Raw content of Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::memory
package Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::memory;
=head1 NAME
Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::dbi::mysql -- Database adaptor for a specific mysql schema
use Bio::DB::GFF;
my $db = Bio::DB::GFF->new(-adaptor=> 'memory',
-file => 'my_features.gff',
-fasta => 'my_dna.fa'
See L for other methods.
This adaptor implements an in-memory version of Bio::DB::GFF. It can be used to
store and retrieve SHORT GFF files. It inherits from Bio::DB::GFF.
Use Bio::DB::GFF-Enew() to construct new instances of this class.
Three named arguments are recommended:
Argument Description
-adaptor Set to "memory" to create an instance of this class.
-gff Read the indicated file or directory of .gff file.
-fasta Read the indicated file or directory of fasta files.
-dsn Indicates a directory containing .gff and .fa files
If you use the -dsn option and the indicated directory is writable by
the current process, then this library will create a FASTA file index
that greatly diminishes the memory usage of this module.
=head1 METHODS
See L for inherited methods.
=head1 BUGS
none ;-)
=head1 SEE ALSO
L, L
=head1 AUTHOR
Shuly Avraham Eavraham@cshl.orgE.
Copyright (c) 2002 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
# $Id: memory.pm,v 2003/07/05 00:52:31 lstein Exp $
# AUTHOR: Shulamit Avraham
# This module needs to be cleaned up and documented
# Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::memory -- in-memory db adaptor
# implements the low level handling of data which stored in memory.
# This adaptor implements a specific in memory schema that is compatible with Bio::DB::GFF.
# Inherits from Bio::DB::GFF.
#use lib './blib/lib';
#use lib '/u/swiss/shuly/bioperl-live';
# use lib '/a/swiss/export/home/shuly/bioperl-live';
use Bio::DB::GFF;
use Bio::DB::GFF::Util::Rearrange; # for rearrange()
use Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::memory_iterator;
use File::Basename 'dirname';
use vars qw(@ISA);
use constant MAX_SEGMENT => 100_000_000; # the largest a segment can get
@ISA = qw(Bio::DB::GFF);
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
my ($file,$fasta,$dbdir) = rearrange([
[qw(DSN DB DIR)],
# fill in object
my $self = bless{ data => [] },$class;
$file ||= $dbdir;
$fasta ||= $dbdir;
$self->load_gff($file) if $file;
$self->load_or_store_fasta($fasta) if $fasta;
return $self;
sub load_or_store_fasta {
my $self = shift;
my $fasta = shift;
if ((-f $fasta && -w dirname($fasta))
(-d $fasta && -w $fasta)) {
require Bio::DB::Fasta;
my $dna_db = Bio::DB::Fasta->new($fasta)
or $self->throw("Couldn't create a new Bio::DB::Fasta index from $fasta");
} else {
sub dna_db {
my $self = shift;
my $d = $self->{dna_db};
$self->{dna_db} = shift if @_;
sub insert_sequence {
my $self = shift;
my($id,$offset,$seq) = @_;
$self->{dna}{$id} .= $seq;
# low-level fetch of a DNA substring given its
# name, class and the desired range.
sub get_dna {
my $self = shift;
my ($id,$start,$stop,$class) = @_;
if (my $dna_db = $self->dna_db) {
return $dna_db->seq($id,$start=>$stop);
return $self->{dna}{$id} if !defined $start || !defined $stop;
$start = 1 if !defined $start;
my $reversed = 0;
if ($start > $stop) {
($start,$stop) = ($stop,$start);
my $dna = substr($self->{dna}{$id},$start-1,$stop-$start+1);
if ($reversed) {
$dna =~ tr/gatcGATC/ctagCTAG/;
$dna = reverse $dna;
# this method loads the feature as a hash into memory -
# keeps an array of features-hashes as an in-memory db
sub load_gff_line {
my $self = shift;
my $feature_hash = shift;
$feature_hash->{strand} = '' if $feature_hash->{strand} && $feature_hash->{strand} eq '.';
$feature_hash->{phase} = '' if $feature_hash->{phase} && $feature_hash->{phase} eq '.';
push @{$self->{data}},$feature_hash;
# given sequence name, return (reference,start,stop,strand)
sub get_abscoords {
my $self = shift;
my ($name,$class,$refseq) = @_;
my %refs;
my $regexp;
if ($name =~ /[*?]/) { # uh oh regexp time
$name =~ quotemeta($name);
$name =~ s/\\\*/.*/g;
$name =~ s/\\\?/.?/g;
