Raw content of Bio::SearchIO::exonerate # $Id: exonerate.pm,v 2003/03/29 20:30:54 jason Exp $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::SearchIO::exonerate # # Cared for by Jason Stajich <jason@bioperl.org> # # Copyright Jason Stajich # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::SearchIO::exonerate - parser for Exonerate =head1 SYNOPSIS # do not use this module directly, it is a driver for SearchIO use Bio::SearchIO; my $searchio = new Bio::SearchIO(-file => 'file.exonerate', -format => 'exonerate'); while( my $r = $searchio->next_result ) { print $r->query_name, "\n"; } =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a driver for the SearchIO system for parsing Exonerate (Guy Slater) output. You can get Exonerate at http://cvsweb.sanger.ac.uk/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/exonerate/?cvsroot=Ensembl [until Guy puts up a Web reference,publication for it.]). An optional parameter -min_intron is supported by the L<new> initialization method. This is if you run Exonerate with a different minimum intron length (default is 30) the parser will be able to detect the difference between standard deletions and an intron. Still some room to play with there that might cause this to get misinterpreted that has not been fully tested or explored. =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/MailList.shtml - About the mailing lists =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via email or the web: bioperl-bugs@bioperl.org http://bioperl.org/bioperl-bugs/ =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich Email jason@bioperl.org Describe contact details here =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Additional contributors names and emails here =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut # Let the code begin... package Bio::SearchIO::exonerate; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA @STATES %MAPPING %MODEMAP $DEFAULT_WRITER_CLASS $MIN_INTRON); use Bio::SearchIO; @ISA = qw(Bio::SearchIO ); use POSIX; %MODEMAP = ('ExonerateOutput' => 'result', 'Hit' => 'hit', 'Hsp' => 'hsp' ); %MAPPING = ( 'Hsp_query-from'=> 'HSP-query_start', 'Hsp_query-to' => 'HSP-query_end', 'Hsp_hit-from' => 'HSP-hit_start', 'Hsp_hit-to' => 'HSP-hit_end', 'Hsp_qseq' => 'HSP-query_seq', 'Hsp_hseq' => 'HSP-hit_seq', 'Hsp_midline' => 'HSP-homology_seq', 'Hsp_score' => 'HSP-score', 'Hsp_qlength' => 'HSP-query_length', 'Hsp_hlength' => 'HSP-hit_length', 'Hsp_align-len' => 'HSP-hsp_length', 'Hsp_identity' => 'HSP-identical', 'Hsp_gaps' => 'HSP-hsp_gaps', 'Hsp_hitgaps' => 'HSP-hit_gaps', 'Hsp_querygaps' => 'HSP-query_gaps', 'Hit_id' => 'HIT-name', 'Hit_desc' => 'HIT-description', 'Hit_len' => 'HIT-length', 'Hit_score' => 'HIT-score', 'ExonerateOutput_program' => 'RESULT-algorithm_name', 'ExonerateOutput_query-def' => 'RESULT-query_name', 'ExonerateOutput_query-desc'=> 'RESULT-query_description', 'ExonerateOutput_query-len' => 'RESULT-query_length', ); $DEFAULT_WRITER_CLASS = 'Bio::Search::Writer::HitTableWriter'; $MIN_INTRON=30; # This is the minimum intron size =head2 new Title : new Usage : my $obj = new Bio::SearchIO::exonerate(); Function: Builds a new Bio::SearchIO::exonerate object Returns : an instance of Bio::SearchIO::exonerate Args : =cut sub new { my ($class) = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_); my ($min_intron) = $self->_rearrange([qw(MIN_INTRON)], @_); if( $min_intron ) { $MIN_INTRON = $min_intron; } $self; } =head2 next_result Title : next_result Usage : my $hit = $searchio->next_result; Function: Returns the next Result from a search Returns : Bio::Search::Result::ResultI object Args : none =cut sub next_result{ my ($self) = @_; $self->{'_last_data'} = ''; my ($reporttype,$seenquery,$reportline); $self->start_document(); my @hit_signifs; my $seentop; my (@q_ex, @m_ex, @h_ex); ## gc addition while( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { if( /^Query:\s+(\S+)(\s+(.+))?/ ) { if( $seentop ) { $self->end_element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput'}); $self->_pushback($_); return $self->end_document(); } $seentop = 1; my ($nm,$desc) = ($1,$2); chomp($desc) if defined $desc; $self->{'_result_count'}++; $self->start_element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput'}); $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-def', 'Data' => $nm }); $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-desc', 'Data' => $desc }); $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_program', 'Data' => 'Exonerate' }); } elsif ( /^Target:\s+(\S+)(\s+(.+))?