Bio::SeqIO embl
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Bio::SeqIO::embl - EMBL sequence input/output stream
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
It is probably best not to use this object directly, but
rather go through the AnnSeqIO handler system. Go:
    $stream = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $filename, -format => 'EMBL');
while ( (my $seq = $stream->next_seq()) ) { # do something with $seq }
This object can transform Bio::Seq objects to and from EMBL flat
file databases.
There is alot of flexibility here about how to dump things which I need
to document fully.
There should be a common object that this and genbank share (probably
with swissprot). Too much of the magic is identical.
   (output only) shows the dna or not
   (output only) provides a sorting func which is applied to the FTHelpers
before printing
   This is function which is called as
   print "ID   ", $func($annseq), "\n";
   To generate the ID line. If it is not there, it generates a sensible ID
line using a number of tools.
   If you want to output annotations in embl format they need to be
stored in a Bio::Annotation::Collection object which is accessible
through the Bio::SeqI interface method annotation().
   The following are the names of the keys which are polled from a
Bio::Annotation::Collection object.
   reference - Should contain Bio::Annotation::Reference objects
comment - Should contain Bio::Annotation::Comment objects
dblink - Should contain Bio::Annotation::DBLink objects
No description
Methods description
_ac_generation_funccode    nextTop
 Title   : _ac_generation_func
Usage : $obj->_ac_generation_func($newval)
Returns : value of _ac_generation_func
Args : newvalue (optional)
 Title   : _filehandle
Usage : $obj->_filehandle($newval)
Example :
Returns : value of _filehandle
Args : newvalue (optional)
 Title   : _id_generation_func
Usage : $obj->_id_generation_func($newval)
Returns : value of _id_generation_func
Args : newvalue (optional)
 Title   : _kw_generation_func
Usage : $obj->_kw_generation_func($newval)
Returns : value of _kw_generation_func
Args : newvalue (optional)
 Title   : _post_sort
Usage : $obj->_post_sort($newval)
Returns : value of _post_sort
Args : newvalue (optional)
 Title   : _print_EMBL_FTHelper
Usage :
Function: Internal function
Returns :
Args :
 Title   : _read_EMBL_DBLink
Usage :
Function: Reads the EMBL database cross reference ("DR") lines
Example :
Returns : A list of Bio::Annotation::DBLink objects
Args :
 Title   : _read_EMBL_References
Usage :
Function: Reads references from EMBL format. Internal function really
Example :
Returns :
Args :
 Title   : _read_EMBL_Species
Usage :
Function: Reads the EMBL Organism species and classification
Example :
Returns : A Bio::Species object
Args : a reference to the current line buffer
 Title   : _read_FTHelper_EMBL
Usage : _read_FTHelper_EMBL($buffer)
Function: reads the next FT key line
Example :
Returns : Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper object
Args : filehandle and reference to a scalar
 Title   : _show_dna
Usage : $obj->_show_dna($newval)
Returns : value of _show_dna
Args : newvalue (optional)
 Title   : _sv_generation_func
Usage : $obj->_sv_generation_func($newval)
Returns : value of _sv_generation_func
Args : newvalue (optional)
 Title   : _write_line_EMBL
Usage :
Function: internal function
Example :
Returns :
Args :
 Title   : _write_line_EMBL_regex
Usage :
Function: internal function for writing lines of specified
length, with different first and the next line
left hand headers and split at specific points in the
Example :
Returns : nothing
Args : file handle, first header, second header, text-line, regex for line breaks, total line length
 Title   : next_seq
Usage : $seq = $stream->next_seq()
Function: returns the next sequence in the stream
Returns : Bio::Seq object
Args :
 Title   : write_seq
Usage : $stream->write_seq($seq)
Function: writes the $seq object (must be seq) to the stream
Returns : 1 for success and 0 for error
Args : array of 1 to n Bio::SeqI objects
Methods code
sub _ac_generation_func {
   my $obj = shift;
   if( @_ ) {
      my $value = shift;
      $obj->{'_ac_generation_func'} = $value;
    return $obj->{'_ac_generation_func'};
sub _filehandle {
   my ($obj,$value) = @_;
   if( defined $value) {
      $obj->{'_filehandle'} = $value;
    return $obj->{'_filehandle'};
sub _id_generation_func {
   my $obj = shift;
   if( @_ ) {
      my $value = shift;
      $obj->{'_id_generation_func'} = $value;
    return $obj->{'_id_generation_func'};
sub _initialize {
  my($self,@args) = @_;

