Raw content of Bio::LiveSeq::AARange # $Id: AARange.pm,v 1.10 2001/10/22 08:22:49 heikki Exp $ # # bioperl module for Bio::LiveSeq::AARange # # Cared for by Joseph Insana <insana@ebi.ac.uk> <jinsana@gmx.net> # # Copyright Joseph Insana # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::LiveSeq::AARange - AARange abstract class for LiveSeq =head1 SYNOPSIS #documentation needed =head1 DESCRIPTION This is used as possible parent for aminoacid range object classes. Or it can be used straight away to define aminoacid ranges. The idea is that the ranges defined are attached to a Translation object and they refer to its coordinate-system when they are first created (via the new() method). When they are created they are anyway linked to the underlying DNA LiveSeq by way of the LiveSeq labels. This allows to preserve the ranges even if the numbering changes in the Translation due to deletions or insertions. The protein sequence associated with the AARange can be accessed via the usual seq() or subseq() methods. The start and end of the AARange in protein coordinate system can be fetched with aa_start() and aa_end() methods. Note: the behaviour of these methods would be influenced by the coordinate_start set in the corresponding Translation object. This can be desirable but can also lead to confusion if the coordinate_start had been changed and the original position of the AARange was to be retrieved. start() and end() methods of the AARange will point to the labels identifying the first nucleotide of the first and last triplet coding for the start and end of the AminoAcidRange. The underlying nucleotide sequence of the AARange can be retrieved with the labelsubseq() method. This would retrieve the whole DNA sequence, including possible introns. This is called "DNA_sequence". To fetch the nucleotide sequence of the Transcript, without introns, the labelsubseq() of the attached Transcript (the Transcript the Translation comes from) has to be accessed. This is called "cDNA_sequence". Here are the operations to retrieve these latter two kinds of sequences: $startlabel=$AARange->start; $endtripletlabel=$AARange->end; $endlabel=$AARange->{'seq'}->label(3,$endtripletlabel,$AARange->strand); $dnaseq=$AARange->labelsubseq($startlabel,undef,$endlabel)); $cdnaseq=$AARange->get_Transcript->labelsubseq($startlabel,undef,$endlabel); To simplify, these operations have been included in two additional methods: dna_seq() and cdna_seq(). These would return the whole sequence, as in the examples above. But the above general scheme can be used by specifying different labels, to retrieve hypothetical subsequences of interest. =head1 AUTHOR - Joseph A.L. Insana Email: Insana@ebi.ac.uk, jinsana@gmx.net Address: EMBL Outstation, European Bioinformatics Institute Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton Cambs. CB10 1SD, United Kingdom =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::LiveSeq::AARange; $VERSION=1.8; # Version history: # Wed Apr 19 15:10:29 BST 2000 v 1.0 begun # Wed Apr 19 17:26:58 BST 2000 v 1.4 new, aa_start, aa_end, seq, length created # Wed Apr 19 19:57:42 BST 2000 v 1.5 subseq position label added # Thu Apr 20 16:13:58 BST 2000 v 1.7 added: documentation, dna_seq, cdna_seq # Wed Mar 28 16:58:02 BST 2001 v 1.8 carp -> warn,throw (coded methods in SeqI) use strict; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA); use Bio::LiveSeq::SeqI 3.2; # uses SeqI, inherits from it @ISA=qw(Bio::LiveSeq::SeqI); =head2 new Title : new Usage : $aarange = Bio::LiveSeq::AARange->new(-translation => $obj_ref, -start => $beginaa, -end => $endaa, -name => "ABCD", -description => "DCBA", -translength => $length); Function: generates a new AminoAcidRange LiveSeq object Returns : reference to a new object of class AARange Errorcode -1 Args : two positions in AminoAcid coordinate numbering an object reference specifying to which translation the