/ ) { my ($nm,$desc) = ($1,$2); chomp($desc) if defined $desc; $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hit'}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_id', 'Data' => $nm}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_desc', 'Data' => $desc}); } elsif( s/^cigar:\s+(\S+)\s+ # query sequence id (\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\-\+])\s+ # query start-end-strand (\S+)\s+ # target sequence id (\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\-\+])\s+ # target start-end-strand (\d+)\s+ # score //ox ) { ## gc note: ## $qe and $he are no longer used for calculating the ends, ## just the $qs and $hs values and the alignment and insert lenghts my ($qs,$qe,$qstrand) = ($2,$3,$4); my ($hs,$he,$hstrand) = ($6,$7,$8); my $score = $9; # $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-len', # 'Data' => $qe}); # $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_len', # 'Data' => $he}); my @rest = split; if( $qstrand eq '-' ) { $qstrand = -1; ($qs,$qe) = ($qe,$qs); # flip-flop if we're on opp strand $qs--; $qe++; } else { $qstrand = 1; } if( $hstrand eq '-' ) { $hstrand = -1; ($hs,$he) = ($he,$hs); # flip-flop if we're on opp strand $hs--; $he++; } else { $hstrand = 1; } # okay let's do this right and generate a set of HSPs # from the cigar line ## gc note: ## add one because these values are zero-based ## this calculation was originally done lower in the code, ## but it's clearer to do it just once at the start $qs++; $hs++; my ($aln_len,$inserts,$deletes) = (0,0,0); while( @rest >= 2 ) { my ($state,$len) = (shift @rest, shift @rest); if( $state eq 'I' ) { $inserts+=$len; } elsif( $state eq 'D' ) { if( $len >= $MIN_INTRON ) { $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_score', 'Data' => $score}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_align-len', 'Data' => $aln_len}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_identity', 'Data' => $aln_len - ($inserts + $deletes)}); # HSP ends where the other begins $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_query-from', 'Data' => $qs}); ## gc note: ## $qs is now the start of the next hsp ## the end of this hsp is 1 before this position ## (or 1 after in case of reverse strand) $qs += $aln_len*$qstrand; $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_query-to', 'Data' => $qs - ($qstrand*1)}); $hs += $deletes*$hstrand; $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hit-from', 'Data' => $hs}); $hs += $aln_len*$hstrand; $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hit-to', 'Data' => $hs-($hstrand*1)}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_align-len', 'Data' => $aln_len + $inserts + $deletes}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_identity', 'Data' => $aln_len }); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_gaps', 'Data' => $inserts + $deletes}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_querygaps', 'Data' => $inserts}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hitgaps', 'Data' => $deletes}); ## gc addition start $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_qseq', 'Data' => shift @q_ex, }); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hseq', 'Data' => shift @h_ex, }); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_midline', 'Data' => shift @m_ex, }); ## gc addition end $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'}); $aln_len = $inserts = $deletes = 0; } $deletes+=$len; } else { $aln_len += $len; } } $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'}); ## gc addition start $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_qseq', 'Data' => shift @q_ex, }); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hseq', 'Data' => shift @h_ex, }); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_midline', 'Data' => shift @m_ex, }); ## gc addition end $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_score', 'Data' => $score}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_query-from', 'Data' => $qs}); $qs += $aln_len*$qstrand; $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_query-to', 'Data' => $qs - ($qstrand*1)}); $hs += $deletes*$hstrand; $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hit-from', 'Data' => $hs}); $hs += $aln_len*$hstrand; $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hit-to', 'Data' => $hs -($hstrand*1)}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_align-len', 'Data' => $aln_len}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_identity', 'Data' => $aln_len - ($inserts + $deletes)}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_gaps', 'Data' => $inserts + $deletes}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_querygaps', 