  # hash for functions for decoding keys.
$self->{'_func_ftunit_hash'} = {}; $self->_show_dna(1); # sets this to one by default. People can change it
if( ! defined $self->sequence_factory ) { $self->sequence_factory(new Bio::Seq::SeqFactory (-verbose => $self->verbose(), -type => 'Bio::Seq::RichSeq')); }
sub _kw_generation_func {
   my $obj = shift;
   if( @_ ) {
      my $value = shift;
      $obj->{'_kw_generation_func'} = $value;
    return $obj->{'_kw_generation_func'};


sub _post_sort {
   my $obj = shift;
   if( @_ ) {
      my $value = shift;
      $obj->{'_post_sort'} = $value;
    return $obj->{'_post_sort'};
sub _print_EMBL_FTHelper {
   my ($self,$fth,$always_quote) = @_;
   $always_quote ||= 0;
   if( ! ref $fth || ! $fth->isa('Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper') ) {
       $fth->warn("$fth is not a FTHelper class. Attempting to print, but there could be tears!");

   #$self->_print( "FH   Key             Location/Qualifiers\n");
#$self->_print( sprintf("FT %-15s %s\n",$fth->key,$fth->loc));
# let
if( $fth->key eq 'CONTIG' ) { $self->_print("XX\n"); $self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("CO ", "CO ",$fth->loc, '\,|$',80); #'
return; } $self->_write_line_EMBL_regex(sprintf("FT %-15s ",$fth->key), "FT ",$fth->loc, '\,|$',80); #'
foreach my $tag ( keys %{$fth->field} ) { if( ! defined $fth->field->{$tag} ) { next; } foreach my $value ( @{$fth->field->{$tag}} ) { $value =~ s/\"/\"\"/g; if ($value eq "_no_value") { $self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("FT ", "FT ", "/$tag",'.|$',80); #'
} elsif( $always_quote == 1 || $value !~ /^\d+$/ ) { my $pat = $value =~ /\s/ ? '\s|$' : '.|$'; $self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("FT ", "FT ", "/$tag=\"$value\"",$pat,80); } else { $self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("FT ", "FT ", "/$tag=$value",'.|$',80); #'
} # $self->_print( "FT /", $tag, "=\"", $value, "\"\n");
} } } #'
sub _read_EMBL_DBLink {
    my( $self,$buffer ) = @_;
    my( @db_link );

    $_ = $$buffer;
    while (defined( $_ ||= $self->_readline )) {
        if (my($databse, $prim_id, $sec_id)
                = /^DR   ([^\s;]+);\s*([^\s;]+);\s*([^\s;]+)?\.$/) {
            my $link = Bio::Annotation::DBLink->new();
            $link->database   ( $databse );
            $link->primary_id ( $prim_id );
            $link->optional_id( $sec_id  ) if $sec_id;
            push(@db_link, $link);
        else {
        $_ = undef; # Empty $_ to trigger read of next line
} $$buffer = $_; return @db_link;
sub _read_EMBL_References {
   my ($self,$buffer) = @_;
   my (@refs);
   # assumme things are starting with RN
if( $$buffer !~ /^RN/ ) { warn("Not parsing line '$$buffer' which maybe important"); } my $b1; my $b2; my $title; my $loc; my $au; my $med; my $pm; my $com; while( defined ($_ = $self->_readline) ) { /^R/ || last; /^RP (\d+)-(\d+)/ && do {$b1=$1;$b2=$2;}; /^RX MEDLINE;\s+(\d+)/ && do {$med=$1}; /^RX PUBMED;\s+(\d+)/ && do {$pm=$1}; /^RA (.*)/ && do { $au = $self->_concatenate_lines($au,$1); next; }; /^RT (.*)/ && do { $title = $self->_concatenate_lines($title,$1); next; }; /^RL (.*)/ && do { $loc = $self->_concatenate_lines($loc,$1); next; }; /^RC (.*)/ && do { $com = $self->_concatenate_lines($com,$1); next; }; } my $ref = new Bio::Annotation::Reference; $au =~ s/;\s*$//g; $title =~ s/;\s*$//g; $ref->start($b1); $ref->end($b2); $ref->authors($au); $ref->title($title); $ref->location($loc); $ref->medline($med); $ref->comment($com); $ref->pubmed($pm); push(@refs,$ref); $$buffer = $_; return @refs;
sub _read_EMBL_Species {
    my( $self, $buffer ) = @_;
    my $org;

