Raw content of Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile
package Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile;
# $Id: FeatureFile.pm,v 2003/08/29 19:30:10 lstein Exp $
# This package parses and renders a simple tab-delimited format for features.
# It is simpler than GFF, but still has a lot of expressive power.
# See __END__ for the file format
=head1 NAME
Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile -- A set of Bio::Graphics features, stored in a file
use Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile;
my $data = Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile->new(-file => 'features.txt');
# create a new panel and render contents of the file onto it
my $panel = $data->new_panel;
my $tracks_rendered = $data->render($panel);
# or do it all in one step
my ($tracks_rendered,$panel) = $data->render;
# for more control, render tracks individually
my @feature_types = $data->types;
for my $type (@feature_types) {
my $features = $data->features($type);
my %options = $data->style($type);
$panel->add_track($features,%options); # assuming we have a Bio::Graphics::Panel
# get individual settings
my $est_fg_color = $data->setting(EST => 'fgcolor');
# or create the FeatureFile by hand
# add a type
$data->add_type(EST => {fgcolor=>'blue',height=>12});
# add a feature
my $feature = Bio::Graphics::Feature->new(
# params
); # or some other SeqI
The Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile module reads and parses files that
describe sequence features and their renderings. It accepts both GFF
format and a more human-friendly file format described below. Once a
FeatureFile object has been initialized, you can interrogate it for
its consistuent features and their settings, or render the entire file
onto a Bio::Graphics::Panel.
This moduel is a precursor of Jason Stajich's
Bio::Annotation::Collection class, and fulfills a similar function of
storing a collection of sequence features. However, it also stores
rendering information about the features, and does not currently
follow the CollectionI interface.
=head2 The File Format
There are two types of entry in the file format: feature entries, and
formatting entries. They can occur in any order. See the Appendix
for a full example.
Feature entries can take several forms. At their simplest, they look
like this:
Gene B0511.1 516-11208
This means that a feature of type "Gene" and name "B0511.1" occupies
the range between bases 516 and 11208. A range can be specified
equally well using a hyphen, or two dots as in 516..11208. Negative
coordinates are allowed, such as -187..1000.
A discontinuous range ("split location") uses commas to separate the
ranges. For example:
Gene B0511.1 516-619,3185-3294,10946-11208
Alternatively, the locations can be split by repeating the features
type and name on multiple adjacent lines:
Gene B0511.1 516-619
Gene B0511.1 3185-3294
Gene B0511.1 10946-11208
A comment can be added to features by adding a fourth column. These
comments will be rendered as under-the-glyph descriptions by those
glyphs that honor descriptions:
Gene B0511.1 516-619,3185-3294,10946-11208 "Putative primase"
Columns are separated using whitespace, not (necessarily) tabs.
Embedded whitespace can be escaped using quote marks or backslashes in
the same way as in the shell:
'Putative Gene' my\ favorite\ gene 516-11208
Features can be grouped so that they are rendered by the "group" glyph
(so far this has only been used to relate 5' and 3' ESTs). To start a
group, create a two-column feature entry showing the group type and a
name for the group. Follow this with a list of feature entries with a
blank type. For example:
EST yk53c10
yk53c10.3 15000-15500,15700-15800
yk53c10.5 18892-19154
This example is declaring that the ESTs named yk53c10.3 and yk53c10.5
belong to the same group named yk53c10.
use strict;
use Bio::Graphics::Feature;
use Bio::DB::GFF::Util::Rearrange;
use Carp;
use IO::File;
use Text::Shellwords;
# default colors for unconfigured features
my @COLORS = qw(cyan blue red yellow green wheat turquoise orange);
use constant WIDTH => 600;
=head2 METHODS
=over 4
=item $features = Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile-Enew(@args)
Create a new Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile using @args to initialize the
object. Arguments are -name=Evalue pairs:
Argument Value
-------- -----
-file Read data from a file path or filehandle. Use
"-" to read from standard input.
-text Read data from a text scalar.
