Raw content of Bio::RangeI # $Id: RangeI.pm,v 1.30 2002/11/05 02:55:12 lapp Exp $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::RangeI # # Cared for by Lehvaslaiho <heikki@ebi.ac.uk> # # Copyright Matthew Pocock # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::RangeI - Range interface =head1 SYNOPSIS #Do not run this module directly =head1 DESCRIPTION This provides a standard BioPerl range interface that should be implemented by any object that wants to be treated as a range. This serves purely as an abstract base class for implementers and can not be instantiated. Ranges are modeled as having (start, end, length, strand). They use Bio-coordinates - all points E<gt>= start and E<lt>= end are within the range. End is always greater-than or equal-to start, and length is greather than or equal to 1. The behaviour of a range is undefined if ranges with negative numbers or zero are used. So, in summary: length = end - start + 1 end >= start strand = (-1 | 0 | +1) =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bio.perl.org/MailList.html - About the mailing lists =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via email or the web: bioperl-bugs@bio.perl.org http://bugzilla.bioperl.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Heikki Lehvaslaiho Email: heikki@ebi.ac.uk =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Juha Muilu (muilu@ebi.ac.uk) =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut package Bio::RangeI; use strict; use Carp; use Bio::Root::RootI; use vars qw(@ISA); use integer; use vars qw( @ISA %STRAND_OPTIONS ); @ISA = qw( Bio::Root::RootI ); BEGIN { # STRAND_OPTIONS contains the legal values for the strand options %STRAND_OPTIONS = map { $_, '_'.$_ } ( 'strong', # ranges must have the same strand 'weak', # ranges must have the same strand or no strand 'ignore', # ignore strand information ); } # utility methods # # returns true if strands are equal and non-zero sub _strong { my ($r1, $r2) = @_; my ($s1, $s2) = ($r1->strand(), $r2->strand()); return 1 if $s1 != 0 && $s1 == $s2; } # returns true if strands are equal or either is zero sub _weak { my ($r1, $r2) = @_; my ($s1, $s2) = ($r1->strand(), $r2->strand()); return 1 if $s1 == 0 || $s2 == 0 || $s1 == $s2; } # returns true for any strandedness sub _ignore { return 1; } # works out what test to use for the strictness and returns true/false # e.g. $r1->_testStrand($r2, 'strong') sub _testStrand() { my ($r1, $r2, $comp) = @_; return 1 unless $comp; my $func = $STRAND_OPTIONS{$comp}; return $r1->$func($r2); } =head1 Abstract methods These methods must be implemented in all subclasses. =head2 start Title : start Usage : $start = $range->start(); Function: get/set the start of this range Returns : the start of this range Args : optionaly allows the start to be set using $range->start($start) =cut sub start { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } =head2 end Title : end Usage : $end = $range->end(); Function: get/set the end of this range Returns : the end of this range Args : optionaly allows the end to be set using $range->end($end) =cut sub end { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } =head2 length Title : length Usage : $length = $range->length(); Function: get/set the length of this range Returns : the length of this range Args : optionaly allows the length to be set using $range->length($length) =cut sub length { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } =head2 strand Title : strand Usage : $strand = $range->strand(); Function: get/set the strand of this range Returns : the strandidness (-1, 0, +1) Args : optionaly allows the strand to be set using $range->strand($strand) =cut sub strand { shift->throw_not_implemented(); } =head1 Boolean Methods These methods return true or false. They throw an error if start and end are not defined. $range->overlaps($otherRange) && print "Ranges overlap\n"; =head2 overlaps Title : overlaps Usage : if($r1->overlaps($r2)) { do stuff } Function: tests if $r2 overlaps $r1 Args : arg #1 = a range to compare this one to (mandatory) arg #2 = strand option ('strong', 'weak', 'ignore') (optional) Returns : true if the ranges overlap, false otherwise =cut sub overlaps { my ($self, $other, $so) = @_; $self->throw("start is undefined") unless defined $self->start; $self->throw("end is undefined") unless defined $self->end; $self->throw("not a Bio::RangeI object") unless defined $other && $other->isa('Bio::RangeI'); $other->throw("start is undefined") unless defined $other->start; $other->throw("end is undefined") unless defined $other->end; return ($self->_testStrand($other, $so) and not ( ($self->start() > $other->end() or $self->end() < $other->start() ) )); } =head2 contains Title : contains Usage : if($r1->contains($r2) { do stuff } Function: tests whether $r1 totally contains $r2 Args : arg #1 = a range to compare this one to (mandatory) alternatively, integer scalar to test arg #2 = strand option ('strong', 'weak', 'ignore') (optional) Returns : true if the argument is totaly contained within this range =cut sub contains { my ($self, $other, $so) = @_; $self->throw("start is undefined") unless defined $self->start; $self->throw("end is undefined") unless defined $self->end; if(defined $other && ref $other) { # a range object? $other->throw("Not a Bio::RangeI object") unless $other->isa('Bio::RangeI'); $other->throw("start is undefined") unless defined $other->start; $other->throw("end is undefined") unless defined $other->end; return ($self->_testStrand($other, $so) and $other->start() >= $self->start() and $other->end() <= $self->end()); } else { # a scalar? $self->throw("'$other' is not an integer.