    $_ = $$buffer;
    my( $sub_species, $species, $genus, $common, @class );
    while (defined( $_ ||= $self->_readline )) {
        if (/^OS\s+(\S+)(?:\s+([^\(]\S*))?(?:\s+([^\(]\S*))?(?:\s+\((.*)\))?/) {
            $genus   = $1;
	    $species = $2 || 'sp.';
	    $sub_species = $3 if $3;
            $common      = $4 if $4;
        elsif (s/^OC\s+//) {
	    # only split on ';' or '.' so that 
# classification that is 2 words will
# still get matched
# use map to remove trailing/leading spaces
chomp; push(@class, map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_; } split /[;\.]+/); } elsif (/^OG\s+(.*)/) { $org = $1; } else { last; } $_ = undef; # Empty $_ to trigger read of next line
} $$buffer = $_; # Don't make a species object if it is "Unknown" or "None"
return if $genus =~ /^(Unknown|None)$/i; # Bio::Species array needs array in Species -> Kingdom direction
if ($class[$#class] eq $genus) { push( @class, $species ); } else { push( @class, $genus, $species ); } @class = reverse @class; my $make = Bio::Species->new(); $make->classification(\@ class, "FORCE" ); # no name validation please
$make->common_name( $common ) if $common; $make->sub_species( $sub_species ) if $sub_species; $make->organelle ( $org ) if $org; return $make;
sub _read_FTHelper_EMBL {
    my ($self,$buffer) = @_;
    my ($key,   # The key of the feature
$loc, # The location line from the feature
@qual, # An arrray of lines making up the qualifiers
); if ($$buffer =~ /^FT\s{3}(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) { $key = $1; $loc = $2; # Read all the lines up to the next feature
while ( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { if (/^FT(\s+)(.+?)\s*$/) { # Lines inside features are preceeded by 19 spaces
# A new feature is preceeded by 3 spaces
if (length($1) > 4) { # Add to qualifiers if we're in the qualifiers
if (@qual) { push(@qual, $2); } # Start the qualifier list if it's the first qualifier
elsif (substr($2, 0, 1) eq '/') { @qual = ($2); } # We're still in the location line, so append to location
else { $loc .= $2; } } else { # We've reached the start of the next feature
last; } } else { # We're at the end of the feature table
last; } } } elsif( $$buffer =~ /^CO\s+(\S+)/) { $key = 'CONTIG'; $loc = $1; # Read all the lines up to the next feature
while ( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) { if (/^CO\s+(\S+)\s*$/) { $loc .= $1; } else { # We've reached the start of the next feature
last; } } } else { # No feature key
return; } # Put the first line of the next feature into the buffer
$$buffer = $_; # Make the new FTHelper object
my $out = new Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper(); $out->verbose($self->verbose()); $out->key($key); $out->loc($loc); # Now parse and add any qualifiers. (@qual is kept
# intact to provide informative error messages.)
QUAL: for (my $i = 0; $i < @qual; $i++) { $_ = $qual[$i]; my( $qualifier, $value ) = m{^/([^=]+)(?:=(.+))?} or $self->throw("Can't see new qualifier in: $_\nfrom:\n" . join('', map "$_\n", @qual)); if (defined $value) { # Do we have a quoted value?
if (substr($value, 0, 1) eq '"') { # Keep adding to value until we find the trailing quote
# and the quotes are balanced
while ($value !~ /"$/ or $value =~ tr/"/"/ % 2) { #"
$i++; my $next = $qual[$i]; unless (defined($next)) { warn("Unbalanced quote in:\n", map("$_\n", @qual), "No further qualifiers will be added for this feature"); last QUAL; } # Join to value with space if value or next line contains a space
$value .= (grep /\s/, ($value, $next)) ? " $next" : $next; } # Trim leading and trailing quotes
$value =~ s/^"|"$//g; # Undouble internal quotes
$value =~ s/""/"/g; #"
} } else { $value = '_no_value'; } # Store the qualifier
$out->field->{$qualifier} ||= []; push(@{$out->field->{$qualifier}},$value); } return $out;
sub _show_dna {
   my $obj = shift;
   if( @_ ) {
      my $value = shift;
      $obj->{'_show_dna'} = $value;
    return $obj->{'_show_dna'};
sub _sv_generation_func {
   my $obj = shift;
   if( @_ ) {
      my $value = shift;
      $obj->{'_sv_generation_func'} = $value;
    return $obj->{'_sv_generation_func'};
sub _write_line_EMBL {
   my ($self,$pre1,$pre2,$line,$length) = @_;