'Data' => $inserts}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hitgaps', 'Data' => $deletes}); $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'}); $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_score', 'Data' => $score}); $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hit'}); $self->end_element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput'}); return $self->end_document(); } else { } } return $self->end_document() if( $seentop ); } =head2 start_element Title : start_element Usage : $eventgenerator->start_element Function: Handles a start element event Returns : none Args : hashref with at least 2 keys 'Data' and 'Name' =cut sub start_element{ my ($self,$data) = @_; # we currently don't care about attributes my $nm = $data->{'Name'}; my $type = $MODEMAP{$nm}; if( $type ) { if( $self->_eventHandler->will_handle($type) ) { my $func = sprintf("start_%s",lc $type); $self->_eventHandler->$func($data->{'Attributes'}); } unshift @{$self->{'_elements'}}, $type; if($type eq 'result') { $self->{'_values'} = {}; $self->{'_result'}= undef; } } } =head2 end_element Title : start_element Usage : $eventgenerator->end_element Function: Handles an end element event Returns : none Args : hashref with at least 2 keys 'Data' and 'Name' =cut sub end_element { my ($self,$data) = @_; my $nm = $data->{'Name'}; my $type = $MODEMAP{$nm}; my $rc; if( $type = $MODEMAP{$nm} ) { if( $self->_eventHandler->will_handle($type) ) { my $func = sprintf("end_%s",lc $type); $rc = $self->_eventHandler->$func($self->{'_reporttype'}, $self->{'_values'}); } shift @{$self->{'_elements'}}; } elsif( $MAPPING{$nm} ) { if ( ref($MAPPING{$nm}) =~ /hash/i ) { my $key = (keys %{$MAPPING{$nm}})[0]; $self->{'_values'}->{$key}->{$MAPPING{$nm}->{$key}} = $self->{'_last_data'}; } else { $self->{'_values'}->{$MAPPING{$nm}} = $self->{'_last_data'}; } } else { $self->debug( "unknown nm $nm, ignoring\n"); } $self->{'_last_data'} = ''; # remove read data if we are at # end of an element $self->{'_result'} = $rc if( defined $type && $type eq 'result' ); return $rc; } =head2 element Title : element Usage : $eventhandler->element({'Name' => $name, 'Data' => $str}); Function: Convience method that calls start_element, characters, end_element Returns : none Args : Hash ref with the keys 'Name' and 'Data' =cut sub element{ my ($self,$data) = @_; $self->start_element($data); $self->characters($data); $self->end_element($data); } =head2 characters Title : characters Usage : $eventgenerator->characters($str) Function: Send a character events Returns : none Args : string =cut sub characters{ my ($self,$data) = @_; return unless ( defined $data->{'Data'} && $data->{'Data'} !~ /^\s+$/ ); $self->{'_last_data'} = $data->{'Data'}; } =head2 within_element Title : within_element Usage : if( $eventgenerator->within_element($element) ) {} Function: Test if we are within a particular element This is different than 'in' because within can be tested for a whole block. Returns : boolean Args : string element name =cut sub within_element{ my ($self,$name) = @_; return 0 if ( ! defined $name && ! defined $self->{'_elements'} || scalar @{$self->{'_elements'}} == 0) ; foreach ( @{$self->{'_elements'}} ) { if( $_ eq $name ) { return 1; } } return 0; } =head2 in_element Title : in_element Usage : if( $eventgenerator->in_element($element) ) {} Function: Test if we are in a particular element This is different than 'in' because within can be tested for a whole block. Returns : boolean Args : string element name =cut sub in_element{ my ($self,$name) = @_; return 0 if ! defined $self->{'_elements'}->[0]; return ( $self->{'_elements'}->[0] eq $name) } =head2 start_document Title : start_document Usage : $eventgenerator->start_document Function: Handle a start document event Returns : none Args : none =cut sub start_document{ my ($self) = @_; $self->{'_lasttype'} = ''; $self->{'_values'} = {}; $self->{'_result'}= undef; $self->{'_elements'} = []; $self->{'_reporttype'} = 'exonerate'; } =head2 end_document Title : end_document Usage : $eventgenerator->end_document Function: Handles an end document event Returns : Bio::Search::Result::ResultI object Args : none =cut sub end_document{ my ($self,@args) = @_; return $self->{'_result'}; } sub write_result { my ($self, $blast, @args) = @_; if( not defined($self->writer) ) { $self->warn("Writer not defined. Using a $DEFAULT_WRITER_CLASS"); $self->writer( $DEFAULT_WRITER_CLASS->new() ); } $self->SUPER::write_result( $blast, @args ); } sub result_count { my $self = shift; return $self->{'_result_count'}; } sub report_count { shift->result_count } 1;