\n") unless $other =~ /^[-+]?\d+$/; return ($other >= $self->start() and $other <= $self->end()); } } =head2 equals Title : equals Usage : if($r1->equals($r2)) Function: test whether $r1 has the same start, end, length as $r2 Args : a range to test for equality Returns : true if they are describing the same range =cut sub equals { my ($self, $other, $so) = @_; $self->throw("start is undefined") unless defined $self->start; $self->throw("end is undefined") unless defined $self->end; $other->throw("Not a Bio::RangeI object") unless $other->isa('Bio::RangeI'); $other->throw("start is undefined") unless defined $other->start; $other->throw("end is undefined") unless defined $other->end; return ($self->_testStrand($other, $so) and $self->start() == $other->start() and $self->end() == $other->end() ); } =head1 Geometrical methods These methods do things to the geometry of ranges, and return Bio::RangeI compliant objects or triplets (start, stop, strand) from which new ranges could be built. =head2 intersection Title : intersection Usage : ($start, $stop, $strand) = $r1->intersection($r2) Function: gives the range that is contained by both ranges Args : arg #1 = a range to compare this one to (mandatory) arg #2 = strand option ('strong', 'weak', 'ignore') (optional) Returns : undef if they do not overlap, or the range that they do overlap (in an objectlike the calling one) =cut sub intersection { my ($self, $other, $so) = @_; return unless $self->_testStrand($other, $so); $self->throw("start is undefined") unless defined $self->start; $self->throw("end is undefined") unless defined $self->end; $other->throw("Not a Bio::RangeI object") unless $other->isa('Bio::RangeI'); $other->throw("start is undefined") unless defined $other->start; $other->throw("end is undefined") unless defined $other->end; my @start = sort {$a<=>$b} ($self->start(), $other->start()); my @end = sort {$a<=>$b} ($self->end(), $other->end()); my $start = pop @start; my $end = shift @end; my $union_strand; # Strand for the union range object. if($self->strand == $other->strand) { $union_strand = $other->strand; } else { $union_strand = 0; } if($start > $end) { return undef; } else { return $self->new('-start' => $start, '-end' => $end, '-strand' => $union_strand ); #return ($start, $end, $union_strand); } } =head2 union Title : union Usage : ($start, $stop, $strand) = $r1->union($r2); : ($start, $stop, $strand) = Bio::RangeI->union(@ranges); my $newrange = Bio::RangeI->union(@ranges); Function: finds the minimal range that contains all of the ranges Args : a range or list of ranges to find the union of Returns : the range object containing all of the ranges =cut sub union { my $self = shift; my @ranges = @_; if(ref $self) { unshift @ranges, $self; } my @start = sort {$a<=>$b} map( { $_->start() } @ranges); my @end = sort {$a<=>$b} map( { $_->end() } @ranges); my $start = shift @start; while( !defined $start ) { $start = shift @start; } my $end = pop @end; my $union_strand; # Strand for the union range object. foreach(@ranges) { if(! defined $union_strand) { $union_strand = $_->strand; next; } else { if($union_strand ne $_->strand) { $union_strand = 0; last; } } } return undef unless $start or $end; if( wantarray() ) { return ( $start,$end,$union_strand); } else { return $self->new('-start' => $start, '-end' => $end, '-strand' => $union_strand ); } } =head2 overlap_extent Title : overlap_extent Usage : ($a_unique,$common,$b_unique) = $a->overlap_extent($b) Function: Provides actual amount of overlap between two different ranges. Example : Returns : array of values for - the amount unique to a - the amount common to both - the amount unique to b Args : a range =cut sub overlap_extent{ my ($a,$b) = @_; $a->throw("start is undefined") unless defined $a->start; $a->throw("end is undefined") unless defined $a->end; $b->throw("Not a Bio::RangeI object") unless $b->isa('Bio::RangeI'); $b->throw("start is undefined") unless defined $b->start; $b->throw("end is undefined") unless defined $b->end; my ($au,$bu,$is,$ie); if( ! $a->overlaps($b) ) { return ($a->length,0,$b->length); } if( $a->start < $b->start ) { $au = $b->start - $a->start; } else { $bu = $a->start - $b->start; } if( $a->end > $b->end ) { $au += $a->end - $b->end; } else { $bu += $b->end - $a->end; } my $intersect = $a->intersection($b); $ie = $intersect->end; $is = $intersect->start; return ($au,$ie-$is+1,$bu); } 1;