   $length || die "Miscalled write_line_EMBL without length. Programming error!";
   my $subl = $length - length $pre2;
   my $linel = length $line;
   my $i;

   my $sub = substr($line,0,$length - length $pre1);

   $self->_print( "$pre1$sub\n");
   for($i= ($length - length $pre1);$i < $linel;) {
       $sub = substr($line,$i,($subl));
       $self->_print( "$pre2$sub\n");
       $i += $subl;
sub _write_line_EMBL_regex {
    my ($self,$pre1,$pre2,$line,$regex,$length) = @_;

    #print STDOUT "Going to print with $line!\n";
$length || die "Programming error - called write_line_EMBL_regex without length."; my $subl = $length - (length $pre1) -1 ; my( @lines ); while(defined $line && $line =~ m/(.{1,$subl})($regex)/g) {
@lines, $1.$2);
} foreach (@lines) { s/\s+$//; } # Print first line
my $s = shift(@lines) || ''; $self->_print( "$pre1$s\n"); # Print the rest
foreach my $s ( @lines ) { $s = '' if( !defined $s ); $self->_print( "$pre2$s\n"); }
sub next_seq {
   my ($self,@args) = @_;
   my ($pseq,$c,$line,$name,$desc,$acc,$seqc,$mol,$div, 
       $date, $comment, @date_arr);

   my ($annotation, %params, @features) = ( new Bio::Annotation::Collection);

