);
my $align_feat = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(-start=>$align_start,
$align_feat->attach_seq( $contigOBJ->get_seq_by_name($read_name) );
$contigOBJ->add_features([ $align_feat ], 0);
unless ($qual_start == -1 && $qual_end == -1) {
$qual_start = $contigOBJ->change_coord("aligned $read_name",'gapped consensus',$qual_start);
$qual_end = $contigOBJ->change_coord("aligned $read_name",'gapped consensus',$qual_end);
my $qual_feat = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(-start=>$qual_start,
$qual_feat->attach_seq( $contigOBJ->get_seq_by_name($read_name) );
$contigOBJ->add_features([ $qual_feat ], 0);
# Loading read description (DeScription fields)
# /^DS / && do {
# /CHEM: (\S+)/ && do {
# $self->{'contigs'}[$contig]{'reads'}{$read_name}{'chemistry'} = $1;
# };
# /CHROMAT_FILE: (\S+)/ && do {
# $self->{'contigs'}[$contig]{'reads'}{$read_name}{'chromat_file'} = $1;
# };
# /DIRECTION: (\w+)/ && do {
# my $ori = $1;
# if ($ori eq 'rev') { $ori = 'C' }
# elsif ($ori eq 'fwd') { $ori = 'U' }
# $self->{'contigs'}[$contig]{'reads'}{$read_name}{'strand'} = $ori;
# };
# /DYE: (\S+)/ && do {
# $self->{'contigs'}[$contig]{'reads'}{$read_name}{'dye'} = $1;
# };
# /PHD_FILE: (\S+)/ && do {
# $self->{'contigs'}[$contig]{'reads'}{$read_name}{'phd_file'} = $1;
# };
# /TEMPLATE: (\S+)/ && do {
# $self->{'contigs'}[$contig]{'reads'}{$read_name}{'template'} = $1;
# };
# /TIME: (\S+ \S+ \d+ \d+\:\d+\:\d+ \d+)/ && do {
# $self->{'contigs'}[$contig]{'reads'}{$read_name}{'phd_time'} = $1;
# };
# };
# Loading contig tags ('tags' in phrap terminology, but Bioperl calls them features)
/^CT\s*\{/ && do {
my ($contigID,$type,$source,$start,$end,$date) = split(' ',$self->_readline);
$contigID =~ s/^Contig//i;
my $extra_info = undef;
while ($_ = $self->_readline) {
last if (/\}/);
$extra_info .= $_;
my $contig_tag = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(-start=>$start,
-tag=>{ 'source' => $source,
'creation_date' => $date,
'extra_info' => $extra_info
$assembly->get_contig_by_id($contigID)->add_features([ $contig_tag ],1);
# Loading read tags
/^RT\s*\{/ && do {
my ($readID,$type,$source,$start,$end,$date) = split(' ',$self->_readline);
my $extra_info = undef;
while ($_ = $self->_readline) {
last if (/\}/);
$extra_info .= $_;
$start = $contigOBJ->change_coord("aligned $read_name",'gapped consensus',$start);
$end = $contigOBJ->change_coord("aligned $read_name",'gapped consensus',$end);
my $read_tag = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(-start=>$start,
-tag=>{ 'source' => $source,
'creation_date' => $date,
'extra_info' => $extra_info
my $contig = $read_data->{$readID}{'contig'};
my $coord = $contig->get_seq_coord( $contig->get_seq_by_name($readID) );
# Loading read tags
/^WA\s*\{/ && do {
my ($type,$source,$date) = split(' ',$self->_readline);
my $extra_info = undef;
while ($_ = $self->_readline) {
last if (/\}/);
$extra_info = $_;
#? push(@line,\@extra_info);
my $assembly_tag = join(" ","TYPE: ",$type,"PROGRAM:",$source,
$assembly_tag = Bio::Annotation::SimpleValue->new(-value=>$assembly_tag);
} # while ($_ = $self->_readline)
return $assembly;
=head2 write_assembly
Title : write_assembly
Usage : $ass_io->write_assembly($assembly)
Function: Write the assembly object in Phrap compatible ACE format
Returns : 1 on success, 0 for error
Args : A Bio::Assembly::Scaffold object
sub write_assemebly {
my $self = shift;
$self->throw("Writing phrap ACE files is not implemented yet! Sorry...");