-map_coords Coderef containing a subroutine to use for remapping
all coordinates.
-smart_features Flag indicating that the features created by this
module should be made aware of the FeatureFile
object by calling their configurator() method.
-safe Indicates that the contents of this file is trusted.
Any option value that begins with the string "sub {"
or \&subname will be evaluated as a code reference.
The -file and -text arguments are mutually exclusive, and -file will
supersede the other if both are present.
-map_coords points to a coderef with the following signature:
= coderef($ref,[$start1,$end1],[$start2,$end2]...)
See the Bio::Graphics::Browser (part of the generic genome browser
package) for an illustration of how to use this to do wonderful stuff.
The -smart_features flag is used by the generic genome browser to
provide features with a way to access the link-generation code. See
gbrowse for how this works.
If the file is trusted, and there is an option named "init_code" in
the [GENERAL] section of the file, it will be evaluated as perl code
immediately after parsing. You can use this to declare global
variables and subroutines for use in option values.
# args array:
# -file => parse from a file (- allowed for ARGV)
# -text => parse from a text scalar
# -map_coords => code ref to do coordinate mapping
# called with ($ref,[$start1,$stop1],[$start2,$stop2]...)
# returns ($newref,$new_coord1,$new_coord2...)
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $self = bless {
config => {},
features => {},
seenit => {},
types => [],
max => undef,
min => undef,
stat => [],
refs => {},
safe => undef,
$self->{coordinate_mapper} = $args{-map_coords}
if exists $args{-map_coords} && ref($args{-map_coords}) eq 'CODE';
$self->{smart_features} = $args{-smart_features} if exists $args{-smart_features};
$self->{safe} = $args{-safe} if exists $args{-safe};
# call with
# -file
# -text
my $fh;
if (my $file = $args{-file}) {
no strict 'refs';
if (defined fileno($file)) {
$fh = $file;
} elsif ($file eq '-') {
} else {
$fh = IO::File->new($file) or croak("Can't open $file: $!\n");
} elsif (my $text = $args{-text}) {
close($fh) or warn "Error closing file: $!" if $fh;
# render our features onto a panel using configuration data
# return the number of tracks inserted
=over 4
=item ($rendered,$panel) = $features-Erender([$panel])
Render features in the data set onto the indicated
Bio::Graphics::Panel. If no panel is specified, creates one.
In a scalar context returns the number of tracks rendered. In a list
context, returns a two-element list containing the number of features
rendered and the panel. Use this form if you want the panel created
for you.
sub render {
my $self = shift;
my $panel = shift;
my ($position_to_insert,$options,$max_bump,$max_label) = @_;
$panel ||= $self->new_panel;
# count up number of tracks inserted
my $tracks = 0;
my $color;
my %types = map {$_=>1} $self->configured_types;
my @configured_types = grep {exists $self->{features}{$_}} $self->configured_types;
my @unconfigured_types = sort grep {!exists $types{$_}} $self->types;
my @base_config = $self->style('general');
my @override = ();
if ($options && ref $options eq 'HASH') {
@override = %$options;
} else {
$options ||= 0;
if ($options == 1) { # compact
push @override,(-bump => 0,-label=>0);
} elsif ($options == 2) { #expanded
push @override,(-bump=>1);
} elsif ($options == 3) { #expand and label
push @override,(-bump=>1,-label=>1);
} elsif ($options == 4) { #hyperexpand
push @override,(-bump => 2);
} elsif ($options == 5) { #hyperexpand and label
push @override,(-bump => 2,-label=>1);
for my $type (@configured_types,@unconfigured_types) {
my $features = $self->features($type);
my @auto_bump;
push @auto_bump,(-bump => @$features < $max_bump) if defined $max_bump;
push @auto_bump,(-label => @$features < $max_label) if defined $max_label;
my @config = ( -glyph => 'segments', # really generic
-bgcolor => $COLORS[$color++ % @COLORS],
-label => 1,
-key => $type,
@base_config, # global
$self->style($type), # feature-specific
if (defined($position_to_insert)) {
} else {
return wantarray ? ($tracks,$panel) : $tracks;
sub _stat {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift;
$self->{stat} = [stat($fh)];
=over 4
=item $error = $features-Eerror([$error])
Get/set the current error message.