   $line = $self->_readline;   # This needs to be before the first eof() test
if( !defined $line ) { return undef; # no throws - end of file
} if( $line =~ /^\s+$/ ) { while( defined ($line = $self->_readline) ) { $line =~/^\S/ && last; } } if( !defined $line ) { return undef; # end of file
} $line =~ /^ID\s+\S+/ || $self->throw("EMBL stream with no ID. Not embl in my book"); $line =~ /^ID\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\;\s+([^;]+)\;\s+(\S+)\;/; $name = $1; $mol = $2; $div = $3; if(! $name) { $name = "unknown id"; } my $alphabet; # this is important to have the id for display in e.g. FTHelper, otherwise
# you won't know which entry caused an error
if($mol) { if ( $mol =~ /circular/ ) { $params{'-is_circular'} = 1; $mol =~ s|circular ||; } if (defined $mol ) { if ($mol =~ /DNA/) { $alphabet='dna'; } elsif ($mol =~ /RNA/) { $alphabet='rna'; } elsif ($mol =~ /AA/) { $alphabet='protein'; } } } # $self->warn("not parsing upper annotation in EMBL file yet!");
my $buffer = $line; local $_; BEFORE_FEATURE_TABLE : until( !defined $buffer ) { $_ = $buffer; # Exit at start of Feature table
last if /^F[HT]/; # Description line(s)
if (/^DE\s+(\S.*\S)/) { $desc .= $desc ? " $1" : $1; } #accession number
if( /^AC\s+(.*)?/ ) { my @accs = split(/[; ]+/, $1); # allow space in addition
$params{'-accession_number'} = shift @accs unless defined $params{'-accession_number'}; push @{$params{'-secondary_accessions'}}, @accs; } #version number
if( /^SV\s+\S+\.(\d+);?/ ) { my $sv = $1; #$sv =~ s/\;//;
$params{'-seq_version'} = $sv; $params{'-version'} = $sv; } #date (NOTE: takes last date line)
if( /^DT\s+(.+)$/ ) { my $date = $1; push @{$params{'-dates'}}, $date; } #keywords
if( /^KW\s+(.*)\S*$/ ) { my @kw = split(/\s*\;\s*/,$1); push @{$params{'-keywords'}}, @kw; } # Organism name and phylogenetic information
elsif (/^O[SC]/) { my $species = $self->_read_EMBL_Species(\$buffer); $params{'-species'}= $species; } # References
elsif (/^R/) { my @refs = $self->_read_EMBL_References(\$buffer); foreach my $ref ( @refs ) { $annotation->add_Annotation('reference',$ref); } } # DB Xrefs
elsif (/^DR/) { my @links = $self->_read_EMBL_DBLink(\$buffer); foreach my $dblink ( @links ) { $annotation->add_Annotation('dblink',$dblink); } } # Comments
elsif (/^CC\s+(.*)/) { $comment .= $1; $comment .= " "; while (defined ($_ = $self->_readline) ) { if (/^CC\s+(.*)/) { $comment .= $1; $comment .= " "; } else { last; } } my $commobj = Bio::Annotation::Comment->new(); $commobj->text($comment); $annotation->add_Annotation('comment',$commobj); $comment = ""; } # Get next line.
$buffer = $self->_readline; } while( defined ($_ = $self->_readline) ) { /^FT \w/ && last; /^SQ / && last; /^CO / && last; } $buffer = $_; if (defined($buffer) && $buffer =~ /^FT /) { until( !defined ($buffer) ) { my $ftunit = $self->_read_FTHelper_EMBL(\$buffer); # process ftunit
push(@features, $ftunit->_generic_seqfeature($self->location_factory(), $name)); if( $buffer !~ /^FT/ ) { last; } } } # skip comments
while( defined ($buffer) && $buffer =~ /^XX/ ) { $buffer = $self->_readline(); } if( $buffer =~ /^CO/ ) { until( !defined ($buffer) ) { my $ftunit = $self->_read_FTHelper_EMBL(\$buffer); # process ftunit
push(@features, $ftunit->_generic_seqfeature($self->location_factory(), $name)); if( $buffer !~ /^CO/ ) { last; } } } if( $buffer !~ /^SQ/ ) { while( defined ($_ = $self->_readline) ) { /^SQ/ && last; } } $seqc = ""; while( defined ($_ = $self->_readline) ) { /^\/\// && last; $_ = uc($_); s/[^A-Za-z]//g; $seqc .= $_; } my $seq = $self->sequence_factory->create (-verbose => $self->verbose(), -division => $div, -seq => $seqc, -desc => $desc, -display_id => $name, -annotation => $annotation, -molecule => $mol, -alphabet => $alphabet, -features =>\@ features, %params); return $seq;
sub write_seq {
    my ($self,@seqs) = @_;

    foreach my $seq ( @seqs ) { 
	$self->throw("Attempting to write with no seq!") unless defined $seq;
	unless ( ref $seq && $seq->isa('Bio::SeqI' ) ) {
	    $self->warn("$seq is not a SeqI compliant sequence object!") 
		if $self->verbose >= 0;
	    unless ( ref $seq && $seq->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI' ) ) {
		$self->throw("$seq is not a PrimarySeqI compliant sequence object!");
	my $str = $seq->seq || '';

	my $mol;
	my $div;
	my $len = $seq->length();

