Raw content of Bio::Graphics::Glyph::segments package Bio::Graphics::Glyph::segments; #$Id: segments.pm,v 2003/07/05 00:32:04 lstein Exp $ use strict; use Bio::Location::Simple; use Bio::Graphics::Glyph::generic; use Bio::Graphics::Glyph::segmented_keyglyph; use vars '@ISA'; use constant RAGGED_START_FUZZ => 25; # will show ragged ends of alignments # up to this many bp. use constant DEBUG => 0; @ISA = qw( Bio::Graphics::Glyph::segmented_keyglyph Bio::Graphics::Glyph::generic ); my %complement = (g=>'c',a=>'t',t=>'a',c=>'g',n=>'n', G=>'C',A=>'T',T=>'A',C=>'G',N=>'N'); sub pad_left { my $self = shift; return $self->SUPER::pad_left unless $self->option('draw_target') && $self->option('ragged_start') && $self->dna_fits; return $self->SUPER::pad_left unless $self->level > 0; my $target = eval {$self->feature->hit} or return $self->SUPER::pad_left; return $self->SUPER::pad_left unless $target->start<$target->end && $target->start < RAGGED_START_FUZZ; return ($target->start-1) * $self->scale; } sub pad_right { my $self = shift; return $self->SUPER::pad_right unless $self->level > 0; return $self->SUPER::pad_right unless $self->option('draw_target') && $self->option('ragged_start') && $self->dna_fits; my $target = eval {$self->feature->hit} or return $self->SUPER::pad_right; return $self->SUPER::pad_right unless $target->end < $target->start && $target->start < RAGGED_START_FUZZ; return ($target->end-1) * $self->scale; } # group sets connector to 'solid' sub connector { my $self = shift; return $self->SUPER::connector(@_) if $self->all_callbacks; return ($self->SUPER::connector(@_) || 'solid'); } # never allow our components to bump sub bump { my $self = shift; return $self->SUPER::bump(@_) if $self->all_callbacks; return 0; } sub fontcolor { my $self = shift; return $self->SUPER::fontcolor unless $self->option('draw_target') || $self->option('draw_dna'); return $self->SUPER::fontcolor unless $self->dna_fits; return $self->bgcolor; } sub draw_component { my $self = shift; my ($draw_dna,$draw_target) = ($self->option('draw_dna'),$self->option('draw_target')); return $self->SUPER::draw_component(@_) unless $draw_dna || $draw_target; return $self->SUPER::draw_component(@_) unless $self->dna_fits; my $dna = $draw_target ? eval {$self->feature->hit->seq} : eval {$self->feature->seq}; return $self->SUPER::draw_component(@_) unless length $dna > 0; # safety my $show_mismatch = $draw_target && $self->option('show_mismatch'); my $genomic = eval {$self->feature->seq} if $show_mismatch; my $gd = shift; my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) = $self->bounds(@_); # adjust for nonaligned left end (for ESTs...) The size given here is roughly sufficient # to show a polyA end or a C. elegans trans-spliced leader. my $offset = 0; eval { # protect against data structures that don't implement the target() method. if ($draw_target && $self->option('ragged_start')){ my $target = $self->feature->hit; if ($target->start < $target->end && $target->start < RAGGED_START_FUZZ && $self->{partno} == 0) { $offset = $target->start - 1; if ($offset > 0) { $dna = $target->subseq(1-$offset,0)->seq . $dna; $genomic = $self->feature->subseq(1-$offset,0)->seq . $genomic; $x1 -= $offset * $self->scale; } } elsif ($target->end < $target->start && $target->end < RAGGED_START_FUZZ && $self->{partno} == $self->{total_parts}) { $offset = $target->end - 1; if ($offset > 0) { $dna .= $target->factory->get_dna($target,$offset,1); $genomic = $self->feature->subseq(-$offset,0)->seq . $genomic; $x2 += $offset * $self->scale; $offset = 0; } } } }; $self->draw_dna($gd,$offset,lc $dna,lc $genomic,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2); } sub draw_dna { my $self = shift; my ($gd,$start_offset,$dna,$genomic,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) = @_; my $pixels_per_base = $self->scale; my $feature = $self->feature; my $target = $feature->target; my $strand = $feature->strand; my @segs; my $complement = $strand < 0; if ($self->{flip}) { $dna = $self->reversec($dna); $genomic = $self->reversec($genomic); $strand *= -1; } warn "strand = $strand, complement = $complement" if DEBUG; if ($genomic && length($genomic) != length($dna) && eval { require Bio::Graphics::Browser::Realign}) { warn "$genomic\n$dna\n" if DEBUG; warn "strand = $strand" if DEBUG; @segs = Bio::Graphics::Browser::Realign::align_segs($genomic,$dna); for my $seg (@segs) { my $src = substr($genomic,$seg->[0],$seg->[1]-$seg->[0]+1); my $tgt = substr($dna, $seg->[2],$seg->[3]-$seg->[2]+1); warn "@$seg\n$src\n$tgt" if DEBUG; } } else { @segs = [0,length($genomic)-1,0,length($dna)-1]; } my $color = $self->fgcolor; my $font = $self->font; my $lineheight = $font->height; my $fontwidth = $font->width; $y1 -= $lineheight/2 - 3; my $pink = $self->factory->translate_color('lightpink'); my $panel_end = $self->panel->right; my $start = $self->map_no_trunc($self->feature->start- $start_offset); my $end = $self->map_no_trunc($self->feature->end - $start_offset); my ($last,$tlast); for my $seg (@segs) { # fill in misaligned bits with dashes and bases if (defined $last) { my $delta = $seg->[0] - $last - 1; my $tdelta = $seg->[2] - $tlast - 1; warn "src gap [$last,$seg->[0]], tgt gap [$tlast,$seg->[2]], delta = $delta, tdelta = $tdelta\n" if DEBUG; my $gaps = $delta - $tdelta; my @fill_in = split '',substr($dna,$tlast+1,$tdelta) if $tdelta > 0; unshift @fill_in,('-')x$gaps if $gaps > 0; warn "gaps = $gaps, fill_in = @fill_in\n" if DEBUG; my $distance = $pixels_per_base * ($delta+1); my $pixels_per_target = $gaps >= 0 ? $pixels_per_base : $distance/(@fill_in+1); warn "pixels_per_base = $pixels_per_base, pixels_per_target=$pixels_per_target\n" if