# Find all features that have the requested name and class.
# Sort them by reference point.
for my $feature (@{$self->{data}}) {
my $no_match_class_name;
my $empty_class_name;
if (defined $feature->{gname} and defined $feature->{gclass}){
my $matches = $feature->{gclass} eq $class
&& ($regexp ? $feature->{gname} =~ /$name/i : $feature->{gname} eq $name);
$no_match_class_name = !$matches; # to accomodate Shuly's interesting logic
$empty_class_name = 1;
if ($no_match_class_name || $empty_class_name){
my $feature_attributes = $feature->{attributes};
my $attributes = {Alias => $name};
if (!_matching_attributes($feature_attributes,$attributes)){
push @{$refs{$feature->{ref}}},$feature;
# find out how many reference points we recovered
if (! %refs) {
$self->error("$name not found in database");
} elsif (keys %refs > 1) {
$self->error("$name has more than one reference sequence in database");
# compute min and max
my ($ref) = keys %refs;
my @found = @{$refs{$ref}};
my ($strand,$start,$stop);
foreach (@found) {
$strand ||= $_->{strand};
$strand = '+' if $strand && $strand eq '.';
$start = $_->{start} if !defined($start) || $start > $_->{start};
$stop = $_->{stop} if !defined($stop) || $stop < $_->{stop};
my @found_segments;
foreach my $ref (keys %refs) {
next if defined($refseq) and $ref ne $refseq;
my @found = @{$refs{$ref}};
my ($strand,$start,$stop);
foreach (@found) {
$strand ||= $_->{strand};
$strand = '+' if $strand && $strand eq '.';
$start = $_->{start} if !defined($start) || $start > $_->{start};
$stop = $_->{stop} if !defined($stop) || $stop < $_->{stop};
push @found_segments,[$ref,$class,$start,$stop,$strand];
return \@found_segments;
sub search_notes {
my $self = shift;
my ($search_string,$limit) = @_;
my @results;
my @words = map {quotemeta($_)} $search_string =~ /(\w+)/g;
for my $feature (@{$self->{data}}) {
next unless defined $feature->{gclass} && defined $feature->{gname}; # ignore NULL objects
next unless $feature->{attributes};
my @attributes = @{$feature->{attributes}};
my @values = map {$_->[1]} @attributes;
my $value = "@values";
my $matches = 0;
my $note;
for my $w (@words) {
my @hits = $value =~ /($w)/g;
$note ||= $value if @hits;
$matches += @hits;
next unless $matches;
my $relevance = 10 * $matches;
my $featname = Bio::DB::GFF::Featname->new($feature->{gclass}=>$feature->{gname});
push @results,[$featname,$note,$relevance];
last if @results >= $limit;
# attributes -
# Some GFF version 2 files use the groups column to store a series of
# attribute/value pairs. In this interpretation of GFF, the first such
# pair is treated as the primary group for the feature; subsequent pairs
# are treated as attributes. Two attributes have special meaning:
# "Note" is for backward compatibility and is used for unstructured text
# remarks. "Alias" is considered as a synonym for the feature name.
# If no name is provided, then attributes() returns a flattened hash, of
# attribute=>value pairs.
sub do_attributes{
my $self = shift;
my ($feature_id,$tag) = @_;
my $attr ;
my $feature = ${$self->{data}}[$feature_id];
my @result;
for my $attr (@{$feature->{attributes}}) {
my ($attr_name,$attr_value) = @$attr ;
if (defined($tag) && $attr_name eq $tag){push @result,$attr_value;}
elsif (!defined($tag)) {push @result,($attr_name,$attr_value);}
return @result;
#sub get_feature_by_attribute{
sub _feature_by_attribute{
my $self = shift;
my ($attributes,$callback) = @_;
$callback || $self->throw('must provide a callback argument');
my $count = 0;
my $feature_id = -1;
my $feature_group_id = undef;
for my $feature (@{$self->{data}}) {
for my $attr (@{$feature->{attributes}}) {
my ($attr_name,$attr_value) = @$attr ;
#there could be more than one set of attributes......