	if ($seq->can('division') && defined $seq->division) {
	    $div = $seq->division();
	$div ||= 'UNK';

	if ($seq->can('molecule')) {
	    $mol = $seq->molecule();
	    $mol = 'RNA' if defined $mol && $mol =~ /RNA/; # no 'mRNA' 
} elsif ($seq->can('primary_seq') && defined $seq->primary_seq->alphabet) { my $alphabet =$seq->primary_seq->alphabet; if ($alphabet eq 'dna') { $mol ='DNA'; } elsif ($alphabet eq 'rna') { $mol='RNA'; } elsif ($alphabet eq 'protein') { $mol='AA'; } } $mol ||= 'XXX'; $mol = "circular $mol" if $seq->is_circular; my $temp_line; if( $self->_id_generation_func ) { $temp_line = &{$self->_id_generation_func}($seq); } else { $temp_line = sprintf("%-11sstandard; $mol; $div; %d BP.", $seq->id(), $len); } $self->_print( "ID $temp_line\n","XX\n"); # Write the accession line if present
my( $acc ); { if( my $func = $self->_ac_generation_func ) { $acc = &{$func}($seq); } elsif( $seq->isa('Bio::Seq::RichSeqI') && defined($seq->accession_number) ) { $acc = $seq->accession_number; $acc = join(";", $acc, $seq->get_secondary_accessions); } elsif ( $seq->can('accession_number') ) { $acc = $seq->accession_number; } if (defined $acc) { $self->_print("AC $acc;\n", "XX\n"); } } # Write the sv line if present
{ my( $sv ); if (my $func = $self->_sv_generation_func) { $sv = &{$func}($seq); } elsif($seq->isa('Bio::Seq::RichSeqI') && defined($seq->seq_version)) { $sv = "$acc.". $seq->seq_version(); } if (defined $sv) { $self->_print( "SV $sv\n", "XX\n"); } } # Date lines
my $switch=0; if( $seq->can('get_dates') ) { foreach my $dt ( $seq->get_dates() ) { $self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("DT ","DT ",$dt,'\s+|$',80);#'
$switch=1; } if ($switch == 1) { $self->_print("XX\n"); } } # Description lines
$self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("DE ","DE ",$seq->desc(),'\s+|$',80); #'
$self->_print( "XX\n"); # if there, write the kw line
{ my( $kw ); if( my $func = $self->_kw_generation_func ) { $kw = &{$func}($seq); } elsif( $seq->can('keywords') ) { $kw = $seq->keywords; if( ref($kw) =~ /ARRAY/i ) { $kw = join("; ", @$kw); } $kw .= '.' if( defined $kw && $kw !~ /\.$/ ); } if (defined $kw) { $self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("KW ", "KW ", $kw, '\s+|$', 80); #'
$self->_print( "XX\n"); } } # Organism lines
if ($seq->can('species') && (my $spec = $seq->species)) { my($species, @class) = $spec->classification(); my $genus = $class[0]; my $OS = "$genus $species"; if (my $ssp = $spec->sub_species) { $OS .= " $ssp"; } if (my $common = $spec->common_name) { $OS .= " ($common)"; } $self->_print("OS $OS\n"); my $OC = join('; ', reverse(@class)) .'.'; $self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("OC ","OC ",$OC,'; |$',80); #'
if ($spec->organelle) { $self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("OG ","OG ",$spec->organelle,'; |$',80); #'
} $self->_print("XX\n"); } # Reference lines
my $t = 1; if ( $seq->can('annotation') && defined $seq->annotation ) { foreach my $ref ( $seq->annotation->get_Annotations('reference') ) { $self->_print( "RN [$t]\n"); # Having no RP line is legal, but we need both
# start and end for a valid location.
my $start = $ref->start; my $end = $ref->end; if ($start and $end) { $self->_print( "RP $start-$end\n"); } elsif ($start or $end) { $self->throw("Both start and end are needed for a valid RP line. Got: start='$start' end='$end'"); } if (my $med = $ref->medline) { $self->_print( "RX MEDLINE; $med.\n"); } if (my $pm = $ref->pubmed) { $self->_print( "RX PUBMED; $pm.\n"); } $self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("RA ", "RA ", $ref->authors . ";", '\s+|$', 80); #'