DEBUG; my $offset = $self->{flip} ? $end + ($last-1)*$pixels_per_base : $start + $last*$pixels_per_base; for (my $i=0; $i<@fill_in; $i++) { my $x = $self->{flip} ? int($offset + ($i+1)*$pixels_per_target + 0.5) : int($offset + ($i+1)*$pixels_per_target + 0.5); $self->filled_box($gd,$x,$y1+3,$x+$fontwidth,$y1+$lineheight-3,$pink,$pink) unless $gaps; $gd->char($font,$x,$y1,$complement? $complement{$fill_in[$i]} : $fill_in[$i],$color); } } my @genomic = split '',substr($genomic,$seg->[0],$seg->[1]-$seg->[0]+1); my @bases = split '',substr($dna, $seg->[2],$seg->[3]-$seg->[2]+1); for (my $i = 0; $i<@bases; $i++) { my $x = $self->{flip} ? int($end + ($seg->[0] + $i - 1)*$pixels_per_base + 0.5) : int($start + ($seg->[0] + $i) *$pixels_per_base + 0.5); next if $x+1 < $x1; last if $x+1 > $x2; if ($genomic[$i] && lc($bases[$i]) ne lc($complement ? $complement{$genomic[@genomic - $i - 1]} : $genomic[$i])) { $self->filled_box($gd,$x,$y1+3,$x+$fontwidth,$y1+$lineheight-3,$pink,$pink); } $gd->char($font,$x,$y1,$complement ? $complement{$bases[$i]} || $bases[$i] : $bases[$i],$color); } $last = $seg->[1]; $tlast = $seg->[3]; } } # Override _subseq() method to make it appear that a top-level feature that # has no subfeatures appears as a feature that has a single subfeature. # Otherwise at high mags gaps will be drawn as components rather than # as connectors. Because of differing representations of split features # in Bio::DB::GFF::Feature and Bio::SeqFeature::Generic, there is # some breakage of encapsulation here. sub _subseq { my $self = shift; my $feature = shift; my @subseq = $self->SUPER::_subseq($feature); return @subseq if @subseq; if ($self->level == 0 && !@subseq && !eval{$feature->compound}) { my($start,$end) = ($feature->start,$feature->end); ($start,$end) = ($end,$start) if $start > $end; # to keep Bio::Location::Simple from bitching # return Bio::Location::Simple->new(-start=>$start,-end=>$end); return $self->feature; } else { return; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Bio::Graphics::Glyph::segments - The "segments" glyph =head1 SYNOPSIS See L<Bio::Graphics::Panel> and L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph>. =head1 DESCRIPTION This glyph is used for drawing features that consist of discontinuous segments. Unlike "graded_segments" or "alignment", the segments are a uniform color and not dependent on the score of the segment. =head2 OPTIONS The following options are standard among all Glyphs. See L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph> for a full explanation. Option Description Default ------ ----------- ------- -fgcolor Foreground color black -outlinecolor Synonym for -fgcolor -bgcolor Background color turquoise -fillcolor Synonym for -bgcolor -linewidth Line width 1 -height Height of glyph 10 -font Glyph font gdSmallFont -connector Connector type 0 (false) -connector_color Connector color black -label Whether to draw a label 0 (false) -description Whether to draw a description 0 (false) -strand_arrow Whether to indicate 0 (false) strandedness -draw_dna If true, draw the dna residues 0 (false) when magnification level allows. -draw_target If true, draw the dna residues 0 (false) of the TARGET sequence when magnification level allows. SEE NOTE. -ragged_start When combined with -draw_target, 0 (false) draw a few bases beyond the end of the alignment. SEE NOTE. -show_mismatch When combined with -draw_target, 0 (false) highlights mismatched bases in pink. SEE NOTE. The -draw_target and -ragged_start options only work with seqfeatures that implement the hit() method (Bio::SeqFeature::SimilarityPair). The -ragged_start option is mostly useful for looking for polyAs and cloning sites at the beginning of ESTs and cDNAs. Currently there is no way of activating ragged ends. The length of the ragged starts is hard-coded at 25 bp, and the color of mismatches is hard-coded as light pink. =head1 BUGS Please report them. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Bio::Graphics::Panel>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::arrow>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::cds>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::crossbox>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::diamond>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::dna>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::dot>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ellipse>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::extending_arrow>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::generic>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::graded_segments>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::heterogeneous_segments>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::line>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::pinsertion>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::primers>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::rndrect>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::segments>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ruler_arrow>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::toomany>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::transcript>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::transcript2>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::translation>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::triangle>, L<Bio::DB::GFF>, L<Bio::SeqI>, L<Bio::SeqFeatureI>, L<Bio::Das>, L<GD> =head1 AUTHOR Lincoln Stein E<lt>lstein@cshl.orgE<gt> Copyright (c) 2001 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty. =cut