foreach (keys %$attributes) {
if ($_ eq $attr_name && $attributes->{$_} eq $attr_value){
# This is the low-level method that is called to retrieve GFF lines from
# the database. It is responsible for retrieving features that satisfy
# range and feature type criteria, and passing the GFF fields to a
# callback subroutine.
sub get_features{
my $self = shift;
my $count = 0;
my ($search,$options,$callback) = @_;
my $data = \@{$self->{data}};
my $found_features;
$found_features = _get_features_by_search_options($data,$search,$options);
# only true if the sort by group option was specified
@{$found_features} = sort {"$a->{gclass}:$a->{gname}" cmp "$b->{gclass}:$b->{gname}"}
@{$found_features} if $options->{sort_by_group} ;
for my $feature (@{$found_features}) { # only true if the sort by group option was specified
@{$feature}{qw(ref start stop source method score strand phase gclass gname tstart tstop feature_id feature_group_id)}
return $count;
# Low level implementation of fetching a named feature.
# GFF annotations are named using the group class and name fields.
# May return zero, one, or several Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects.
=head2 _feature_by_name
Title : _feature_by_name
Usage : $db->get_features_by_name($name,$class,$callback)
Function: get a list of features by name and class
Returns : count of number of features retrieved
Args : name of feature, class of feature, and a callback
Status : protected
This method is used internally. The callback arguments are those used
by make_feature().
sub _feature_by_name {
my $self = shift;
my ($class,$name,$location,$callback) = @_;
$callback || $self->throw('must provide a callback argument');
my $count = 0;
my $id = -1;
my $regexp;
if ($name =~ /[*?]/) { # uh oh regexp time
$name =~ quotemeta($name);
$name =~ s/\\\*/.*/g;
$name =~ s/\\\?/.?/g;
for my $feature (@{$self->{data}}) {
next unless ($regexp && $feature->{gname} =~ /$name/i) || $feature->{gname} eq $name;
next unless $feature->{gclass} eq $class;
if ($location) {
next if $location->[0] ne $feature->{ref};
next if $location->[1] && $location->[1] > $feature->{stop};
next if $location->[2] && $location->[2] < $feature->{start};
return $count;
# Low level implementation of fetching a feature by it's id.
# The id of the feature as implemented in the in-memory db, is the location of the
# feature in the features hash array.
sub _feature_by_id{
my $self = shift;
my ($ids,$type,$callback) = @_;
$callback || $self->throw('must provide a callback argument');
my $feature_group_id = undef;
my $count = 0;
if ($type eq 'feature'){
for my $feature_id (@$ids){
my $feature = ${$self->{data}}[$feature_id];
# This method is similar to get_features(), except that it returns an
# iterator across the query.
# See Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::memory_iterator.
sub get_features_iterator {
my $self = shift;
my ($search,$options,$callback) = @_;
$callback || $self->throw('must provide a callback argument');
my $data = \@{$self->{data}};
my $results = _get_features_by_search_options($data,$search,$options);
my $results_array = _convert_feature_hash_to_array($results);
return Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::memory_iterator->new($results_array,$callback);
# This method is responsible for fetching the list of feature type names.
# The query may be limited to a particular range, in
# which case the range is indicated by a landmark sequence name and
# class and its subrange, if any. These arguments may be undef if it is
# desired to retrieve all feature types.
# If the count flag is false, the method returns a simple list of
# Bio::DB::GFF::Typename objects. If $count is true, the method returns
# a list of $name=>$count pairs, where $count indicates the number of
# times this feature occurs in the range.
sub get_types {
my $self = shift;
my ($srcseq,$class,$start,$stop,$want_count,$typelist) = @_;
for my $feature (@{$self->{data}}) {
my $feature_start = $feature->{start};
my $feature_stop = $feature->{stop};
my $feature_ref = $feature->{ref};
my $feature_class = $feature->{class};
my $feature_method = $feature->{method};
my $feature_source = $feature->{source};
if (defined $srcseq){
next unless $feature_ref eq $srcseq ;
if (defined $class){
next unless $feature_class eq $class ;
# the requested range should OVERLAP the retrieved features
if (defined $start or defined $stop) {
$start = 1 unless defined $start;
$stop = MAX_SEGMENT unless defined $stop;
next unless $feature_stop >= $start && $feature_start <= $stop;
if (defined $typelist && @$typelist){
next unless _matching_typelist($feature_method,$feature_source,$typelist);
my $type = Bio::DB::GFF::Typename->new($feature_method,$feature_source);
$obj{$type} = $type;
} #end features loop
return $want_count ? %result : values %obj;