sub error {
my $self = shift;
my $d = $self->{error};
$self->{error} = shift if @_;
=over 4
=item $smart_features = $features-Esmart_features([$flag]
Get/set the "smart_features" flag. If this is set, then any features
added to the featurefile object will have their configurator() method
called using the featurefile object as the argument.
sub smart_features {
my $self = shift;
my $d = $self->{smart_features};
$self->{smart_features} = shift if @_;
sub parse_argv {
my $self = shift;
while (<>) {
sub parse_file {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift or return;
while (<$fh>) {
sub parse_text {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
foreach (split /\015?\012|\015\012?/,$text) {
sub parse_line {
my $self = shift;
local $_ = shift;
s/\015//g; # get rid of carriage returns left over by MS-DOS/Windows systems
return if /^\s*[\#]/;
if (/^\s+(.+)/ && $self->{current_tag}) { # continuation line
my $value = $1;
my $cc = $self->{current_config} ||= 'general'; # in case no configuration named
$self->{config}{$cc}{$self->{current_tag}} .= ' ' . $value;
# respect newlines in code subs
$self->{config}{$cc}{$self->{current_tag}} .= "\n"
if $self->{config}{$cc}{$self->{current_tag}}=~ /^sub\s*\{/;
if (/^\s*\[([^\]]+)\]/) { # beginning of a configuration section
my $label = $1;
my $cc = $label =~ /^(general|default)$/i ? 'general' : $label; # normalize
push @{$self->{types}},$cc unless $cc eq 'general';
$self->{current_config} = $cc;
if (/^([\w: -]+?)\s*=\s*(.*)/) { # key value pair within a configuration section
my $tag = lc $1;
my $cc = $self->{current_config} ||= 'general'; # in case no configuration named
my $value = defined $2 ? $2 : '';
$self->{config}{$cc}{$tag} = $value;
$self->{current_tag} = $tag;
if (/^$/) { # empty line
undef $self->{current_tag};
# parse data lines
my @tokens = eval { shellwords($_||'') };
unshift @tokens,'' if /^\s+/;
# close any open group
if (length $tokens[0] > 0 && $self->{group}) {
push @{$self->{features}{$self->{grouptype}}},$self->{group};
undef $self->{group};
undef $self->{grouptype};
if (@tokens < 3) { # short line; assume a group identifier
my $type = shift @tokens;
my $name = shift @tokens;
$self->{group} = Bio::Graphics::Feature->new(-name => $name,
-type => 'group');
$self->{grouptype} = $type;
if (@tokens >= 8) { # conventional GFF file
my ($r,$source,$method,$start,$stop,$score,$s,$phase,@rest) = @tokens;
my $group = join ' ',@rest;
$type = join(':',$method,$source);
$bounds = join '..',$start,$stop;
$strand = $s;
if ($group) {
my ($notes,@notes);
(undef,$self->{groupname},undef,undef,$notes) = split_group($group);
foreach (@$notes) {
if (m!^(http|ftp)://!) { $url = $_ } else { push @notes,$_ }
$description = join '; ',@notes if @notes;
$name ||= $self->{group}->display_id if $self->{group};
$ref = $r;
elsif ($tokens[2] =~ /^([+-.]|[+-]?[01])$/) { # old simplified version
($type,$name,$strand,$bounds,$description,$url) = @tokens;
} else { # new simplified version
($type,$name,$bounds,$description,$url) = @tokens;
$type ||= $self->{grouptype} || '';
$type =~ s/\s+$//; # get rid of excess whitespace
# the reference is specified by the GFF reference line first,
# the last reference line we saw second,
# or the reference line in the "general" section.
local $^W = 0;
$ref ||= $self->{config}{$self->{current_config}}{'reference'}
|| $self->{config}{general}{reference};
$self->{refs}{$ref}++ if defined $ref;
my @parts = map { [/(-?\d+)(?:-|\.\.)(-?\d+)/]} split /(?:,| )\s*/,$bounds;
foreach (@parts) { # max and min calculation, sigh...