# If there is no title to the reference, it appears
# as a single semi-colon. All titles must end in
# a semi-colon.
my $ref_title = $ref->title || ''; $ref_title =~ s/[\s;]*$/;/; $self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("RT ", "RT ", $ref_title, '\s+|$', 80); #'
$self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("RL ", "RL ", $ref->location, '\s+|$', 80); #'
if ($ref->comment) { $self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("RC ", "RC ", $ref->comment, '\s+|$', 80); #'
} $self->_print("XX\n"); $t++; } # DB Xref lines
if (my @db_xref = $seq->annotation->get_Annotations('dblink') ) { foreach my $dr (@db_xref) { my $db_name = $dr->database; my $prim = $dr->primary_id; my $opt = $dr->optional_id || ''; my $line = "$db_name; $prim; $opt."; $self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("DR ", "DR ", $line, '\s+|$', 80); #'
} $self->_print("XX\n"); } # Comment lines
foreach my $comment ( $seq->annotation->get_Annotations('comment') ) { $self->_write_line_EMBL_regex("CC ", "CC ", $comment->text, '\s+|$', 80); #'
$self->_print("XX\n"); } } # "\\s\+\|\$"
$self->_print("FH Key Location/Qualifiers\n"); $self->_print("FH\n"); my @feats = $seq->can('top_SeqFeatures') ? $seq->top_SeqFeatures : (); if ($feats[0]) { if( defined $self->_post_sort ) { # we need to read things into an array.
# Process. Sort them. Print 'em
my $post_sort_func = $self->_post_sort(); my @fth; foreach my $sf ( @feats ) { push(@fth,Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper::from_SeqFeature($sf,$seq)); } @fth = sort { &$post_sort_func($a,$b) } @fth; foreach my $fth ( @fth ) { $self->_print_EMBL_FTHelper($fth); } } else { # not post sorted. And so we can print as we get them.
# lower memory load...
foreach my $sf ( @feats ) { my @fth = Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper::from_SeqFeature($sf,$seq); foreach my $fth ( @fth ) { if( $fth->key eq 'CONTIG') { $self->_show_dna(0); } $self->_print_EMBL_FTHelper($fth); } } } } if( $self->_show_dna() == 0 ) { $self->_print( "//\n"); return; } $self->_print( "XX\n"); # finished printing features.
$str =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # Count each nucleotide
my $alen = $str =~ tr/a/a/; my $clen = $str =~ tr/c/c/; my $glen = $str =~ tr/g/g/; my $tlen = $str =~ tr/t/t/; my $olen = $len - ($alen + $tlen + $clen + $glen); if( $olen < 0 ) { $self->warn("Weird. More atgc than bases. Problem!"); } $self->_print("SQ Sequence $len BP; $alen A; $clen C; $glen G; $tlen T; $olen other;\n"); my $nuc = 60; # Number of nucleotides per line
my $whole_pat = 'a10' x 6; # Pattern for unpacking a whole line
my $out_pat = 'A11' x 6; # Pattern for packing a line
my $length = length($str); # Calculate the number of nucleotides which fit on whole lines
my $whole = int($length / $nuc) * $nuc;
# Print the whole lines
my( $i ); for ($i = 0; $i < $whole; $i += $nuc) { my $blocks = pack $out_pat, unpack $whole_pat, substr($str, $i, $nuc); $self->_print(sprintf(" $blocks%9d\n", $i + $nuc)); } # Print the last line
if (my $last = substr($str, $i)) { my $last_len = length($last); my $last_pat = 'a10' x int($last_len / 10) .'a'. $last_len % 10;
my $blocks = pack $out_pat, unpack($last_pat, $last); $self->_print(sprintf(" $blocks%9d\n", $length)); # Add the length to the end
} $self->_print( "//\n"); $self->flush if $self->_flush_on_write && defined $self->_fh; return 1; }
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