aminoacid ranges refer to a name and a description (optional) an optional "translength" argument: this can be given when a lot of AARanges are to be created at the same time for the same Translation object, calculating it with $translation->length This would increase the speed, avoiding the new() function to calculate everytime the same length again and again for every obj. =cut sub new { my ($thing, %args) = @_; my $class = ref($thing) || $thing; my ($obj,%range); $obj = \%range; $obj = bless $obj, $class; my $self=$obj; my ($translation,$start,$end,$name,$description,$translength)=($args{-translation},$args{-start},$args{-end},$args{-name},$args{-description},$args{-translength}); unless (($translation)&&(ref($translation) eq "Bio::LiveSeq::Translation")) { $self->warn("No -translation or wrong type given"); return (-1); } unless ($translength) { # if it's not given, fetch it $translength=$translation->length; } my $seq=$translation->{'seq'}; if (($start < 1)&&($start > $translength)) { $self->warn("$class not initialised because start aminoacid position not valid"); return (-1); } if (($end < 1)&&($end > $translength)) { $self->warn("$class not initialised because end aminoacid position not valid"); return (-1); } if ($start > $end) { $self->warn("$class not initialised because start position > end position!"); return (-1); } my ($starttripletlabel,$endtripletlabel); if ($start == $end) { # trick to increase speed $starttripletlabel=$endtripletlabel=$translation->label($start); } else { ($starttripletlabel,$endtripletlabel)=($translation->label($start),$translation->label($end)); } unless (($starttripletlabel > 0)&&($endtripletlabel > 0)) { $self->warn("$class not initialised because of problems in retrieving start or end label!"); return (-1); } # unsure if needed: #my $endlabel=$seq->label(3,$endtripletlabel); # to get the real end #unless ($endlabel > 0) { #carp "$class not initialised because of problems retrieving the last nucleotide of the triplet coding for the end aminoacid"; #return (-1); #} $self->{'seq'}=$seq; $self->{'start'}=$starttripletlabel; $self->{'end'}=$endtripletlabel; $self->{'strand'}=$translation->strand; $self->{'translation'}=$translation; $self->{'name'}=$name; $self->{'description'}=$description; $self->{'alphabet'}="protein"; return $obj; } sub coordinate_start { my $self=shift; $self->warn("Cannot perform this operation in an AminoAcidRange object!"); return (-1); } sub all_labels { my $self=shift; $self->warn("Cannot perform this operation in an AminoAcidRange object!"); return (-1); } sub valid { my $self=shift; $self->warn("Cannot perform this operation in an AminoAcidRange object!"); return (-1); } =head2 get_Transcript Title : valid Usage : $transcript = $obj->get_Transcript() Function: retrieves the reference to the object of class Transcript (if any) attached to a LiveSeq object Returns : object reference Args : none =cut sub get_Transcript { my $self=shift; return ($self->get_Translation->get_Transcript); } =head2 get_Translation Title : valid Usage : $translation = $obj->get_Translation() Function: retrieves the reference to the object of class Translation (if any) attached to a LiveSeq object Returns : object reference Args : none =cut sub get_Translation { my $self=shift; return ($self->{'translation'}); } sub change { my $self=shift; $self->warn("Cannot change an AminoAcidRange object!"); return (-1); } sub positionchange { my $self=shift; $self->warn("Cannot change an AminoAcidRange object!"); return (-1); } sub labelchange { my $self=shift; $self->warn("Cannot change an AminoAcidRange object!"); return (-1); } sub subseq { my ($self,$pos1,$pos2,$length) = @_; if (defined ($length)) { if ($length < 1) { $self->warn("No sense asking for a subseq of length < 1"); return (-1); } } unless (defined ($pos1)) { $pos1=1; } elsif ($pos1 < 1) { # if position out of boundaries $self->warn("Starting position for