$self->{min} = $_->[0] if !defined $self->{min} || $_->[0] < $self->{min};
$self->{max} = $_->[1] if !defined $self->{max} || $_->[1] > $self->{max};
if ($self->{coordinate_mapper} && $ref) {
($ref,@parts) = $self->{coordinate_mapper}->($ref,@parts);
return unless $ref;
$type = '' unless defined $type;
$name = '' unless defined $name;
# attribute handling
my %attributes;
my $score;
if (defined $description && $description =~ /\w+=\w+/) { # attribute line
my @attributes = split /;\s*/,$description;
foreach (@attributes) {
my ($name,$value) = split /=/,$_,2;
Bio::Root::Root->throw(qq("$_" is not a valid attribute=value pair)) unless defined $value;
my @values = split /,/,$value;
if ($name =~ /^(note|description)/) {
$description = "@values";
} elsif ($name eq 'url') {
$url = $value;
} elsif ($name eq 'score') {
$score = $value;
} else {
push @{$attributes{$name}},@values;
# either create a new feature or add a segment to it
if (my $feature = $self->{seenit}{$type,$name}) {
# create a new first part
if (!$feature->segments) {
$feature->add_segment(Bio::Graphics::Feature->new(-type => $feature->type,
-strand => $feature->strand,
-start => $feature->start,
-end => $feature->end));
else {
my @coordinates = @parts > 1 ? (-segments => \@parts) : (-start=>$parts[0][0],-end=>$parts[0][1]);
$feature = $self->{seenit}{$type,$name} =
Bio::Graphics::Feature->new(-name => $name,
-type => $type,
$strand ? (-strand => make_strand($strand)) : (),
defined $score ? (-score=>$score) : (),
-desc => $description,
-ref => $ref,
-attributes => \%attributes,
defined($url) ? (-url => $url) : (),
$feature->configurator($self) if $self->smart_features;
if ($self->{group}) {
} else {
push @{$self->{features}{$type}},$feature; # for speed; should use add_feature() instead
sub _unescape {
foreach (@_) {
tr/+/ /; # pluses become spaces
s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr hex($1)/g;
=over 4
=item $features-Eadd_feature($feature [=E$type])
Add a new Bio::FeatureI object to the set. If $type is specified, the
object will be added with the indicated type. Otherwise, the
feature's primary_tag() method will be invoked to get the type.
# add a feature of given type to our list
# we use the primary_tag() method
sub add_feature {
my $self = shift;
my ($feature,$type) = @_;
$type = $feature->primary_tag unless defined $type;
push @{$self->{features}{$type}},$feature;
=over 4
=item $features-Eadd_type($type=E$hashref)
Add a new feature type to the set. The type is a string, such as
"EST". The hashref is a set of key=Evalue pairs indicating options to
set on the type. Example:
$features->add_type(EST => { glyph => 'generic', fgcolor => 'blue'})
When a feature of type "EST" is rendered, it will use the generic
glyph and have a foreground color of blue.
# Add a type to the list. Hash values are used for key/value pairs
# in the configuration. Call as add_type($type,$configuration) where
# $configuration is a hashref.
sub add_type {
my $self = shift;
my ($type,$type_configuration) = @_;
my $cc = $type =~ /^(general|default)$/i ? 'general' : $type; # normalize
push @{$self->{types}},$cc unless $cc eq 'general' or $self->{config}{$cc};
if (defined $type_configuration) {
for my $tag (keys %$type_configuration) {
$self->{config}{$cc}{lc $tag} = $type_configuration->{$tag};
=over 4
=item $features-Eset($type,$tag,$value)
Change an individual option for a particular type. For example, this
will change the foreground color of EST features to my favorite color:
# change configuration of a type. Call as set($type,$tag,$value)
# $type will be added if not already there.
sub set {
my $self = shift;
croak("Usage: \$featurefile->set(\$type,\$tag,\$value\n")
unless @_ == 3;
my ($type,$tag,$value) = @_;
unless ($self->{config}{$type}) {
return $self->add_type($type,{$tag=>$value});
} else {
$self->{config}{$type}{lc $tag} = $value;
# break circular references
sub destroy {
my $self = shift;
delete $self->{features};
sub DESTROY { shift->destroy(@_) }
=over 4
=item $value = $features-Esetting($stanza =E $option)
In the two-element form, the setting() method returns the value of an
option in the configuration stanza indicated by $stanza. For example:
$value = $features->setting(general => 'height')
will return the value of the "height" option in the [general] stanza.
Call with one element to retrieve all the option names in a stanza:
@options = $features->setting('general');
Call with no elements to retrieve all stanza names:
@stanzas = $features->setting;
sub setting {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->safe) {
} else {
# return configuration information
# arguments are ($type) => returns tags for type
# ($type=>$tag) => returns values of tag on type
sub _setting {
my $self = shift;
my $config = $self->{config} or return;
return keys %{$config} unless @_;
return keys %{$config->{$_[0]}} if @_ == 1;
return $config->{$_[0]}{$_[1]} if @_ > 1;
=over 4
=item $value = $features-Ecode_setting($stanza=E$option);
This works like setting() except that it is also able to evaluate code
references. These are options whose values begin with the characters
"sub {". In this case the value will be passed to an eval() and the
resulting codereference returned. Use this with care!
sub code_setting {
my $self = shift;
my $section = shift;
my $option = shift;
my $setting = $self->_setting($section=>$option);
return unless defined $setting;
return $setting if ref($setting) eq 'CODE';
if ($setting =~ /^\\&(\w+)/) { # coderef in string form
my $subroutine_name = $1;
my $package = $self->base2package;
my $codestring = "\\&${package}\:\:${subroutine_name}";
my $coderef = eval $codestring;
warn $@ if $@;
return $coderef;
elsif ($setting =~ /^sub\s*\{/) {
my $coderef = eval $setting;
warn $@ if $@;
return $coderef;
} else {
return $setting;
=over 4
=item $flag = $features-Esafe([$flag]);
This gets or sets and "safe" flag. If the safe flag is set, then
calls to setting() will invoke code_setting(), allowing values that
begin with the string "sub {" to be interpreted as anonymous
subroutines. This is a potential security risk when used with
untrusted files of features, so use it with care.
sub safe {
my $self = shift;
my $d = $self->{safe};
$self->{safe} = shift if @_;
$self->evaluate_coderefs if $self->{safe} && !$d;
=over 4
=item @args = $features-Estyle($type)
Given a feature type, returns a list of track configuration arguments
suitable for suitable for passing to the
Bio::Graphics::Panel-Eadd_track() method.
# turn configuration into a set of -name=>value pairs suitable for add_track()
sub style {
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $config = $self->{config} or return;
my $hashref = $config->{$type} or return;
return map {("-$_" => $hashref->{$_})} keys %$hashref;
=over 4
=item $glyph = $features-Eglyph($type);
Return the name of the glyph corresponding to the given type (same as
# retrieve just the glyph part of the configuration
sub glyph {
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $config = $self->{config} or return;
my $hashref = $config->{$type} or return;
return $hashref->{glyph};
=over 4
=item @types = $features-Econfigured_types()
Return a list of all the feature types currently known to the feature
file set. Roughly equivalent to:
@types = grep {$_ ne 'general'} $features->setting;
# return list of configured types, in proper order
sub configured_types {
my $self = shift;
my $types = $self->{types} or return;
return @{$types};
=over 4
=item @types = $features-Etypes()
This is similar to the previous method, but will return *all* feature
types, including those that are not configured with a stanza.
sub types {
my $self = shift;
my $features = $self->{features} or return;
return keys %{$features};
=over 4
=item $features = $features-Efeatures($type)
Return a list of all the feature types of type "$type". If the
featurefile object was created by parsing a file or text scalar, then
the features will be of type Bio::Graphics::Feature (which follow the
Bio::FeatureI interface). Otherwise the list will contain objects of
whatever type you added with calls to add_feature().
