Raw content of Bio::SearchIO::SearchResultEventBuilder # $Id: SearchResultEventBuilder.pm,v 2003/01/17 20:32:54 jason Exp $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::SearchIO::SearchResultEventBuilder # # Cared for by Jason Stajich <jason@bioperl.org> # # Copyright Jason Stajich # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::SearchIO::SearchResultEventBuilder - Event Handler for SearchIO events. =head1 SYNOPSIS # Do not use this object directly, this object is part of the SearchIO # event based parsing system. =head1 DESCRIPTION This object handles Search Events generated by the SearchIO classes and build appropriate Bio::Search::* objects from them. =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/MailList.shtml - About the mailing lists =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via email or the web: bioperl-bugs@bioperl.org http://bugzilla.bioperl.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich Email jason@bioperl.org Describe contact details here =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Additional contributors names and emails here =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::SearchIO::SearchResultEventBuilder; use vars qw(@ISA %KNOWNEVENTS); use strict; use Bio::Root::Root; use Bio::SearchIO::EventHandlerI; use Bio::Search::HSP::HSPFactory; use Bio::Search::Hit::HitFactory; use Bio::Search::Result::ResultFactory; @ISA = qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::SearchIO::EventHandlerI); =head2 new Title : new Usage : my $obj = new Bio::SearchIO::SearchResultEventBuilder(); Function: Builds a new Bio::SearchIO::SearchResultEventBuilder object Returns : Bio::SearchIO::SearchResultEventBuilder Args : -hsp_factory => Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI -hit_factory => Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI -result_factory => Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI See L<Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI> for more information =cut sub new { my ($class,@args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); my ($hspF,$hitF,$resultF) = $self->_rearrange([qw(HSP_FACTORY HIT_FACTORY RESULT_FACTORY)],@args); $self->register_factory('hsp', $hspF || Bio::Search::HSP::HSPFactory->new()); $self->register_factory('hit', $hitF || Bio::Search::Hit::HitFactory->new()); $self->register_factory('result', $resultF || Bio::Search::Result::ResultFactory->new()); return $self; } # new comes from the superclass =head2 will_handle Title : will_handle Usage : if( $handler->will_handle($event_type) ) { ... } Function: Tests if this event builder knows how to process a specific event Returns : boolean Args : event type name =cut sub will_handle{ my ($self,$type) = @_; # these are the events we recognize return ( $type eq 'hsp' || $type eq 'hit' || $type eq 'result' ); } =head2 SAX methods =cut =head2 start_result Title : start_result Usage : $handler->start_result($resulttype) Function: Begins a result event cycle Returns : none Args : Type of Report =cut sub start_result { my ($self,$type) = @_; $self->{'_resulttype'} = $type; $self->{'_hits'} = []; $self->{'_hsps'} = []; return; } =head2 end_result Title : end_result Usage : my @results = $parser->end_result Function: Finishes a result handler cycle Returns : A Bio::Search::Result::ResultI Args : none =cut sub end_result { my ($self,$type,$data) = @_; if( defined $data->{'runid'} && $data->{'runid'} !~ /^\s+$/ ) { if( $data->{'runid'} !~ /^lcl\|/) { $data->{"RESULT-query_name"}= $data->{'runid'}; } else { ($data->{"RESULT-query_name"},$data->{"RESULT-query_description"}) = split(/\s+/,$data->{"RESULT-query_description"},2); } if( my @a = split(/\|/,$data->{'RESULT-query_name'}) ) { my $acc = pop @a ; # this is for accession |1234|gb|AAABB1.1|AAABB1 # this is for |123|gb|ABC1.1| $acc = pop @a if( ! defined $acc || $acc =~ /^\s+$/); $data->{"RESULT-query_accession"}= $acc; } delete $data->{'runid'}; } my %args = map { my $v = $data->{$_}; s/RESULT//; ($_ => $v); } grep { /^RESULT/ } keys %{$data}; $args{'-algorithm'} = uc( $args{'-algorithm_name'} || $data->{'RESULT-algorithm_name'} || $type); $args{'-hits'} = $self->{'_hits'}; my $result = $self->factory('result')->create(%args); $self->{'_hits'} = []; return $result; } =head2 start_hsp Title : start_hsp Usage : $handler->start_hsp($name,$data) Function: Begins processing a HSP event Returns : none Args : type of element associated data (hashref) =cut sub start_hsp { my ($self,@args) = @_; return; } =head2 end_hsp Title : end_hsp Usage : $handler->end_hsp() Function: Finish processing a HSP event Returns : none Args : type of event and associated hashref =cut sub end_hsp { my ($self,$type,$data) = @_; # this code is to deal with the fact that Blast XML data # always has start < end and one has to infer strandedness # from the frame which is a problem for the Search::HSP object # which expect to be able to infer strand from the order of # of the begin/end of the query and hit coordinates if( defined $data->{'HSP-query_frame'} && # this is here to protect from undefs (( $data->{'HSP-query_frame'} < 0 && $data->{'HSP-query_start'} < $data->{'HSP-query_end'} ) || $data->{'HSP-query_frame'} > 0 && ( $data->{'HSP-query_start'} > $data->{'HSP-query_end'} ) ) ) { # swap ($data->{'HSP-query_start'}, $data->{'HSP-query_end'}) = ($data->{'HSP-query_end'}, $data->{'HSP-query_start'}); } if( defined $data->{'HSP-hit_frame'} && # this is here to protect from undefs ((defined $data->{'HSP-hit_frame'} && $data->{'HSP-hit_frame'} < 0 && $data->{'HSP-hit_start'} < $data->{'HSP-hit_end'} ) || defined $data->{'HSP-hit_frame'} && $data->{'HSP-hit_frame'} > 0 && ( $data->{'HSP-hit_start'} > $data->{'HSP-hit_end'} ) ) ) { # swap ($data->{'HSP-hit_start'}, $data->{'HSP-hit_end'}) = ($data->{'HSP-hit_end'}, $data->{'HSP-hit_start'}); } $data->{'HSP-query_frame'} ||= 0; $data->{'HSP-hit_frame'} ||= 0; # handle Blast 2.1.2 which did not support data member: hsp_align-len $data->{'HSP-query_length'} ||= length ($data->{'HSP-query_seq'} || ''); $data->{'HSP-hit_length'} ||= length ($data->{'HSP-hit_seq'} || ''); $data->{'HSP-hsp_length'} ||= length ($data->{'HSP-homology_seq'} || ''); my %args = map { my $v = $data->{$_}; s/HSP//; ($_ => $v) } grep { /^HSP/ } keys %{$data}; $args{'-algorithm'} = uc( $args{'-algorithm_name'} || $data->{'RESULT-algorithm_name'} || $type); # copy this over from result $args{'-query_name'} = $data->{'RESULT-query_name'}; $args{'-hit_name'} = $data->{'HIT-name'}; my ($rank) = scalar @{$self->{'_hsps'}} + 1; $args{'-rank'} = $rank; my $hsp = $self->factory('hsp')->create(%args); push @{$self->{'_hsps'}}, $hsp; return $hsp; } =head2 start_hit Title : start_hit Usage : $handler->start_hit() Function: Starts a Hit event cycle Returns : none Args : type of event and associated hashref =cut sub start_hit{ my ($self,$type) = @_; $self->{'_hsps'} = []; return; } =head2 end_hit Title : end_hit Usage : $handler->end_hit() Function: Ends a Hit event cycle Returns : Bio::Search::Hit::HitI object Args : type of event and associated hashref =cut sub end_hit{ my ($self,$type,$data) = @_; my %args = map { my $v = $data->{$_}; s/HIT//; ($_ => $v); } grep { /^HIT/ } keys %{$data}; # I hate special cases, but this is here because NCBI BLAST XML # doesn't play nice and is undergoing mutation -jason if( $args{'-name'} =~ /BL_ORD_ID/ ) { ($args{'-name'}, $args{'-description'}) = split(/\s+/,$args{'-description'},2); } $args{'-algorithm'} = uc( $args{'-algorithm_name'} || $data->{'RESULT-algorithm_name'} || $type); $args{'-hsps'} = $self->{'_hsps'}; $args{'-query_len'} = $data->{'RESULT-query_length'}; my ($hitrank) = scalar @{$self->{'_hits'}} + 1; $args{'-rank'} = $hitrank; my $hit = $self->factory('hit')->create(%args); push @{$self->{'_hits'}}, $hit; $self->{'_hsps'} = []; return $hit; } =head2 Factory methods =cut =head2 register_factory Title : register_factory Usage : $handler->register_factory('TYPE',$factory); Function: Register a specific factory for a object type class Returns : none Args : string representing the class and Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI See L<Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI> for more information =cut sub register_factory{ my ($self, $type,$f) = @_; if( ! defined $f || ! ref($f) || ! $f->isa('Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI') ) { $self->throw("Cannot set factory to value $f".ref($f)."\n"); } $self->{'_factories'}->{lc($type)} = $f; } =head2 factory Title : factory Usage : my $f = $handler->factory('TYPE'); Function: Retrieves the associated factory for requested 'TYPE' Returns : a Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI or undef if none registered Args : name of factory class to retrieve See L<Bio::Factory::ObjectFactoryI> for more information =cut sub factory{ my ($self,$type) = @_; return $self->{'_factories'}->{lc($type)} || $self->throw("No factory registered for $type"); } 1;