AARange cannot be < 1!"); return (-1); if ((defined ($pos2))&&($pos1>$pos2)) { $self->warn("1st position($pos1) cannot be > 2nd position($pos2)!"); return (-1); } } my $seq=$self->seq; my $objlength=length($seq); unless (defined ($length)) { $length=$objlength-$pos1+1; } if (defined ($pos2)) { if ($pos2 > $objlength) { # if position out of boundaries $self->warn("Ending position for AARange cannot be > length of AARange!"); return (-1); } $length=$pos2-$pos1+1; if ((defined ($pos1))&&($pos1>$pos2)) { $self->warn("1st position($pos1) cannot be > 2nd position($pos2)!"); return (-1); } } my $str=substr($seq,$pos1-1,$length); if (length($str) < $length) { $self->warn("Attention, cannot return the length requested for subseq",1); } return $str; } sub seq { my $self=shift; my ($aa_start,$aa_end)=($self->aa_start,$self->aa_end); unless (($aa_start)&&($aa_end)) { # they must both exist $self->warn("Not able to find start or end of the AminoAcid Range"); return (0); } my $translseq=$self->get_Translation->seq; return substr($translseq,$aa_start-1,$aa_end-$aa_start+1); # Note: it will return "undef" if the translation stops before the start # of the aarange (because of upstream nonsense mutation creating STOP). # For the same reason it would return uncomplete (up to the STOP) string # if the stop happens in between aarange's start and stop } sub length { my $self=shift; my $seq=$self->seq; my $length=length($seq); return $length; } sub label { my ($self,$position)=@_; my $translation=$self->get_Translation; my $origstart=$translation->coordinate_start; # preserve it $translation->coordinate_start($self->start); # change it my $label=$translation->label($position); $translation->coordinate_start($origstart); # restore it return ($label); } sub position { my ($self,$label)=@_; my $translation=$self->get_Translation; my $origstart=$translation->coordinate_start; # preserve it $translation->coordinate_start($self->start); # change it my $position=$translation->position($label); $translation->coordinate_start($origstart); # restore it return ($position); } =head2 aa_start Title : aa_start Usage : $end = $aarange->aa_start() Returns : integer (position, according to Translation coordinate system) of the start of an AminoAcidRange object Args : none =cut sub aa_start { my $self=shift; my $aastart=$self->get_Translation->position($self->{'start'}); } =head2 aa_end Title : aa_end Usage : $end = $aarange->aa_end() Returns : integer (position, according to Translation coordinate system) of the end of an AminoAcidRange object Args : none =cut sub aa_end { my $self=shift; my $aastart=$self->get_Translation->position($self->{'end'}); } =head2 dna_seq Title : dna_seq Usage : $end = $aarange->dna_seq() Returns : the sequence at DNA level of the entire AminoAcidRange this would include introns (if present) Args : none =cut sub dna_seq { my $self=shift; my $startlabel=$self->start; my $endtripletlabel=$self->end; my $endlabel=$self->{'seq'}->label(3,$endtripletlabel,$self->strand); return ($self->labelsubseq($startlabel,undef,$endlabel)); } =head2 cdna_seq Title : cdna_seq Usage : $end = $aarange->cdna_seq() Returns : the sequence at cDNA level of the entire AminoAcidRange i.e. this is the part of the Transcript that codes for the AminoAcidRange. It would be composed just of exonic DNA. Args : none =cut sub cdna_seq { my $self=shift; my $startlabel=$self->start; my $endtripletlabel=$self->end; my $endlabel=$self->{'seq'}->label(3,$endtripletlabel,$self->strand); return ($self->get_Transcript->labelsubseq($startlabel,undef,$endlabel)); } # this checks if the attached Transcript has a Gene object attached sub gene { my ($self,$value) = @_; if (defined $value) { $self->{'gene'} = $value; } unless (exists $self->{'gene'}) { unless (exists $self->get_Transcript->{'gene'}) { return (0); } else { return ($self->get_Transcript->{'gene'}); } } else { return $self->{'gene'}; } } 1;