Two APIs:
1) original API:
# Reference to an array of all features of type "$type"
$features = $features-Efeatures($type)
# Reference to an array of all features of all types
$features = $features-Efeatures()
# A list when called in a list context
@features = $features-Efeatures()
2) Bio::Das::SegmentI API:
@features = $features-Efeatures(-type=>['list','of','types']);
# variants
$features = $features-Efeatures(-type=>['list','of','types']);
$features = $features-Efeatures(-type=>'a type');
$iterator = $features-Efeatures(-type=>'a type',-iterator=>1);
# return features
sub features {
my $self = shift;
my ($types,$iterator,@rest) = $_[0]=~/^-/ ? rearrange([['TYPE','TYPES']],@_) : (\@_);
$types = [$types] if $types && !ref($types);
my @types = ($types && @$types) ? @$types : $self->types;
my @features = map {@{$self->{features}{$_}}} @types;
if ($iterator) {
require Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile::Iterator;
return Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile::Iterator->new(\@features);
return wantarray ? @features : \@features;
=over 4
=item @features = $features-Efeatures($type)
Return a list of all the feature types of type "$type". If the
featurefile object was created by parsing a file or text scalar, then
the features will be of type Bio::Graphics::Feature (which follow the
Bio::FeatureI interface). Otherwise the list will contain objects of
whatever type you added with calls to add_feature().
sub make_strand {
local $^W = 0;
return +1 if $_[0] =~ /^\+/ || $_[0] > 0;
return -1 if $_[0] =~ /^\-/ || $_[0] < 0;
return 0;
=head2 get_seq_stream
Title : get_seq_stream
Usage : $stream = $s->get_seq_stream(@args)
Function: get a stream of features that overlap this segment
Returns : a Bio::SeqIO::Stream-compliant stream
Args : see below
Status : Public
This is the same as feature_stream(), and is provided for Bioperl
compatibility. Use like this:
$stream = $s->get_seq_stream('exon');
while (my $exon = $stream->next_seq) {
print $exon->start,"\n";
sub get_seq_stream {
my $self = shift;
local $^W = 0;
my @args = $_[0] =~ /^-/ ? (@_,-iterator=>1) : (-types=>\@_,-iterator=>1);
=head2 get_feature_stream(), top_SeqFeatures(), all_SeqFeatures()
Provided for compatibility with older BioPerl and/or Bio::DB::GFF
*get_feature_stream = \&get_seq_stream;
*top_SeqFeatures = *all_SeqFeatures = \&features;
=over 4
=item @refs = $features-Erefs
Return the list of reference sequences referred to by this data file.
sub refs {
my $self = shift;
my $refs = $self->{refs} or return;
keys %$refs;
=over 4
=item $min = $features-Emin
Return the minimum coordinate of the leftmost feature in the data set.
sub min { shift->{min} }
=over 4
=item $max = $features-Emax
Return the maximum coordinate of the rightmost feature in the data set.