# Internal method that performs a search on the features array,
# sequentialy retrieves the features, and performs a check on each feature
# according to the search options.
sub _get_features_by_search_options{
my $count = 0;
my ($data,$search,$options) = @_;
my ($rangetype,$refseq,$class,$start,$stop,$types,$sparse,$order_by_group,$attributes) =
(@{$search}{qw(rangetype refseq refclass start stop types)},
@{$options}{qw(sparse sort_by_group ATTRIBUTES)}) ;
my @found_features;
my $feature_id = -1 ;
my $feature_group_id = undef;
for my $feature (@{$data}) {
my $feature_start = $feature->{start};
my $feature_stop = $feature->{stop};
my $feature_ref = $feature->{ref};
if (defined $refseq){
next unless $feature_ref eq $refseq;
if (defined $start or defined $stop) {
$start = 0 unless defined($start);
$stop = MAX_SEGMENT unless defined($stop);
if ($rangetype eq 'overlaps') {
next unless $feature_stop >= $start && $feature_start <= $stop;
} elsif ($rangetype eq 'contains') {
next unless $feature_start >= $start && $feature_stop <= $stop;
} elsif ($rangetype eq 'contained_in') {
next unless $feature_start <= $start && $feature_stop >= $stop;
} else {
next unless $feature_start == $start && $feature_stop == $stop;
my $feature_source = $feature->{source};
my $feature_method = $feature->{method};
if (defined $types && @$types){
next unless _matching_typelist($feature_method,$feature_source,$types);
my $feature_attributes = $feature->{attributes};
if (defined $attributes){
next unless _matching_attributes($feature_attributes,$attributes);
# if we get here, then we have a feature that meets the criteria.
# Then we just push onto an array
# of found features and continue.
my $found_feature = $feature ;
$found_feature->{feature_id} = $feature_id;
$found_feature->{group_id} = $feature_group_id;
push @found_features,$found_feature;
return \@found_features;
# this subroutine is needed for convertion of the feature from hash to array in order to
# pass it to the callback subroutine
sub _convert_feature_hash_to_array{
my @features_hash_array = @_;
use constant FREF => 0;
use constant FSTART => 1;
use constant FSTOP => 2;
use constant FSOURCE => 3;
use constant FMETHOD => 4;
use constant FSCORE => 5;
use constant FSTRAND => 6;
use constant FPHASE => 7;
use constant GCLASS => 8;
use constant GNAME => 9;
use constant TSTART => 10;
use constant TSTOP => 11;
use constant FID => 12;
use constant GID => 13;
my @features_array_array;
my $feature_count = 0;
for my $feature_hash (@{$features_hash_array[0]}){
my @feature_array;
$feature_array[FREF] = $feature_hash->{ref};
$feature_array[FSTART] = $feature_hash->{start};
$feature_array[FSTOP] = $feature_hash->{stop};
$feature_array[FSOURCE] = $feature_hash->{source};
$feature_array[FMETHOD] = $feature_hash->{method};
$feature_array[FSCORE] = $feature_hash->{score};
$feature_array[FSTRAND] = $feature_hash->{strand};
$feature_array[FPHASE ] = $feature_hash->{phase};
$feature_array[GCLASS] = $feature_hash->{gclass};
$feature_array[GNAME] = $feature_hash->{gname};
$feature_array[TSTART] = $feature_hash->{tstart};
$feature_array[TSTOP] = $feature_hash->{tstop};
$feature_array[FID] = $feature_hash->{feature_id};
$feature_array[GID] = $feature_hash->{group_id};
$features_array_array[$feature_count] = \@feature_array;
return \@features_array_array;
sub _matching_typelist{
my ($feature_method,$feature_source,$typelist) = @_;
foreach (@$typelist) {
my ($search_method,$search_source) = @$_;
next if $search_method ne $feature_method;
next if defined($search_source) && $search_source ne $feature_source;
return 1;
return 0;
sub _matching_attributes{
my ($feature_attributes,$attributes) = @_ ;
foreach (keys %$attributes) {
return 0 if !_match_all_attr_in_feature($_,$attributes->{$_},$feature_attributes)
return 1;
sub _match_all_attr_in_feature{
my ($attr_name,$attr_value,$feature_attributes) = @_;
for my $attr (@$feature_attributes) {
my ($feature_attr_name,$feature_attr_value) = @$attr ;
next if ($attr_name ne $feature_attr_name || $attr_value ne $feature_attr_value);
return 1;
return 0;
sub do_initialize { 1; }
sub setup_load { }
sub finish_load { 1; }
sub get_feature_by_group_id{ 1; }