Privates (from "my" definitions)
%column_map = ( 'query_name' => ['1', 'result', 'query_name', 's', 'QUERY' ], 'query_length' => ['2', 'result', 'query_length', 'd', 'LEN_Q'], 'hit_name' => ['3', 'hit', 'name', 's', 'HIT'], 'hit_length' => ['4', 'hit', 'hit_length', 'd', 'LEN_H'], 'round' => ['5', 'hit', 'iteration', 'd', 'ROUND', 'hit'], 'rank' => ['6', 'hsp', 'rank', 'd', 'RANK'], 'expect' => ['7', 'hsp', 'expect', '.1e', 'EXPCT'], 'score' => ['8', 'hsp', 'score', 'd', 'SCORE'], 'bits' => ['9', 'hsp', 'bits', 'd', 'BITS'], 'frac_identical_query' => ['10', 'hsp', 'frac_identical/query', '.2f', 'FR_IDQ'], 'frac_identical_hit' => ['11', 'hsp', 'frac_identical/hit', '.2f', 'FR_IDH'], 'frac_conserved_query' => ['12', 'hsp', 'frac_conserved/query', '.2f', 'FR_CNQ'], 'frac_conserved_hit' => ['13', 'hsp', 'frac_conserved/hit', '.2f', 'FR_CNH'], 'length_aln_query' => ['14', 'hsp', 'length/query', 'd', 'LN_ALQ'], 'length_aln_hit' => ['15', 'hsp', 'length/hit', 'd', 'LN_ALH'], 'gaps_query' => ['16', 'hsp', 'gaps/query', 'd', 'GAPS_Q'], 'gaps_hit' => ['17', 'hsp', 'gaps/hit', 'd', 'GAPS_H'], 'gaps_total' => ['18', 'hsp', 'gaps/total', 'd', 'GAPS_QH'], 'start_query' => ['19', 'hsp', 'start/query', 'd', 'START_Q'], 'end_query' => ['20', 'hsp', 'end/query', 'd', 'END_Q'], 'start_hit' => ['21', 'hsp', 'start/hit', 'd', 'START_H'], 'end_hit' => ['22', 'hsp', 'end/hit', 'd', 'END_H'], 'strand_query' => ['23', 'hsp', 'strand/query', 'd', 'STRND_Q'], 'strand_hit' => ['24', 'hsp', 'strand/hit', 'd', 'STRND_H'], 'frame' => ['25', 'hsp', 'frame', 's', 'FRAME'], 'hit_description' => ['26', 'hit', 'hit_description', 's', 'DESC_H'], 'query_description' => ['27', 'result', 'query_description', 's', 'DESC_Q'], )
use Bio::SearchIO;
use Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HSPTableWriter;
my $in = Bio::SearchIO->new();
my $writer = Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HSPTableWriter->new();
my $out = Bio::SearchIO->new( -writer => $writer );
while ( my $result = $in->next_result() ) {
$out->write_result($result, ($in->report_count - 1 ? 0 : 1) );
use Bio::SearchIO;
use Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HSPTableWriter;
my $in = Bio::SearchIO->new();
my $writer = Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HSPTableWriter->new(
-columns => [qw(
)] );
my $out = Bio::SearchIO->new( -writer => $writer,
-file => ">searchio.out" );
while ( my $result = $in->next_result() ) {
$out->write_result($result, ($in->report_count - 1 ? 0 : 1) );
You can also specify different column labels if you don't want to use
the defaults. Do this by specifying a -labels hash reference
parameter when creating the HSPTableWriter object. The keys of the
hash should be the column number (left-most column = 1) for the label(s)
you want to specify. Here's an example:
my $writer = Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HSPTableWriter->new(
-columns => [qw( query_name
hit_length )],
-labels => { 1 => 'QUERY_GI',
3 => 'HIT_IDENTIFIER' } );
Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HSPTableWriter generates output at the finest
level of granularity for data within a search result. Data for each HSP
within each hit in a search result is output in tab-delimited format,
one row per HSP.
Here are the columns that can be specified in the -columns
parameter when creating a HSPTableWriter object. If a -columns parameter
is not specified, this list, in this order, will be used as the default.
query_name # Sequence identifier of the query.
query_length # Full length of the query sequence
hit_name # Sequence identifier of the hit
hit_length # Full length of the hit sequence
round # Round number for hit (PSI-BLAST)
expect # Expect value for the alignment
score # Score for the alignment (e.g., BLAST score)
bits # Bit score for the alignment
frac_identical_query # fraction of identical substitutions in query
frac_identical_hit # fraction of identical substitutions in hit
frac_conserved_query # fraction of conserved substitutions in query
frac_conserved_hit # fraction of conserved substitutions in hit
length_aln_query # Length of the aligned portion of the query sequence
length_aln_hit # Length of the aligned portion of the hit sequence
gaps_query # Number of gaps in the aligned query sequence
gaps_hit # Number of gaps in the aligned hit sequence
gaps_total # Number of gaps in the aligned query and hit sequences
start_query # Starting coordinate of the aligned portion of the query sequence
end_query # Ending coordinate of the aligned portion of the query sequence
start_hit # Starting coordinate of the aligned portion of the hit sequence
end_hit # Ending coordinate of the aligned portion of the hit sequence
strand_query # Strand of the aligned query sequence
strand_hit # Strand of the aligned hit sequence
frame # Reading frame of the aligned query sequence
hit_description # Full description of the hit sequence
query_description # Full description of the query sequence
For more details about these columns, see the documentation for the
corresponding method in Bio::Search::HSP::HSPI.
Figure out the best way to incorporate algorithm-specific score columns.
The best route is probably to have algorith-specific subclasses
(e.g., BlastHSPTableWriter, FastaHSPTableWriter).
Copyright (c) 2001 Steve Chervitz. All Rights Reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.