sub max { shift->{max} }
sub init_parse {
my $s = shift;
$s->{seenit} = {};
$s->{max} = $s->{min} = undef;
$s->{types} = [];
$s->{features} = {};
$s->{config} = {}
sub finish_parse {
my $s = shift;
$s->evaluate_coderefs if $s->safe;
$s->{seenit} = {};
sub evaluate_coderefs {
my $self = shift;
for my $s ($self->_setting) {
for my $o ($self->_setting($s)) {
sub initialize_code {
my $self = shift;
my $package = $self->base2package;
my $init_code = $self->_setting(general => 'init_code') or return;
my $code = "package $package; $init_code; 1;";
eval $code;
warn $@ if $@;
sub base2package {
my $self = shift;
(my $package = overload::StrVal($self)) =~ s/[^a-z0-9A-Z_]/_/g;
$package =~ s/^[^a-zA-Z_]/_/g;
sub split_group {
my $group = shift;
$group =~ s/\\;/$;/g; # protect embedded semicolons in the group
$group =~ s/( \"[^\"]*);([^\"]*\")/$1$;$2/g;
my @groups = split(/\s*;\s*/,$group);
foreach (@groups) { s/$;/;/g }
my ($gclass,$gname,$tstart,$tstop,@notes);
foreach (@groups) {
my ($tag,$value) = /^(\S+)\s*(.*)/;
$value =~ s/\\t/\t/g;
$value =~ s/\\r/\r/g;
$value =~ s/^"//;
$value =~ s/"$//;
# if the tag is "Note", then we add this to the
# notes array
if ($tag eq 'Note') { # just a note, not a group!
push @notes,$value;
# if the tag eq 'Target' then the class name is embedded in the ID
# (the GFF format is obviously screwed up here)
elsif ($tag eq 'Target' && $value =~ /([^:\"]+):([^\"]+)/) {
($gclass,$gname) = ($1,$2);
($tstart,$tstop) = /(\d+) (\d+)/;
elsif (!$value) {
push @notes,$tag; # e.g. "Confirmed_by_EST"
# otherwise, the tag and value correspond to the
# group class and name
else {
($gclass,$gname) = ($tag,$value);
return ($gclass,$gname,$tstart,$tstop,\@notes);
# create a panel if needed
sub new_panel {
my $self = shift;
require Bio::Graphics::Panel;
# general configuration of the image here
my $width = $self->setting(general => 'pixels')
|| $self->setting(general => 'width')
my ($start,$stop);
my $range_expr = '(-?\d+)(?:-|\.\.)(-?\d+)';
if (my $bases = $self->setting(general => 'bases')) {
($start,$stop) = $bases =~ /([\d-]+)(?:-|\.\.)([\d-]+)/;
if (!defined $start || !defined $stop) {
$start = $self->min unless defined $start;
$stop = $self->max unless defined $stop;
my $new_segment = Bio::Graphics::Feature->new(-start=>$start,-stop=>$stop);
my $panel = Bio::Graphics::Panel->new(-segment => $new_segment,
-width => $width,
-key_style => 'between');
=over 4
=item $mtime = $features-Emtime
=item $atime = $features-Eatime
=item $ctime = $features-Ectime
=item $size = $features-Esize
Returns stat() information about the data file, for featurefile
objects created using the -file option. Size is in bytes. mtime,
atime, and ctime are in seconds since the epoch.
sub mtime {
my $self = shift;
my $d = $self->{m_time} || $self->{stat}->[9];
$self->{m_time} = shift if @_;
sub atime { shift->{stat}->[8]; }
sub ctime { shift->{stat}->[10]; }
sub size { shift->{stat}->[7]; }
=over 4
=item $label = $features-Efeature2label($feature)
Given a feature, determines the configuration stanza that bests
describes it. Uses the feature's type() method if it has it (DasI
interface) or its primary_tag() method otherwise.
sub feature2label {
my $self = shift;
my $feature = shift;
my $type = eval {$feature->type} || $feature->primary_tag or return;
(my $basetype = $type) =~ s/:.+$//;
my @labels = $self->type2label($type);
@labels = $self->type2label($basetype) unless @labels;
@labels = ($type) unless @labels;;
wantarray ? @labels : $labels[0];
=over 4
=item $link = $features-Emake_link($feature)
Given a feature, tries to generate a URL to link out from it. This
uses the 'link' option, if one is present. This method is a
convenience for the generic genome browser.
sub make_link {
my $self = shift;
my $feature = shift;
for my $label ($self->feature2label($feature)) {
my $link = $self->setting($label,'link');
$link = $self->setting(general=>'link') unless defined $link;
next unless $link;
return $self->link_pattern($link,$feature);
sub link_pattern {
my $self = shift;
my ($pattern,$feature,$panel) = @_;
require CGI unless defined &CGI::escape;
my $n;
$pattern =~ s/\$(\w+)/
$1 eq 'ref' ? ($n = $feature->location->seq_id) && "$n"
: $1 eq 'name' ? ($n = $feature->display_name) && "$n" # workaround broken CGI.pm
: $1 eq 'class' ? eval {$feature->class} || ''
: $1 eq 'type' ? eval {$feature->method} || $feature->primary_tag
: $1 eq 'method' ? eval {$feature->method} || $feature->primary_tag
: $1 eq 'source' ? eval {$feature->source} || $feature->source_tag
: $1 eq 'start' ? $feature->start
: $1 eq 'end' ? $feature->end
: $1 eq 'stop' ? $feature->end
: $1 eq 'segstart' ? $panel->start
: $1 eq 'segend' ? $panel->end
: $1 eq 'description' ? eval {join '',$feature->notes} || ''
: $1
return $pattern;
# given a feature type, return its label(s)
sub type2label {
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
$self->{_type2label} ||= $self->invert_types;
my @labels = keys %{$self->{_type2label}{$type}};
wantarray ? @labels : $labels[0]
sub invert_types {
my $self = shift;
my $config = $self->{config} or return;
my %inverted;
for my $label (keys %{$config}) {
my $feature = $config->{$label}{feature} or next;
foreach (shellwords($feature||'')) {
=over 4
=item $citation = $features-Ecitation($feature)
Given a feature, tries to generate a citation for it, using the
"citation" option if one is present. This method is a convenience for
the generic genome browser.
# This routine returns the "citation" field. It is here in order to simplify the logic
# a bit in the generic browser
sub citation {
my $self = shift;
my $feature = shift || 'general';
return $self->setting($feature=>'citation');
=over 4
=item $name = $features-Ename([$feature])
Get/set the name of this feature set. This is a convenience method
useful for keeping track of multiple feature sets.
# give this feature file a nickname
sub name {
my $self = shift;
my $d = $self->{name};
$self->{name} = shift if @_;
=head1 Appendix -- Sample Feature File
# file begins
pixels = 1024
bases = 1-20000
reference = Contig41
height = 12
glyph = segments
fgcolor = blue
key = C. elegans conserved regions
glyph = segments
bgcolor= yellow
connector = dashed
height = 5;
glyph = transcript2
bgcolor = green
description = 1
Cosmid B0511 516-619
Cosmid B0511 3185-3294
Cosmid B0511 10946-11208
Cosmid B0511 13126-13511
Cosmid B0511 11394-11539
EST yk260e10.5 15569-15724
EST yk672a12.5 537-618,3187-3294
EST yk595e6.5 552-618
EST yk595e6.5 3187-3294
EST yk846e07.3 11015-11208
EST yk53c10
yk53c10.3 15000-15500,15700-15800
yk53c10.5 18892-19154
EST yk53c10.5 16032-16105
SwissProt PECANEX 13153-13656 Swedish fish
FGENESH Predicted gene 1 1-205,518-616,661-735,3187-3365,3436-3846 Pfam domain
FGENESH Predicted gene 2 5513-6497,7968-8136,8278-8383,8651-8839,9462-9515,10032-10705,10949-11340,11387-11524,11765-12067,12876-13577,13882-14121,14169-14535,15006-15209,15259-15462,15513-15753,15853-16219 Mysterious
FGENESH Predicted gene 3 16626-17396,17451-17597
FGENESH Predicted gene 4 18459-18722,18882-19176,19221-19513,19572-19835 Transmembrane protein
# file ends
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Lincoln Stein Elstein@cshl.orgE.
Copyright (c) 2001 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself. See DISCLAIMER.txt for
disclaimers of warranty.